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Workers aren’t Lazy, These Companies are NUTS

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posted on Apr, 12 2023 @ 08:41 PM
I am very fortunate in that I can work on and off when I choose.
I have a background in tech but I have several hobbies and some job experience in them.

I was thinking of getting a seasonal job in one of my hobbies. I did a quick search and I am disgusted by what I’m seeing.
Some of these places want an advanced degree, years of experience and think they can pay $13 an hour. Some of this is very specialized knowledge.
I think that is absolutely hilarious. I have the degree and experience, and I was making more than that in 1999 in an entry level job, and I’m not joking.

Just a little sidebar. Hey kids if you have the energy and go get em’ attitude, don’t work for these places, work for yourself. Let these places wither on the vine!

I hear all these places screaming that people don’t want to work. Well that’s sorta true, but there is more to it. People don’t want to work for these low wages while these companies rake in massive wealth.
I’m not saying business owners aren’t entitled to money, of course they are, but the thing is they need to let some of that trickle down, or don’t complain when “nobody wants to work”.

The cost of living can’t be high and wages low. We are at that point where it really isn’t worth it to work. People like me that don’t have to work, won’t even bother. People that absolutely must work, can find numerous other jobs that are significantly higher paying.
I scratch my head at some of these wages and wonder how long before the poor start a revolution…

I know some say that is how the “free market” is supposed to work. The problem is there is manipulation all over it, it’s not free, the tin can was kicked down the road and I think we are at the point where there is no more road.

posted on Apr, 12 2023 @ 08:44 PM
I have seen the same thing in my area this is the results of sending to many people for degree's with easy loans.

posted on Apr, 12 2023 @ 08:45 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I am not sure what area of the country you live in but here, entry level no skill factory jobs are paying 17-20

posted on Apr, 12 2023 @ 08:46 PM
Which are "these places"?

posted on Apr, 12 2023 @ 08:55 PM
These companies are nuts. I see gas stations all around me in a perpetual state of hiring. Along with some banks and other entry level jobs. They don't want to pay people liveable wages. They expect people to work high-stress jobs with minimul pay. Factory jobs pay more but factory jobs can be soul crushing and definitely not work the little pay.

This is why they keep us distracted with trans issues, abortion, politician drama, or whatever. Just never talk about how the gap between the rich and poor have been growing at an alarming rate the past 20 or so years.

That's why youll see paid studies shaming workers for not wanting to work some slave job for peanuts.

I'm not anti-capatalism but its no wonder communism has been on the rise with young minds in the past years. Capatalism is failing them and its often miserable.

I'm just trying to learn some type of skill so i can travel. Being stuck working a 10 hour a day job for mediocre pay will be the death of me.

posted on Apr, 12 2023 @ 08:56 PM
a reply to: infolurker

17 an hour isnt much money. Especially for some of the tough or repetitive factory jobs out there. 20 was great 8 years ago. Prices have gone up and job pay remains the same for many of these jobs.

posted on Apr, 12 2023 @ 09:17 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Right...every now and then I go to just to see what "gigs" are available. It's amazing what is demanded of people today who are looking for "jobs". The list of demands often takes up 10 to 15 horizonal lines. Benefits are worded deceptively. i.e. "Health Benefits Available". And the last line says, "$17.00 an hour for those well qualified!"

But...airlines, cruise ships, resorts, and restaurants are packed.

There's something terribly disjointed going on with today's economy.

posted on Apr, 12 2023 @ 09:18 PM

originally posted by: Turquosie
a reply to: infolurker

17 an hour isnt much money. Especially for some of the tough or repetitive factory jobs out there. 20 was great 8 years ago. Prices have gone up and job pay remains the same for many of these jobs.

"Real Wages" continue to shrink: e-again-with-oil/

But Americans don't seem to be too upset yet.

posted on Apr, 12 2023 @ 09:36 PM
What I do is the supplemental income, but I am getting tired of the lack of flexibility. They want us in the office for a full day ... OK, but we barely have 2 weeks PTO annual, and that's for both time off and sick leave.

