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Covid Emergency Food Benefits Stopping Soon

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posted on Feb, 9 2023 @ 11:41 AM

Food Prices Continue To Rise as SNAP Benefits Decrease

Emergency allotments of what used to be called “food stamps” have been in place for two years. But they’re due to expire at the end of February under a new government spending bill. Since January 2021, eligible families have received a 15% boost in SNAP benefits, with a maximum benefit based on household size instead of income. The increased benefits were intended to stop once the government declared an end to the Covid public health emergency. But although the public health emergency has been extended until April, the allotments will end earlier. That means starting March 2023, SNAP benefits and eligibility qualifications will return to pre-pandemic status.

A tale as old as time. Get people addicted, REAL addicted, like 2 years worth addicted. Then pull away.

Add higher prices all around, and what do you have? What do you HAVE? Throw in a crashing stock market and sky high rents/housing costs…

Anyone that doesn’t think this is all orchestrated is just silly in my book. Call me a tin hat, a conspiracy theorist. Call me what ever you want.
Some of us can see this a mile away and others, well others, they can’t see it until the government cheese hits them in the face.

This may also be why Walmarts, and some grocery stores are closing up shop ASAP. They know what’s coming.

On a personal note. I thank my parents for raising me in a way to NEVER take government handouts. A government that gives is a government that can take away (BTW the person that is using all my quotes on Tik Tok and other social media, try some originality sheesh!) It was hammered into me that I should be working 3 jobs before accepting that as my fate. Free money, is never free. The energy from “free” money can be very negative. That is why so many people are terribly embarrassed to use it. I saw on social media there is a company that makes stickers to cover Food Stamp cards so people won’t be embarrassed. Notice how even the words for it has changed. No longer called Welfare, or Food stamps, they are calling it Food Allotment. Anything to soften the blow I guess.

EDIT to add for all those with their panties in a bunch. If you are elderly, or disabled or REALLY can’t work, my harsh words aren’t for you.

posted on Feb, 9 2023 @ 11:49 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

I heard that Joe Biden was a filthy socialist who was just going to give free stuff to people who don't work.

posted on Feb, 9 2023 @ 12:07 PM
This could help with the migrants illegally crossing the border. Maybe it won’t be so appealing.
edit on 9-2-2023 by KKLOCO because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2023 @ 12:12 PM

originally posted by: LordAhriman

originally posted by: JAGStorm

I heard that Joe Biden was a filthy socialist who was just going to give free stuff to people who don't work.

That's what people voted for.

posted on Feb, 9 2023 @ 12:13 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

This is generally one of those topics where I pull back a bit from conservative ideology.

✅ Free speech

✅ Right to own and carry registered weapons

✅ Autonomy to request or decline medical service

✅ Election vulnerability prevention

❌ Smugly remarking on the devastating economic impact to EBT consumers

posted on Feb, 9 2023 @ 12:16 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

My wife has an accounting practice, and just started her tax season a few weeks ago. The number 1 complaint from her clients was the decrease in the child care credit. People definitely do get used to free things and the longer it's free, the more their sense of entitlement grows.

posted on Feb, 9 2023 @ 12:32 PM

originally posted by: TzarChasm
❌ Smugly remarking on the devastating economic impact to EBT consumers

Yeah, it's really gross. It hurts these people's children more than anything. Pro-life indeed!

posted on Feb, 9 2023 @ 12:47 PM
a reply to: LordAhriman

Where do we stop? How bad off is too bad off and not bad off enough? Be aware there will always be that group just above the threshold who wonder why their suffering isn't enough.

I want to feel bad, but I also know we can't pay for everyone and how do you take finite resources fairly and decide who and what is more deserving?

Also, temporary means just that. It was designed to end.

edit on 9-2-2023 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2023 @ 01:55 PM
I let a gal who had burned her bridges and was now homeless with two kids stay with me for a summer. When she got her 'EBT' allotment she'd buy a new outfit, makeup, diapers and a pizza for dinner. She'd sell her 'food allotment' for money to buy mj and booze, then throw a party at whatever friends' house was willing to host it.

The 'friends' she ran with all did the same. They'd be rich on the 3rd of the month and begging for help on the 4th. Sadly, it's a way of life for some people.

We'll all be hungry enough by 2024 for the non-thinkers to vote for the party promising the most freebees.

posted on Feb, 9 2023 @ 02:31 PM

originally posted by: LordAhriman

originally posted by: TzarChasm
❌ Smugly remarking on the devastating economic impact to EBT consumers

Yeah, it's really gross. It hurts these people's children more than anything. Pro-life indeed!

