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Do YOU Feel The FBI Needs to Be Restructured -or- Eliminated -or- Left Alone?.

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posted on May, 18 2023 @ 11:57 PM
a reply to: Enduro

" Democrats that were questioning them today were treating them like criminals and trying to make them look like villains."

The Dems are Worried that If the F.B.I. Actually did their Job as it was First Intended to when Established in 1908 Fighting Nationwide Corruption Especially in Local Politics and Crooked Political Machines in and Around Washington D.C. , Most of them would wind up in a Federal Prison Cell .

posted on May, 18 2023 @ 11:58 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
Thursday, May 18, 2023

In addition to the 103 "problems" involving our Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) shown on this list...Here: , And by Wikipedia:

Earlier this week, PROOF the FBI (at the request of President Obama) attempting to damage President elect/President Donald J. Trump was revealed in a +300-page Special Counsel Investigator report...

John Durham, a Special Counsel assigned to review the investigation of former President Trump's ties to Russia, concluded authorities didn’t have sufficient information to open the case.

While Durham does not recommend any new charges in his final 305-page report, he offers a scathing assessment of the FBI’s process in how it launched and carried out the investigation, which was known as “Crossfire Hurricane.”
Continued at:

-As First Reported in 2020-

It looks like President Obama ordered up phony RussiaGate scandal.

TODAY, current and former FBI Agents testified to Congress how the agency has ruined, and is ruining their lives, simply because they reported actions, processes, communications, etc., within the agency that were not proper...or downright illegal.

News Article description of their Testimonies:

Congressional Report on their Testimonies: hts-government-abuse-misallocation-of-resources-and-retaliation-sm.pdf

TO BE FAIR, the FBI does prevent Americans from being killed. But evidence of those instances is few and far between. So it's not clear if the FBI saves 5 or 500 lives @ year.

IN MY OPINION, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (especially the modern version) does more HARM to our country than GOOD for our country. As taxpayers, we are their bosses, and we should be the ones who determine the FBI's fate.

If you have thoughts on what should happen to, or within the FBI, you're invited to share them.


If it’s salvageable the most simple solution is to flatten the hierarchy and turn it into an agile organization. Redistribute all of the assets in DC to field offices. Have a single cabinet member oversea the network of field offices and have them run on their own.

99% of actual FBI work is in the field offices. Everything in DC is just bureaucracy and counterintelligence (and the FBI doesn’t need a centralized counterintelligence group — that is outside the scope of its original mission), and a handful of major cases that are usually politically motivated since J Edgar Hoover’s time.

Alternatively, just attrition out most of the personnel and transfer 96% of the work to state-based joint task forces, and the rest to DHS/CBP/etc.

posted on May, 19 2023 @ 12:02 AM
a reply to: carewemust

I have posted this in the past here. I went through their vetting process. I chose not to work directly for them. I have done work for them through other employers.

I had many years of secret clearance for the work I did.

I chose not to work directly for them solely because I did not want to be influenced by anyone or any entity to produce a record or outcome based on a pre-decided conclusion.

I found, through experience, that this was the case.

I haven't done any work for/with them since 2007.

I was a contractor for DISA and Lockheed for a few years as well.

If I could do it all over again, I would never have worked with any government agency.

They, literally, have all knowledge of everything and everyone. They have been gathering and have had it since well before I worked with them, and that was over a decade ago.

If people knew just how much info the US government has on every citizen it might just make everyone a conspiracy theorist.

posted on May, 19 2023 @ 12:02 AM

originally posted by: lordcomac
With ATS being under new ownership, this question feels like a trap

History says they were corrupt from the start and never should have been allowed in the first place.

J. Edgars Ghost just did a Guffaw in the Afterlife Hearing that ! .........*)

posted on May, 19 2023 @ 12:05 AM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: carewemust

I would say it Needs to be Restructured and Safeguards put in Place to Limit the Current F.B.I.'s Special Powers . The Main part of the Restructuring should put an Emphasis on Directors being COMPLETELY Apolitical , and being Answerable to Congress for Any Transgressions of that . While Congress is at it , they should also Look into " Some " of the Criminal Behavior of the C.I.A Perpetrated Against American Citizens. .

