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What they don’t want you to know about the New World Order

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posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 09:09 AM
1: It is not New.

It is an ancient collective enterprise for the management, control and organised oppression of human beings. It did not arrive in the 20th century. It has had many names. It will have many more. It was given a name and an identity in this century so that we could begin to recognise its behaviour from that of ordinary human endeavours. It IS ONLY now that is wants us to see it. Without such a recognition of it's inherant form and activities HOW could you be expected to make a choice as to who you side with!.

2: It is not based in America, it does not stem from capitalism, and it’s not a Jewish conspiracy for rule.

It holds no consideration for countries. It is not English, American, Jewish or from any other country for that matter. It is beyond all these concepts. The exploitation of our natural tendency towards community based orientated ‘group identities’ is simply how it breaks up areas of the earth into easily controllable geographical areas. This is actually a human strength – the love of community and fellowship, which they use as a weakness for controlling our awareness. Perverting what would be considered strength on a normal sane world is one of their main control techniques and is one of the clues to their recognisable and very characteristic inhumanity. It makes us predictably decent. It is loosely known as divide and conquer. There is a phrase on earth called 'follow the money - I'll add one to that - follow the blood and the slaughter..."

3: They are not interested in perpetuating an Orwellian totalitarian state.

Contrary to popular belief there is no future for the human race based upon the idea that the ‘elite’ are intent on wiping out 9/10’s of the human race so they may live in perpetual rule whilst they control the remaining slave race proletariat by ruthless and draconian methods. Quite the contrary is the truth - no sane collective group would engineer themselves to rule over a ruined poisened and wasteland earth. They are planning to crash the earth purely to create a mass death event of an unprecedented scale.

Key elements have been orchestrated to converge into an irreversible and catastrophic collapse of civilisations. It is irrelevant as to whether these events are cyclical, accidental or deliberate - they exist and can now be recognised and are occuring within your lifespans. Media, pleasure and entertainment is designed to bribe you into ignoring the 'bleeding obvious'. The fact is they are going to occur which means they are intentional – they have been allowed by our leaders to occur.

The key identifiers may be grouped as follows :

1) Energy collapse.
2) Environmental collapse
3) Deliberate and wilful Scientific mutilation of core life force energies
4) WWIII - politically contrived, prophetically scripted and governmentally administered.
5) Global economic/social/religious and political meltdown

Any one of the above will lead to all of the above. Never have all of the above been present in our 'current' recorded history. In some way all of these are now converging towards a point some 10 to 20 years from now. To ignore the evidence of your intellect it exactly what they are counting on. You are comfortably numbed as we move closer to the edge of the precipice.

Remember why they give drop oxygen masks when an aircraft is crashing?.

4: The New World Order is coming!

Wrong. The new world order is already here. The technological revolution of the current ruling hierarchy announced its arrival with world wars one and two. When it dropped two atomic bombs on Japan it made clear to those who 'ruled' smaller nations - that its intention was to take overt control of the entire planet - immediately. At this point in time all the countries and ‘appointed rulers’ of earth became subservient to the UN and what most people confusingly label of as an american/anglo imperialistic movement. A Silent surrender occurred across the globe which will never appear in any history books or TV documentaries.

If the world was about a 'ruling elite' living in luxury they would have capped all population expansion there and then.

5: It does not have a human leader.

Given that our planet could have evolved along any number of potential paths but indeed ended up with a ruined earth, presided over by a largely unsympathetic and a cruel ‘war and money’ based global tyranny is evidence that over the course of 2000 years an intelligence has managed to ensure that this very outcome has been the one to occur. Such an endeavour requires a determination and conceptual understanding of time and history that no single man, human bloodline or cooperative organisation could hold onto beyond a single lifespan. Men have deliberately short lifespans - they are weak and the temptations of the flesh make them malleable.

6: There has never been a genuine human leader of a government or country.

Show me a single leader in history that has not engaged in war and you will find the very rare exception to the rule. Ordinary human beings do not plan and scheme for war. It is not how compassionate civilisations propser. they may be 'men' but they are not 'human beings' - the point is potentially semantic, however, the bloodshed, cruelty and barbarity of human history is self-evident that 'good men' have never ruled earth.

7: Mankind is not going to ‘reach for the stars’

Do you think the ‘tau of man’, the human way of behaving towards other species and indeed itself in general could expand and prosper into the universe. Could such a sterile and murderous seed exist universally? No – therefore what controls us can not and WILL NOT let us leave the earth since it depends on us for its existence. If the universe is infinate, then evil must be contained in pools since its 'infinate' expansion would cause a universal burn out. the fact we exist is sufficient proof that a better way does exist and that the universe is not inherantly evil - only the rulers and controllers of earth are that.

