Given the recent uptick in various MSM coverage of UFO's and potential extra-terrestrial objects being held by various governments, I thought I might
take a moment to share my own views on our buddy, "ET".
In another more generic thread here I stated that I don't believe in aliens, but that's not entirely accurate. Rather, in that particular thread, the
context was such that a more detailed explanation would have been off-topic. So, I'll clarify that here, now.
Does ET exist? Well, from my perspective, there's a couple ways to look at this question. One of them is a mathematical perspective, and the other
is from an Earth-dweller perspective (this is my opinion anyway):
From a mathematical perspective (IMO), ET either exists everywhere all the time, or ET doesn't exist at all. The mathematical side of the ET
discussion can either be a very long discussion, or it can be quite short, depending on how much we can allow our brain's to expand. One only needs
to look skyward at night, knowing each one of those bright points of light is a star (like our Sun). And with that star could be a solar system, and
in that solar system could be life. With tools like Hubble, and now Webb, we've seen how nearly infinite the Universe truly is. To think we are
alone in all that is almost laughable. But, in the same breath, we have to define what 'alone' actually means, and it might not mean what we think it
does. Just from a sheer statistics and probabilities perspective it's almost impossible to conclude we are alone, but again, what does alone mean?
Is "life" only defined by physical things that we can reach out and touch, or does "life" include other energy forms. (Sigh)...our search for ET is
so misguided.
From an Earth-dweller perspective, I think we humans are way out in left field if we're looking for ET in any sort of a form which we humans
recognize. To think that ET will even remotely resemble human beings, in any way, shape, or form, is misguided to the point of almost laughable
selfishness. Silly humans! If we step back and honestly/ objectively look at all the things we know about science and physics, we should almost
immediately conclude that IF ET exists, it will almost certainly
not look anything like we do. The notion that ET will have a body, with arms,
or legs, or a head, like how we perceive other creatures on our planet is almost laughable. We seem to base our notions of extra-terrestrial life
based on our understanding of living creatures here on Earth. In a truly objective search for ET, this is a grave error, and it will have us
Earthlings stumbling around in the proverbial 'dark' for eons until we change this way of thinking.
This Earthling-centric view of ET manifests itself in virtually every report we see. For example, recently there have been news stories about the US
Government being in possession of artifacts which are not of human origin. Almost within the same breath, these artifacts are reported to be pieces
of alien spacecraft. Just think about this for a moment, and how silly it is; think about the gigantic leap of faith / assumptions which are built
into a statement like this! Why...would we assume that ET needs a spacecraft at all? How are we so bold to assume that ET needs any craft at all to
come visit us silly Earthlings. Furthermore, how can we possibly posit that ET would even have a material form at all?
And lastly, when we circle back and include the mathematical side of the ET discussion, in all likelihood ET could be sitting on all of our shoulder's
every day and we wouldn't even know it. ET could be looking back at us from our bowl of oatmeal, or in the air we breathe, or in the platelets which
coarse through our veins, or as bacteria on our keyboard, or, or...or. You see, we humans really aren't even seriously looking for ET yet, and until
we cast aside these preconceived notions of little green men in flying saucers, ET (if it exists) will just be sitting back, pointing, and laughing at
us silly humans! Silly humans!
Note - I should have worded that last part differently. I should have said "you" humans, instead of "we", but that's another thread for a later
Something to think about.
edit on 7/1/2023 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)