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US academic vaccine expert points out the likely mammal species that started the COVID-19 pandemic

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posted on Mar, 17 2023 @ 03:33 PM
a reply to: network dude --- a limited amount of data from Huanan market swabs was uploaded to the GSAID database from journal article authors at the Chinese CDC. That was done in response to a request from publishers of their new pre-print journal article for additional references or data samples to supplement their latest journal article submission. So those authors uploaded more data to the GSAID database. International scientists soon noticed that new data upload on GSAID, downloaded it, and began to study it and share it with their colleagues. That's why there are such a limited number of animal DNA samples in that GSAID upload, and far fewer animal species represented than anyone would prefer.

posted on Mar, 17 2023 @ 03:59 PM

originally posted by: Uphill

Edit: Also now the Dallas Morning News, National Public Radio, and a bunch of others.

Yeah yeah yeah, a bunch of other sources.. all controlled by few that control the narrative. Good try?

so lame

posted on Mar, 17 2023 @ 04:06 PM
Just like the Cola Wars from the 80's, fighting over Coke or Pepsi, when both are bad for you. The end goal is that you choose one of the 2 bad products.

Same with this plandemic. 'Covid' is a made up term like 'AIDS'. whereas they are the conditions of a made up disease. Let's not forget that one of the 'symptoms' of Covid is 'no symptom'. lol

Yeah, every strain of the coronavirus is 'novel'. duh!

The real goal is to have us fighting over where this imaginary virus came from and not realizing that it is all a scam to get you to comply with vaxing yourself with poison.

posted on Mar, 17 2023 @ 04:12 PM
a reply to: Uphill

This is BOGUS

Yes I said it. He is trying to cover his own sins here.

Critic of congressional probe into gain-of-function research helped fund Wuhan gain-of-function study

A prominent scientist who has denounced a congressional investigation into gain-of-function research helped fund Wuhan Institute of Virology gain-of-function work flagged by congressional investigators.

Peter Hotez, dean of the Baylor College of Medicine National School of Tropical Medicine, has been a fierce critic of potential hearings next year into a possible lab origin of COVID-19 and whether the National Institutes of Health prematurely discredited the hypothesis.

Hotez helped fund research on controversial chimeric coronavirus

While casting concerns about Wuhan’s labs as “fringe,” Hotez has not mentioned his own connection to a project involving a laboratory-generated chimeric SARS-related coronavirus that has come under Congress’ microscope.

The project was helmed by Zhengli Shi, a senior scientist and “virus hunter” at the Wuhan Institute of Virology nicknamed the “Bat Lady.”

As part of his NIH grant, Hotez subcontracted funding for research on combined or “chimeric” coronaviruses, a scientific paper shows. Hotez’s grant underwrote two of Shi’s collaborators on the project.

posted on Mar, 17 2023 @ 04:20 PM
a reply to: Uphill

More Bogus:

But there appear to be a few issues with the study.

For example, the “raccoon dog” material that was tested were tested long after the emergence of COVID-19. Also, some of the samples they tested contained multiple species DNA, including human DNA, suggesting the material they studied was, as the Times puts it, a “jumbling together of genetic material from the virus and the animal” that “does not prove that a raccoon dog itself was infected.”

The Times further notes that even if study showed a raccoon dog had COVID-19 in Jan. 2020 “it would not be clear that the animal had spread the virus to people.”

The Atlantic and New York Times stories seem to be a case of science transmogrifying into clickbait headlines, and the preponderance of the evidence still suggests that the virus emerged for the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

The lab-leak theory has been politically controversial because the U.S. government funded non-profits who in turn subcontracted with the Wuhan lab.

posted on Mar, 17 2023 @ 05:22 PM
a reply to: EmmanuelGoldstein --- I recognize that the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic are difficult to prove. The saddest part of social media's negative responses to any new actual *data* on the COVID-19 pandemic is that the most likely result of any such negative response is the encouragement of our continuing to ignore the ongoing global commercial interfaces with Earth's wild lands + between those commercial interfaces and Earth's wild animals, which are a likely contributing pandemic factor. After the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic, NYTimes reporter David Brooks saw from the NYTimes archives that during the middle and late 1920s, there was no interest in the health status of US people who managed to survive their pandemic illnesses, because"people just wanted to get on with their lives."