8: It is a group of men seeking power and wealth.

Wrong. Money is a symbolic and deliberately manufactured artificial construct designed to allow those in control of it to create and maintain a deliberate separation of authority, control and power that is not directly connected to or proportionately representative to the abilities of those who have it. In short, it allows the wrong kind of traits to become the most sought after and the wrong kind of people to ‘call the shots’ on our planet. A mouse can only control a tiger if the tiger needs to bank with the mouse in order to pay for it's food.

Money is simply stored human potential energy. Those with it control those without. You live on a planet where the phrase ‘ will work for food’ not only exists but is an inseparable part of each and every human life. That is on a planet where food grows freely, you have to buy the means to survive. 'partial freedom' is a taxable benefit permitted to a few hundred million.

9: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.

As role models our leaders are killers. They are greedy, arrogant, salacious and immoral. They are all liars, murderers and thieves. They seduce you by their corruption. They sanctify your self-doubt. The extremes of their behaviour allow you as divine individuals to move further down a moral sliding scale because in your mind you will never be as bad as ‘those guys’.

10: Everything will be ok when Jesus arrives. They will get their comeuppance from god!.

Since they , apparently, killed Jesus yet allowed the book that celebrates his life, and his teachings to become the most widely understood conceptual guide to human behaviour we should ask ourselves if the planned ‘sequel’ and second coming is not a cynical attempt to keep us from dealing with the problem ourselves. Has not a ‘higher authority’ been charged with coming back dealing with these ‘evil-doers’. There may well be no second coming. They could have made it up to allow you to allow them to continue to behave entirely against the moral benchmark of Jesus.

They control the money, the weapons and your willpower, therefore it would be foolish to reject the idea that they created religion. They are the masters of inducing you to abdicate the responsibility of your death to an invisible form.

11: The secret societies have the power of immortality. They talk magically to Lucifer.

Not entirely. Lucifer is a communications medium. It is the technique by which certain earth born men receive knowledge and wisdom higher than that to which they could normally acquirre to ensure its plans unravel according to its design. Do you think our leaders are suitably 'intelligent men' - proportional to their power, position and influence ?

Ordinary men disbelieve in reincarnation because you yourself have not experienced it. However, if one consciousness, yours for example, can exist even just once why can it not exist twice? This is the great tradition of the priesthood. They pass the secrets of metempsychosis so they may come back when the human shell has died. The same concious entities have ruled for a long time.

12: Love conquers all.

Indeed, to paraphrase a famous movie – Yes it does – but only human love conquers humans who love in return. Human love cannot conquer something that is not capable of love. Love is our current and only true freedom and plans are afoot to have us replace that with forms of lust, desire, satisfaction and comfort.
They are working on its eradication by a technologically induced pathology of the human mind via any form of communication medium. Basically you are what you watch and play.

13: What really is a New world Order ?

A truly NEW world order would be one not as any other that has preceded it. It would not merely be an expansion of an existing system but a total and completely unrecognisable means of existence. A new world order is not merely a ‘global dollar’ or a single World Government. It will be something you cannot conceive of. It is beyond your knowledge. It has never been written of or revealed. IN short THE TRUE NEW WORLD ORDER is something you have NEVER heard or and will not know about until you have ceased to be and it has come to pass.

14: Are you saying there is no God?

Not quite. They do not control all the secrets otherwise you would not exist. It would take its energy directly from the source. However, as with all food chains a crop must be reared if the farmer is to survive the long dark cold winter.

What is undeniable is that something greater than man gave you your life. Man has yet to break the secrets of that source but it currently very close. Whatever gave you your life will not allow us to reveal and tamper with its origins or secrets. Before that happens we will be destroyed, perhaps simply discovering that which we are is what will actually destroy us.

Wouldn’t you booby trap the door to omnipotence or immortality?

15: Is the moon a sleeping satellite. Are aliens coming to get us ? Did Hitler build a base in Antarctica ? etc etc...

Why would any of that make any sense other than as entertainment or distraction. 90% of it is sleight of hand? They invented all of the recent scientific techno-totalitarian threat based mythologies as they did the mythologies of previous ages - demons, monsters, angels etc. Learn to recognise it as a scary story for small earth children who should fear their leaders or any kind of higher known or unworn authority and you are close to being able to discriminate against their fairy stories. that is not to say 'paranormal' entites and events do not exist. they do - it is merely a question of recognising fact from fiction.

16: Why does mankind exist ?


17: What can I do about it ?

