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Multiple Victims Reported in Texas Mall Mass Shooting

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posted on May, 10 2023 @ 05:36 PM

originally posted by: PorkChop96
a reply to: Whiskermegistus

I really do feel sorry for you. You seem to have a very bad mental disorder that keeps your from reading the facts that have been given to you time and time again.

Nobody has denied anything you have said, plain and simple.

Carry on in whatever fantasy land you think you live in. Hopefully one day you can pull your head out of your own a$$ and see the world for what it is. Until then, graze on little sheep.
Take the top 10 most deadly mass shootings in the last 20 years .
Then add up all the dead bodies of those top 10 shootings. Then look at the gun used in those top 10 mass shootings in 20 years .
Ill wait for your math ok 👍
Out of the top 10 most lethal mass shootings ever in America only 3 of them were with something other than a AR15 or semiautomatic rifle .
It’s the high power & high capacity of the AR15 ( 556 NATO) that is so effective.
There is no chart or math available to you to prove me wrong. No matter what other guns any of theses shooters had on them , round for round per dead people in the most deadly top 10 mass shootings
the 5.56/223 rd fired out of AR15 style guns is the king of death .
You call me a sheep , yet you believe what & from who ?
You are entitled to your own opinion , but not facts.
The vast majority of mass shooters cary a pistol just to off themselves when cornered or done .
The Vegas concert shooting was all assault rifles used & 60 people died with countless others being damaged for life via their wounds . The Vegas Shooting was & still is the most deadly mass shooting in America.
It doesn’t matter , because you live by identity & denial. Enjoy your AR15 because soon you will be registering them & will no longer be able to purchase new ones very soon .
You do realise that close to 40% of Republicans polled want the AR15 banned right ?
Read it and weep . Your revolution is near over .
Thanks to the Roe v Wade Republican victory , it will be impossible for Republicans to keep offices in swing states & difficult in red states .
All the Republican men who think their wives are voting conservative is & was done with the R v W ruling.
You goofs pissed women off & it’s going to cost you your AR15s .
Gen Z is much bigger than the boomers & you saw the Red wave fissile out in the mid terms .
Imagine underperforming as conservatives when the worst president ever is Biden .
You lose because you cling to archaic banter .
Would you rather outlaw abortion or have AR15s ?

posted on May, 11 2023 @ 06:56 AM
a reply to: Whiskermegistus

I love how you are still only focusing on the mass shooting aspect of this. MAss shootings are not the only murder/homicides in the Us, you do know that right? Or is your prejudice and closed mind thinking keeping you from that?

2019 FBI homicide/murder statistics.
Of the 13,972 murder/homicides in the year 2019, 6,368 were done with a handgun, and only 364 were done with a rifle of any kind.

"It’s the high power & high capacity of the AR15 ( 556 NATO) that is so effective" False, if anything you are more likely to live after being shot with a .556 round, anywhere that is not a vital organ, than you are from a .45 slug going through you. But I'm sure you believe the same thing our beloved tard president thinks "The .556 round is made to tumble and cause maximum damage when shot with it. It will blow your lung completely out"

As stated a million times, which is probably what is hurting your brain so much, "gun violence" is not just mass shootings. Nobody is denying your claims that the AR15 is used in the most deadly mass shootings. The numbers show that to be true.
The statistics will show that the more readily available a firearm is, the more likely it will be used for that sort of thing. Just as if there are a million Ford F-150s made and only 100,000 Chevy Silverado's, there will be more people who own a Ford F-150 and use it, sometimes for things they aren't supposed to.

IDGAF what "polls" say about who wants to get rid of the AR15, it's not going anywhere. People have been trying that since Columbine in 1999. And guess what, 24 years alter, they are still around. MUST NOT BE INFRINGED, means jsut that. Not going anywhere. So go on boomer and get used to it. Keep to your "Pro 2A but not pro 2A" mindset and keep whatever guns you want. I don't care. Your words meant nothing to me the second you spouted off about supporting 2A but want to restrict what guns anyone can own, just the same as anyone who wants to restrict my guns. They have no place claiming they are part of the 2A community, and neither do you.

posted on May, 12 2023 @ 04:48 AM

originally posted by: PorkChop96
a reply to: MrInquisitive

Criminals don't follow laws, hence the term Criminal.

"87% of respondents said they favor requiring criminal background checks on everyone who wants to purchase a gun"
We already have those, and as stated before, when used correctly they work.

Banning semi-automatic firearms is only going to accomplish one thing, and that is taking them out of the hands of law abiding citizens that have the legal right to own them. They use them for protection, hunting, competition shootings, and just fun at the range. Why are we going to ban something that is used LEGALLY by 99% or more of the owners, just because of the few that decide to do harm.

Pulled from my reply to another memeber:
Since the year 2000, there have been 21 mass shootings (where 10 or more people were killed, including the perp). Out of those 21, 6 of those were done with only an AR15. The other 16 were done with any combinations of weapons, including shotguns, and handguns.

Given those numbers, that means that, roughly, 25% of the mass shootings in the last 20 years have been done with an AR15. As to where only 1% of overall shootings in the US are done with an AR15.

