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Just saw the most ridiculous Job Posting

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posted on May, 26 2023 @ 02:55 PM

originally posted by: soundsofmadness

What??? Oh cmon..

If I called you and said hey bro I need your help with my lawn for about an hour . So drive over here and I will give you 14 bucks

You would just laugh . But somehow they have people convinced thats its a decent wage

It's a starting wage for low-skill jobs. Any minimum or close to minimum wage job is a starting job, so you need to really look at the actual job to see the worth of it. How much are you going to pay a local kid to mow your lawn?

posted on May, 26 2023 @ 02:57 PM

originally posted by: cmdrkeenkid

Most places will require a degree simply because someone with one is considered more "job ready" and "capable" than one without. It also tends to keep those without degrees from applying, assuming they will automatically be disqualified. Once you get to the interview your experience will speak louder than any piece of paper.

$14/hour is a pretty generous starting wage considering the Federal minimum is $7.25.

People get hired as directors without a degree, most of my team do not have a degree and they start at 90k a year.

posted on May, 26 2023 @ 02:58 PM

originally posted by: KindraLabelle2

I though it was like that in the US as well?

Each state sets their minimum wage and it is just one amount normally.

posted on May, 26 2023 @ 02:59 PM

originally posted by: soundsofmadness
The hourly wage and the monthly bill are some of the biggest scams ever

So what do you suggest?

posted on May, 26 2023 @ 02:59 PM
A job posting like this exposes everything anyone would want to know about this employer.

1. Greedy B'stard
2. Selfish B'stard
3. Pompous A-hole
4. Poor management
5. (Don't forget hostile work environment)

posted on May, 26 2023 @ 03:03 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

Since most teens no longer want to burger flip, who should do it?

A machine... you walk up to a kiosk and order and out pops your meal. Instead of 15 workers, you have 2...

posted on May, 26 2023 @ 03:10 PM

originally posted by: Turquosie

I think its some of the older generations that don't realize how much its costs to live nowadays.

How much does it cost to live

The main problem is people are hyper-consumers and live outside their means. I had a roommate until my mid-30s and eating out was something you did with your parents outside the rare fast food. A person can live OK in most places on 14 per hour..30k per year.

posted on May, 26 2023 @ 03:18 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

To be fair the job did say “starts” at $14 an hour, but my guess is that is what they really are paying since this job has been posted for a while, has expired and has been reposted. Obviously the crowds aren’t clamoring for this very low pay, high expectation job.

A job pays what people are willing to work for. This is why flooding the country with illegal aliens is bad for all of us outside of seasonal work where we need jobs filled that Americans just do not want to do, but jobs like construction are no longer a good career. We also need to understand small private businesses can be whatever the owner wants them to be. I have heard horror stories about the normal working environment at some small places that would get anyone fired in a minute with a corporation.

Some owners just have very little understanding of reality. My wife's friend was told she could not take a month off to visit her family otherwise she would be fired and so she just

posted on May, 26 2023 @ 03:20 PM

originally posted by: ANNED
$14 is absolutely not generous in Calif, McDonald worker get $16.50 to start. I worked as an electrician and my lowest pay was $40 an hour for non union.

To be honest, I would need a 70k pay raise to move to CA to break even...

posted on May, 26 2023 @ 03:21 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

It cost a lot more than these people who pay $14 an hour for entry-level jobs think. You're basically living just to survive, with very little income to save.

Sure, the idea is to move up and make more income. But, how anyone is expected to actually live a life off of $14 an hour working at a bank or some other entry level job is beyond me.

Meanwhile, the people at the top are making 10x or more than most of their employees. Then they have the audacity to go on media and complain that people are lazy.

People aren't lazy, they are just cheap.

posted on May, 26 2023 @ 03:23 PM

originally posted by: spacedoubt

Those prices probably just went up by at least 15 percent recently ?
Same thing happened where I am. 1850 rental is now 2400.
I have a friend who is scrambling to find another place.
His landlord jacked up the price by about 600.

