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Cardiac Testing at Washington Event Found 53 Percent Myocarditis Rate

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+14 more 
posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 05:00 PM
Health professionals at a recent community event in Washington called Truth and Accountability Project Washington tested people using an Advanced Multifunction Cardiogram Test. The results showed 53% of those tested were identified as having myocarditis. The attendee's were brought together to discuss how their health was impacted by pandemic health measures such as the mandated vaccines. The event was headlined by basketball legend John Stockton and drew a crowd of 500. Most of the people who got vaccinated at the event did so unwillingly in order to keep their jobs, and many ended up with serious health conditions. Myocarditis is just one of many issues that has been caused by the Covid shots. Unfortunately this disease has a 50% fatality rate within 5 years.

According to

What is the life expectancy with myocarditis?

Once the heart muscle is damaged, it cannot be repaired by the body. Within five years of diagnosis, the death rate from myocarditis is 50%.

While the media and pharma try to paint a target on the virus itself, most people with a working memory know there wasn't a myocarditis crisis in 2020. That only started happening after vaccine rollout. In fact it's so prolific the internet is littered with heart jokes about the vaccine which are almost as abundant as Biden dementia meme's.

WENATCHEE, WA, USA, February 26, 2023 / -- Nearly 500 people from Washington, Oregon and Idaho gathered at the Wenatchee Convention Center in Washington State on Saturday, January 28 to hear and share stories of how the unprecedented response to the COVID-19 pandemic impacted their lives. Stories included injuries and deaths from COVID shots and hospital protocols; careers upended and families torn apart by mandates; and numerous harms from closures of schools, businesses and churches.

"People came to this event looking for answers, to build community, and to be given a voice because those in government and corporate medicine have refused to listen," said Bill Sullivan, an appointed member of the Chelan-Douglas Board of Health and co-organizer of the Pandemic Response Harms Event, acting in a private capacity. "The honest medical professionals are being silenced by their licensing boards, by media, by the public health apparatus, and by their corporate bosses. If they dare explore any connection between all these strange ailments and the experimental COVID shots, they risk losing their license and their job for purveying what state bureaucrats determine is ‘misinformation’.”

Sullivan’s concern was echoed by several speakers. Repeating a sentiment heard throughout the day, Brian McInnes, a local physician and endurance athlete who was diagnosed with a heart conduction abnormality following COVID vaccination told the crowd, “There are many people like me, as you are hearing, that have experienced adverse health effects after COVID vaccination. And like me, most all of them have had any association of their health problem with the vaccine dismissed.” McInnes went on to say, “My first vaccine dose came from Pfizer Lot Number EK-9231. This lot is ranked number one for all Pfizer batches for adverse reactions, given right here in Wenatchee.” Dr. McInnes continued, “My second vaccine dose came from Pfizer Lot EN-5318. This lot is ranked number four of all lots for adverse reactions. These two vaccine batches alone are associated with a reported 252 deaths and many other illnesses and disabilities. And that’s just the VAERS data which is . . . quite underreported”.


edit on 27-2-2023 by v1rtu0s0 because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-2-2023 by v1rtu0s0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 05:20 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

How can you really expect to be taken seriously when you state

While the media and pharma try to paint a target on the virus itself, most people with a working memory know there wasn't a myocarditis crisis in 2020.

Really? If you took oh let's be generous, 5 minutes to look at reports in 2020 and early 2021, myocarditis was definitely a factor. With both death and recovered cases.
Before the vaccine. Even resulting from mild Covid cases.

There is nothing wrong with researching the vaccination, however your blatant false claims really affect your credibility. You believe only one cause exists and that is patently false.

+10 more 
posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 05:22 PM

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

How can you really expect to be taken seriously when you state

While the media and pharma try to paint a target on the virus itself, most people with a working memory know there wasn't a myocarditis crisis in 2020.

Really? If you took oh let's be generous, 5 minutes to look at reports in 2020 and early 2021, myocarditis was definitely a factor. With both death and recovered cases.
Before the vaccine. Even resulting from mild Covid cases.