Stop living you life as a selfish, irresponsible child.

18: Are you lecturing me ?

No. I'm lecturing myself. I am a fool. I was born a prisoner here too and like you will die ignorant and alone.

19: Will I remember my life after I die? Is this it ?

Apparently they are not masters of death and so it would seem that whatever gave you your life is not intent on destroying it. It would seem it wants you to rise above your basic level. Perhaps there are many places like earth. Perhaps you are here to learn - to evolve -

20: All the worlds a stage ?

and a nursery…although we share it with a wolf and we are the herd.

The lord is my shepherd – but which lord is the shepherd and which lord is the wolf ?

Alas - these are questions I have not yet found the answers to...

[edit on 9/4/2005 by captainhemmingway]

posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 09:17 AM
Excellent post. I agree with everything

posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 05:17 PM
This is an excellent post.
Agree or not, The Captain makes some very important points.
It will very interesting to see how others respond.
I hope many do.

posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 06:00 PM
No. I'm lecturing myself. I am a fool. I was born a prisoner here too and like you will die ignorant and alone.

Dont be so hard on your self. Still you could be wrong, so nice try!

Great post, it made me think!

posted on Apr, 10 2005 @ 12:24 AM
on the NWO...what is it ?

for a long time , I had no idea of wtf the NWO was about...then I started studying this extremist/arab wahabbi problem...and I ran into this

I found this list to be quite interesting;

A Chronological History:
The New World Order
by D.L. Cuddy, Ph.D

In the mainline media, those who adhere to the position that there is some kind of "conspiracy" pushing us towards a world government are virulently ridiculed. The standard attack maintains that the so-called "New World Order" is the product of turn-of-the-century, right-wing, bigoted, anti-semitic racists acting in the tradition of the long-debunked Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, now promulgated by some Militias and other right-wing hate groups.
continued ,

[edit on 10-4-2005 by toasted]
[edit on 10-4-2005 by toasted]
[edited cut-n-paste, left in extra links - nygdan]

[edit on 10-4-2005 by Nygdan]

posted on Apr, 10 2005 @ 12:26 AM
full story here...; [ the best chronological list I've ever seen...]


if people will open their eyes long enuf, and pay attention to the subtlties of the changes going on....their opinion may change.

a cpl examples of things pointing us in the NWO direction [ keep in mind, the whores are using the U.N. as a vehicle for their objectives....and this is not so much a CONSPIRACY , but rather just a goal of like minded people.just lift up the carpet and look...they'll tell you to your face...if you bother to ask... ] the USA , the UN has taken over policing our NATIONAL PARKS...these are no longer OUR NATIONAL PARKS...but are WORLD HERITAGE CENTERS ! [ ok, ok...not ALL the parks ] but that's NOT the POINT ! is a stepping stone [ ever hear the frog slowly ? ]

other examples

some schools pushing , world soldier/police toys , pledging allegience to the world etc...sorry, I don't have any links for that....keep you eyes and ears open....I swear, you'll find it.

the politically correct so manipulative...only a fool thinks that this kind of manipulation is a good thing , and sees no harm in its' use. I see it as a stepping stone towards more restrictions/ the anti-hate language in laws being passed. some laws are being passed to make it against the law to DIS another religion...[ can anyone see how this is not only a manipulation, but playing right into [ favoring ] the current extremist problem ? ]

eh ?

ever see/hear about , what these " change agents", are up to ? ;

[ 1991 -- Author Linda MacRae-Campbell publishes How to Start a Revolution at Your School in In Context. She promotes the use of "change agents" as "self-acknowledged revolutionaries" and "co-conspirators." ]

the manipulations at the schools, which some people percieve as issues that can be resolved with MORE MONEY...are actually caused by this movement

this is the only link I could find that was close [ I hope it don't give the WRONG impression , of what I'm trying to communicate ]

we all know outcome based education was a flop...thank the UN , and like minded NWO kinda folks....

these links are just slivers of the BIG PICTURE...sorry I couldn't find a transcript of an audio tape I head by loeffler...on "world view wars"...quite an interesting look at the movement...that most of us have no clue about. and not only "no clue"...but to hear how the manipulations go down....unless you were aware of the'd have no clue...that you were just consensed !
all you/we the schools SUCK, and therefore conclude, need more money.....[ wrong ! ]

[edit on 10-4-2005 by toasted]

[edit on 10-4-2005 by toasted]

[edit on 10-4-2005 by toasted]

posted on Apr, 10 2005 @ 07:02 AM
Nice posts toasted.