I think the "restructuring" should start with removing the bad apples at the top of the FBI. There is this core group of department leaders who are responsible for executing the raids and intimidation of Trump, his colleagues, Christians, Parents resisting "woke" School Boards, and more. That group of FBI radicals must be identified and removed, first and foremost.

posted on May, 19 2023 @ 12:06 AM
This question occurred to me a few days ago.

I wondered if the idea of it was "fodder" for anti-conspiracy theory propaganda. And I am certain it is.

This is an interesting question nevertheless, and in and of itself it is only a question.

We have to ask about the current environment ... can a political-appointee led organization like the FBI be expected to act apolitically?

These entrenched high-level leaders are not simply to be taken as "high-minded law and order types." That would as much "Hollywood" thinking as characterizing this very discussion as some anti-social malignancy, evil and anti-American.

These folks are beholden to a political party's leadership... and manned by layers of politically-appointed high level directors... and some of them seem eager to be 'political' operatives, rather than agents of the actual law.

The bureau's own recent track record belies it's benevolence... especially as more and more political activism presents itself in the leadership.

Politics has no place in law enforcement. But it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. Especially when the chief politician makes a habit of characterizing political opponents in criminal terms... those who don't agree with his 'party' are often vilified as a "threat" ... how's that for a 'tell?'

I don't think it's the FBI as a concept ... it's the leadership and the legal machinery that acts as enabler for it's political uses (or abuses.) When I was a starry-eyed youth I imagined the FBI as laser-like focused on corruption and grand corruption (I think at least some FBI folks would love that to be the case) ... the kind the police could never effectively engage with... as time passed I saw the bureau become laser-focused on "marketing" and "public relations" ...

I think the need for the FBI is genuine and valid... same as police... I say flush the leadership, change the lackadaisical oversight to something concrete, and restore confidence by actually securing our citizens' safety... and for God's sake stop letting them be 'influenced' by academia and think tanks (the well-springs of discord) ...

posted on May, 19 2023 @ 12:07 AM
a reply to: JohnTitorSociety

True, but there are also state level FBI agencies. I did work with the MBI and GBI.

The FBI is a very unnecessary government agency.

posted on May, 19 2023 @ 12:35 AM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe
a reply to: JohnTitorSociety

True, but there are also state level FBI agencies. I did work with the MBI and GBI.

The FBI is a very unnecessary government agency.

It probably is but there are Federal criminal statutes so there would need to be a delegation of authorities to states or merge field offices, and devolving some outdated federal crimes to state crimes etc.

Clearly, the FBI is not fundamentally required at its current size as there is 1 employee for every three Federal incarcerations (which in turn are about 10% of incarcerations) and not all investigations and referrals at Federal level originate with the FBI.

There’s certain things many states might not be able to handle, such as investigating and arresting an international arms dealer or a cartel kingpin, HRT, etc.

No offense to say Idaho or Oklahoma — but they likely wouldn’t have the resources and expertise that larger state LEO has on that front.

I’ve turned businesses around (and I’ve worked with the government but not the FBI) so I don’t have a great initial read beyond the raw numbers, so if I was hired to turn it around, I’d start by eliminating the central bureaucracy, and see if the field offices can run well on own with a “thin client” scaled down central command that would probably work better moved to Texas or Missouri, or any geographically central location — rather than in highly political DC.

The suggestion that the director not be a political appointee is also a good one. Hoover was political to be sure, but most of the broader politicization of the agency occurred post-Hoover.

posted on May, 19 2023 @ 01:48 AM
a reply to: carewemust

" That group of FBI radicals must be identified and removed, first and foremost."

I Agree , but they Seem to be Protected by a Higher Power at the Moment . Who they are is Anybody's Guess..........

edit on 19-5-2023 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2023 @ 01:55 AM
I think the media has been a propaganda machine for the US government ever since operation paper clip. The US government brought over more than just rocket scientist after world war 2. Hitler had a propaganda machine. Guess we know where those Nazis went. You control the media and you control the people. a reply to: carewemust

posted on May, 19 2023 @ 02:58 AM
9/11 set a troubling trend. The FBI was onto some of it, getting blocked in other parts. Just told to shut up and bury it as a state sanctioned military operation took precedence. Now a lot more competition and privatization of security.

