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I Thought I Was Saving Trans Kids. Now I’m Blowing the Whistle

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posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 11:28 PM
This is an eye opening story. What we had heard seems to be true. Autistic and kids from the psychiatric wards referred to these gender clinics for life altering drugs and surgery. This whistleblower runs through a lot of information. I don't care if you are pro or anti, you should read this to get a full picture of what the hell is going on.

Almost everyone in my life advised me to keep my head down. But I cannot in good conscience do so. Because what is happening to scores of children is far more important than my comfort. And what is happening to them is morally and medically appalling.

When I left there were 50, and about 70 percent of the new patients were girls. Sometimes clusters of girls arrived from the same high school.

Besides teenage girls, another new group was referred to us: young people from the inpatient psychiatric unit, or the emergency department, of St. Louis Children’s Hospital. The mental health of these kids was deeply concerning—there were diagnoses like schizophrenia, PTSD, bipolar disorder, and more. Often they were already on a fistful of pharmaceuticals.

The girls who came to us had many comorbidities: depression, anxiety, ADHD, eating disorders, obesity. Many were diagnosed with autism, or had autism-like symptoms. A report last year on a British pediatric transgender center found that about one-third of the patients referred there were on the autism spectrum.

The center prescribed this cancer drug as a puberty blocker and feminizing agent for boys. As with most cancer drugs, bicalutamide has a long list of side effects, and this patient experienced one of them: liver toxicity. He was sent to another unit of the hospital for evaluation and immediately taken off the drug. Afterward, his mother sent an electronic message to the Transgender Center saying that we were lucky her family was not the type to sue.

17-year-old biological female patient who was on testosterone. She said she was bleeding from the vagina. In less than an hour she had soaked through an extra heavy pad, her jeans, and a towel she had wrapped around her waist. The nurse at the center told her to go to the emergency room right away.

We found out later this girl had had intercourse, and because testosterone thins the vaginal tissues, her vaginal canal had ripped open. She had to be sedated and given surgery to repair the damage. She wasn’t the only vaginal laceration case we heard about.

Other girls were disturbed by the effects of testosterone on their clitoris, which enlarges and grows into what looks like a microphallus, or a tiny penis. I counseled one patient whose enlarged clitoris now extended below her vulva, and it chafed and rubbed painfully in her jeans. I advised her to get the kind of compression undergarments worn by biological men who dress to pass as female. At the end of the call I thought to myself, “Wow, we hurt this kid.”

She was put on hormones at the center when she was around 16. When she was 18, she went in for a double mastectomy, what’s known as “top surgery.”

Three months later she called the surgeon’s office to say she was going back to her birth name and that her pronouns were “she” and “her.” Heartbreakingly, she told the nurse, “I want my breasts back.” The surgeon’s office contacted our office because they didn’t know what to say to this girl. The last I heard, she was pregnant. Of course, she’ll never be able to breastfeed her child.

+14 more 
posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 11:37 PM
a reply to: infolurker

I'll say this proudly, every society that turns their back on God will fail 100% of the time. proven in history since the beginning of time.

This is extremely sad to read and knowing that this won't stop is heart breaking.
edit on 10-2-2023 by TooMuchTimeAndResearch because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2023 @ 12:01 AM
a reply to: infolurker

It is not about lack of God or morals. It is all about the almighty dollar and convenience.

Children have problems. They usually grow through them. Their parents want an easy fix. It started with mind altering pills being over prescribed.

It has progressed to sterilizing the undesirable traits out of the next generation with parents and insurance gladly paying for it.

It is eugenics with those exparimented on tricked into wanting it.

Make them want to be sterile and make them pay for the privilege.

I am glad I had no children to be in that mess.

posted on Feb, 11 2023 @ 12:03 AM
a reply to: TooMuchTimeAndResearch

France has joined England, Finland, Denmark and Sweden in restricting or urging extreme caution in the use of puberty blockers and cross sex hormones to treat gender dysphoria in children and adolescents.

We know that currently, 76% of referees to The Tavistock & Portman Gender Identity Service (GIDS) are adolescent girls, and we also know from The Tavistock’s statistics that 48% either have a diagnosis of, or show traits of Autism

There has been an unprecedented overall increase in referrals to the NHS Gender Identity Service (GIDS) of over 3263% over the ten years from 2009 to 2019, with an increase in referrals from adolescent girls over that period of 5337% . With the understanding that a significant proportion of all referrals indicate autistic traits, it may be many more years before we see the results of any research into the reason for this. This assumes of course, that such research is taking place at all.