There is nothing wrong with researching the vaccination, however your blatant false claims really affect your credibility. You believe only one cause exists and that is patently false.

This is more denialism and revisionist history. Myocarditis was never this profilific until after the covid shot rollout. That's not what people were afraid of in 2020.

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 05:39 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

I’m not a denier, but I had heard a lot about myocarditis in relation to Chagas, and kissing bugs way before Covid.
edit on 27-2-2023 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

+6 more 
posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 05:52 PM
a reply to: frogs453

The above is a very well known peer reviewed paper that puts an end to the speculation and denialism of reality.

It is well known that almost in every case of myocarditis post vaccination the reason behind the development of the condition is the free spike protein from the vaccine and not any viral infection, including infection with SARS-COV-2. Something that vaccine apologists don't really know or don't want to know...

The study shows that the immunological response elicited by the mRNA vaccine was very similar in those who developed post-vaccination myocarditis and others. In other words, myocarditis could not be associated with abnormal autoantibodies, viral infections other than SARS-CoV-2, or excessive production of antibodies elicited by the mRNA vaccine.

In vaccinated patients, infection with the virus was not likely to be a cause or contributing factor for myocarditis since anti-Nucleoprotein IgG was not found in these patients.

In contrast to controls, the finding of high levels of unbound full-length spike protein in myocarditis patients may point to the mechanism by which this condition arises. Similarly, MIS-C patients had circulating SARS-CoV-2 antigens.

The spike protein appears to evade immune antibodies found at normal levels in these patients, with adequate functional and neutralization capacity. The spike may damage the cardiac pericytes or endothelium, perhaps by reducing the expression of the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), reducing nitric oxide production in the endothelium, or activating inflammation via integrins, causing the endothelium to become abnormally permeable.

In a few words, one of the major differences between those adolescents and young adults who developed myocarditis post vaccination and those who didn't develop the condition, was the presence or the absence of free spike antigens respectively in the blood of those individuals. Same is true regardless the age of those affected from myocarditis post vaccination.

The vast majority of cases of myocarditis post vaccination are due to the free spike protein i.e due to the mRNA vaccines.

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 05:54 PM

Myocarditis is just one of many issues that has been caused by the Covid shots. Unfortunately this disease has a 50% fatality rate within 5 years.
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

No man! Just no!

This is outright fear mongering. I would expect this from certain groups of people but I wouldn't expect it from someone who has been here this long. I would imagine picking up on that and staying far away from broad values when discussing serious topics like say... oh... DEATH

I don't know where you stand on the who's who, here. I'm new to this place and all of the people here but from what I've read, I found myself respecting the way many people present their information. This is just.. so Yahoo/Social Media.


I started reading though and when I got to that point, you had me legit frightened for my family, my father, all those that had been vaccinated. When people start arguing over something like a vaccine, including how fast this all came about and everything you read - I tend to start digging into everything over and over again to try to find my own 'logic' in this.

It's tremendously difficult when so many people armchair their way to the facts and start distorting them, as armchairs do. This wreaks havoc on not only truth but peoples LIVES. People get hurt. People Die. People stop trusting each other. People end up like today. Everyone is at a standoff of sorts.

Fauci standoff? Can I coin that? Nah... Sounds retarded.

My point is this.

The long-term prognosis was usually good, with a 3 to 5-year survival ranging from 56 to 83%, respectively. Patients with acute fulminant myocarditis have an excellent long-term prognosis of 93% at 11 years once they survive the acute illness.

- Source

This number of 50% strikes fear in the unsuspecting person. I'm not a doctor. I don't play one on TV. I have no idea if you're full of %@$% or not. Being here a short time, you have a lot of posts, you seem to be respected based on your stars... Someone unsuspecting as myself could be totally caught up into that. I instantly went to the next 5 years of my family and it can make a person anxious, more so today than before. Fortunately I like to compare the information when numbers are a good bit alarming and I've found that your interpretation and what I read was NOT AT ALL the same.

