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Original Sin Revealed to be Farce. God's Plan WAY More Mysterious Than Previously Thought

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posted on Jun, 28 2023 @ 02:26 AM
Adam and Eve were spiritually naked not physically naked, eating the fruit gave them the enlightenment to realise this.

posted on Jun, 28 2023 @ 06:05 AM
a reply to: Cwantas
The tree of knowledge of good and evil isn't a tree and the fruit not actually fruit believe it or not.

Truth can be a tree, follow truth and feed your soul with fruit

edit on 28-6-2023 by Cwantas because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2023 @ 10:58 AM

originally posted by: Raggedyman
a reply to: MetalChickAmy

Well that might be your experience but not mine
In fact, most people don’t believe in the story of original sin so, who is being blamed for what in relation to myth?
And if you read the story, it’s not a hate rant on women, some very interesting nuances but guessing you wouldn’t know them because, you don’t know the story
If anything, the whole story is a reflection on Adams failure to care for his wife and Gods redemption and care for both, equally

And to criticise a metaphor, really, it’s a metaphor, it’s not literal, it’s to explain a situation in its most basic context with words, unbelievable taking a metaphor to task.
Literally criticising a metaphor, for not being accurate, think about that for a minute.

And just so you know, I have broken glass, told the kids to stay away and gone and gotten a broom, heinous arnt I

And finally “how could we truly know” guess we have to have a bit of faith

the "dialogue" is also a metaphor, the clothes are not literal clothes

but the deceit is very literal

they were not told the truth, they were purposely vulnerable, and they were suckered by design

edit on 28-6-2023 by SigmaXSquared because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2023 @ 03:10 PM

originally posted by: SigmaXSquared

originally posted by: Raggedyman
a reply to: MetalChickAmy

Well that might be your experience but not mine
In fact, most people don’t believe in the story of original sin so, who is being blamed for what in relation to myth?
And if you read the story, it’s not a hate rant on women, some very interesting nuances but guessing you wouldn’t know them because, you don’t know the story
If anything, the whole story is a reflection on Adams failure to care for his wife and Gods redemption and care for both, equally

And to criticise a metaphor, really, it’s a metaphor, it’s not literal, it’s to explain a situation in its most basic context with words, unbelievable taking a metaphor to task.
Literally criticising a metaphor, for not being accurate, think about that for a minute.

And just so you know, I have broken glass, told the kids to stay away and gone and gotten a broom, heinous arnt I

And finally “how could we truly know” guess we have to have a bit of faith

the "dialogue" is also a metaphor, the clothes are not literal clothes

but the deceit is very literal

they were not told the truth, they were purposely vulnerable, and they were suckered by design

the clothes are contrivance, false dignity, a metaphor to illustrate two faces

this contrivance is born of the fruit, confusing because knowledge means lying?

goes to reinforce the notion that to "become like god" is to become a deceiver, because the first thing they did was hide their true nature

what manner of parent hides their true nature at the heart of their kingdom? and what manner of parent leaves the window open for slugworth to come slithering in the chocolate factory ?


posted on Jun, 28 2023 @ 04:21 PM

originally posted by: darkbake
I sincerely doubt that any of the events in the Garden of Eden actually happened as they were written. I think it is an allegory. It could very well have historical and philosophical significance, but I have yet to figure out what the story is actually talking about.

I do believe that there are some religious scholars who know the actual meaning of the story, maybe I could find it if I did a bit of research.

I believe the story has to do with the "fall" of man. There is the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil (with the apple). There is some sort of "awakening" that happens when Adam and Eve eat the fruit. It could be what separates them from animals, but at a price, now man has the capability of sin.

I do agree that man has the capability of sin - in other words, I think this has to do with being selfish and things like that. Supposedly animals are not capable of sin, I have been observing my pets quite closely and I seem to come to the same conclusion... they are very innocent

If I had to guess, maybe it is talking about some sort of genetic modification of early man. It is interesting to note that eternal life was on the table for mankind. At the moment, our genes have clocks built into them to kill us off on purpose.