We are extremely concerned that autistic children and adolescents are not receiving optimal care; either in terms of their Autism being recognised, or taken into account when under the care of gender identity services. We have collated within this report all the research, studies, and media that make up our knowledge base for Autism and identity issues.

This is not the first whistleblower to warn that the Autistic kids were being preyed upon and persuaded / groomed into this. This story is from 2018.

Earlier this year, The Mail on Sunday revealed that a third of youngsters referred to the NHS’s only gender identity clinic for children showed ‘moderate to severe autistic traits’.

Older pupils at her school who changed gender ‘groomed’ younger, mainly autistic students to do the same;

One autistic teenager is soon to have a double mastectomy;

Pupils who say they were born the wrong sex mimic transgender YouTube stars Carol believes are partly to blame for convincing vulnerable children they have gender dysphoria.

Last night, Conservative MP David Davies said: ‘I congratulate this teacher for coming out and telling us what I have long suspected has been going on in schools. It is horrendous that children are being encouraged by other pupils to identify as transgender, particularly if they have autism.

‘Parents are not told about this and there is no way of challenging these pupils who are convinced by others that they have a problem they almost certainly do not have. Tragically the end result could be irreversible surgical procedures. This is scandalous.’

The teacher, who has her own child, also believes many of those who say they are the wrong sex are simply gay but would face bullying if they were to ‘come out’. By contrast, she says, transgender children at the school are idolised by other pupils.

‘That child was diagnosed as autistic at the age of 14 and certainly was not transgender,’ she said. ‘She had other complicated mental health problems. It is a tragedy her claim was accepted so readily. Now she is going to mutilate her body.’

Over the next four years, the 17 pupils who have ‘come out’ as transgender have become powerful within the school, Carol says.

They wear identical clothing and hairstyles and often adopt the names of transgender YouTube stars. She has also witnessed first-hand how older pupils have persuaded younger ones with autism that they, too, were born the wrong sex – a process she has likens to ‘grooming’.

‘They are just young people with mental health problems who have found an identity and want to be part of a group of like-minded people,’ she said.

What makes this even more painful for Carol and is one of the reasons she has chosen to speak out today is that she has learned the girl is planning a double mastectomy as part of her gender realignment.

She says: ‘That child was diagnosed as autistic at the age of 14 and certainly was not transgender – she had complicated mental health problems. It is a tragedy that now she is going to mutilate her body.’

Now she understands the pupil informally ‘educated’ fellow students, which Carol suspects could have been the catalyst for a wave of ‘copycat’ cases among autistic pupils. She says the process reminds her of ‘grooming’.

Over the next four years, Carol witnessed an astonishing explosion in the number of children claiming to be transgender.

In all but a very few cases, she says, the children were officially diagnosed as autistic by the local education authority. Those not formally diagnosed showed clear signs of being on the autistic spectrum, she says.

According to Carol, nine of the 18 children she has seen identify as transgender have been diagnosed with autism while the rest had definite signs of the condition. ‘Typically, these children are bright outsiders,’ she says.

posted on Feb, 11 2023 @ 12:13 AM

originally posted by: TooMuchTimeAndResearch
a reply to: infolurker

I'll say this proudly, every society that turns their back on God will fail 100% of the time. proven in history since the beginning of time.

This is extremely sad to read and knowing that this won't stop is heart breaking.

Half true.
When society turns into a heart of a fool that does not listen and obey the wisdom of the elderly, society is on a path of self-destruction. Today's world's leaders are faced with a society of weak and undisciplined souls of confused souls and don't give any respect toward the wisdom of their parents. ( not 100% true )

Sadly, we have leaders in position to pollute the minds of the innocence of life of our children.

posted on Feb, 11 2023 @ 12:19 AM
This topic is troublesome in and of itself, but the inclusion of ideologies as a 'factor' in judgment makes it doubly so.

Yes, many religious, and otherwise doctrinal traditions would look upon this 'medical' procedure as an exercise in immorality, there are also scientific and biological factors that would speak against this process unless the patient can demonstrate full awareness and suitability for treatment - as well as an understanding of what is to come. Ultimately, the worst aspect of this is that it has become almost fully detached from the 'personal' to the 'social' sphere of discussion.

People, who in their imaginations conjure some reasonability in the subject seems reticent to relinquish their virtue signaling social justice chokehold on a matter that is - in the final analysis - purely personal, and situationally unique to each individual.

