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Whistleblower with terminal cancer answers questions about UFOs

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posted on May, 21 2023 @ 04:50 PM
Regardless of whatever entities are out there, they are all creations of God.
Are they sons of God, or are they sons of their progenitor Adam figure? Doesn't matter to me. We won't find out until we are presented with the facts. And at that appointed time, all will be revealed. Some of you won't be happy of your words or choices.

posted on May, 21 2023 @ 05:03 PM
I mean WOW! That's an incredible read, and frighteningly, sounds very true.
Perhaps this may explain the lost Navy aircraft and others, that have vanished without a trace, in the devils triangle.

posted on May, 21 2023 @ 05:31 PM
a reply to: FingerMan

Some very smart people have a working theory that any visitations were not from biological entities, the most likely were android/robotic/cybernetic type beings with a program to run.

So an automated base in the ocean (considering how little we have explored underwater), making drones to exam and test things before flying back to base to relay information makese sense.

Makes even more sense when you ask why didnt they recover their crashed craft, because they werent programmed to do that but over the years you will have failures at inoopertune moments that allow the hairless monkey boys to recover the drone.

Or yea its 4chan nugget of salt.

posted on May, 21 2023 @ 05:33 PM

originally posted by: Spacespider
Just finish reading that thread, in short he talks about a UFO contructor ship somewhere in the sea that pumps out UFO´s that do scouting work on humans, he thinks they either prevents us from destroying the planet or they are waiting for their buddies to come and take over the planet. Oh and he say Element 115 is what makes UFO´s fly.

It's difficult to believe, I must say, but if one were to believe it...

Didn't he say off-world elements are used as propulsion here on our planet because we are more dense and heavier and it can move inter-dimensionally? Didn't the older crew members liken it to Atlantis?

Maybe they are mining off-world elements from the ocean floor from ancient meteors.

edit on q00000037531America/Chicago1010America/Chicago5 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2023 @ 05:44 PM
I'm not sold , Yes there could be a race living underwater but there is no way they could go undetected nowadays , Another thing is we are not special we got nothing to offer that can't be found on planets closer to the "visitors"

We are very childish to think we matter and have something to offer heck we can't even live beyond 100 for the most part .

At one time something was here , It's gone or dead now .

They don't care about crashes that's why all the aliens have been dissected or found half dead ? Oh not to mention we have agreements with the different races . Great stories but why would so many different Alien Species operate on the same MO not to be detected but hang out here and crash and have tall white mothers attack us ..

Love to buy it but NO .

posted on May, 21 2023 @ 05:45 PM

originally posted by: FingerMan

My BS meter is off the charts with this guy who is supposedly dying from liver cancer.

Is there anyone or any story you do believe?

Or are they all BS?

posted on May, 21 2023 @ 06:33 PM

originally posted by: Absinth3

I found it very interesting about his descriptions of an underwater construction facility that manufactures and recycles UFOs for specific utilities.

That's an 'emitter' that caries versions of physical bodies on the tip of the beam.
My theory anyways.

edit on 21-5-2023 by DaydreamerV because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2023 @ 06:54 PM

originally posted by: Irishhaf
a reply to: FingerMan

Some very smart people have a working theory that any visitations were not from biological entities, the most likely were android/robotic/cybernetic type beings with a program to run.

So an automated base in the ocean (considering how little we have explored underwater), making drones to exam and test things before flying back to base to relay information makese sense.

Makes even more sense when you ask why didnt they recover their crashed craft, because they werent programmed to do that but over the years you will have failures at inoopertune moments that allow the hairless monkey boys to recover the drone.

Or yea its 4chan nugget of salt.

What are you even saying?
Let me get this right. "Some people with imaginations think this, and so it must be true."

Some people will literally believe anything. Forgive me if I don't reply to your next post.

posted on May, 21 2023 @ 06:58 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: FingerMan

My BS meter is off the charts with this guy who is supposedly dying from liver cancer.

Is there anyone or any story you do believe?

Or are they all BS?

LOL! Says the professed Atheist. Hypocrite much?

My BS meter/gut is not to be trifled with. Life experience has proven it reliable near 100% of the time.
The guy is posting on 4chan. Might as well be posting alien sex video's on pornhub. But I'm sure you are blind to any facts that don't support what you want to be true.

posted on May, 21 2023 @ 07:01 PM

originally posted by: Violater1
I mean WOW! That's an incredible read, and frighteningly, sounds very true.
Perhaps this may explain the lost Navy aircraft and others, that have vanished without a trace, in the devils triangle.

Retired Navy here.
There are all kind of stories thrown around. And if some pilots were lost engaging an alien spacecraft,,, it would be absolutely impossible to keep that a secret.

But some dude on 4chan posts his imaginative story and WTF, people take it serious? Adults take it serious?
Twilight zone has taken over. It is true, video games and movies have destroyed the IQ of our Nation.

posted on May, 21 2023 @ 07:25 PM

originally posted by: FingerMan

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: FingerMan

My BS meter is off the charts with this guy who is supposedly dying from liver cancer.

