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posted on Jun, 30 2023 @ 06:38 PM

originally posted by: nickyw

originally posted by: incoserv
a reply to: nickyw

Now they just make their plans in Arabic. Much easier and probably just as secure.

in that case the recent conflicts will have given them all the interpreters they need to intercept communications, i'm sure secret service/military ai's are far more advanced than we've seen..

The point is that the secret service/military don't care! It's all going according to plan.

Again, look at Macron. He was jamming to Elton John while his country burned. Nero blamed it on the Christians. Macron will blame it on social media.

It's amazing how many just don't get what's going on.

posted on Jul, 1 2023 @ 12:00 AM
a reply to: incoserv

Macron will blame it on social media.

He already did:

French President Blames Riots On Video Games And Social Media

posted on Jul, 6 2023 @ 03:25 PM

originally posted by: FishsticksAndKetchup
I feel an invasion of mainland America would require thousands of troops rather than a few hundred

Thousands? Try hundreds of thousands...

That said, a few hundred could do some massive damage given enough time, resources and planning on simultaneous attacks across the country.

posted on Jul, 6 2023 @ 04:00 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: FishsticksAndKetchup
I feel an invasion of mainland America would require thousands of troops rather than a few hundred

Thousands? Try hundreds of thousands...

That said, a few hundred could do some massive damage given enough time, resources and planning on simultaneous attacks across the country.

The goal of terrorism instill ... TERROR.

Yeah, that's it. This causes destabiliation and gives gov't a reason to usurp authroity and trample constitutionally protected rights.

That's all they need.

French police now have "legal" authority to remotely activate cameras and microphone on cell phones to spy on citizens. Of course, nobody expects that that will ever be abused. amirite?

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 08:23 AM
Largely agree with your observations throughout the thread. We are being dumbed down, we are literally like sheep being led to the slaughter, by wolves in sheep's clothing.

I gave you a star for the "Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin" quote.

If people know what it means (look it up folks) I would say we're at a similar point in our collective history. The rulers are arrogant as all Hell, they are openly blaspheming God by ridiculing His powers of creation (the WEF fool who butt-kisses Klaus & whines on about how great it would be to kill all the serfs & use AI droids instead) - they are blatantly trying to destroy the people (PLANDEMIC) & also subvert all the powers of civilisation to further their own ends (banning agriculture, livestock, meat eating, pesticides, sabotaging food processing, et al).

The Hand will soon appear, is my guess. Or perhaps the 'Arm of the LORD'. Who can say? But we're getting close, I'm certain of that.

Thanks for the warning flare, good thread.

edit on JulyFriday2317CDT08America/Chicago-050028 by FlyInTheOintment because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 08:37 AM
a reply to: KindraLabelle2

I live in the North West of England & well remember those riots. I was actually stopped & questioned by rapid response riot police & undercover detectives as I had parked in a place where I wasn't supposed to be, with a car full of stuff & two German Shepherds after having had a row with my good wife (still married) & taking to the road for a few days. On the night of the worst riots I was questioned by these cops who were super on-edge about the whole thing, it really felt like something big was going down. In the end it fizzled out, thankfully, but a lot of damage was done.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 09:30 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: FishsticksAndKetchup
I feel an invasion of mainland America would require thousands of troops rather than a few hundred

Thousands? Try hundreds of thousands...

That said, a few hundred could do some massive damage given enough time, resources and planning on simultaneous attacks across the country.

the ira only ran to a few brigades at any one point.. look how that was run but then you also have the Q? as to how many where actually infiltrators..

some Mps like powell pointed fingers at us/uk services given the high profile uk targets tended to be anti EEC figures perhaps the most notable eec blocker was Neave given how close he was to Thatcher and how he intended to clear out the Augean Stables that was the westminster bubble its questionable what path the uk would have taken had he not been assassinated.

as i see it, they each play games in the others back garden to see what they can get away with at home, the us made dodgy dossier used to bring down the uks Pm wilson, the joint dodgy dossier used to get us/uk into a middle east crusade or the uk dodgy dossier used to bring down trump they all line up with the likes of the Zinoviev letter to manipulate electoral outcomes..

in hindsight the worst culprits of misinformation and lies is the gov when they choose to be at war with their own citizens.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 09:50 AM

originally posted by: incoserv

originally posted by: nickyw

originally posted by: incoserv
a reply to: nickyw

Now they just make their plans in Arabic. Much easier and probably just as secure.

in that case the recent conflicts will have given them all the interpreters they need to intercept communications, i'm sure secret service/military ai's are far more advanced than we've seen..

The point is that the secret service/military don't care! It's all going according to plan.

Again, look at Macron. He was jamming to Elton John while his country burned. Nero blamed it on the Christians. Macron will blame it on social media.

It's amazing how many just don't get what's going on.

i also find it amazing how few see the process in motion and the timelines,

Orwell, belloc, powell etc posted their warnings of where society is heading and like antient prophecies people think that it'll happen now when the real timelines are much longer.. i takes a couple of decades of under employment to bubble over into riots unless other issues are thrown in to speed up the process.. as people will always find ways to survive and hope until they can't pretend any longer..

the majority watching the death cult push of the green, trans and borderless ideas will react fully at some point as these ideologies offer nothing good or positive and no hope but division and hatred.. once you start otherling the majority its only time before they react.. france/eu is just at the leading edge as they've already tried a new party with macron, the uk with johnson and us with obama all of whom become proof that the system is locked into decline.

they've created real space for an evolutionary moment to take place, one they hope to control but won't as they have trapped themselves in negative death cultism, declinism and self loathing a way of thinking that can only lie and double down on being miserable.

people will embrace positive reality over virtuous self loathing

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