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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Oct, 3 2023 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: carewemust

North Dakota State Senator Doug Larsen and family die in plane crash

I don't know much about him. Is he a white hat or black?
His wife and 2 children died= 4. This happened yesterday October 2, 2023.

RED RED 9/11.
Funds raised vs distributed?
7/10 PLANE CRASHES are targeted kills.
Those in the know never sleep.

October has 7 letters and October is the 10th month. That may be just a coincidence but it is what it is.

Do people believe all recent resignations, PLANE CRASHES, plane re-routes, EMS/EBS activations, black outs, ets are simply a coincidence?
Why did Sessions [at the beginning] emphasize
investigations/proceedings are kept confidential?
Think magic.
What you see........
Do you believe nothing is being done?
Re_read crumbs.
Who has the power?
Why was this emphasized in the beginning?
You have more than you know.

posted on Oct, 3 2023 @ 12:57 PM
a reply to: Ektar

Santa Surfing Tweet

3 EBS messages-

We can really have some fun with these numbers.

Yesterday when I was driving there was a test on the radio around 3:20 p.m. but there was no message.

Nationwide Emergency Alert October 4
"It will run within a 30 minute interval."

Kamala Harris Tweet

Doesn't this picture of Ginsberg on the Forever stamp give off odd vibes? They just can't help themselves. Look they have "Forever" crossed off.

posted on Oct, 3 2023 @ 01:00 PM
Keep your eyes open for more RED5 comms to reinforce these hints from Phil Godlewski this morning:

a) There are 5 RED LINES in the picture = RED5 from #4414

b) His Tshirt reads MARINER and the previous line RED4 includes MARINES,

c) The video is 5:43 long... see #543 THE GREAT AWAKENING

d) PG has previously stated that he is the one executing the global EBS when instructed to do so. I'm guessing because it's wider than US alert systems and needs to use Starlink.

Anywho, in the video he is hinting at broadcasting tonight or tomorrow - but being deliberately vague as to the content.

e) Recall that on October 4th, 1582, TEN DAYS were skipped in the calendar with the move to Gregorian calendar, with the next day becoming Oct 15th.

If this is to be reversed, then we would have TEN DAYS of October 4th, with the 11th day becoming October 5th.
Tomorrow, Wednesday, is Oct 4th, the FEMA EBS test, and the day IRAQ becomes full member of WTO again, with an internationally tradeable currency.

posted on Oct, 3 2023 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Another October 4th reference that ties in to the RED comms in #4414 is in post #253:

a) Datestamp is Dec 04...Dec = 10, tenth month is October, so Oct 4th!

b) Post number of 253 sums to 10... TEN DAYS,

c) Factors of 253 are 11x23... "1,2,3, LET'S GO!"

posted on Oct, 3 2023 @ 01:33 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Murderous Work on mRNA Technology Wins Nobel Prize

I was wondering how Dr. Robert Malone would respond after being left out. It is strange to read all the praise and yet there is still this big divide. No where is it mentioned about all the adverse events that have been reported to VAERS. It's as if it doesn't exist.

"$izer has been campaigning for this since 2020...$izer donates heavily to the Karolinska Institutel, which awards the Nobel."
Covid- 19 was the trojan horse to introduce the change over to the mRNA platform because after all Pfizer is facing that patent cliff.

What is coded in your DNA?
Who put it there?
Mankind is repressed.
We will be repressed no more.
Information is knowledge.
Knowledge is power.
How do you protect your DNA?
There is a war for your DNA.
Protect your DNA.

DNA [3] is mentioned 4 times. There are 11 lines- Bill Gates number. I just feel like we have a convergence- maybe everything coming to a head October 4th?

posted on Oct, 3 2023 @ 01:48 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Rel when I looked at him the first thing that came to mind was President Trump's tie color. He wears that shade of red. But he doesn't wear a red tie all of the time. Sometimes it is blue or striped.
What if we are supposed to watch for a red striped tie as the sign for 1,2,3 go.

Anyway it was just an impression I had.

posted on Oct, 3 2023 @ 02:14 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Biden has a black eye now?
Shadow of Ezra

I have been trying to find out why Jeanne Marrazzo, the one with the weird tweets, has not officially taken over from Fauci.

Another bad deal for us

Bernie Sanders has held up her confirmation because we are paying 3 times as much as the EU for these new boosters.
The government still has 4 million more of these boosters to come before the end of the year. I just wonder who negotiated this great deal for us.

$izer- $115- 85.=30.
Moderna 128-81-47 [4+7=11]

Meanwhile from the WSJ the Biden administration wants to deal with these pending law suits.
A new war front-
"The Supreme Court could decide next month whether to grant a request from the Justice Department to erase an appeals court ruling upholding an injunction that blocks the president's order that millions of federal workers be vaccinated to keep their jobs."

