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British comedian gets tour dates cancelled for saying MEN CAN'T GET PREGNANT!!!

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posted on May, 4 2023 @ 12:26 PM

originally posted by: RazorV66
a reply to: Asmodeus3

You gotta wonder why they are pushing this ideology so hard on people?

Go back to the time when the giants roamed the earth, where the angles took women and made half breed giants. Back then they perverted what it was to be human too. Satan hated humans and our soul. He refused to bow before man so he fell. This modern twist is just a different spin on the same old "hate humanity" as it was created.

They are trying to say we are something we are not. Its absurd but for some reason we are putting up with it. Gay marriage started the crazy train. They said it wouldn't but it did. This all came right after that travesty.

posted on May, 4 2023 @ 12:44 PM

originally posted by: RazorV66
a reply to: Asmodeus3

You gotta wonder why they are pushing this ideology so hard on people?

I honestly believe it is an exercise in control.

If they can make you believe something is true, that you know in your heart and soul to be wrong, and get you to not just believe it is true, but get you live the lie, they have you hook, line, and sinker.

COVID was a beta test. And it worked much better than they ever thought it would. To be honest, it worked a lot better than I thought it would too. If you had told me, that people in America would have been as compliant as they were during the lock downs, I never would have believed it. So, the results of stage two of their psycho, mental, behavorial, training and study, it not in the least bit surprising this time around.

posted on May, 4 2023 @ 12:47 PM
Comedy : most don't get " it ".

Saying men can't get prego : is just not funny.

Saying men can get prego : is funny.

Savvy ?

posted on May, 4 2023 @ 12:53 PM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: SkyAngel
This is ridiculous!

95% of what we read in the media is nonsense and lies!

One of the British Newspapers had a story about a dad who got pregnant. I think it was the Guardian I have covered this story in another thread I made not that long time ago. They knew she wasn't a man but the choose to circulate the story with this title.

The media is at the heart of the weapons used to control our minds. Anything they allow to be presented to the masses, has to be consumed with a grain of salt.

posted on May, 4 2023 @ 01:00 PM
I thought he was a bit of a joke like Bo Selecta or ALI G from that vid.
Doesn't remotely affect me as I would never knowingly go to one of his shows.

It is an awful society now though, only a couple of months ago Roy, Chubby Brown was banned from Cheltenham Town hall because someone who wouldn't go and see him anyway, didn't like his material


posted on May, 4 2023 @ 01:52 PM

originally posted by: RazorV66
a reply to: Asmodeus3

You gotta wonder why they are pushing this ideology so hard on people?

Probably because they are trying to force a new reality on us. Eventually future generations will truly believe that up is down and 2+2= whatever you need it to equal.

Same thing happened on 9/11 - we were force fed the unbelievable narrative and that opened the gates to Clown World. A world where we are 'ok' with living in a fake reality based on total lies.

Just like the fake pandemic.

edit on 4-5-2023 by EmmanuelGoldstein because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2023 @ 03:08 PM

originally posted by: EmmanuelGoldstein

originally posted by: RazorV66
a reply to: Asmodeus3

You gotta wonder why they are pushing this ideology so hard on people?

Probably because they are trying to force a new reality on us. Eventually future generations will truly believe that up is down and 2+2= whatever you need it to equal.

Same thing happened on 9/11 - we were force fed the unbelievable narrative and that opened the gates to Clown World. A world where we are 'ok' with living in a fake reality based on total lies.

Just like the fake pandemic.

Imagine back in 70s and 80s nobody would have thought there could be debate after 40-50 years on whether men can pregnant.

Something went wrong but we are here and everywhere else to fix it.

posted on May, 4 2023 @ 03:36 PM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

It all sells papers, it makes money.

Maybe Nohun hadn't sold any tickets to his shows and saved a bit of cash by cancelling, and Mrs Mills the drag queen wanted a bit of free publicity to boost her TikTok subscriber numbers. One meets the other, and bingo.

Cynical I know, but anyone looking for the limelight is looking for something they will never find.

Bit like looking for a baby from a Man.

posted on May, 4 2023 @ 03:45 PM

originally posted by: Doxanoxa
a reply to: Asmodeus3

It all sells papers, it makes money.

Maybe Nohun hadn't sold any tickets to his shows and saved a bit of cash by cancelling, and Mrs Mills the drag queen wanted a bit of free publicity to boost her TikTok subscriber numbers. One meets the other, and bingo.

Cynical I know, but anyone looking for the limelight is looking for something they will never find.

Bit like looking for a baby from a Man.

You think it's a bit of a trick?

posted on May, 4 2023 @ 06:14 PM

originally posted by: SprocketUK
I thought he was a bit of a joke like Bo Selecta or ALI G from that vid.
Doesn't remotely affect me as I would never knowingly go to one of his shows.

It is an awful society now though, only a couple of months ago Roy, Chubby Brown was banned from Cheltenham Town hall because someone who wouldn't go and see him anyway, didn't like his material


Only the fact that officials are playing this game and argue that entrainment must be inclusive and not offending to people, shows the magnitude of this anomalous situation.

People shouldn't stay inert. When officials make comments such as the ones above they must be challenged by the public.

posted on May, 4 2023 @ 06:38 PM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: SecretKnowledge
How about women can get men pregnant?

No takers?

