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Help! I am having a coincidence! Covid vaccines are the leading cause of coincidence worldwide

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posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 08:46 PM
It looks like the Covid-19 vaccines are the leading cause of coincidence worldwide!! The phase 'Help I am having a coincidence' has appeared online and has become a key phrase and a meme when someone wants to have a 'joke' in relation to the sudden and unexpected deaths of vaccinated individuals who have died after they have been vaccinated with the Covid-19 vaccines.

According to the vaccine ideology and the Covid-19 vaccine campaign the sudden and unexpected deaths of those individuals, whom many were young and healthy, can only be a coincidence as we all know that vaccines cannot cause harms and deaths and when one such event happens it is extremely rare as the vaccines are safe and effective.

"Help, I’m having a coincidence” (shown with a man clutching his heart) was posted on Twitter by Amy Moreno on December 12, 2022

“Help! I’m having a coincidence!!” (shown with a woman who has fallen to the ground) was posted on Twitter by Sal the Agorist on December 12, 2022

HELP!!! I’m having a coincidence which has nothing whatsoever to do with my 5 boosters” (shown with a man clutching his heart) was posted on Twitter by Novax-Dave on December 13, 2022

The user Novax-Dave wrote this paragraph

If you were fine before the vaccine and now you’re not, it’s just a coincidence. It is definitely not the vaccine, it’s probably the climate or Putin, or maybe you’re shaking your duvet too vigorously.
If you think it was the vaccine you’re a racist

The following paragraphs are from the Twitter page of Dr Joseph Ladapo who is the Surgeon General of the State of Florida.

Don’t let the CDC and their minions confuse you with spin. In Florida, total vaccines administered increased by 400% after mRNA COVID-19 vax was introduced, while adverse events increased by 1700%.

It's merely a coincidence that adverse events increased by 1700% in Florida after the roll out of the Covid-19 vaccines.

Life-threatening adverse events increased by 4400%. Historically 3 out of 4 VAERS reports come from healthcare providers or vaccine manufacturers.

Why are so many doctors and public health officials bending over backwards to defend the indefensible

Clearly another coincidence. Life threatening adverse events increased by 4400%. Nothing to do with the vaccines as it seems.

It seems we have a real pandemic of coincidences and the vaccines seems to be the leading cause of these coincidences.

VAERS is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System put in place in 1990. It is a voluntary reporting system that has been estimated to account for only 1% (read more about underreporting in VAERS) of vaccine injuries. OpenVAERS is built from the HHS data available for download at

The OpenVAERS Project allows browsing and searching of the reports without the need to compose an advanced search (more advanced searches can be done at or

Plenty of coincidences in the form of deaths, hospitalisations, urgent care, life threatening events, myocarditis, anaphylaxis, pericarditis, heart attacks, etc, all post vaccination of course.

1,524,481 Covid Vaccine Reports Through February 17, 2023

Deaths = 34,478

Hospitalisations = 192,755

Urgent Care = 146,706

Doctor office visits = 225,633

Anaphylaxis = 10,411

Bell's Palsy = 16,755

Miscarriages = 4,930

Heart Attacks = 18,649

Myocarditis/pericarditis = 26,504

Permanently disabled = 63,660

Thrombocytopenia = 8,526

Life threatening = 36,724

Severe allergic reaction = 42,245

Shingles = 15,469

edit on 28-2-2023 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 09:24 PM
It's just a coincidence!
There has been a terrible accident. Nothing to worry about...

Coincidence definition

a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection.

Remarkably, when you get vaccinated you may end up having myocarditis or you may die from the condition. What a coincidence! Nothing to do with the vaccine of course. There is no apparent connection.

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 10:13 PM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Like this?

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 11:33 PM

The odds of dying after getting a COVID-19 vaccine are virtually nonexistent.

According to recent data from the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, you're three times more likely to get struck by lightning.

But you might not know that from looking at your social media feed.

A new NPR analysis finds that articles connecting vaccines and death have been among the most highly engaged with content online this year, going viral in a way that could hinder people's ability to judge the true risk in getting a shot.