Of course these are the men with limited human lifespans who do things most decent people would run away from shrieking - and yet they have the power - and the WILL to carry out these actions - but alas they merely sign the orders - ordinary people still aim the guns and pull the triggers so that these lunatics may play their grand game of global chess...and for what 'a few dozen years in a big country house before they die of a heart attack' - not likely unless human morality has utterly gone the way of the dinosaurs.

posted on Apr, 10 2005 @ 10:19 AM
excellent post unfortunately its very self defeating at the end....why must you consider your self ignorant when you have apparently seen thru so many of the illusions created by our hidden masters...? or are you trying to be overtly humble ...? i would guess the latter...if you sit very quietly ...undisturbed with your spine erect and and your eyes closed and concentrate on the infinite or a aspect thereof you will eventually feel a slight pull between the eyebrows and you can take it from there .....the ifnite will manifest very quickly if you are already operating at the level that you seem to be can go from there ......this is your inheritance and there is nothing that the hidden rulers of the material world can do or any malefic entities.......i know this is the truth can know it too.

posted on Apr, 10 2005 @ 11:08 AM
10: Everything will be ok when Jesus arrives. They will get their comeuppance from god!.

Since they , apparently, killed Jesus yet allowed the book that celebrates his life, and his teachings to become the most widely understood conceptual guide to human behaviour we should ask ourselves if the planned ‘sequel’ and second coming is not a cynical attempt to keep us from dealing with the problem ourselves. Has not a ‘higher authority’ been charged with coming back dealing with these ‘evil-doers’. There may well be no second coming. They could have made it up to allow you to allow them to continue to behave entirely against the moral benchmark of Jesus.

They control the money, the weapons and your willpower, therefore it would be foolish to reject the idea that they created religion. They are the masters of inducing you to abdicate the responsibility of your death to an invisible form.

11: The secret societies have the power of immortality. They talk magically to Lucifer.

Not entirely. Lucifer is a communications medium. It is the technique by which certain earth born men receive knowledge and wisdom higher than that to which they could normally acquirre to ensure its plans unravel according to its design. Do you think our leaders are suitably 'intelligent men' - proportional to their power, position and influence ?

Ordinary men disbelieve in reincarnation because you yourself have not experienced it. However, if one consciousness, yours for example, can exist even just once why can it not exist twice? This is the great tradition of the priesthood. They pass the secrets of metempsychosis so they may come back when the human shell has died. The same concious entities have ruled for a long time.

That's alot of opinion on your behalf. But really, an opinion can be provided by anyone.

You admit they are channeling Lucifer, aka Satan, aka the Devil, whatever you want to call him, but you also have difficulty admiting there is God and Jesus?! Not very logical since God created Lucifer. So by admitting there is a Lucifer, you are admitting there is God.

Second, the NWO and Antichrist ruler sure fits alot of the prophecies in Revelations 13, written nearly 1900 years ago. Seems quite Divine to me.

Third, Lucifer/Satan/The Devil is only allowed to interfere in the affairs of man if God permits it. God created all, and He can destroy all. So therefore your conclusion that those who are chanelling Lucifer could very well be hiding the Truth about God and Jesus, can't possibly be true. God would've allowed His word to pass down through the ages, and nobody would've been able to stop it or change it.

Fourth, since God's word has survived, Jesus is coming back.

God Bless.

[edit on 113030p://000 by LogoWatch]

posted on Apr, 10 2005 @ 03:26 PM
Suppers Ready : Is this something you have experienced yourself ? Have you communed with cosmic entites INSIDE YOUR MIND ?

LogoWatch : Without wanting to be inflammatory - you are adding things to my words that were not there- never do I state there is no god - nor do I state there was no jesus - in fact quite the contrary - some bad nasty people KILLED HIM DIDN'T THEY? - and I assure I am not being deliberately extreme when I ask how do you know that the same celestial intelligence that is channelling this information to one side, is not channelling a 'contra-set' of information to the other - the technique is used by humans so why not Gods ? Could whatever contains us not merely wear different masks depending on who is looking at it?

Does the chicken in the hatchery consider the hand that feeds it to be it's god of love and does it 'seperate' that feeding 'god' from the 'slaughtering' god that comes and kills them ?

Furthermore, how can you be so sure that the bible wasn't written by Luficer/satan/etc and his 'minions' are merely following a script we call 'phrophesy'....? we only have the words of men to substantiate that particular claim.

and that indeed I do not disbelief the existence of god - in fact I clearly state that since we EXIST whatever is giving us life IS at least OUR god - the real question still remains if it is the HIGHEST GOD and/or is it benevolent? - and that if we are food then clearly since IT HAS TO FEED ON US it is not capable of 'generating' the LIFE FORCE energies it requires in a simpler and less elaborate means - suggesting IT - the malevolent entity - is NOT the highest intelligence in the food chain.