You generalized a very important value of a very important situation. I'm sorry to say, this kind of 'reporting' really throws a wrench into everything that's important about this world bending subject. I don't think this is the kind of topic you can generalize. I despise with all my self, the lies that these medias throw on us, drowning in their sea of BS, trying to cling on to some floating truth out there. People are scared. People are looking for answers.

Don't be like the media. I'd say you have a pretty important soap box here. Don't piss it away with BS.

That is all

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 05:59 PM

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

How can you really expect to be taken seriously when you state

While the media and pharma try to paint a target on the virus itself, most people with a working memory know there wasn't a myocarditis crisis in 2020.

Really? If you took oh let's be generous, 5 minutes to look at reports in 2020 and early 2021, myocarditis was definitely a factor. With both death and recovered cases.
Before the vaccine. Even resulting from mild Covid cases.

There is nothing wrong with researching the vaccination, however your blatant false claims really affect your credibility. You believe only one cause exists and that is patently false.

It's better if you come into terms with reality and stop engaging in vaccine apologetics and defending of the pharmaceuticals.

The cause as described above from the research paper that I linked is more likely the free spike protein from vaccinations with the mRNA products.

In vaccinated patients, infection with the virus was not likely to be a cause or contributing factor for myocarditis since anti-Nucleoprotein IgG was not found in these patients

In simple words, myocarditis post vaccination means you are affected by the free spike protein created by your cells because of the vaccination you have received. It's not because of SARS-CoV-2, another vital infection, climate change, Donald Trump or the Republicans in Tennessee and Idaho.

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 06:11 PM

originally posted by: Timber13

Myocarditis is just one of many issues that has been caused by the Covid shots. Unfortunately this disease has a 50% fatality rate within 5 years.
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

No man! Just no!

This is outright fear mongering. I would expect this from certain groups of people but I wouldn't expect it from someone who has been here this long. I would imagine picking up on that and staying far away from broad values when discussing serious topics like say... oh... DEATH

I don't know where you stand on the who's who, here. I'm new to this place and all of the people here but from what I've read, I found myself respecting the way many people present their information. This is just.. so Yahoo/Social Media.


I started reading though and when I got to that point, you had me legit frightened for my family, my father, all those that had been vaccinated. When people start arguing over something like a vaccine, including how fast this all came about and everything you read - I tend to start digging into everything over and over again to try to find my own 'logic' in this.

It's tremendously difficult when so many people armchair their way to the facts and start distorting them, as armchairs do. This wreaks havoc on not only truth but peoples LIVES. People get hurt. People Die. People stop trusting each other. People end up like today. Everyone is at a standoff of sorts.

Fauci standoff? Can I coin that? Nah... Sounds retarded.

My point is this.

The long-term prognosis was usually good, with a 3 to 5-year survival ranging from 56 to 83%, respectively. Patients with acute fulminant myocarditis have an excellent long-term prognosis of 93% at 11 years once they survive the acute illness.

- Source

This number of 50% strikes fear in the unsuspecting person. I'm not a doctor. I don't play one on TV. I have no idea if you're full of %@$% or not. Being here a short time, you have a lot of posts, you seem to be respected based on your stars... Someone unsuspecting as myself could be totally caught up into that. I instantly went to the next 5 years of my family and it can make a person anxious, more so today than before. Fortunately I like to compare the information when numbers are a good bit alarming and I've found that your interpretation and what I read was NOT AT ALL the same.

You generalized a very important value of a very important situation. I'm sorry to say, this kind of 'reporting' really throws a wrench into everything that's important about this world bending subject. I don't think this is the kind of topic you can generalize. I despise with all my self, the lies that these medias throw on us, drowning in their sea of BS, trying to cling on to some floating truth out there. People are scared. People are looking for answers.

Don't be like the media. I'd say you have a pretty important soap box here. Don't piss it away with BS.