Wikileaks, another one in the too hard basket. Wiener and Hunters laptop, chucked in as well. Now the FBI is in deep, nothing to see there with the 2020 election. The FBI is not up to the job when dealing with some domestic security issues. Sounds like there are some in the ranks that would like to try, the leadership and legal direction has been beaten down on a few big ones.

These RICO cases are big messy things, takes lots of resources and lot to work through. Without some big shakeups in the organization, the FBI will be limited to the more easy to get low hanging fruit.

posted on May, 19 2023 @ 06:32 AM
They should become the..............
Bureau of
Instigation .

posted on May, 19 2023 @ 07:24 AM
Defunded and disbanded.

No saving that organization.

(figure I am already on their list, so wth)
edit on 19-5-2023 by chiefsmom because: addition

posted on May, 19 2023 @ 07:54 AM

originally posted by: Kaiju666
I would answer, but I don’t want my kids, wife or I to be woken up at 5 am… etc etc.

Fvck those traitor pussies. That’s what 870s are for.

posted on May, 19 2023 @ 07:57 AM
it will reemerge as something just as sinister

need to jail individuals for treason. look what has been done to people who walked outside the capitol on jan 6th... here we have actual treason and members of the f.i.b. need to be jailed

posted on May, 19 2023 @ 08:05 AM
a reply to: carewemust

the fbi has been little more than a corrupt agency since at least hoover. they got a little more discrete in it their ways but the past 30 or so years it's like they don't really care how obvious the corruption is. cause they think they have the power.

posted on May, 19 2023 @ 09:38 AM
imho the FBI was a straight and effective organization through most of the 1970s.

at some point Law Enforcement Officers started giving way to Democrat Operatives.
the key to saving the FBI is to eliminate the latter, but short of mind reading how can we tell which is which?

certainly a lot of the top people should go.

we need an honest Attorney General to appoint an honest FBI head to weed out the political types.
and congress needs to have an oversight committee.
(what does it say about the FBI that they need congress oversight???)

posted on May, 19 2023 @ 09:42 AM
a reply to: Enduro

That one idiot congresswoman asked if a Twitter account belonged to the agent. He said 'that's not my account', more than once. Didn't deflect her line of questioning even a little bit.

They aren't there to find truth, they are there to grandstand.

posted on May, 19 2023 @ 10:33 AM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: rickymouse
From what I have seen and heard over the decades as far as their practices, I would say my opinion is that they should dissolve it and replace it with a brand new agency with new management.

Since that will never happen, I guess we are stuck with it. The problem with the FBI is that there are too many people working in it that do not think things through properly. Especially because they allow little guys to get away with things so they can go after the big guys. If they busted the little guys then the big criminals would have nobody to follow them. They seem to look for the prestigious big busts and let the small guys keep on screwing up our society so they can accomplish this.

I don't know if that sounds right, it is after midnight and I am getting tired.

A former head of the FBI wrote an Op-Ed the other day about how the agency USED TO focus on the big busts of large domestic criminal organizations. They devoted lots of resources into those busts...and they didn't care if it was a Republican or Democrat leader.

I remember when the FBI busted Washington D.C. Mayor Marion Barry (Big Democrat!) for buying and using Cocaine. Several of my friends got a kick out of the "sting" video proudly shown on TV News and the FBI Press Briefing.

and the abscam thing.

but na na na na hey hey hey, good bye.

posted on May, 19 2023 @ 10:39 AM
I said right here under my previous name that Trump would be a total fool when he first walked into the whitehouse to not pull a Bill Clinton and gut the entire leadership of the justice department. As well as the leadership of the CIA. I didn't think to include the FBI at the time as they had yet to show themselves as stasi for the DNC. I was sort of confused by Comey's actions. Still am to be honest.

So to me, all of the alphabets need to be destroyed and have new similar institutions raised that have much better checks and balances on their power.
edit on 19-5-2023 by greendust because: ...

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