I am very specific towards the end when I declare I do not know the answers - you allege I make specific and absolute claims about God - I would never be so arrogant to suggest I have any absolute information about God unless IT/HIM/HER/WHATEVER has specifically delivered them to me myself.

Additionally, your arguments about what God will and will not permit are only valid when viewed 'through the eyes of someone, ( for example you) who absolutely believes that the Bible is the word of God.
So you are 'setting things I never said' against 'beliefs you represent as absolute truths' and using this structure to invalidate my suppositions = hardly a FAIR way of looking at the truth.

IF the whole purpose of our being here is to allow FREEWILL to run it's course both as a race and as individuals - for God to 'intervene' in specifics as you suggest would be contrary to that policy. Only if we REQUEST his assistance directly can I see any moral and specifically 'legitimate' grounds for his intervention - and then it could only be on a individual basis.

Regardless, I don't see why a malevolent entity wouldn't or couldn't masquerade as either 'side of the fence' if such a policy either entertained It, or facilitated it's goals. These are absolutes we have no firm evidence of.
As I read between the lines - and forgive me If I am wrong in doing so - you are sailing very close to the old 'faith in god' doctrine - which we as mere 'flesh-locked' earth chickens are unable to verify the validity of the incoming signals. Nor does the 'strengh in numbers' argument work either - people have killed MILLIONS by 'deeming to interpret the words of God and using them as suitable validation for their actions.
And I certainly would never put my faith in the words of a man/men who claimed to have spoken to god directly and was 'passing on his words' either orally or in written form.

All I see we really have is the evidence of history, our present and an intelligently perceivable possible future - and that is bloody and gruesome.

(btw - please don't read there to be any aggression, intolerance, derision or judgments in this response - I assure you there isn't any - I speak only as one man to another to find understanding.)

posted on Apr, 10 2005 @ 05:13 PM

Excellent post, im with you brother.


Where to begin...firstly I mean no disrespect in the word I type, I simply seek understanding. Has it never occured to you how utterly rediculous the bible is? Its a book of metaphores from start to finish and yet you and your ilck have taken it literaly, its a moral guide with some nice ideas for better living - love, peace, understanding - and yet those who follow religion follow it literaly word for word with out ever sitting down and thinking about the validity of the stuff being force fed to them from birth. When logical discussion is offered that proves the bible to be nonsense the religious put their fingers in their ears while singing as loud as they can (metaphoricaly speaking) unable to enter into logical debate with their pre programmed brainwashed closed minds.

Now im not saying there is no higher being but I am saying there is no 'god' because your god is vindictive, after thousands of years we are still christening our children to pay for the sins of the flesh, a crime perpetrated by two mythical characters in a book of metaphores, see the insanity of that? We pour water over a babys head to atone for sins by fictional characters!! Or do you believe in Adam and Eve? If you do you can explain dinosaurs to us then...?

We humans are a spiritual people, we are beings of energy, there is no heaven and there is no hell, but there is something beyond, higher dimensional plains of existense, I stress this final point, there is a huge difference between religion and spirituality.

Well thats enough ranting from me, like I said I mean no disrespect in what I type, its not your fault you were brainwashed from birth.

posted on Apr, 10 2005 @ 10:47 PM

thankyou , but no, it is I , who "tips my hat" to you

thanks for making me think...

very thought provoking stuff...very...

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by Motile
We humans are a spiritual people, we are beings of energy, there is no heaven and there is no hell, but there is something beyond, higher dimensional plains of existense, I stress this final point, there is a huge difference between religion and spirituality.

Just to point at something specific...
Who here actually believes that Hell exists?
What do you think is is?
What is it, actually, that you're taught about it, even if you ask a priest of your faith?

So the question I'm pointing to is, What The Hell Is Hell? It's not what the most popular interpretations may have you thinking about it. (Do you like how I snuck that URL in there to fit just so neatly?

At any rate, kudos to captainhemmingway...Lot of unanswerable questions to think about. Even though I don't agree with your statement about the NWO not wanting to reduce the human population by 9/10ths, for example, you've shown a lot of thought on the subject. In case anyone is wondering, I don't agree with that "reduced population" statement because it would make sense to reduce population drastically. Think of how hard it currently is to distribute resources to where they are needed most...With a reduced population, there's still more than enough drones to exercise your control on without being so many as to strain this planet's capability to support them. Also, it's much easier to control smaller groups of people if they can be geographically separated from each other.

