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Workers aren’t Lazy, These Companies are NUTS

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posted on Apr, 13 2023 @ 08:39 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
I am very fortunate in that I can work on and off when I choose.
I have a background in tech but I have several hobbies and some job experience in them.

I was thinking of getting a seasonal job in one of my hobbies. I did a quick search and I am disgusted by what I’m seeing.
Some of these places want an advanced degree, years of experience and think they can pay $13 an hour. Some of this is very specialized knowledge.
I think that is absolutely hilarious. I have the degree and experience, and I was making more than that in 1999 in an entry level job, and I’m not joking.

Just a little sidebar. Hey kids if you have the energy and go get em’ attitude, don’t work for these places, work for yourself. Let these places wither on the vine!

I hear all these places screaming that people don’t want to work. Well that’s sorta true, but there is more to it. People don’t want to work for these low wages while these companies rake in massive wealth.
I’m not saying business owners aren’t entitled to money, of course they are, but the thing is they need to let some of that trickle down, or don’t complain when “nobody wants to work”.

The cost of living can’t be high and wages low. We are at that point where it really isn’t worth it to work. People like me that don’t have to work, won’t even bother. People that absolutely must work, can find numerous other jobs that are significantly higher paying.
I scratch my head at some of these wages and wonder how long before the poor start a revolution…

I know some say that is how the “free market” is supposed to work. The problem is there is manipulation all over it, it’s not free, the tin can was kicked down the road and I think we are at the point where there is no more road.

I've been saying this for years now. They want college educated master degrees and they want to pay less than McDonald's.

You can't keep raising the wages because costs of living are high, you need to get the costs of living in proportion to the average jobs. If the costs of living are too high, the question is why does it cost that much to live. Paying people more pushes the cost of living up, which doesn't fix the problem.

The problem is inflation, there is too much money in the hands of a few, not enough in the hands of the many. We keep printing more because millionaire's and billionaire's are sitting on their wealth.

So we have 100$ and 25 people. 5 guys start a business selling something the 20 need and each person has 25. The 20 people give their 25 dollars to the 5 people. The 5 people now have all 100$, the 20 people now all have 0$.

We print another hundred. Same thing happens, now the 5 people have 200$ and the 20 people have 0$. We print more money.

This is inflation. The only way to deflate is to remove the excess money. This is why we had rules in place to prevent against monopolies and stop businesses from becoming massive in size, their capital makes it impossible for the small guy to offer better prices. They lean out because they can, and force everybody else to be uncompetitive in price.

This is a math problem, and the only solution is to break up monopolies and burn the riches surplus of money. Hence why you tank the dollar and usher in a new currency; because rich people won't give up their money, and taking it by force is tyranny.

This is a math problem caused by rich people, with one answer. Take the money away from the rich people. Break up their installed passive income streams. Nobody wants to hear this because they are either too ignorant to understand math, or smart enough to know they can "overcomplicate it" to their own benefit and take advantage of the ignorant that don't understand math.

They are tired of doing recession resets, and the top end never gets reset; and as the top end gets ever proportionally disproportionate, the faster you need to reset after each reset. The game is over this time; hence CBDC and Tyranny.

I'd much rather take the money from the rich and give everyone a better standard of living and knock the exploiters down to normal levels, than to say, keep the exploiters above the system, and usher in tyranny for the masses.

But hey -- I can only speak for what's better for the greater good of the planet, what do I know.

Tyranny for the people who ruined the country, or tyranny for the people who MAKE the country. That's the choice.
edit on 13-4-2023 by SRPrime because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2023 @ 09:29 AM
I don't know where you are at but this is near my home town.
City of Parksville

Labourer II

POSTING #: 23-07
STATUS: Permanent, Full-time
WAGE RATE: $29.97 per hour
HOURS OF WORK: 40-hour work week
WORK SCHEDULE: Monday to Friday
Entry level, no qualifications other than graduate high school.

a reply to: infolurker

posted on Apr, 13 2023 @ 03:31 PM
I'm standing in a taco bell in the city, ten minutes so far for my fast food- they've got signs everywhere hiring for $18 and up, and two staff members standing outside chatting with their school friends.

posted on Apr, 13 2023 @ 11:09 PM
a reply to: stonerwilliam

I bid my jobs at thirty bucks an hour twenty five years ago for my own labor. My helpers hours were bid at twenty five bucks an hour. That was for the hours we worked. Most of the people I did work for were just ordinary working people and were making about twelve to fifteen bucks an hour at their jobs.

Overhead on the employees came out to about fifty percent of their wage. So I never got rich. I did not have to advertise, in fact, I turned down about half the jobs because I was working too much. I did not charge for estimating either and I did lots of tiny jobs after the workers went change a garage door or storm door. At thirty five bucks to change a storm door for an old person I did not get rich. Out of my work I had overhead for the business and tools to buy. I was lucky to make fifteen bucks an hour after everything.