Planning to erase history? Not so fast...
"Meanwhile activists fighting to preserve previous injunctions against the requirements as a lasting legal precedent to guard against any return of the vaccine rules."

"The victory should be left alone as a 'warning to the future against over reach in time of emergency." Back of front page.

posted on Oct, 3 2023 @ 02:31 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Certainly a possibility T2!

I'd note that when he wears a red tie he's celebrating the flag because he has a blue suit and white shirt.

posted on Oct, 3 2023 @ 03:10 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Obama's Celebrating 31st anniversary October 3, 2023

This is most odd. Michael is on a super yacht owned by Steven Spielberg along with Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson meanwhile Hussein is in the U.S.

Hussein uses 4 words to describe Michael- brilliant, kind, funny and beautiful and only used twitter. Meanwhile Michael used 5 different social media platforms, making that a difference of 4. B=2, K=11, B=2, F=6...2 B's=4. Bill Gates number 11, 6+2=8, 11+6=17, 6+2+2=10. He does play these games. #1011

One of the pictures of Obama has him wearing a red stripped tie. The other picture with a red top is worn by Larry Sinclair.

I still consider the possibility that these numbers tie into something significant for the people involved. Their 31st anniversary would add up to 4. There were 4 members of the Obama family. Mr. Pool 88 connection.

There is another red connection but it may be too way out there. Steven King wrote the book Rose Red. Steven Spielberg produced a 3 part tv series that aired for 3 nights in 2002. It is about death and tragedy.

The lines are drawn.
Define Renegade. [Hussein USSS code name]
Define Evergreen [HRC USSS code name]
Non-standard definition.
Think depopulation.
The Silent War continues.

#1010, #1011

Rel what do you think? Tomorrow should be very interesting.

posted on Oct, 3 2023 @ 04:27 PM
Something is breaking in financial markets — Here's what's behind the sell-off

That cracking sound in financial markets isn't the typical kind of break, where one asset class or another fractures and gives way. Instead, this is more a break in a narrative, one that has widespread repercussions.

The surge in rates is especially ominous as corporate America heads to third-quarter earnings reporting season, which is right around the corner.

All of this has to be assimilated and digested by the market," Krosby added. "You can see that it's troubling and it's difficult."

But the carnage really got going following the 10 a.m. ET release of a Labor Department report showing that job openings took a sudden swing higher in August, countering the prevailing wisdom that the employment picture was loosening and thus putting less upward pressure on wages.

Along with the slide in stocks, the yield on 10- and 30-year government debt instruments hit highs last seen as the economy was moving towards the financial crisis.

Elon Musk Calls Fiat Currency A Scam

Elon Musk, the CEO of TeslaTSLA and SpaceX, called "fiat currency" a scam. Responding to a social media debate about normalized scams, Musk threw his weight behind what many in the bitcoin community have been arguing for years: that the traditional monetary system is fundamentally flawed.

For advocates of bitcoin, Musk's tweet read like an affirmation of the digital currency's benefits over fiat. Bitcoin's decentralization and resistance to inflation make it a compelling alternative, some argue. Unlike fiat currencies, which are subject to the whims of governments and central banks, bitcoin is regulated by code and the consensus of its network.

Musk's comments, though short, are like gasoline on the already controversial discussion about bitcoin's role in global finance. The transition from analog to digital is accelerating, yet global systems hasn't kept pace. In the coming days, Musk may either elaborate on these views or continue his pattern of creating cryptic, headline-grabbing posts. Either way, conversations about the future of money — and the tension between old and new financial models — show no signs of tapering off.

posted on Oct, 3 2023 @ 04:58 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

I think any of tomorrow, Thursday, or Friday (or all three) will be pivotal.

If I'm correct about reversal of the Gregorian calendar to Julian then all three days will be Oct 4th (as will the next 8)... Real Oct 4th... then ten days "outside time" where we are stuck on Oct 4th, moving to 5th on what was to be the 15th.

If we move to a calendar of 13 months of 28 days each, plus a single New Years Day on April 1st... then that would explain why all computer systems need to die and be replaced by the Quantum system... All code using date functions, even Unix system dates etc. will be useless.

ETA Just noticed my WATS score has hit 999... wonder if I'll hit 1000 before EBS.
edit on 3-10-2023 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2023 @ 05:07 PM
Tomorrow will be largely uneventful. Who dares to make a wager?

posted on Oct, 3 2023 @ 05:19 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: Thoughtful2

I think any of tomorrow, Thursday, or Friday (or all three) will be pivotal.