I’m thinking Adam and Eve is an allegory or metaphor for the LGBT.
We were given the biology and natural order to live as heterosexual couples, procreating, making families and communities and societies according to a well reasoned plan.
Then we fell into making all our own rules, worshipping ourselves, and mocking Gods plan.
That’s Adam & Eve falling from grace, and the garden of Eden.
The L and the G and even the B almost seem quaint now, now that the trans folks are attacking everybody, changing “what they are” daily if not hourly, knocking women into next week in sports and lurking naked in their bathrooms, pedos and minor attracted drag queens getting their slice of the pie.
We’ve really perfected our fall from grace these days.
edit on 28-6-2023 by stevieray because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2023 @ 10:46 PM
Lest see the aftermath after "eating" from the tree of knowledge.
Women will have pain in childbirth says God for punishment and then says be fruitful and multiply.
Then God says...And the LORD God said, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.” gen 3:22
God basically confirms what the serpent said in gen 3:5...“For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

So God confirms exactly what the Serpent tells Adam and Eve. Seems like knowing good and evil isnt such a bad thing.
Sounds like none of us would be around if they did not bite.

posted on Jun, 28 2023 @ 10:51 PM

originally posted by: MetalChickAmy
I don't believe in the Adam and Eve mythology at all. It's a very poor way of explaining how things are so messed up for us all. The concept of original sin is extremely heinous, making us feel guilty just for being alive, and punishing us for the mistakes of the first two people. The worst part is the blame being put on women which in itself has justified the mistreatment of us for millennia.

Worse still, if you believe that people are inherently evil, then it gives you permission to treat them badly.

The gods older than YHWH weren't jerks to their creations. They didn't think people were inherently evil nor did they set humans up in a scenario that they knew humans would fail so they could put a curse on all humanity (and then wipe them out except for one family.) The older gods believed that some people were, but on the whole, human beings are no worse than any other species on the planet.

I like the Egyptian gods, whose motto (Ma'at) can be boiled down to "be excellent to one another."

posted on Jun, 28 2023 @ 11:31 PM

originally posted by: stevieray

I’m thinking Adam and Eve is an allegory or metaphor for the LGBT.
We were given the biology and natural order to live as heterosexual couples, procreating, making families and communities and societies according to a well reasoned plan.

I think that if you study anthropology and learn about tribes and civilizations you will find that the above statement is not true.

Then we fell into making all our own rules, worshipping ourselves, and mocking Gods plan.
That’s Adam & Eve falling from grace, and the garden of Eden.

That's the religious origin story of a religion that began a mere 3,000 years ago. Many religions, such as Hinduism, are older than that.

The L and the G and even the B almost seem quaint now, now that the trans folks are attacking everybody, changing “what they are” daily if not hourly, knocking women into next week in sports and lurking naked in their bathrooms, pedos and minor attracted drag queens getting their slice of the pie.
We’ve really perfected our fall from grace these days.

May I recommend watching some videos on history on Youtube - the Horrible Histories are a good introduction but don't get into the juicy bits. LGBT has been around as long as homo sapiens has (and before, in the animal kingdom and yes, there are males among the animals who masquerade as females for the purpose of sex.) And if you think the US is awful right now, you should really read up on the Macedonians (Alexander the Great's family), the Ptolemies, the Spartans (hoooboy!), Mongols, Greeks, Romans like Emperor Augustus and Nero and Caligula,

Stop reading scary op-eds and start reading some real detailed history. You'll feel lots better about us after you learn just how bad the world REALLY was.

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 06:44 AM

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: stevieray

I’m thinking Adam and Eve is an allegory or metaphor for the LGBT.
We were given the biology and natural order to live as heterosexual couples, procreating, making families and communities and societies according to a well reasoned plan.

I think that if you study anthropology and learn about tribes and civilizations you will find that the above statement is not true.