We don't ban cars because of drunk drivers, we don't ban baseball bats because someone gets their knee caps broken, we don't ban forks for making people fat. This has never been, and will never be, a gun problem.

I have said it before, and I will say it a million more times; This country has a mental health problem disguised as a gun problem.

The AR 15 only may be associated with that number, but there are other semi-automatic rifles as well that should be banned as well. I'd say ban high-capacity magazines for any gun as well, as that is part of the problem.

As for the specifics of the statistic you cited, I'm not sure I believe it. I just looked at an AP story from May 27, 2022,

22 mass shootings. 374 dead. Here’s where the guns came from

that goes back to 2012, and it appears there are at least 10 such mass killings alone, although some were done with other AR-style rifles or in conjunction with hand guns, and some of the shootings involve 7-9 dead. With another year's worth there are certainly additional mass shootings with deaths of upwards of 10 persons involving AR-style rifles.

Part of the problem as I understand it -- and feel free to correct me if I am wrong here -- is that the high velocity rounds and the type of rounds for AR rifles or pseudo AR rifles is the damage they inflict is far worse than that of most other types of rounds.

Furthermore, until a court ruling that went down within the last few days, 18-20 year olds could not not buy hand guns, but were limited to rifles or shotguns, but that included high-capacity semi-automatic rifles. Keeping 18-20 year olds from being able to purchase semi-automatic rifles would cut down on shootings to some degree. Making parents or anyone else who buy minors such weapons that are then used in shootings legally responsible for the murders would help as well.

I agree with you that mental health is also an issue with this problem, as is competent enforcement of current gun laws. But more needs to be done as well.

posted on May, 12 2023 @ 07:01 AM
a reply to: MrInquisitive

The problem is, they are only really pushing to ban the AR15 a s a whole. The "big bad rifle" has such a stereotypical falsehood as being this weapon that only brings death and destruction. When, in reality, it is more widely used for hunting, competitive shootings, home defense, or just your average Joe going to the range to have some fun with his buddies. They are trying to judge the entire 2A community based on the action of less than .0001% of the people in this country that own guns(numbers based on 2019 crime statistics).

"High capacity magazines" are not a problem, not even a real thing. Firs of all, that is such a loaded term that has such a gray area surrounding it. High capacity could mean 5, it could mean 60, it could mean 10, nobody knows because they make this stuff up as they go. Up until 2016, the deadliest shooting to ever happen in the US was done at Virginia Tech with a semi automatic pistol(Glock 19). Does the gov. say this is a "high capacity magazine", not that I am aware of.

The statistics I provided are from a list of the deadliest mass shootings in the US. The numbers provided are that of the ones listed where ONLY a semi automatic rifle are used, we are assuming an AR15 for the purpose of this thread. The others are where multiple guns are listed as being used, we can't tell what was used for what so we can't say for sure that "the pistol was ONLY used to end the perps life".

Yes, the AR15 does have a higher velocity round than a handgun, but it is not even close to being more deadly because of that. If anything, it actually aids in being able to survive from it (unless you are hit in a vital organ, of course). The average .556 round that pretty much anybody can get is a 55gr FMJ, that round travels at around 2800 FPS and when shot into a body will pretty much go right through without much deformation. On the other hand, most 9mm that people will buy is either 115gr or 124 gr FML or hollow point used for home defense. That round travels about 1000-1300 FPS and when fired into a body will mushroom out and great a lot more damage in the body cavity, along with the bullet has a higher probability of being lodged in your body cavity, especially if it hits bone.

The average age of a mass shooter in the US is around 30-35 years of age. There are, of course, the outliers being under 21 or over 50. But for the most part we can probably agree that they are all between the ages of 21-35. Laws banning the sale of semi automatic rifles and shotguns to anyone under 21 does not really do much to curb the fact that they are not the ones causing the issue, for the most part.

Not necessarily what you are getting at here, but I will make the point just in case I am reading your statement incorrectly, but it is already illegal for you to purchase a firearm for someone else, that is called a straw purchase. But, 80% of mass shootings are done by individuals that stole the firearm(s) from a family member, and in some or most cases kill them with it as well.

Mental health IS the issue. Gun laws are enforced across the board and the ones that follow them are not the ones killing people on a day to day bases. I'm sure there are places where the local gov does not do their due diligence in the laws they should be enforcing, but for the most part, gun owners in America are not eh enemy. Why are we being treated as such. Maybe people need to start looking at the bigger picture here, WHY IS THE GOVERNMENT SO KEEN ON TAKING OUR GUNS FROM US??

posted on May, 12 2023 @ 12:06 PM

originally posted by: MrInquisitive

Part of the problem as I understand it -- and feel free to correct me if I am wrong here -- is that the high velocity rounds and the type of rounds for AR rifles or pseudo AR rifles is the damage they inflict is far worse than that of most other types of rounds.

That was in the old days of the M-16. The M-16 and M-16A1 fired a 5.56 round from a 20" barrel with a barrel twist of 1:12, at about 3200 feet per second. That combination in totality is what created the "tumbling" bullets that tumbled upon impact and created the horrific wound channels due to the inherent instability of the projectile..

