posted on Mar, 5 2023 @ 03:25 PM
The X-Files have been filed away in the bin of history, they need something similar but it has to be altogether different. Mulder had all the answers
when going into a case and you never worried about those two as they were trained and armed FBI agents with back up. There is a lot of new urban
legends and CTs to investigate, I'd like to see some new and very flawed characters with lots of weaknesses investigate them.
I want to see something of the older inspiration of the X Files, Carl Kolchak, a type that has to learn along the way while improvising through his
investigations. But he needs some bigger problems like excessive drinking, smoking, gambling, and what have you. We need some really good and
interesting characters because nothing in the way of a story line will be frightful enough to actually scare anyone these days. The story plots will
likely be fairly tame because of the fact that people have been burned out on gore, so we need good characters, esp. with the same old stories and
I've been exploring these ideas in a fictional story I'm working on, here's a link to the first chapter. The second chapter will be up soon.
Story Linkedit on 5-3-2023 by MichiganSwampBuck because: Added