I may have to get my McDoctorate, just to make ends meet!

Are you married and/or with kids? If not, then having a roommate is crazy important offset a good deal of costs. Privacy is a luxury many can't afford but think it is a right to have. In the Western world, it seems people tend to think single living is the norm and it really isn't in the vast majority of the world.

posted on May, 26 2023 @ 03:32 PM

originally posted by: Turquosie

It cost a lot more than these people who pay $14 an hour for entry-level jobs think. You're basically living just to survive, with very little income to save.

Sure, the idea is to move up and make more income. But, how anyone is expected to actually live a life off of $14 an hour working at a bank or some other entry level job is beyond me.

Meanwhile, the people at the top are making 10x or more than most of their employees. Then they have the audacity to go on media and complain that people are lazy.

People aren't lazy, they are just cheap.

Well, first you need to look at the worth of a job. Would you pay someone 15 bucks an hour selling lemon aid at 25c a glass? This is an extreme example, but the worth of the job drives the value.

If you had a two-bedroom apt at 1500 to 2000 per month and had a roommate then that cuts a lot of cost. If you ate at home on a budget and had a 10k car 30k is doable, not great by any means. People are at the top for a reason and many started at min wage.... I run a department of 30 people and typically I'm creating income in the 1 to 5 million dollar range per customer for the company, what do you think I should be paid?

I think a lot of it is perspective as I have said the lowest pay on my team is 90k and they say they can't live on anything under 120k... oh boo hoo...
edit on 26-5-2023 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2023 @ 03:40 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Well, 90k is very livable. Even in an expensive city. And i'm not arguing that people who do more, shouldn't get paid for that. But there is a huge wealth gap happening. And it's not because the people at the top all deserve to be paid millions, its because of greed.

We could lose 90% of walstreet investors and bankers overnight and the country would still continue. In fact, it would probably thrive and give a chance for the working class to take some of those funds.

There's a huge chunk of the wealthy elite that do very little to make the world a better place. If anything, its the opposite with the massive amount of taxes the avoid.

posted on May, 26 2023 @ 03:45 PM

originally posted by: cmdrkeenkid
a reply to: soundsofmadness

Nothing like a personal attack to really solidify your argument. Cope harder.

What’s the matter? Can’t you multiply by .75?

posted on May, 26 2023 @ 04:21 PM

originally posted by: Turquosie

Well, 90k is very livable. Even in an expensive city. And i'm not arguing that people who do more, shouldn't get paid for that. But there is a huge wealth gap happening. And it's not because the people at the top all deserve to be paid millions, its because of greed.

They say they can't buy a house etc.... all perspectives...Why does a ex-wife of a rich guy need 300k per month of

I have said this many times that what makes one person rich is peanuts to the masses. My example is Boeing where I work. The CEO makes like 15 million and if he gave all his income and 85 million more from the other top 50+ in the company to the workers it would give each worker a 30-cent-an-hour raise. The wealth gap is BS in the end and we all have greed, otherwise, you would make 14 bucks an hour work for you, and be happy.

We could lose 90% of walstreet investors and bankers overnight and the country would still continue. In fact, it would probably thrive and give a chance for the working class to take some of those funds.

Wall Street is mostly your 401k, the super-rich wall street people are an extremely small group and they might as well live on Mars as to what effect they have on you. You don't change the whole country based on a micro percentage of people...

There's a huge chunk of the wealthy elite that do very little to make the world a better place. If anything, its the opposite with the massive amount of taxes the avoid.

If we are just talking human to human, 50% of America pays zero taxes and does less than nothing to make America a better place. Hell, they can't even take care of their neighborhoods or even help a neighbor in need. The very small rich who do not care to help is a drop in a barrel of people not rich who are the same, or worst.

It is easy to suggest "The evil Rich" Great bogyman, but I see 1000s of people around me that are discussing works of flesh and none are rich...

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