That is all

You've proven one of my points. Usually I have to resort to independent journalism to source the truth. And when I do that people attack the source instead of the argument. In this case I just "Googled it." and that's the result I got.

If you want to argue the exact percentage that's fine but if it's more than 0, it's unacceptable. Also it doesn't account for loss of quality of life such as you'll survive but never be able to play a sport again. There's no such thing as mild myocarditis. If heart damage is detectable there is a serious issue.

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 06:18 PM
But I just googled it too and that was literally on top of the page above all things.

myocarditis life expectancy

I'd ignore people and go back to facts.

And I get what you're saying about all numbers above zero but that's not at all correct on any level of any type of journalism, unless you're at the school of yahoo. At least I had no classes teaching me any of this in college.

I'm going to give your floor back to you because I can see that this will only turn into a back and forth disagreement. Appreciate the info but those numbers are not true.

You can't generalize this no matter how you feel about the information.
edit on CST2002bAmerica/ChicagoMon, 27 Feb 2023 18:20:46 -060013 by Timber13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 06:29 PM
a reply to: Timber13

The only way to really know the true effects of what was done to the population is to wait and see. A lot of doctors gave early warnings that this was trouble. I knew we are all in for a world of hurt with the massive media and political campaigns against treatments lick HCQ and Ivermectin. The data on the effectiveness of these and other treatments is overwhelming.

Now all cause mortality figures are on the rise, especially in the more vaccinated populations around the world. It is tough to come to terms with the level of evil it takes to pull of such a stunt like what was done with covid. All the word smithing used to change experimental genetic therapy into safe and effective vaccinations is gradually getting exposed to the public for the rubbish it is.

On the good side, more people are waking up and not getting boosted. On the bad side we are past the point of no return for many. Just need to hang in there as best we can.

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 06:54 PM
a reply to: frogs453

I am starting to see, in my local community previously exceptionally healthy people getting weird cancers, and one walker who I pass occasionally is in a hospice. One suddenly had heart valve complications, they replaced it, and now apparently she does not recognize anyone.. I know they all had the Jab. the second a fit girl was diagnosed with stomach cancer and is being fed with a tube, The girl in the hospice has some form of terminal cancer. In all my years in this community, I can say that they are going down like flies. As time goes by the predictions from the anti-Mrna group are gaining traction.

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 07:23 PM
Strange too, but not surprising, is why would The CDC make articles about something, say it's "rarely reported" (huhh?), and then go into details?. Hmmmmm 😎☠️

Controlled Opposition combined with the "it's no big deal" argument 😎

We've already seen several CDC "reversals" and "revisions" on many concerning issues 👀

Read in-between-the-lines 👀
Myocarditis and Pericarditis After mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 08:02 PM

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

How can you really expect to be taken seriously when you state

While the media and pharma try to paint a target on the virus itself, most people with a working memory know there wasn't a myocarditis crisis in 2020.

Really? If you took oh let's be generous, 5 minutes to look at reports in 2020 and early 2021, myocarditis was definitely a factor. With both death and recovered cases.
Before the vaccine. Even resulting from mild Covid cases.

There is nothing wrong with researching the vaccination, however your blatant false claims really affect your credibility. You believe only one cause exists and that is patently false.

But the meme's don't lie. You can talk about whatever you want, and throw statistics into charts and paint pretty pictures all day, but at the end of the day, people 'joke' [meme] about the truth.

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 08:03 PM

originally posted by: EmmanuelGoldstein

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

How can you really expect to be taken seriously when you state

While the media and pharma try to paint a target on the virus itself, most people with a working memory know there wasn't a myocarditis crisis in 2020.

Really? If you took oh let's be generous, 5 minutes to look at reports in 2020 and early 2021, myocarditis was definitely a factor. With both death and recovered cases.
Before the vaccine. Even resulting from mild Covid cases.

There is nothing wrong with researching the vaccination, however your blatant false claims really affect your credibility. You believe only one cause exists and that is patently false.

But the meme's don't lie. You can talk about whatever you want, and throw statistics into charts and paint pretty pictures all day, but at the end of the day, people 'joke' [meme] about the truth.