Is there anyone or any story you do believe?

Or are they all BS?

LOL! Says the professed Atheist. Hypocrite much?

My BS meter/gut is not to be trifled with. Life experience has proven it reliable near 100% of the time.
The guy is posting on 4chan. Might as well be posting alien sex video's on pornhub. But I'm sure you are blind to any facts that don't support what you want to be true.

Why is being atheist a hypocrite?

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 12:19 AM
We have seen an orange reddish huge-craft while out fishing on Lake Hartwell NE GA at SC border too. Decided not to tell a soul out of fear of being labeled as nuts or liars. a reply to: Waterglass

edit on 22-5-2023 by Cris23 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 04:15 AM

originally posted by: FingerMan
If true, his posts would have been removed and he would already be in prison.

You may be right about the BS part - I'm not so sure though. But not about removing his posts etc.

If an order to remove the posts would have been received, and they suddenly disappeared, everybody would think there must be some truth in them. Also, people tend to make copies / screenprints of stuff like this, these can be copied over again and again, rendering efforts to delete the posts ineffective.

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 04:34 AM

originally posted by: FingerMan
Retired Navy here.
There are all kind of stories thrown around. And if some pilots were lost engaging an alien spacecraft,,, it would be absolutely impossible to keep that a secret.

But some dude on 4chan posts his imaginative story and WTF, people take it serious? Adults take it serious?
Twilight zone has taken over. It is true, video games and movies have destroyed the IQ of our Nation.

In general, I am more of a fence-sitter in most of these situations. I keep an open mind, even if the story sounds ridiculous. From what I have observed and read, people really do see fairies flying around, they are sometimes chased by monsters and possessed by demons. Whether or not these are real physical phenomena or not is not always clear, but even if it were purely psychological, there is something to be learned from it. As Spock says: fascinating.

In my younger days we had no UFO's let alone UAP's. We had flying saucers. Everybody ridiculed them. I did not, I felt there was something to them and tried to gather as much information about them as I could. Mystifying. I kept an eye out, so to say. But you sure as hell would not say so on your next job interview.. And lo! now we have partial disclosure and even the US Navy now tells us there are weird gizmos flying around. Panta rhei..

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 04:49 AM

originally posted by: Spacespider
Oh and he say Element 115 is what makes UFO´s fly.

Ah yes, the (in)famous Moscovium .....

Really no point in reading any more!

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 06:17 AM
a reply to: Cris23

In all of my sightings I only filed one each report with Mufon and NUFORC. Nothing happened as expected. So I have pursued on my own with PM messages from other ATS members who live here. They seem to head towards Hartwell, Georgia region. The Cherokee Indians in the 1500's called Hartwell The Center of the World. I wonder why that is and what did they see

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 06:30 AM
a reply to: FingerMan

So bash 4Chan. So post your name here on ATS. Oh, you wont? Well same goes for 4Chan and that's why it was created.

So can you figure out why this story was cancelled by the History Channel back in 2018. Never to resurface again? It affords some credibility to what this person dying of liver cancer is saying. Can you think through as to why this person was featured for two years on the History Channel and then when he films an anomaly the 3rd season is cancelled. Plus he simply fades away.

Sounds like the USA made a phone call to the History Channel because even if it was a hoax they want the ratings. Right?

Treasure Hunter Bermuda Triangle

Daily Mail
By Ryan Parry
9 Aug, 2018 12:11 AM
8 mins to read

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 06:40 AM
a reply to: FingerMan

I read your threads and your fascination with ET and UFO. So you bash this guy and 4Chan. IMO you are doing so to prop up yourself and that's what ATS isn't about.

This has nothing to do with deny ignorance and this story does have legs and connections. Many here have seen UFO's including me. Many are USA owned and many arent. He mentions the orange UFO's that were 1st documented in the late 1800's.

Orange Orbs by Terry Ray

ISBN 9781620064474 by Terry Ray. A former military pilot and trial lawyer.

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 07:01 AM

originally posted by: Waterglass
a reply to: FingerMan

I read your threads and your fascination with ET and UFO. So you bash this guy and 4Chan. IMO you are doing so to prop up yourself and that's what ATS isn't about.

This has nothing to do with deny ignorance and this story does have legs and connections. Many here have seen UFO's including me. Many are USA owned and many arent. He mentions the orange UFO's that were 1st documented in the late 1800's.

Orange Orbs by Terry RayISBN 9781620064474 by Terry Ray. A former military pilot and trial lawyer.

Book ordered
edit on 22-5-2023 by ForteanOrg because: he ordered quoted where he should have ordered unquoted

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 07:05 AM
a reply to: ForteanOrg

I base my stuff on pre Roswell sightings. I also now what we saw here on many occasions. I also believe in Robert Lazar as what he filmed in the desert in 1989 near Area 51 are zig zagging and zipping around here. A different craft but can do the same. We thought drones but they would still burn up.

Unless ..............................

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