The findings also illustrate a broader trend in online misinformation: With social media platforms making more of an effort to take down patently false health claims, bad actors are turning to cherry-picked truths to drive misleading narratives.

Of course as there is no way to die due to the vaccine. If anyone dies post vaccination and no matter the circumstances it's all a coincidence and nothing more.

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 11:46 PM

Tragedy as girl, 18, dies of blood clot two weeks after Covid vaccine

An 18-year-old student died from a blood cot only two weeks after having her Covid vaccination.

Kasey Turner was admitted to hospital after she was experiencing 'thunder clap' headaches. An inquest heard the headaches were the result of thrombosis in her sinus cavity

Recording a narrative verdict, Mrs Rawden agreed that the AstraZeneca vaccine led to Kasey's death and recorded her death as being the result of a cerebral venous thrombosis, brought on by VITT as a result of the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccination

The likely cause of her death was the Astrazeneca vaccine in this case.
edit on 28-2-2023 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2023 @ 12:00 AM

39-year old Utah woman dies after getting second dose of COVID-19 vaccine

Researchers have not found causal links between COVID-19 vaccination and deaths, but a handful of post-vaccine deaths are making headlines.

One such case is the death of Kassidi Kurrill, a 39-year-old resident of Ogden, Utah, who recently passed away four days after receiving the second dose of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine.

Before her death, Kurrill complained that her heart was racing and was later rushed to the emergency room. Doctors reported that “her liver was not functioning,” according to her father, Alfred Hawley, in an interview with Salt Lake City–based KUTV.

Kurrill died some 30 hours later.

She reported having no significant side effects from the first vaccine dose.

Her family is awaiting autopsy results.

A Miami physician died from immune thrombocytopenia in January after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, but researchers have not linked the death to vaccination.

It's obvious that researchers in most cases find no causal link between the vaccines and the deaths post vaccination. There are two cases in this article. The first, is of a 39 year old woman who died four days after receiving the second shot of the Moderna vaccine and a Physician in Miami who died shortly after receiving a vaccine from thrombocytopenia.

It's obviously a coincidence and the vaccines are clearly the leading cause of coincidence worldwide. The deaths cannot come from the vaccines as they are safe and effective. There are other often mysterious and unexplained causes that one day will be discovered by science.
edit on 1-3-2023 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2023 @ 12:05 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Coincidence 1:

- Fauci funded the gain of function research on Covid at Wuhan.
- Fauci moved the research there because it was banned in the US for being too dangerous
- Quite aside from the safety issue, Fauci funding biowarfare reasearch in China seems awfully close to espionnage and
- Two researchers there are among the first to come down with Covid in fall 2019

Concidence 2:
- When the Covid outbreak happens, Fauci is the first one to defend the Wuhan institute, despite his involvement.
He feigns ignorance, and blames a "wet market nearby to deflect attention from Fauci funding of Wuhuan/criminal
- The FBI has recently admitted and confirmed that the lab "leak" theory is the most likely explanation for Covid
- Months before, Fauci had "predicted" that Trump would face an unexpected pandemic. Did Fauci release Covid on purpose ?

Coincidence 3:
- Fauci denied all commonly accepted medical knowledge with respect to biosafety of testing of new vaccines, and denying basic known principles of immunology, such as natural immunity .
- Fauci numerous times pushed the false approach that the only solution was the MRNA vaccines he was developping.
- In congressionnal testimony, Fauci refused to say how $300 million in patent royalties were distributed in the NIH

Fauci CAUSED the Covid pandemic, possibly on purpose, both for political purposes and so as to financially benefit.

He needs to be tried, Nuremburg style.

Fauci is the worst human being since Dr. Mengele.

posted on Mar, 1 2023 @ 12:08 AM

Woman dies after Covid vaccination
A 23-year-old woman in the northern Lao Cai Province died last Thursday after receiving her second Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine shot.

provincial health department said "the patient died from grade 4 anaphylactic reaction after Covid-19 vaccination due to inherent characteristics of vaccines"; that her death was not related to the vaccination process, transportation, storage and use of the vaccine

It is not clear whether the authorities in this case actually blame the Pfizer vaccine for the death of the person. Although they say the death was not related to the vaccination process.