Then we fell into making all our own rules, worshipping ourselves, and mocking Gods plan.
That’s Adam & Eve falling from grace, and the garden of Eden.

That's the religious origin story of a religion that began a mere 3,000 years ago. Many religions, such as Hinduism, are older than that.

The L and the G and even the B almost seem quaint now, now that the trans folks are attacking everybody, changing “what they are” daily if not hourly, knocking women into next week in sports and lurking naked in their bathrooms, pedos and minor attracted drag queens getting their slice of the pie.
We’ve really perfected our fall from grace these days.

May I recommend watching some videos on history on Youtube - the Horrible Histories are a good introduction but don't get into the juicy bits. LGBT has been around as long as homo sapiens has (and before, in the animal kingdom and yes, there are males among the animals who masquerade as females for the purpose of sex.) And if you think the US is awful right now, you should really read up on the Macedonians (Alexander the Great's family), the Ptolemies, the Spartans (hoooboy!), Mongols, Greeks, Romans like Emperor Augustus and Nero and Caligula,

Stop reading scary op-eds and start reading some real detailed history. You'll feel lots better about us after you learn just how bad the world REALLY was.

Hmmmm, nice pompous reply.
I’m glad ATS has a resident expert in all these areas, to counsel the great unwashed.
And the impressive thing is, nothing you wrote actually counters what I wrote, it’s just random factoids and references that anybody can scrape from Wiki in a few minutes.

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 06:28 PM
a reply to: Byrd

That's the religious origin story of a religion that began a mere 3,000 years ago. Many religions, such as Hinduism, are older than that.

Genesis 1 could be as old as Hinduism if Aristotle is correct in believing (Flavius Josephus Book I:22 ) "Jews are derived from the Indian philosophers; they are named by the Indians Calami". We have also have Megasthenes (300BC) stating "Jews were an Indian tribe or sect called Kalani".

The Calami/Kalani were likely a sect of brahmin given similarities between names in both teachings Abraham= Brahma; Abraham wife Sarai= Brahma wife Saraisvati; Sarai maid hager = Saraisvati maid Ghaggar etc.

The Saraisvati river is said to have dried up in 2000BC displacing many tribes. Many could have eventually found their way to Europe transferring their religious beliefs to local farmers/shepherds.

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 07:33 PM

originally posted by: Cwantas
Adam and Eve were spiritually naked not physically naked, eating the fruit gave them the enlightenment to realise this.

I personally believe they were real clothes. The fig leaves were inadequate to cover their “sin”.

God made them clothes from animal (shedding of blood) skins.

Presumably the first death as a result of their sin.

Which is probably related to Cains offering of veggies and Abel’s offering of an animal.

God accepted Abel’s.

This is a foreshadowing of Christs sacrifice to cover the sins of all that accept what he did.

posted on Jun, 30 2023 @ 01:05 AM

originally posted by: incoserv

My theory is that when God created a cosmos outside of the divine singularity, the potential for all anitpodes came into existence, It was not that God created evil, but simply that there could be no multidimensional cosmos without antipodes. Up exists because of down, left exists because of right, hot exists because of cold, evil exists because of good. In God, there is no evil, no selfishness, no darkness; only good, love and light. In the creation context outside of the godhead, these things become possibilities. They had to be dealt wtih, so a plan was set in motion to do just that.

Cold happens when one removes a heat source. Darkness heppens when one removes a source of light.

Evil was not created by God. Evil is what happens when mankind tries to exclude God.

Creation will be set to rights. That's the whole point.

you have Amazing insights, you basically described Hermeticism. Find a copy of the Kybalion by The Three Initiates

posted on Jun, 30 2023 @ 01:21 AM

originally posted by: WordsAreAvenues

God only said Adam would know what good and evil is.

Lots of liberties taken here.

Clearly, but specifically, not the part you have an issue with bc knowing Good & Evil IS what makes them Godlike--according to God.

“For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”--Genesis 3:5

“The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil.”--Genesis 3:22

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