In the early 1980's, around 1981-1983, the USMC developed a program to "overhaul" the M-16 platform in an attempt to create a "sniper" rifle for USMC riflemen with increased hit probability range. They took the Belgian SS-109 round with a 62 grain projectile and replaced the then NATO standard 55 grain projectile, giving it more weight so that it carried farther and retained more terminal energy, and they decreased the rifling twist to 1:7 to stabilize it more. It worked, kinda, and increased the rifles range while over-stabilizing the bullet. the net result of that was that in Somalia, it was found that the bullets were entirely penetrating the bodies of Somalis shot with it, just boring a tiny hole straight through. Those shot Somalis were failing to realize they were dead, and just kept coming despite being shot. A number of US soldiers were not pleased with those results.

The SS-109 became the NATO standard M-855 round, and the older 55 grain round was the NATO standard M-193.

Still later, the now standard M-4 carbine was developed by shortening the barrel down to 14 1/2 inches. A shorter barrel did not allow for the round to reach it's full potential velocity, and so even velocity got dropped from about 3200 FPS down to around 2800 FPS. That is about the same velocity as a .308, but with less bullet mass and therefore a lot less power.

Most AR-15 on the market these days have a 16" barrel to keep them legal, lengthening the standard military barrel by about an inch and a half. The result of that is a velocity gain of about 80 FPS, up to around 2880. Just a little faster than a .308, but with much less power behind it due to the much lighter bullet - 62 gr as opposed to the 149 grain of the NATO .308 military round.

So, these days, the 5.56 round tends to bore straight through with minimal damage compared to the old M-16. The velocity creates a "hydrostatic shock wave", but far less of one than the older combination. That creates a temporary wound channel secondary to the primary wound channel which almost immediately returns to it's original place with less tissue damage.

The 5.56 is not as powerful as some would have you believe. In many states, it is considered too weak to even deer hunt with, and is considered a "varmint" round used for coyote sized game and less. It's not the "super killer" that some folks are trying to convince you it is.

Regarding magazine capacities, that argument is a red herring, just a dog whistle meant to ramp up the emotions of the masses. A trained man can swap those magazines out like nobody's business. He would just carry twice as many, swap them out as needed, and keep on keeping on. Magazine capacity is irrelevant. It is most useful in firefights of extended duration, certainly much longer duration than the average mass shooting before capacity even becomes a slight factor. Magazine capacity matters only if your targets are shooting back, not a factor in most modern mass shootings, but potentially a critical factor in a self defense scenario where return fire may be expected.

I hope that helps.

ETA: I had some horrendous typos in this post, which I think I have now gotten fixed. My apologies for the typos.


edit on 2023/5/12 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2023 @ 03:14 PM
Regarding the "red flag" laws - they are unconstitutional as written. They deprive a person of their constitutional rights - 2nd amendment AND due process - as written. Almost all of them allow an individual to be deprived of his firearms BEFORE his court date to hear the validity of the accusations, but leave a potential lunatic to run loose on the streets among the rest of us, OR leave a potentially innocent person who may be in dire need of a defensive tool defenseless in the case of malicious complaints.

A better solution, I think, would be to sequester the accused individual until his or her court date, leaving the firearms where they lay. That would still separate them from their weaponry, but sequester them from society thus protecting us, and leaving them with less need to access their firearms in a defensive situation. It would preserve both their Second Amendment AND their right to due process.

Any such hearing should be mandated to take place within 36 to 48 hours to minimize disruptions. That would most likely be extended to "within 10 days" as it is now for domestic abuse hearings in many places, but the shorter term would be preferable.

Additionally, I think it would be prudent to cause anyone found to be filing a false complaint to undergo whatever punishment the accused would have otherwise suffered. That might give pause for thought and reduce instances of "revenge complaints" and the like.

And the "lists"... I'm not a fan of "lists", especially when it is so easy for a person to land wrongfully on one in this current climate. Looking through history, there have been other megalomaniacs who kept "lists" on their citizenry with perhaps predictable results. I can't recall, at the moment, just who those megalomaniacs were, but if I think about it a bit, I may get the answer to the question of just whom folks advocating "lists" would like to be in association with...

In this particular crime, lists would not have helped anyhow. The killer was separated from service within 3 months - before he had even completed his Basic training - so his discharge was neither "honorable" nor "dishonorable". He was separated under a catch-all provision of the UCMJ that did not specify whether the disability that got him separated was mental or physical or simply social - it was just listed as "an inability to adjust to military life", which would fit a sizable proportion of the modern population.

And was this shooter an "incel"? I ask because it seems a pretty high proportion of these shooters are "incels". Perhaps THAT is the trigger condition we should be looking for as deserving of a closer look, rather than "transgender" or "cisgender": or "male" or "female" or "right-wing" or "left-wing"... "incel" may transcend all of those categories, and so be closer to the root problem.

edit on 2023/5/12 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2023 @ 02:13 PM
Police body camera footage

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