I'm surprised to see that ATS also has some of those "don't bother me with the facts" attitudes about this pandemic. Please consider that although we are all -- 100% of us -- sick of this pandemic, many of us still want to know about how this pandemic got started. Facts can and do make a difference.

posted on Mar, 17 2023 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: Uphill

Now, an international team of virologists, genomicists, and evolutionary biologists may have finally found crucial data to help fill that knowledge gap. A new analysis of genetic sequences collected from the market shows that raccoon dogs being illegally sold at the venue could have been carrying and possibly shedding the virus at the end of 2019.

Who now? They swabbed a bunch of racoon dogs from the wet market in 2019?

I want to actually see the data because this is 'standard' treatment in the media... ".... and some experts said...."

Show me the data.

posted on Mar, 17 2023 @ 05:43 PM
a reply to: Maxmars --- Certainly. After three years of "hot buttered nothing" on the COVID-19 pandemic animal origins front, Earth's virology community was surprised to see new Chinese 2020 Huanan market swab data uploaded to the international GISAID database. That data was then removed from the GISAID database a few days later, but by then, a number of virologists had already downloaded it, including the World Health Organization (WHO).

As I show earlier in this thread, WHO did conduct a brief press conference today on this internationally-new GISAID data. The next step will be for the international virology community to weigh in. On Twitter, I follow prominent US virologists like Dr. Eric Topol (of the Scripps La Jolla virology institute in California. When they start to weigh in with their assessments of these new data, I will post those updates on this thread.

posted on Mar, 17 2023 @ 05:49 PM
a reply to: Uphill


Sounds great! Please share some 'Facts' on Covid.

posted on Mar, 17 2023 @ 05:55 PM

originally posted by: ColeYounger
a reply to: Uphill

Seriously, The Atlantic?
I'd sooner believe a story I read in The National Enquirer.

The Atlantic got caught telling a LIE, and promptly deleted the article about "Raccoon Dogs" formulating and releasing Covid-19.


ANY WORD from President Biden on when he will sign off on the Intel Community's report describing the ORIGIN of Covid-19? The House and Senate have already approved it's public release.

How about the final signature from JOE BIDEN???

posted on Mar, 17 2023 @ 06:01 PM
If any of this were true, it would have come out long ago, not now when the real source is being proven and the high profile liars being exposed.

pangolins, ferrets, racoon dogs --- roflol 🤣pleeeeezzzzz stop it stop it stop it

posted on Mar, 17 2023 @ 06:15 PM
a reply to: Maxmars ---- here is this afternoon's COVID-19 follow-up summary from CIDRAP, the non-profit science group in Minnesota:

The Associated Press just quoted a virologist as saying that these new findings are not definitive, but they are significant:

One more news article:

And from US science writer David Quammen on Twitter just now:

David Quammen
Yes, CK. Same market stall, same samples. Same species of wild mammal on sale for food. Eddie Holmes has been alerting us to this possibility forever.
Quote Tweet
Charley Knight
The raccoon dog stories are not a nothing burger, but also not new news to students of SARS-CoV-2. There are three glossary entries in @DavidQuammen’s Breathless. Are these the same samples referred to on pages 283 and 305?

So, these data examinations are to be continued.
edit on 3/17/2023 by Uphill because: Added a new paragraph

edit on 3/17/2023 by Uphill because: Added another new paragraph.

posted on Mar, 17 2023 @ 07:11 PM
a reply to: Uphill

It was engineered in a lab and released intentionally or otherwise from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Just like we told you on day 1.

/end thread

posted on Mar, 17 2023 @ 07:13 PM
a reply to: Uphill

The Associated Press is 98% Democrat-owned and ADORES Anthony Fauci.