Don't mistake my opinion as being the same as my approval of such massive disregard for human life...On the contrary, just because I can understand the concept doesn't mean that I would like it or agree with it.

However, the concept of the NWO being more of an "old World Order" with just a new name, this idea isn't "new" to me...For more detail, I'll point to this thread, where I've already gone to such length to express my opinions (based upon my own historical studies).

[edit on 11-4-2005 by MidnightDStroyer]

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 06:55 PM
I haven't said the NWO doesn't want to reduce the population by 9/10th - I said they don't want to do it so that they can EXIST on the earth by themselves - a 'clearing away of useless' humans is not the NWO's purpose or primary objective.

They have another SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE.

They have been more than capable of controlling the expanding human population at any time in history.

The fact is they require 7 billion human beings on this planet so that they can KILL THEM INSTANTANEOUSLY.

Feeding, breeding, like anything is exponential as long as the conditions for expansion are maintained - and as the last 50 years on earth has demonstrated ALL industrial progress has been used to facilitate a massive expansion of human life - often without any consideration for the quality of life they may indeed achieve and experience.

That is to say all the politically facilitated technological expansion of recent years has achieved is a 6.5 billion person global population. 80% of whom are sad, hungry and miserable - (that is when they are not being murdered) - hardly the miracle of science and technology those in the early 1900's were promised when reading Jules Verne.

Indeed, our population levels are previously unheard of in our laughably short and erroneously documented human history. In its self it serves no OBVIOUS PRACTICAL purpose to a controlling elite - quite the opposite in fact - on the 'surface' such extreme populations merely accelerate the burnout of earthly resources.

So why allow such a massive expansion ?

Well, we are a LONG way from my discussing that.

However, let me paint one frighteningly insidious, if not completely extreme example of the 'situation' we have gotten ourselves into...( I suggest also that this scenario is most unlikely to occur since it has flaws - don't bother to take me to account on it - it's just a bit of fun - and is not one I currently favor but it's something I have pondered and rejected - but it still has some merit even as a warning to the kind of progress we are ALLOWING)

Various researches have indicated that as few as four mega-corporate conglomerations through their direct and indirect subsidiaries, now own and control upto 75% of the worlds raw food production ( seed based crops/raw foods), distribution, processing and shipping.

What is interesting and rarely, and as far as I am aware ever considered, in such analysis is the LEAD time between the harvesting, production and shipping and the processed food product appearing on your supermarket shelves.

That is to say that at any one time there is, at a logistical minimum, roughly about 8 weeks between the initial harvesting and 'long term storage' of major food staples, the processing, shipping and production chain of logistics they undergo before such 'foods' reach a point where ordinary people can purchase them in their local supermarket.

Have you never noticed the endless supply of wagons going in and out of your local supermarkets ?

They are fed by a constant land, air and sea supply convoy which operates 24/7/365!

What this means in reality is if, for whatever reason, an order was given at the beginning of each of these supply and production chains to 'suspend operations until further notice' it would take about 8 weeks before the supermarkets would become aware of this fact and begin to run dry, since there would still be 8 weeks of food in supply and transit 'in the supply chain'.

Indeed through careful information management and control - the entire chain could be kept in the dark as to the fact that it had ceased in it's entirety. It would only be in the 8th week that a widescale realisation would occur that the food chain had been totally shutdown at source.

Even if all operations were taken over by force and restarted (which would take multi-goverment cooperation, international agreements, the ceasure of massive amounts of private property, suspension of numerous legal rights and titles, and probably a few declarations of war I might add) AND it would still be 8 weeks before the first 'large scale' deliveries arrived at the supermarket.

Imagine globally what kind of problems that would cause ? Mass starvation ? Social collapse? You tell me!

Now, I'm not suggesting it's even probable, or technically even feasible - but it shows you how FRAGILE, how IGNORANT and how utterly VULNERABLE we have allowed ourselves to become.

Perhaps as few as 5 people in the world could APPROVE, ORDER and ENGAGE this SCENARIO - RIGHT NOW. Just ordinary business men.

As I said, it's just a bit of fun, but it should illustrate how the REAL POWER controls what is REALLY IMPORTANT : FOOD.

Money is a sideshow.

In short 'stop watching the money - and start watching the food'


posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 07:58 PM
Captain, your first post was a great post and I agreed with most of what you posted.

However, it is not really about the foods but resources (all kinds). The NWO Elite would prefers to control, maintain and process all kinds of resources under their own hands with the minimum amount of competition from national or local markets and eliminate the needs of a middle class (an euphemism for the middlemen).