They wonder why they can't keep people? It's because most other places allow at least some form of work from home hybrid where we don't, and if they can't, they have far more generous PTO policies. I get that we publish and have contracts, but we can also cover for one another so that we don't have to have all hands on every day too.

posted on Apr, 12 2023 @ 09:38 PM
Im going to go off on a tangent here but respectfully today's society has made even entry-level jobs stressful as hell. Used to a retail or fast food job was easy bucks, but now the retail customer is abusive as hell, will shoplift you blind and there's a good chance you will have to defend yourself verbally or physically every week for 15 bucks an hour before taxes.

Corporate work in today's HR minefield, no way. Throw in the vast majority of them just squeeze out production while churning turning and burning through the masses of employees, all the while promoting very few.

Hell, working as an outside contractor for a corporation is bad enough.

posted on Apr, 12 2023 @ 09:48 PM
A six figure income today is roughly equivalent to what "middle class" was supposed to be in the 80s.

But with the cost of fuel and food that won't be the case for long. The moderately successful are falling into poverty while the government prints money to satiate the impoverished.

This slow intentional collapse is no mistake

posted on Apr, 12 2023 @ 10:02 PM
I live in a rural recreation area and there are a couple of corners that these local people sell things. This tie-dye guy usually takes this one active corner and I really don't know how he can as it's on the easement and I don't think he has a vendor's license. Today I saw a guy set up a "yard sale" there and was selling some yard sale stuff. There are people selling their "toys" like motorcycles, quads, campers and the like, all over the place, like lots of people.

I should get my road side stand up and sell some cottage food type stuff, legal to do in Michigan with our right to farm laws. I could have half my inventory purchased and the other half produced on site according to the law. Perhaps this would be a good home business that sells free ranging chicken eggs, garden produce, and other farm type stuff up front and maybe some other products out back in the shed. Maybe there needs to be a room from some gentle men's games after normal business hours, with some camper trailers that house comfort workers. Nothing like some free market capitalism when an opportunity is opening up.

Down side: There have always been a homeless bum or two living around the river or camping on federal forest lands around here during summer, I expect to see more this year. Plus meth heads are likely to be a problem to take seriously, and the local markets getting broken into, just recently they took cigarettes and booze, both things I can and will be producing this year, for personal consumption of course.
edit on 12-4-2023 by MichiganSwampBuck because: Typo

posted on Apr, 12 2023 @ 10:33 PM
I know quite a few young people and I can tell you that many of them do not want to work and accomplish what they are supposed to do....they only want to do the bare minimum and complain when it gets a little busy for half an hour and cry that the owners need to hire more workers so it is always easy for them. The rule that they are not allowed to have phone calls at many places....if the boss is not around, busy or not, they are texting on their phones.

Sure, some places do underpay for the experience...I will not say that is not true. I was an employer and my guys were paid equivalent to others in the trade and I was not a slavedriver either, my motto is that since you spend almost a third of your life working in the working years, you should somewhat enjoy what you are doing, but must produce your share. I gave raises as they were deserved, both with longlivity and with experience. My workers were mostly happy, although I could not pay them what they could make on Federal and State pay jobs for construction workers. With the experience they gained and my connections, they did get hired at bigger contractors that had prevailing wage jobs since they gained experience working for me. I only had two prevailing wage government contracts where I paid employees those wages in my business, maybe three weeks of work each job.

My workers did not work hard and most enjoyed the work and learned a lot about building homes and remodeling. I paid them to learn the trade...they did not pay me to teach them.

With the attitude of the young these days, I am glad I no longer have a crew. I am still a residential builder for a few months but have not done a job for over fifteen years now because of my disability. I am not going to renew my license anymore, I have not gotten better, the only reason I renewed my license three years ago was because of the pandemic, I could be out and about because I was a builder.

posted on Apr, 12 2023 @ 10:36 PM

originally posted by: Turquosie
These companies are nuts. I see gas stations all around me in a perpetual state of hiring. Along with some banks and other entry level jobs. They don't want to pay people liveable wages. They expect people to work high-stress jobs with minimul pay. Factory jobs pay more but factory jobs can be soul crushing and definitely not work the little pay.

This is why they keep us distracted with trans issues, abortion, politician drama, or whatever. Just never talk about how the gap between the rich and poor have been growing at an alarming rate the past 20 or so years.

That's why youll see paid studies shaming workers for not wanting to work some slave job for peanuts.

I'm not anti-capatalism but its no wonder communism has been on the rise with young minds in the past years. Capatalism is failing them and its often miserable.

