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Nashville Shooter Manifesto Will Not be Released

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posted on May, 3 2023 @ 12:27 PM

Covenant investigation update: Due to pending litigation filed this week, the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department has been advised by counsel to hold in abeyance the release of records related to the shooting at The Covenant School pending orders or direction of the court.

Apologies, can't add to existing thread on the topic.

A 180 degree position from last week, due to some litigation apparently.

If only it were a SCOTUS leak..........

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 12:31 PM

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 12:31 PM
a reply to: JinMI

My guess, 100% certain is due to the shooter being trans. Wouldn't fit the obvious agenda.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: JinMI
So they won’t release it because someone used the freedom of information act?
How free…..

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 12:51 PM
Obfuscation, opacity, and lies from a government entity in the US?

I agree with PorkChop96...

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 12:55 PM
Something seems familiar here.

Very familiar.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 12:58 PM
That unsurprised Sheriff guy is now pictured 3 times in this thread, if you count Moon68's profile pic

But yeah, very predictable.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 01:00 PM
I think my eyes rolled so hard I got a concussion.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 01:10 PM

originally posted by: ancientlight
a reply to: JinMI

My guess, 100% certain is due to the shooter being trans. Wouldn't fit the obvious agenda.

Or, the public promotion of said manifesto was just what the shooter wanted to achieve, and could possibly also contribute to the radicalization of others towards extremism (as has happened in the past)?

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 01:13 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: ancientlight
a reply to: JinMI

My guess, 100% certain is due to the shooter being trans. Wouldn't fit the obvious agenda.

Or, the public promotion of said manifesto was just what the shooter wanted to achieve, and could possibly also contribute to the radicalization of others towards extremism (as has happened in the past)?


Lets decided to break precedent now.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

The crazy person in this instance apparently explicitly wanted the manifesto not to be published. Supposedly it’s very personal compared to the usual unhinged schizo ramblings.

All the more reason to release it I reckon.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 01:24 PM

originally posted by: JinMI

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: ancientlight
a reply to: JinMI

My guess, 100% certain is due to the shooter being trans. Wouldn't fit the obvious agenda.

Or, the public promotion of said manifesto was just what the shooter wanted to achieve, and could possibly also contribute to the radicalization of others towards extremism (as has happened in the past)?


Lets decided to break precedent now.

The shooter was another dangerous kook, trying to justify a minority viewpoint. I don't think they need to be given a platform.

Anyone in most modern countries can already express their opinion in ways that are not deadly or dangerous.

That is the problem with those who suggest that 'free speech' is being opposed, just because someone wants to withhold offensive material.

There are other ways that allow freedom of expression, and perhaps, some particular things need to be censored as being inappropriate ways to achieve 'free speech'.

edit on 3/5/2023 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 01:26 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: JinMI

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: ancientlight
a reply to: JinMI

My guess, 100% certain is due to the shooter being trans. Wouldn't fit the obvious agenda.

Or, the public promotion of said manifesto was just what the shooter wanted to achieve, and could possibly also contribute to the radicalization of others towards extremism (as has happened in the past)?


Lets decided to break precedent now.

The shooter was another dangerous kook, trying to justify a minority viewpoint. I don't think they need to be given a platform.

Anyone in most modern countries can already express their opinion i ways that are not deadly.

That is the problem with those who suggest that 'free speech' is being opposed, just because someone wants to withhold offensive material. There are other ways that allow freedom of expression, and perhaps, some particular things need to be censored as being inappropriate ways to achieve 'free speech'.

Hmm, what are you afraid of.....?

Also, telling me that there are trusted arbiters of speech shows me you don't know or care what free speech is.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 01:26 PM
Makes you wonder what LGBTxxyyz organization filed the litigation. What do they know that we don't?

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 01:27 PM
Seems an odd ruling.

I know nothting of the usual manifesto releases but aren't they usualy clamped down upon by the State and censored from the internertinstead of proactivly releasing it in recent years?

Is this material being used as evidence in court and rightly immunse from FOIA requests, part of special treatment or a turning point in the US to stop granting school shooters celecrity status?

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 01:29 PM
as i said in the last post, someone on either 4chan or Kiwifarms will get a hold of it one way or another. So heres hoping the truth drops

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 01:30 PM

originally posted by: Ohanka
a reply to: chr0naut

The crazy person in this instance apparently explicitly wanted the manifesto not to be published. Supposedly it’s very personal compared to the usual unhinged schizo ramblings.

All the more reason to release it I reckon.

No, that does not follow rationally.

If they are a crazy person, then the content of their 'manifesto' is motivated by their insanity, and is a justification of why they committed their crime/s.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 01:33 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: JinMI

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: ancientlight
a reply to: JinMI

My guess, 100% certain is due to the shooter being trans. Wouldn't fit the obvious agenda.

Or, the public promotion of said manifesto was just what the shooter wanted to achieve, and could possibly also contribute to the radicalization of others towards extremism (as has happened in the past)?


Lets decided to break precedent now.

There are other ways that allow freedom of expression, and perhaps, some particular things need to be censored as being inappropriate ways to achieve 'free speech'.

That sort of thinking is what got us to the reality where mass private sector corporate censorship is a reality. Because it never stops there and the people who decide what is and isn't appropriate always hold malevolent intent.

Better by far to let people read the crazy person scribblings.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 01:34 PM
So, is this the same Manifesto, that right from the git go, the FBI claimed it would not be released, because it was to "dangerous"???

Because if so...
Damn, must be something interesting in it, the people "InCharge" don't want us pleebs to know about.
Wonder what that could be.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 01:34 PM

originally posted by: Ohanka
a reply to: chr0naut

The crazy person in this instance apparently explicitly wanted the manifesto not to be published. Supposedly it’s very personal compared to the usual unhinged schizo ramblings.

All the more reason to release it I reckon.

Which makes rational sense.

If she did want it released, she could have at any point before going into the school.

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