Climate change will end the world and it will do so in less that 18 years….
When I say climate change, I mean the result of government programs spraying crap in our sky every day to modify the weather.. they purposely are
making the weather more extreme to sell “climate change” to the masses and use this as an excuse to take away our freedoms.
Lastly, how do I know it all ends in LESS than 18 years?
As a 7th day Adventist, there was a lady in our church who had hundreds of dreams and visions… with 100% accuracy!!
She wrote about 9/11 over 100 years before it happened…
The above YouTube link is a preacher from 1999 doing his y2k speech…. Reading from the book talking about the fall of the towers of New York. What
most people don’t know is this event marked the last generation…. Which is 40 years and I believe this generation is cut short(why I’m saying
less than 18 years left) because if God doesn’t end it soon, no one would survive.
Lastly, the above woman warned what the mark of the beast was to be…. As it has to do with worship(read the verse). Most people focus on the not
buying or selling, that is just the means of force the Beast uses to punish those who don’t get on the worship bandwagon. Anyway, the item of
contention was supposed to be forcing people to worship on Sunday, while God commanded the 7th day(Saturday).
Most people (in error) believe Christ and the deciles kept Sunday when the Bible records 67 instances of them keeping the 7th day holy, and I’ve
read through the early church fathers and found for the first 5 centuries, all Christian’s except for a small group in Rome, kept the 4th
commandment just as God commanded…. The small Group in Rome, got the armies of Rome and killed all the people doing things the right way(hence the
dark ages)
Anyway, you can read how this all goes down in a book called “the great controversy” and from there, just look at the pope’s climate change
That’s right, the very person all Protestants USED to call the beast/antichrist proposed to FORCE all people to keep Sunday holy to stop climate
change!!! Seriously! (This was proposed in 2015 and is supposed to be implemented world wide by 2030).
So yes, this fake climate change will be the very thing used to drive the world to its end!!
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