But anyway we will assume that it was a coincidence as usual.

edit on 1-3-2023 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2023 @ 12:59 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

There has been enough evidence of harm from these vaccines for quite a while now. It's difficult to understand medical people defending them.

VAERS has always shown disproportionate reporting of harms from these products, but the CDC didn't bother analysing it at all until March 22 and then only for a couple of months. Getting data out of them or the FDA hasn't been easy.

A review of the original trials showed a higher incidence of mortality and severe events in the (not really) vaccinated.

Excess mortality has been an issue in many places.

Apparently this all equals "safe and effective".

posted on Mar, 1 2023 @ 04:19 AM

originally posted by: Quintilian
a reply to: Asmodeus3

There has been enough evidence of harm from these vaccines for quite a while now. It's difficult to understand medical people defending them.

VAERS has always shown disproportionate reporting of harms from these products, but the CDC didn't bother analysing it at all until March 22 and then only for a couple of months. Getting data out of them or the FDA hasn't been easy.

A review of the original trials showed a higher incidence of mortality and severe events in the (not really) vaccinated.

Excess mortality has been an issue in many places.

Apparently this all equals "safe and effective".

It's difficult for anyone to defend these products no matter what the circumstances are. You really have to be a vaccine apologist and a defender of big pharma in order to do so. But there are many who are invested in these products, both emotionally and mentally, and have some sort of beliefs in the 'science', a weird form of religion I would say. They are now seeing their beliefs dismantled and this is really traumatic.

posted on Mar, 1 2023 @ 05:03 AM
a reply to: Quintilian

A review of the original trials showed a higher incidence of mortality and severe events in the (not really) vaccinated.

Key point that was hidden from the public.

posted on Mar, 1 2023 @ 07:31 AM
Look``s like we need a Ministry Of Coincidence to manage all this coincidence appearing everywhere

posted on Mar, 1 2023 @ 07:44 AM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

39-year old Utah woman dies after getting second dose of COVID-19 vaccine

Researchers have not found causal links between COVID-19 vaccination and deaths, but a handful of post-vaccine deaths are making headlines.

One such case is the death of Kassidi Kurrill, a 39-year-old resident of Ogden, Utah, who recently passed away four days after receiving the second dose of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine.

Before her death, Kurrill complained that her heart was racing and was later rushed to the emergency room. Doctors reported that “her liver was not functioning,” according to her father, Alfred Hawley, in an interview with Salt Lake City–based KUTV.

Kurrill died some 30 hours later.

She reported having no significant side effects from the first vaccine dose.

Her family is awaiting autopsy results.

A Miami physician died from immune thrombocytopenia in January after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, but researchers have not linked the death to vaccination.

It's obvious that researchers in most cases find no causal link between the vaccines and the deaths post vaccination. There are two cases in this article. The first, is of a 39 year old woman who died four days after receiving the second shot of the Moderna vaccine and a Physician in Miami who died shortly after receiving a vaccine from thrombocytopenia.

It's obviously a coincidence and the vaccines are clearly the leading cause of coincidence worldwide. The deaths cannot come from the vaccines as they are safe and effective. There are other often mysterious and unexplained causes that one day will be discovered by science.
Your sarcasm is noted, but this is not joking matter.

posted on Mar, 1 2023 @ 08:45 AM

originally posted by: Kenzo

Look``s like we need a Ministry Of Coincidence to manage all this coincidence appearing everywhere

Perhaps! It seems a good idea as the leading cause of coincidence are the Covid-19 vaccines. There could be other coincidences later on in the future and the leading cause could be different.

But a Ministry of Coincidence isn't a bad idea!

posted on Mar, 1 2023 @ 08:51 AM

originally posted by: ITSALIVE

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

39-year old Utah woman dies after getting second dose of COVID-19 vaccine

Researchers have not found causal links between COVID-19 vaccination and deaths, but a handful of post-vaccine deaths are making headlines.

One such case is the death of Kassidi Kurrill, a 39-year-old resident of Ogden, Utah, who recently passed away four days after receiving the second dose of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine.