If enough evidence against Anthony Fauci is accumulated, WE THE PEOPLE can citizen arrest him.

posted on Mar, 17 2023 @ 07:28 PM
a reply to: Uphill

I will stop short at simple refusal to consider the possibility because it is true that nothing is out of the realm of possibility about the contention.

But I ask you indulge my posture, as several very salient questions must be asked. I am no virologist and not an expert in the field by any means, but I am a competent analyst and I always know that data is a tool.

I might inquire as to the reason why for four years this data was unavailable. I would like to see the methodology employed to extract the data and would have to ask why it was shared and withdrawn as it was. In a perfect world, I would ask the custodian of the data for an accounting of the events; I would examine field records, and might even interview the people who identified the animals, to learn where they were, what they were fed, and if they were simply dead meat - how were they tested... but that would be a Hollywood scenario which most probably know doesn't happen in the real world.

Also, I would like to see, as a matter of reporting, exactly who collected and compiled this data to be certain that it was not (don't hyperventilate everybody) fabricated after the fact (which would be consistent with the already solidifying picture pointing to fraud associated with the entire COVID event and its global execution.)

I am not inclined to simply say that it was illegitimate... only that at this point we are beyond "trust" in academic titles and associations, and the media propagation of 'factual' information.

As an example, I would say that the expert and authority known as Dr. Fauci has demonstrated exactly what we can expect from the "sanctioned" scientific community in the way of proclamations about things which defy science. He kind of crapped the bed for everyone... now it must be actively cleaned... and that falls upon the teller of the tale, not the listeners' bias about one source or another.

posted on Mar, 18 2023 @ 06:10 AM
a reply to: carewemust
Thanks for that link!!!

But they don´t care, they try to protect and save their a$$es, ignoring all facts. As always. These anti-human devil-rats can´t leave the sinking ship because the sea is full of revenge-hungry victims of that crime. You don´t believe what makes the round in the german news today, including, of course, our Fauci, Dr Drosten. Right, that BS story everybody sees as a bad joke is big in the news right now, that cheap and desperate attempt of those criminals against humanity to somehow pull the neck out of the noose. And they must know that this a BS story, i bet they are able read the Time too, they know it is BS but report it.

Because the MSM is just as responsible for this crime against humanity as all the other involved criminals in politics, society, all those "VIPs" and "experts" and "humanitarians" who hyped and still hype the jab etc, etc. I bet these criminals wish there was a base on Mars to hide from the millions of victims and their wish for revenge. We people/victims are not trapped here on earth with these criminals but these criminals with us.

If it flies like a bat, walks like a pangolin and howls like a racoon dog then you know that sh!t came from the lab on the other side of the road from that market in Wuhan!

posted on Mar, 18 2023 @ 06:13 AM
a reply to: Uphill

One of the big pieces of information that we do not have at the present time are the source of where these animals came from. Were these animals traded? Were they the wild animals or domestic animals? Were they farmed? Where were they farmed?

Really? According to Wikipedia, another name for these are "Chinese Raccoon Dog". They were most likely being used as lab rats in the Wuhan Lab. Regardless of how they try to spin this, the evidence will always point back to the lab.

posted on Mar, 18 2023 @ 04:00 PM

originally posted by: Uphill
Prof Peter Hotez MD PhD
The Strongest Evidence Yet That an Animal Started the Pandemic ⁦@TheAtlantic
⁩ I remain baffled why any other theory has credibility? The reason we began a coronavirus vaccine program was bc of SARS 2002 and MERS 2012 and realized crap a 3rd is coming

The Strongest Evidence Yet That an Animal Started the Pandemic, by Katherine J. Wu
A new analysis of genetic samples from China appears to link the pandemic’s origin to raccoon dogs.

Note: You can read this magazine article for free via smartphone news. If you don't use a smartphone, you can read the article for free via your local public library: Log on to their website, enter your library user account information, and look for the library's database section, where they allow free access to their periodical subscriptions. You will be able to read that news article for free, but you will not be able to print it.


Most likely it started from a Republican in Tennessee.

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