There has been plenty of evidence posted in 100s of threads and thousands of pages of discussion. Memes are just the culture catching up with reality.

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 08:16 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

true to the that

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 07:28 AM
Eastern Washington State is much more conservative and resistant to Big-Government, than Western Washington's bloated ultra liberal fiasco factory.
I think the west side got the batches that were "harmless", while the east side got the killer batches.
I am a west side vaxx refusenik but me wife has had 2 shots since 2020.
Her only ailment at all began yesterday with a scratchy throat which by days end, she had self-diagnosed herself as having the flu.
Time will tell, but I think she had a dummy shot, while my old friend, who I'm not sure if he's jabbed, was diagnosed a couple months ago to be stage 4 cancer, highly aggressive metastasized and spreading throughout his body.
Prior to this, he was an avid hunter, outdoorsman and car nut.
Right now, he is just dying.

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 08:56 AM

originally posted by: kwakakev
a reply to: Timber13

The only way to really know the true effects of what was done to the population is to wait and see. A lot of doctors gave early warnings that this was trouble. I knew we are all in for a world of hurt with the massive media and political campaigns against treatments lick HCQ and Ivermectin. The data on the effectiveness of these and other treatments is overwhelming.

Now all cause mortality figures are on the rise, especially in the more vaccinated populations around the world. It is tough to come to terms with the level of evil it takes to pull of such a stunt like what was done with covid. All the word smithing used to change experimental genetic therapy into safe and effective vaccinations is gradually getting exposed to the public for the rubbish it is.

On the good side, more people are waking up and not getting boosted. On the bad side we are past the point of no return for many. Just need to hang in there as best we can.

You are very correct! Time will show the true effects of what is done to the population regardless of the attempts to cover up the truth. In the UK for example they are trying to exonerate those responsible for the mess by not offering the mRNA products to anyone under the age of 50. In terms of benefit to risk ratio this is the correct decision but it has come late and it doesn't save the game.

The irony is that in the UK they were planning to vaccinate only those over the age of 50 back in the end of 2020 until mysterious forces hijacked science and medicine....

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 09:34 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Bill Sullivan is described as an anti-vaxxr and he was voted down 10-1 from the other board members.

EAST WENATCHEE — The Chelan-Douglas Board of Health turned down a proposal Monday to review consent forms and other material offered to COVID vaccine recipients, dealing a second defeat to a boardmember who's consistently alleged that the widely distributed inoculations are unsafe.

Bill Sullivan asked the board to create an ad-hoc committee of medical professionals “on both sides of this vaccine safety and efficacy argument” to study information about the vaccines that is given to prospective recipients by the Chelan-Douglas Health District, as well as the consent form recipients or their guardians must sign before getting a shot.

"This health district still administers experimental vaccines to members of our community without what is known as informed consent, or potentially without adequately informed consent," Sullivan told the board, "and I request that the board conduct an evaluation to determine the adequacy of the existing approach."

His motion failed 10-1, with Sullivan the only vote in favor.

Sullivan, a 49-year-old hydrogeologist from Wenatchee, has consistently questioned the severity of COVID-19 infections and attacked its vaccines as "experimental" and possibly hazardous, even before joining the health board in March. At the board's last monthly meeting in August, he proposed restraining the Chelan-Douglas Health District from offering COVID-19 vaccinations, or information about the vaccines, to anyone under 18. That measure also failed, 9-1.

And in October 2021, months before the board was reconstituted under a state law that required non-elected appointees to join, Sullivan commented at a board meeting — citing unverified evidence — that the vaccines had been responsible for some 17,000 deaths to that point. e79ff4e.html

(If you get a 404 fail on the above link, search this term "chelan-douglas-health-board-votes-down-second-initiative-by-vaccine-decrying-member" at

Again, Bill Sullivan offered unverified evidence as all anti-vaxxrs do. All he needed to do was find verifiable proof.