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 08:29 PM
So why do they exist? This is the question no conspiracy theorist seems to be able to answer when I ask. Why do they exist? antichrist, Fourth Reich, Decrease the Population, Orwell, etc. What is the answer people? Huh? Huh? What is the answer?

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 09:48 PM

Originally posted by Born
So why do they exist? This is the question no conspiracy theorist seems to be able to answer when I ask. Why do they exist? antichrist, Fourth Reich, Decrease the Population, Orwell, etc. What is the answer people? Huh? Huh? What is the answer?

It goes back many centuries ago. I presume it have to do with the humans' desire to control their destinies and resources on the planet, even controlling their own kinds in the process. Temptations and desires often override their most innate and sensitive natures. Peoples are just different and weird in their own ways throughout the planet.

A lot of ideas about controlling the mass and resources originated from hidden mysteries, philosophies and religions from various civilizations in the ancient times. Those who can truly understand them hold the powers to knowledge and secrets, as it was the case in ancient times. Then ideas took different shapes and evolved as mankind evolved progressively throughout known history.

The whole humanity is still learning about itself and what it can do and can't do before being completely humbled in the end.

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 11:59 PM
But the question is, what are they waiting for, in your situation?

The population to go up a bit?

Or are they the kind that waits for the right time 'in the stars'?

Ask yourself, are they going to do it, or 'let' the Earth do it? Make it seem like God's punishment, ya know.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 07:03 AM
LIMITED LIFE SPAN – 1000 year life span enough to ‘sort things out’?

Your all still thinking of this thing in Human terms – your looking at it through human eyes which have been conditioned since birth – if you continue to do that you will NEVER UNDERSTAND IT.

You need to think like THEM in order to UNDERSTAND THEM, in order that you may begin to SEE THEM.

A Brief Lesson in ‘Transplanted Perspective’

The article I’ve written below is not meant to be a proposition of something that I necessarily believe to be true – I’m not about to begin debating it either since it forms virtually zero part in my actual current working hypothesis and it’s irrelevant since that is not it’s objective – it is merely a technique for allowing you to understand and begin to contemplate both your life and the situation on this planet through a longer timeline – it is the first tiny step to understanding the human situation when viewed through – what I shall loosely call ‘a non-human mind’ – and should engender in you a broader perspective than your currently very limited human life-span is able to give you – although it pretty stimulating all the same.

On earth we have a rather limited life-span. The bible promises four-score-years and 10. I believe this is no accident – it is deliberately short and probably very carefully identified to be the ‘perfect lifespan’ required in order to keep the human race subjected to indefinite slavery. Any longer and we’d not only ‘wise up’ but we’d have the energy, strength, inclination and freedom from financial, social and moral obligations to ‘sort it out’.

We spend the first quarter of our lives in education (by which time we usually realise that everything we thought we knew was all wrong) , the final quarter in slow and fragile decay spent looking backwards with nostalgia and forward with horror at the pace and progress, with only a mere 50 years or so in the middle to actually accomplish anything we are literally thrown in at the deep end of a pool of life - we have little chance of avoiding the inevitable reclamation into the deep – yet incredibly we achieve much, despite the setbacks of the cruel and deliberately stacked odds.

However, it was not always this way -

Noah was supposed to have lived to 950 years old. Adam just over 900!!

Yet today we rarely surpass 100 years, and after 50 most are usually far too world weary and cynical to care enough to make any changes. Our limited human mind is unable to keep pace because of our very narrow ‘active’ 50 year working lifespan.

Imagine HOW different all that would be if once you reached 100 years old you were the equivalent of a ten year old but were ‘savvy’ to the worlds schemes, plots and cruelties. Imagine how different history would be if you have actually lived the immense changes that took place from the 1500’s to 2005!. There would be little to panic you about progress, and you would have been easily able to draw conclusions about progress and expansion of civilisation from your already vast and considerable experience of change.

For Example : Do you really think the 65 year old CEO of a petroleum company would be acting the way he is NOW, knowing his company is polluting the earth into oblivion IF he had another 800 years or so to live in his own stinking mess ?

Consider how much travel we could have achieved, how many languages we could speak, how much worldly wisdom we could have acquired.
Knowledge of the customs and the racial behavioural traits of earth men would no longer be sole currency of the many thousands of year old establishments of rule and governance.

Would politicians be so hasty to send men to war given the fact their actions would be remembered, analysed and compared for centuries to come during which time they would still be alive and there to face the consequences?.

Would men be willing to lay down the prospect of losing 1000 years of life for some commercial mineral reserves in a war they themselves had no real emotional reason for being involved in?