If I'm correct about reversal of the Gregorian calendar to Julian then all three days will be Oct 4th (as will the next 8)... Real Oct 4th... then ten days "outside time" where we are stuck on Oct 4th, moving to 5th on what was to be the 15th.

If we move to a calendar of 13 months of 28 days each, plus a single New Years Day on April 1st... then that would explain why all computer systems need to die and be replaced by the Quantum system... All code using date functions, even Unix system dates etc. will be useless.

ETA Just noticed my WATS score has hit 999... wonder if I'll hit 1000 before EBS.

What about the 118 score on the end

posted on Oct, 3 2023 @ 06:23 PM
Sorry but what about 2mro with the EBS? So much chatter about turning off electronics (especially phone) from midnight
until midnight 5 Oct? SAying to turn off phones & wrap in foil if no protection bag ie RFID bag?

Crazy stuff around the EBS...not only electrtonics but the whole 5G & Jabs activating the Graphine Oxide?

Maybe there is nothing to it but I am not so sure. One reason is cz they are blowing it off as nothing & to me that is
a signal something is not right. But I don't know & yes I am worried cz I cannot afford anything new period.

I have Android Note 9, a Surface Pro 3 & Alien Gaming Laptop...

So I welcome any advice since we are now on the count down.


posted on Oct, 3 2023 @ 06:27 PM
a reply to: Ektar

Kind of Being Blunt - Nothing Personal

Who says you have to have one ? Turn the damn thing off and live life a free man - or at least pretend you are not addicted to it

Mike Tyson

Mi[k[chl[e] Obama

edit on 1032023 by MetalThunder because: why NOt

posted on Oct, 3 2023 @ 06:28 PM
a reply to: Robbo2006

Yea, that's been at 118 for a cupla years now.

posted on Oct, 3 2023 @ 08:17 PM
This is important.

From: New York Post

Kevin McCarthy made the wrong kind of history Tuesday — becoming the first speaker of the House of Representatives to be ousted by a floor vote driven by members of his own party.

Eight Republicans — Andy Biggs of Arizona, Ken Buck of Colorado, Tim Burchett of Tennessee, Eli Crane of Arizona, Matt Gaetz of Florida, Bob Good of Virginia, Nancy Mace of South Carolina, and Matt Rosendale of Montana — banded together with a united Democrat conference to declare the office of speaker vacant by a vote of 216-210, removing McCarthy (R-Calif.) from power and plunging the chamber into uncertainty as it faces a grinding process to pick his replacement.

McCarthy, who ruled himself out of trying for the job again Tuesday night, was booted three days shy of the nine-month anniversary of his election as speaker on the 15th ballot this past January.

posted on Oct, 3 2023 @ 09:19 PM
Wall Street Silver:

TextWhat is going on with the US debt? There is currently no debt ceiling because former Speaker McCarthy suspended the limit until 2025 (foolishly). So Biden can borrow an unlimited amount of money.

It went up $275 billion in ONE DAY.
$442 billion in just two weeks.

This is government out of control.


The US added - checks notes - $275 billion in debt in, uh, ONE DAY

Total US debt is now $33.442 trillion, hit $33 trillion just 2 weeks ago, and on pace to rise by $1 trillion in 1 month.

WTF is going on

Crash Incoming

posted on Oct, 3 2023 @ 09:35 PM
a reply to: Bwarefalsprofits

Why are you limiting your wager to tomorrow rather than the rest of the working week thru to Friday?

posted on Oct, 3 2023 @ 09:36 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
This is important.

From: New York Post

Eight Republicans
a vote of 216-210,

booted three days shy of the nine-month 15th January.

Acting Speaker Orders Pelosi To Vacate Her Office: ‘The Room Will Be Re-Keyed’

“Please vacate the space tomorrow, the room will be re-keyed,” an email sent to Pelosi’s office viewed by Politico stated . The email added that the room will be used “for speaker office use.”

Thank Xuechen

you know that McCarthy let Pelosi keep the Speakers office? It makes me believe that she was running things and not Kevin McCarthy. I mean it makes sense since every single thing the White House asked for the House Republicans gave them

Where's Nana?

“Sadly, because I am in California to mourn the loss of and pay tribute to my dear friend Dianne Feinstein, I am unable to retrieve my belongings at this time,” said Pelosi, who missed Tuesday’s vote in which McCarthy was ousted.

Pelosi is currently using a hideaway office, which only a handful of members receive. Given that she is speaker emerita, McCarthy allowed Pelosi to occupy the space. McHenry, who is a McCarthy ally, is clearly less keen on

N u t m

edit on 2023/10/3 by CrazyFox because: Unrelated but wtelh

you guys being so secretive? You know these
are kind of going places they’re never heard from again, right? — Where are you guys taking this
? Is this your
here? Sir, is this your

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