That can happen too according to the transgender ideology and the scenario is rather easy to guess.

Let's say we have a man who now identifies as a woman and a woman who now identifies as a man. They meet up and one of the two gets pregnant. Hence you have a woman who has impregnated a man.

You see?! Problem solved!

No bigotry or trabsphobia!

No. In that scenario a male penis was inserted into a female vagina. Male sperm reached a female ovum. Then the female gets pregnant.
What they wear or think or believe or want is absolutely irrelevant.
If aliens were to watch but didn't know our fashion and language they'd deduct correctly than a man got a woman pregnant.

You could say more honestly that a man who'd like to be a woman, got a woman who'd like to be a man pregnant.

But to tell lies and drag the vast majority of humans into a very tiny minority's folly is pretty darn arrogant for people who just wanted the right to live peacefully.

You are aware that 99% of humans are still and always will be women and men in the original sense.

I think some have taken their right to a peaceful life and ran with it, to drag everyone into their delusion.

That is not fair to all of us.
I'm not playing.

posted on May, 4 2023 @ 07:12 PM

originally posted by: Hecate666

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: SecretKnowledge
How about women can get men pregnant?

No takers?

That can happen too according to the transgender ideology and the scenario is rather easy to guess.

Let's say we have a man who now identifies as a woman and a woman who now identifies as a man. They meet up and one of the two gets pregnant. Hence you have a woman who has impregnated a man.

You see?! Problem solved!

No bigotry or trabsphobia!

No. In that scenario a male penis was inserted into a female vagina. Male sperm reached a female ovum. Then the female gets pregnant.
What they wear or think or believe or want is absolutely irrelevant.
If aliens were to watch but didn't know our fashion and language they'd deduct correctly than a man got a woman pregnant.

You could say more honestly that a man who'd like to be a woman, got a woman who'd like to be a man pregnant.

But to tell lies and drag the vast majority of humans into a very tiny minority's folly is pretty darn arrogant for people who just wanted the right to live peacefully.

You are aware that 99% of humans are still and always will be women and men in the original sense.

I think some have taken their right to a peaceful life and ran with it, to drag everyone into their delusion.

That is not fair to all of us.
I'm not playing.

As always, excellent post.
I need to learn your patience and eloquent way of putting your thoughts.
Honestly, if I wrote what I was thinking right now, I would be banned and a Mod would quit due to traumatization.

posted on May, 4 2023 @ 11:24 PM

originally posted by: Hecate666

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: SecretKnowledge
How about women can get men pregnant?

No takers?

That can happen too according to the transgender ideology and the scenario is rather easy to guess.

Let's say we have a man who now identifies as a woman and a woman who now identifies as a man. They meet up and one of the two gets pregnant. Hence you have a woman who has impregnated a man.

You see?! Problem solved!

No bigotry or trabsphobia!

No. In that scenario a male penis was inserted into a female vagina. Male sperm reached a female ovum. Then the female gets pregnant.
What they wear or think or believe or want is absolutely irrelevant.
If aliens were to watch but didn't know our fashion and language they'd deduct correctly than a man got a woman pregnant.

You could say more honestly that a man who'd like to be a woman, got a woman who'd like to be a man pregnant.

But to tell lies and drag the vast majority of humans into a very tiny minority's folly is pretty darn arrogant for people who just wanted the right to live peacefully.

You are aware that 99% of humans are still and always will be women and men in the original sense.

I think some have taken their right to a peaceful life and ran with it, to drag everyone into their delusion.

That is not fair to all of us.
I'm not playing.

Wel... Yes of course anyone will come to the same conclusion as you did or as the aliens did who observed the human race. But this can happen and will happen when those observing matters are sane enough.

posted on May, 5 2023 @ 01:03 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

I've said this several times before. They (the so called 'elites' ) want the human race to exist of nothing but identical , genderless, identity less, religion less , blank minions. With no individuality , no private thoughts, no will , no nothing.
Just connected minion bots to the hive as part of it. We will be blanks programmed to be 'happy'.
There will be no more normal 'reproduction' . Babies will be 'designer' babies, born to selected 'parents' in labs.
That's why 'they' are actively trying to erase genders, earse the family unit, erase religion etc.
Everything will be virtual, and everything will be connected to some central AI .

I see a very bleak dystopian nightmarish 'future' for humanity.
We will not survive it.

posted on May, 5 2023 @ 02:05 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3 qGQgwKhAIACoHCAowjKT8CjCc44gDMLjmxgEw7dvXAQ&utm_content=bullets

I once heard a BBC interview with a scientist employed by the drinks industy who successfuly argued salted peanuts didn't make you thirsty.

It's a 'trick' insofaras it's 'misdirection'.

posted on May, 5 2023 @ 02:17 AM

originally posted by: Doxanoxa
a reply to: Asmodeus3 qGQgwKhAIACoHCAowjKT8CjCc44gDMLjmxgEw7dvXAQ&utm_content=bullets

I once heard a BBC interview with a scientist employed by the drinks industy who successfuly argued salted peanuts didn't make you thirsty.

It's a 'trick' insofaras it's 'misdirection'.

Probably the could find scientists and experts back in 50s and 60s arguing that smoking is good and beneficial. But that's different from the case we have here where someone who doesn't need the publicity in the first place, is subject to cancellation by the usual suspects..

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