Most of the people I worked for were older and were not well off. The people I built houses for were people I knew well, so I never made much on those either, I used to charge fifteen bucks an hour for friends.

My name is Rich, but I am not rich. I have no regrets though, I can ride by a house I built or worked on with my grandkids and point it out...I was real fussy and tried to overbuild everything so it would last longer than I lived.

The area I live in is the UP of Michigan, other than a few employers, everyone was getting not much more than minimum wage, maybe two to three bucks more than minimum wage most times...but cost of living used to be cheap here.

posted on Apr, 14 2023 @ 02:20 AM
a reply to: Turquosie

I don't know where you live, but before 2020 17 an hour was great living in most of Florida. It would be for responsible humans anyways. Unfortunately most of humanity is irresponsible, selfish, and entitled, even the poorest. For these majority humans, no job ever pays enough, demand too much, and expects the world for just breathing.

posted on Apr, 14 2023 @ 07:27 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

17 an hour up north in Illinois is just enough to survive. And many jobs pay less than that. Sure, some people expect a lot of money for doing little work. But lets not blame the poor minority who are like that. Many poor people are very hard working and work more than one job.

Meanwhile, executives are making 1000x their pay and getting bonuses of their annual paycheck.

The problem is greed and people dont want to work for pennies. It's not an epidemic of lazyness. Its an epidemic of greed. Iv'e worked quite a few jobs at various levels and whenever a company has a high turnover its almost always because they give workers little opportunity and the pay is usually not great.

Pay a worker well and give them opportunities to advance in the company and youll keep employees.

But these companies don't. They rather pay ther execs huge salarys and put little investment in their frontline workers.

posted on Apr, 14 2023 @ 08:01 PM
Squeezing every dollar they can while wages are stagnant and inflation is bananas - bad combination. You're right and it's below your dignity to take jobs that should pay significantly higher are near minimum wage. Employees were once a valued part of a company but the larger they get the more of a commodity labor becomes. We're disposable and most young people are aware of that much. No wonder everyone has a chip on their shoulder.

posted on Apr, 14 2023 @ 08:10 PM
a reply to: SRPrime
Those people with all the money have bought governments, police and military forces to ensure they retain it all. There can't be a French Revolution 2.0. The masses would be slaughtered. People need to stop using money and believing the USD has value - it did once upon a time but that was used up a few quadrillion derivatives ago.
Somehow we must bypass their system of control and establish our own economy and monetary system outside of the current model. Direct barter is ideal but how do we extend that in a fair way that makes labor and value convertible?
edit on 15-4-2023 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2023 @ 11:36 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

I was real lucky getting the apprenticeship I did and when I did , I have been on rock star money all my life and never really realised it until I was in my late fourties . You would be shocked at the number of titled and super rich people I have done work for over the decades and all were super slow to pay the bill ,you never have that problems with average people they know the score ,pensioners would try and pay you before the job was even complete .

Running a business was a nightmare as you well know the hours that go into estimating jobs etc and not getting payed for was soul destroying to me so I chucked it and worked contract for oil firms offshore then travelled the country doing everything from shop fitting to running big jobs but without all the hassle of having to pay a staff and worried about all that goes with it .

I must be OK at what I do at 21 after a 5 year apprenticeship I was giving the orders to 50+ guys never been out of work the very opposite the phone used to go crazy from agencies looking to hire .

But last summer I was talking to a young guy and asked him what the rate was on the books and nearly fainted at how little it has gone up in 20 years , I would have laughed at that rate then most guys in the trade want price work /piece work to make a decent wage .

I have seen some interesting stuff over the years at work security guards writing down the number stamped on a 24ct gold screw and handing it to a butler who puts it on a cushion and hands it to a carpenter to install on some billionaires yacht every item in that toilet was 24ct gold and individually numbered lol

I once saw a underground wine celled near a famous golf course ,seeing is believing my weekly wage would not have bought the cheepest bottle in that air conditioned glass encased racks 30k Sq foot of stupid money and they were necking 3 plus bottles every night in homes that never go on the market in a street that manicured would be a understatement not a blade of grass or twig on the trees was out of place , then I would go home to my hovel not having the time to cut the grass for weeks exhausted , I have been sickened sometimes knowing these people throw around more money in a day than I would earn in a year of 100 hour weeks .

I have been really lucky as well at dodging death at work so many times being retired gave me time to think about it eventually on one job I knocked back years ago 27 people were vaporised I found out that they struggled to find enough DNA to fit on 4 Q tips/cotton buds to identify them it was a plastics factory in Glasgow yip I have been a very very lucky dude in more ways than one over the years .

Here's the kicker Rick the rate on the books for a tradesman in 2022 is about 20 bucks a hour
400 bucks a day if you are on price work if you are lucky .

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