While I believe that "Do no Harm" is the single most important axiom a medical or psychological doctor could adhere to; others seem to see that as a kind of "joke." I have to concur with something I hear Dr. Jordan Peterson say... allow these kids to sue their doctors if later in life, they feel the treatment was damaging to them... then the doctors would wait to be damn sure that they weren't just grabbing another quick $100K for the 'practice,' or just wait until they were no longer minors.

There is a gut-wrenching stink in the practice of 'gender' reassignment for minors... and it's ALWAYS an adult that is responsible. Often it is the parent or parents who fear establishing reasonable boundaries, alternately they might choose instead to create giant walls around their children. Often it is a role model figure, a respected mentor or influencer, or maybe a zealous activist, with the alure and glamor of their social justice beliefs. But in the end, the one profession that should protect them from untimely, hasty, or just plain wrong medical intentions is gone because ... it would be 'transphobic' to object. Thank you, social justice warriors who believe that the sex you have is more important than the sex you are.

posted on Feb, 11 2023 @ 12:38 AM
a reply to: Maxmars

You are correct, we have already caught them on video bragging about how much money they can bring in doing transition therapy and with pre and post care surgery, even more.


posted on Feb, 11 2023 @ 01:39 AM
If children can not consent to sex by law,
Then they can not consent to SEX changes.
All Doctors and any one participating in
changing sex of underage children
have to be legally charged to the max !
This perfidious attack on children is
demonic to say the least.
It's a test to see how compliant the masses
can be lead and controlled.
Seems a segment of the population is
still in a coma.


posted on Feb, 11 2023 @ 02:59 AM
a reply to: TooMuchTimeAndResearch

I'll say this proudly, every society that turns their back on God will fail 100% of the time. proven in history since the beginning of time.

And I will say this matter of factly, every society in the entirety of human history since the beginning of time has failed.

posted on Feb, 11 2023 @ 03:18 AM
There's a reason most mammals will kill off a percentage of their own offspring.
This new age idea of medicating the defective humans is kind and sympathetic, but it's a huge waste of resources and the results are just proving the point.

At some point, society has to draw the line and decide what traits are acceptable and what traits warrant eradication.
Years ago the US had mental institutions where we sent our undesirables, but that ended and now those undesirables are free to roam, breed, and even have jobs in education or government.

posted on Feb, 11 2023 @ 04:15 AM
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

all 100% failed the 10 commandments, also. I'm still right.

posted on Feb, 11 2023 @ 05:23 AM

originally posted by: TerryMcGuire
a reply to: TooMuchTimeAndResearch

I'll say this proudly, every society that turns their back on God will fail 100% of the time. proven in history since the beginning of time.

And I will say this matter of factly, every society in the entirety of human history since the beginning of time has failed.

Really ?
Do tell .
I think you must have meant either governments or countries .
There are still societies in this world today that haven't changed much much in 2000 years or more.
edit on 2/11/23 by Gothmog because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2023 @ 06:46 AM
a reply to: lordcomac

There's a reason most mammals will kill off a percentage of their own offspring.
This new age idea of medicating the defective humans is kind and sympathetic, but it's a huge waste of resources and the results are just proving the point.

Lack of resources and the inability to plan forward?

The idea of society is truly ancient to humans, the idea of psychology didn't exist when it was still ancient... I'm not sure how you come to a conclusion of eugenics from nature and society.

posted on Feb, 11 2023 @ 08:08 AM
a reply to: infolurker

I linked this in another thread, but to me, it seems relevant to this topic.

They are rethinking spay and neuter for dogs and cats. It seems the reasoning behind spay and neuter is twofold:

1. Reducing unwanted pups and kittens
2. Reducing problem behaviors related to hormones

Spay and neuter surgeries are, of course, highly effective at the first one, but they are discovering that they may not be nearly what they are advertised for the second. They are discovering, and there is a large scale study linked in the article, that dogs allowed to experience their natural sex hormones actually tend to display *less* of the problem behaviors and psychology associated with their sexual characteristics. That flies in the face of convention. Not only that, but the study was conducted in such a way that they can tell that the more of their natural sex hormones an animal experiences, the more natural and normal their later behaviors and psychology will be. In other words, the things like aggression and urine marking are less in animals with the full range of their sex hormones.

So, it would seem to me that if it is a good thing for animals to have their natural hormones and not be spayed or neutered as soon as possible or even to just receive vasectomy and hysterectomy in order to avoid those behavioral issues and health issues that come with a lack of natural sex hormones (I forgot the article mentions those too), then why are we suddenly thinking it is a good thing to wall our children off from their natural sex hormones and that this will improve their psychological, mental, and health issues?

posted on Feb, 11 2023 @ 08:53 AM
Autism. In 1985 1 in 2500 children were diagnosed with autism; by 1992 it was 1 in 168; today it is 1 in 64.