Would crime have any real meaning? A life sentence would suddenly have new and horrific implications.

Does this not illustrate both how like children we still are and how very little we consider about our lives. We are almost in contempt of this planet because we are here for such a relatively tiny amount of time. We do not treat is as a home, we treat is as a temporary residence – why is that – is it genetic, instinctive or as a result of a psychopathic fear of death ?

Let’s examine some of the finer details of a longer lifespan:

Now firstly there is the reproductive potential of this age span.

Assuming reproduction began at 18 and ran till ‘upper-middle age’ that would allow each man to father at least 600-700 children and each woman to birth anywhere close to 800.
If anyone wants to do the math – assuming after 18 years each of those offspring began to reproduce we are in the millions of people after just a few hundred years.
So responsibility of parentage and breeding would be very different. Social intelligence would become mutually acquired knowledge based upon historical observation and not upon the fragile birth death cycle we are held ransom to today.

Would your 600th child really be that important to you?

Immense learning, building and development projects would not be out of the question at all. It would be easily achievable within a man’s own lifetime for him to build his own house, cater for his offspring and tend to his lot –so to speak. He could plant and grow his own forest for the house that he intended to build when he was 100 years old. However, after 50 years of life he would surely be ready for something far more stimulating that farming, D.I Y home repairs and copulating on a bigger scale each year, would he not?
With a 1000 years of life ahead of him he would very quickly turn his eyes and his mind towards the stars – both philosophically and technologically the knowledge of the ages would be consumed and there would only remain the oldest and darkest questions which would become insatiable because they would have the time and the very real potential to explore the TRUE MYSTERIES OF LIFE - given a 1000 year lifespan.

Ancient man would not abdicate anywhere near as much responsibility as he does today, nor would he settle for so much imposition, contempt from his elected leaders and the continuing veil of secrecy that surrounds the purpose of life.

Would he really let politicians make decisions he knew would affect things for 100’s of years? Would politicians still make stupid short-term policies and get 4-year terms? It’d be like putting someone in charge for a week!.

One could easily see how a pyramid could get built. Given a 1000 year lifespan.

With our hectic lifestyles it is hard for us to consider the ramifications of this since we are threatened with death and taxes almost as soon as we are able to understand our surroundings and begin ‘schooling’.

It would be clearly IMPOSSIBLE to rule, regulate and suppress any species with a long enough lifespan because their intellectual outlook, ambition and potential would be on a clearly operating on a different level. They would rise above the need for social boundaries – they would largely become beyond containment.

I wonder how much of our acceptance of ‘the way things are’ is down to the fact that we simply don’t think we have enough time to ‘deal with our own problems’ let alone those of others. I for one don’t see many people being convinced to sign up for a 500 year mortgage – so currency and economics would very quickly fall by the wayside. Given the immense potential for planetary extinction by over-breeding in a very few generations there would have to be intellectual awareness about the responsibility and limitation of the earths resources and finally

Fear would become a very different creature.

What is evidentially clear is that Noah, Adam et all were not of the same human genetic family as we are today.

Just imagine if there were STILL a handful of those people left alive today.

After all we are literally ONLY talking about a few thousand years ago. This is a mere handful of THEIR generations. Would they not RULE the planet ?



Could this explain the contemptuous treatment our leaders display towards the earth and our environment, our feelings and why we are raised and taught to behave like fiends, animals and criminals.
Only now can you begin to see how a single piece of a 1000 year plan can easily and comfortably take 300 years to unfold.

If we are to ACCEPT Noah EVER lived at all – why should we accept that their DNA and their Genetic SUPREMECY simply ‘disappeared’!


It would be extremely easy to draft a plan across a 150 year time-line, say between the invention of the diesel engine and the first flight to mars – if you had a 1000 year life span.

It would explain an AWFUL LOT!.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 07:18 AM

Originally posted by captainhemmingway

20: All the worlds a stage ?

[edit on 9/4/2005 by captainhemmingway]

Great post Captain.

However you won't die ignorant. You were born a freeman in to a slave world.

To your point 20 All the worlds a stage. Yes and we each play a part.

The more people who understand this instead of thinking "I'm just Fred Smith, what can I do" then the part we all will play will be more significant.

Slight disagreement on point 3 as UN documents state that they need to get rid of 2/3 of the population(AIDS was a scientific experiment resulting in mixing cow disease and sheep disease) Source: Strecker Memorandum

They do need to do this as the World's natural resources will not cope for much longer with 11 billion people. They only have about 10 years to 15 years max.

Really good point about Jesus. Everyone looks outside themselves for help when presented with danger.

Nice post

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