Before her death, Kurrill complained that her heart was racing and was later rushed to the emergency room. Doctors reported that “her liver was not functioning,” according to her father, Alfred Hawley, in an interview with Salt Lake City–based KUTV.

Kurrill died some 30 hours later.

She reported having no significant side effects from the first vaccine dose.

Her family is awaiting autopsy results.

A Miami physician died from immune thrombocytopenia in January after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, but researchers have not linked the death to vaccination.

It's obvious that researchers in most cases find no causal link between the vaccines and the deaths post vaccination. There are two cases in this article. The first, is of a 39 year old woman who died four days after receiving the second shot of the Moderna vaccine and a Physician in Miami who died shortly after receiving a vaccine from thrombocytopenia.

It's obviously a coincidence and the vaccines are clearly the leading cause of coincidence worldwide. The deaths cannot come from the vaccines as they are safe and effective. There are other often mysterious and unexplained causes that one day will be discovered by science.
Your sarcasm is noted, but this is not joking matter.

It's definitely not a joking matter. We discuss about coincidences. Some of the deaths have indeed been recognised as caused by the Covid-19 vaccines and have been verified by coroners and medical examiners. Many other deaths which are similar or identical with the ones verified, have been characterized as mysterious and unexplained. And the fact that happened post vaccination is just a coincidence.

So I still think the matter is very serious as we seem to have a real epidemic of coincidences.

posted on Mar, 1 2023 @ 10:15 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

As I started reading this thread, I was almost too scared to read all of it, because (sorry, I've mentioned this before on other threads so it's a repeat) my entire family and a lot of my friends are vaccinated. I was the lone holdout and luckily I didn't lose anyone because of that, but of course I was the "oddball". Thankfully I managed to convince my husband and his parents not to keep getting boosted. So they're at least not getting boosted, but they all had 3 shots, the last being sometime around a year ago.

My FIL has suffered heart problems, but he's elderly so it's not going to be counted as vaccine related even though he never had heart problems before. My husband has had a noticeable worsening of nerve damage problems since being vaccinated. He doesn't drink or do anything that should be worsening that problem, but still he's having worse problems with peripheral neuropathy.

It's sad that people are making jokes like the "it's a coincidence" thing you shared. So many people went ahead with what IS ABSOLUTELY a medical trial....some because they believed in people who told them it's for the best, others because they were forced to. And there was NOT anything set up to track adverse reactions. I asked my husband each time he got the shots if he was told to let them know if anything happened and he said no. We live in the EU if that makes any difference, but I doubt it. He was sent on his merry way thinking he did something good for himself and others.

I knew before this all happened with the vaccines how bad it was. I just didn't know how bad I would feel after being the one person in my family and circle of friends (other than my husband's aunt and her husband). I can't even feel happy for myself that I avoided it because everyone I love is at risk.

posted on Mar, 1 2023 @ 11:11 AM

originally posted by: purzelbaum
a reply to: Asmodeus3

As I started reading this thread, I was almost too scared to read all of it, because (sorry, I've mentioned this before on other threads so it's a repeat) my entire family and a lot of my friends are vaccinated. I was the lone holdout and luckily I didn't lose anyone because of that, but of course I was the "oddball". Thankfully I managed to convince my husband and his parents not to keep getting boosted. So they're at least not getting boosted, but they all had 3 shots, the last being sometime around a year ago.

My FIL has suffered heart problems, but he's elderly so it's not going to be counted as vaccine related even though he never had heart problems before. My husband has had a noticeable worsening of nerve damage problems since being vaccinated. He doesn't drink or do anything that should be worsening that problem, but still he's having worse problems with peripheral neuropathy.

It's sad that people are making jokes like the "it's a coincidence" thing you shared. So many people went ahead with what IS ABSOLUTELY a medical trial....some because they believed in people who told them it's for the best, others because they were forced to. And there was NOT anything set up to track adverse reactions. I asked my husband each time he got the shots if he was told to let them know if anything happened and he said no. We live in the EU if that makes any difference, but I doubt it. He was sent on his merry way thinking he did something good for himself and others.