Is the increase because of better understanding and diagnostic techniques, or has autism become a catchall disorder to require medical intervention via modern drugs?

If autism really has exploded globally, the drug therapies aren't working, unless the goal is to make their minds more malleable. Show me a kid that isn't confused about their place in the world, and I'll show you a normal child; the medical field will show you a child with a mental disorder requiring drug therapy....which seems to be resulting in gender dysphoria.

The elephant under the rug would seem to be what has cause autism to increase from 1/2500 to 1 in 64 in less than 4 decades? Could it be the toxic soup of chemicals we breathe, eat, and surround ourselves with every day? Or is it the next step in enriching the entire medical industry and hijacking the minds of our youth?

I have a grandson that I'm pretty sure has Asperger's, though it's not been professionally diagnosed.
At TWO years old he was diagnosed with ADHD and put on medication. What two year old isn't hyperactive? Especially boys?

He's in his thirties now and has refused to continue a drugged-up life. He's come a long way since giving up 'better living through modern chemistry' and has learned how to interact with others on a more 'socially acceptable' level.

There are kids today that are having a really hard time mentally in our ever-increasingly complex world that need a lot of extra help sorting things out, but drugging them so they're not so much of a problem seems like a poor solution, unless you consider the financial and political aspects.

I know science won't look behind the mental symptoms to find a cause; if they did, they'd have to address the chemical and environmental pollution which would stop the elite's financial machine in its tracks. Can't have that!

Take your happy pills, chop off your wanger and live happily ever after in a chemically induced utopia.

posted on Feb, 11 2023 @ 06:32 PM
a reply to: Gothmog

Yep, I guess that is what I had in mind. Thanks for making me think.

posted on Feb, 12 2023 @ 08:37 AM
a reply to: nugget1

Ours struggles with mild/mod ADD, being very active although per psychologist not truly hyperactive, hearing disorder brought on by drainage issues in his ears (his skull is just not put together well to allow for draining - mine is sinus; his is ear), and dysgraphia. He has high anxiety.

We let him go without medication as long as possible. Last year the stress for various reasons was enough that he was melting down, so we took him back to a psychologist. He is now on a low dose of medication to help stabilize his executive functioning. But it's low enough, he can take it or not as he chooses meaning most weekend days he doesn't for example.

Sometimes, I think they want to jump straight in because they think it's the easy answer. It's easier to assign a pill than to actually deal with the person. And for the people themselves on their end, it's easier to think if they just take a pill, or get a surgery, all their problems will be done. That's a much easier fix than realizing it's a mental thing and that they will have to actually work to change habits and mentality. That's hard.
edit on 12-2-2023 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2023 @ 08:52 AM
I see all these unconcerned practices by our medical professionals as an experiment on children, Pharma is working on new drugs and treatments, these means the bigger the number of children in need of "treatments" means profits.

This is unacceptable and horrifying, the repercussions that these practices are doing to our children will be for life, a new generation of drug addicted and mutilated adults that will need medical treatment and psychological treatments for life if they even make it to adulthood before committing suicide.

The glamour or sex "reassignment" have nothing glamours at all, is horrified, but right now nobody cares, because our own government is encouraging this.

What children needs is not mutilations and sex change drugs what they need is mental health, first.

The doctors and facilities involved in these practices need to be brough on charges for abuse of children.
edit on 12-2-2023 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2023 @ 09:16 AM
I’ve been feeling increasingly uncomfortable with this whole thing for a while! I’m getting on a bit (lot) now but still remember what it was like as a teenager, the anxiety, feeling different to my peers and oh the problems concentrating on school work!
I really wonder what we are doing today? Do we really believe so many have been born to the wrong gender? If this had been a trend when I was a kid………? What really scares me is the backlash that comes if you dare to question it? To be transgender has become really’right on’ and trendy. Is it mass hysteria among our young people? A previously unseen side effect of the birth control pill?
Oh god! What have we done?

posted on Feb, 12 2023 @ 09:28 AM
a reply to: Psychoparrot

There is a combination of factors.

First, our medical complex sees a huge pay day here and will gladly lop off body parts and provide drugs as long as the money is there. Same with the drug companies.

Then you have activist and activist teachers in the school recruiting and promoting this along with social media and a whole host of leftist crazies.

Combine money with political power in a controlled environment, isolated from the family and your children don't have much of a chance

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