I'm just trying to learn some type of skill so i can travel. Being stuck working a 10 hour a day job for mediocre pay will be the death of me.

Communism isn't the answer either. Communism only benefits the corrupt few , and is used to appease the many into believing it's wonderful. It's depressing , restrictive and destructive. Nothing good comes from it. Why work hard or come up with innovations when it's all communially owned? I know I certainly would instantly stop doing that.

posted on Apr, 12 2023 @ 11:27 PM
I had been at a place once, recommended by a friend. I started at entry level wage. My friend was getting somewhat more, but had been there awhile.

My friend quit. I asked to be boosted to his level as I was essentially taking his place. They wouldn't do it. Shortly after that, they had about 8 people working one day and had an issue come up that nobody could fix. They called me, I went in an fixed it in less than 15minutes.

Then, I asked them if they thought I was worth a raise since I did more in 15 minutes than everybody else on staff couldn't do in a matter of a couple of hours. (We're talking about 16 man hours.) They didn't.

I quit on the spot and told them they were idiots. Sometimes the juice ain't worth the squeeze. As a friend used to say, if you pay peanuts, you get monkeys. They won't learn, though.

posted on Apr, 12 2023 @ 11:31 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

This is true, too. I worked at a warehouse years ago where we sold metal buildings and structural metal. In my late forties nad early fifties at the time, I could work all of the young men we hired into the ground. Wasn't a one of them worth spit. There were actually a couple that I told the manager I would not work with because they were dangerously stupid and lazy, and if she required me to work with them, I'd walk. They were that scary stupid and refused to do anything they didn't want to (which was most stuff).

posted on Apr, 12 2023 @ 11:34 PM

originally posted by: lordcomac
A six figure income today is roughly equivalent to what "middle class" was supposed to be in the 80s.

But with the cost of fuel and food that won't be the case for long. The moderately successful are falling into poverty while the government prints money to satiate the impoverished.

This slow intentional collapse is no mistake

Hell, it was even better here in the Southeast late 80s, IIRC back when I was young and dumb, had a serious conversation about commissions. We were busting our humps and were on the #1 sales team for the company for all regions and we were beating the stuffing out of LA, New York, Chicago, and Dallas for years. Regional upper management acted as if an individual who made 30 grand in commission ought to be damn glad you made that much because obviously, they give us such a superior product it sells itself. Didn't matter that at sales meetings twice a year we would tell them which product to make how much in what colors etc. Life was good in 1987 I got married and made about 28 grand, and a couple of years later bought a $125,000 house at IIRC around 9.25% thought I had arrived in my 26th year. In my sleepy little burg, that was atleast considered lower middle class if not higher.

posted on Apr, 12 2023 @ 11:52 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

I was shocked to read that junior doctors in the UK were only getting about 17 bucks a hour and are striking for a 35 % increase ànd take 8 plus years to get up to good money .

I worked construction trades ànd was earning more than that 25 years ago ,a lot more .

I always preferred price/piece work 35 years ago I was making about a thousand bucks a week for 40 hours when I worked for a major shopfitting firm 20 + years ago I was taking 2000 plus bucks a week after tax but we grafted for it ,like you health problems made me quit 6 years ago but it was fun ripping friends who were lawyers, doctors etc even bank managers and saying to them I would not get out of my bed for what you are on , at one time I was earning more than a professional soccer player was for a major team .

My old journeyman told me as a apprentice I was earning a lot more than his son was playing soccer , I actually knocked back being one as a teenager because the money was that bad when I was leaving school or getting thrown out would be a better description for a the time I spent going to school after the age of 12 , even then I was doing a 50 + hour week , but as you say the kids now have no work ethic and expect rock star wages from day 1 just for turning up on site and fiddling with their phones .

Now I just work from home selling on ebay ,never had it so good

posted on Apr, 13 2023 @ 04:27 AM
a reply to: putnam6

I want to know what happened with the cars. Why are they now 20k+ and new trucks forget it 50k+. And everything is outsourced now. Cars are made in Mexico, with all imported parts. Back then cars were made in America and there were a lot less imported parts. You would think cars would be much cheaper because of all the outsourcing.

posted on Apr, 13 2023 @ 06:56 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

The synagogue of Satan wields usury, and invented the communism that tortures communities to death.

They feed off misery while the people starve. It's a diet plan!

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