I knew before this all happened with the vaccines how bad it was. I just didn't know how bad I would feel after being the one person in my family and circle of friends (other than my husband's aunt and her husband). I can't even feel happy for myself that I avoided it because everyone I love is at risk.

Hi, sorry to hear the serious problems some members of your family have had so far. I hope everyone is fine and nothing worse happens.

In terms of the 'joking' online, I don't think they are trying to make fun of the situation but rather point out and expose the system itself that has, on many occasions, called obvious vaccine injuries as mysterious and unexpected and a coincidence in terms of when they happened (post vaccination).

Is the establishment itself that has recognised some of these injuries and deaths to have been caused by the vaccines via the reports by coroners and medical examiners when at the same time it is reluctant to recognise the vast majority of other similar or identical cases and has classified them as 'mysterious' with 'unknown causes' and huge coincidences as they happened post vaccination.

You see where the issue is I believe.

posted on Mar, 1 2023 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Ah, ok...I thought the jokes were "making fun of" rather than sarcastic. ... Thanks for the kind words for my FIL and husband. They're the only ones I know of that have had problems so far, but the symptoms in relation to when the symptoms happened are verifiable and even if they don't get counted toward adverse vaccine reactions, they are obvious to us And that's sad, but it also is what led them to stop getting boosted.
My family back in the States "might" not tell me if they have any effects, I'm not sure. We don't have the kind of relationship that they would feel like they have to hide it from me, but one of my brothers who works in research (DVM) said when he got his first vaccine that he "knew he is a test subject". He still let his kids all get vaccinated. And some of his family even got Covid after being vaccinated.

The issue is trust. Too many people put their trust in something that their brains were probably telling them not to. The thing that is criminal is that it became for some people against their will. There was big pressure for a time where I live to get vaccinated. They even "threatened" (I didn't believe it, but a lot of people did) that you wouldn't be able to go to the grocery store anymore if you weren't vaccinated. My husband was frantic because even though he's rational, his parents are elderly and he was bombarded with "GET VACCINATED".

Never trust the government in any country to help you in a situation like what we have been faced with with these vaccinations.

posted on Mar, 1 2023 @ 12:13 PM

originally posted by: purzelbaum
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Ah, ok...I thought the jokes were "making fun of" rather than sarcastic. ... Thanks for the kind words for my FIL and husband. They're the only ones I know of that have had problems so far, but the symptoms in relation to when the symptoms happened are verifiable and even if they don't get counted toward adverse vaccine reactions, they are obvious to us And that's sad, but it also is what led them to stop getting boosted.
My family back in the States "might" not tell me if they have any effects, I'm not sure. We don't have the kind of relationship that they would feel like they have to hide it from me, but one of my brothers who works in research (DVM) said when he got his first vaccine that he "knew he is a test subject". He still let his kids all get vaccinated. And some of his family even got Covid after being vaccinated.

The issue is trust. Too many people put their trust in something that their brains were probably telling them not to. The thing that is criminal is that it became for some people against their will. There was big pressure for a time where I live to get vaccinated. They even "threatened" (I didn't believe it, but a lot of people did) that you wouldn't be able to go to the grocery store anymore if you weren't vaccinated. My husband was frantic because even though he's rational, his parents are elderly and he was bombarded with "GET VACCINATED".

Never trust the government in any country to help you in a situation like what we have been faced with with these vaccinations.

Yes certainly, nobody makes fun here or online about this matter. They are often sarcastic comments given the situation and circumstances.

Your last two paragraphs merit a thread and the issue of trust has been discussed extensively in other threads. Blind trust is really dangerous and complete ignorance is as dangerous as blind trust.

Many people have invested both emotionally and mentally in these products and have misplaced their trust in a number of authorities after having been indoctrinated for a long period of time about the greater good through the politicalisation of science and medicine. They are now seeing their beliefs to be dismantled one by one.

posted on Mar, 1 2023 @ 12:30 PM
Coincidences are dangerous and it's good to know when they are happening. An easy way to know if a coincidence is happening is to ask yourself if you recently were administered an experimental drug. If so, anything that may happen afterwards is a coincidence.

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