Sullivan went on to falsely say that the National Institutes of Health has approved the antiparasitic drug ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment. (“So that’s a statement of fact that’s new since we last met.”) That claim has circulated on social media but been debunked.
edit on q00000039228America/Chicago0505America/Chicago2 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

edit on q00000041228America/Chicago3131America/Chicago2 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 11:32 AM

originally posted by: quintessentone
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Bill Sullivan is described as an anti-vaxxr and he was voted down 10-1 from the other board members.

EAST WENATCHEE — The Chelan-Douglas Board of Health turned down a proposal Monday to review consent forms and other material offered to COVID vaccine recipients, dealing a second defeat to a boardmember who's consistently alleged that the widely distributed inoculations are unsafe.

Bill Sullivan asked the board to create an ad-hoc committee of medical professionals “on both sides of this vaccine safety and efficacy argument” to study information about the vaccines that is given to prospective recipients by the Chelan-Douglas Health District, as well as the consent form recipients or their guardians must sign before getting a shot.

"This health district still administers experimental vaccines to members of our community without what is known as informed consent, or potentially without adequately informed consent," Sullivan told the board, "and I request that the board conduct an evaluation to determine the adequacy of the existing approach."

His motion failed 10-1, with Sullivan the only vote in favor.

Sullivan, a 49-year-old hydrogeologist from Wenatchee, has consistently questioned the severity of COVID-19 infections and attacked its vaccines as "experimental" and possibly hazardous, even before joining the health board in March. At the board's last monthly meeting in August, he proposed restraining the Chelan-Douglas Health District from offering COVID-19 vaccinations, or information about the vaccines, to anyone under 18. That measure also failed, 9-1.

And in October 2021, months before the board was reconstituted under a state law that required non-elected appointees to join, Sullivan commented at a board meeting — citing unverified evidence — that the vaccines had been responsible for some 17,000 deaths to that point. e79ff4e.html

(If you get a 404 fail on the above link, search this term "chelan-douglas-health-board-votes-down-second-initiative-by-vaccine-decrying-member" at

Again, Bill Sullivan offered unverified evidence as all anti-vaxxrs do. All he needed to do was find verifiable proof.

Sullivan went on to falsely say that the National Institutes of Health has approved the antiparasitic drug ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment. (“So that’s a statement of fact that’s new since we last met.”) That claim has circulated on social media but been debunked.

The antivax expression is a pejorative which is used in the absence of any valid arguments. May I remind you that you have made a series of arguments that have no basis in science or reality. From herd immunity to the nature of the virus confusing the virus with the disease that the virus could cause and by naming Covid-19 as a virus that has come from another virus SARS-CoV-2. Which is clearly wrong.

Then you upgraded the false claim by arguing that Covid-19 is a chimeric virus that had come from SARS-CoV-2 and another unspecified pathogen... Clearly very wrong as Covid-19 is not a virus.

Myocarditis post vaccination is a very well known effect by the mRNA products. Nothing new here.

posted on Mar, 1 2023 @ 10:39 AM
FWIW....years ago I worked in health insurance as what is called an Underwriter Communicator. People apply for insurance through their agent, the application goes to the company, the underwriter is in charge of issuing the policy at least risk for the company. My and my colleagues job was to call the applicants and ask verification and clarification questions to the applicants. Keep in mind, on the applications they would ask things like "have you ever had a headache" (not directly like that, but under bigger questions with "headache" being one of the things in parentheses).

I don't want to date myself, but it wasn't THAT long ago, it was long if you're young, but it wasn't that long ago that I did this job. And I had to talk to people about a LOT of heart problems and myocarditis wasn't common.

Before we were put on the phones to do that job we had to go through the medical terminology course. "itis" was the cartoon character on fire and the caption was "I test in flames" and we were supposed to remember that "itis" means inflammation. I only mention this about the medical terminology in case someone doesn't believe the job I had is a real thing. We also had Merck Manuals at our desks. Anyway, not so long ago, myocarditis wasn't very prevalent.

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