I say clip everybody's reproductive anatomy and submit your seed or eggs to the department of health for preservation. When you acquire a license to accommodate and sustain a child in your home, a fully birthed human cultivated from your genetics will be issued by the state. No more kids for the degenerate useless eaters who habitually sponge off the administration taking your hard earned tax dollars.

posted on Feb, 9 2023 @ 02:44 PM

originally posted by: LordAhriman

originally posted by: TzarChasm
❌ Smugly remarking on the devastating economic impact to EBT consumers

Yeah, it's really gross. It hurts these people's children more than anything. Pro-life indeed!

Mate people need help they always will . Food benefits came about during the great depression and it saved lives because people were really at rock bottom and starving .

But the problem is with a Socialist system is the people choose not to work , the people who pay nothing in but take everything out it makes the system unsustainable .

Mothers and Fathers Live off the Government , They use there paychecks to buy Weed , Crack , Pills and booze instead of Food and then they use the Government money to Buy Food that or Sell the Food benefits for more Drugs.

These people wouldn't live like that if they actually had some consequences to deal with but they don't , Instead the Government tells them they are oppressed by the White man. The Very White man who created the system and gives them the Free stuff.

What a vicious cycle , Wouldn't you agree ?

posted on Feb, 9 2023 @ 03:05 PM
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

I wouldn't agree. Take a look at administrative budgeting for the last two years and try to tell me welfare programs are the cause of the US deficit. Pentagon must be personally signing those SNAP benefits, it would explain the mysterious BILLIONS missing.

posted on Feb, 9 2023 @ 04:07 PM

originally posted by: TzarChasm
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

I wouldn't agree. Take a look at administrative budgeting for the last two years and try to tell me welfare programs are the cause of the US deficit. Pentagon must be personally signing those SNAP benefits, it would explain the mysterious BILLIONS missing.

Yes the administration has squandered a lot of taxpayers dollars but nobody said that food assistance is what caused it.

If anything this post was me saying, people that rely on the government but don’t have to are going to be in for the worst kind of lesson. A kind of government that can make billions of dollars disappear is the same kind of government that will snatch up those food benefits and housing, and medical and leave your head spinning.

posted on Feb, 9 2023 @ 04:07 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm

Still don't want money taken out of my pocket to enable addicts.

This isn't about the DoD. They have their share of budget issues too, but don't play what about ism to defend abuse of the system. Wasted money is wasted money.

posted on Feb, 9 2023 @ 04:11 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

I want to feel bad, but I also know we can't pay for everyone and how do you take finite resources fairly and decide who and what is more deserving? Also, temporary means just that. It was designed to end.

Here’s a start, how about PUNISHING irresponsible behavior.

If you are on Snap, welfare, food assistance, or whatever they call it these days And you decide to expand your family,
YOUR assistance goes DOWN, not up. We should not reward irresponsible behavior with more money. Yes yes, oh the kids the kids the kids. Spare me. If people care about their kids, they wouldn’t rely on the government or other people to take care of them. Also if you think those kids are being taken care of with food assistance, I have a bridge to sell ya!

posted on Feb, 9 2023 @ 05:55 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Hit 4 in one family. I think they lost all, and those who got assist, cut to $16 math.

The other 2 $265. Cut.

posted on Feb, 9 2023 @ 08:37 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

A tale as old as time. Get people addicted, REAL addicted, like 2 years worth addicted. Then pull away.

"addicted" is a good, fit word for this. i suspect that if we really looked into it, we would find that it is actually a mental disorder, just as addiction can at least partially be.

and it can be caused by any type of handout. welfare of course being a big one in North America. but even things like kids brought up in a children's home (not an orphanage where there is no family to care for them. children's homes tend to take in poor children, where the parents can not care for, or can't afford to care for their kids/gran kids). of course they are given things normally given in any home, like food clothing, pay the school tuition, including higher education like college so that they could do things like get good jobs (the area my parents worked a college education is need for most jobs. including jobs like a cashier at Walmart or a gas station (accounting degree preferred), even to pump gas you need college education, but no degree needed.). yet most of those kids are complete failures at life, most only able to get work like a pedicab, trycy, or jeepney drivers, which is some of the very lowest paying jobs. and every time they run into a problem they would call up, begging for money to help. and would get pissed off when told he didn't have the money to help, as much as he would like to help. and we heard the same from everyone we knew doing the same type of thing. even though they were just given what is normally given to children in a family, they still ended up "dependent" on help.

or like the water situation in Africa. where NGOs would go in and build them wells to get water. they would possibly return (they don;t always go back again), a couple years later and find the people in the same situation, needing water. and pretty much just sitting around waiting for help. this was discussed in a few articles, that came to the conclusion that they needed to stop putting in modern equipment like electric pumps, solar panels etc. because the people were not advanced enough to understand how to maintain and repair such advanced things they didn't understand. and so recommended going very low tech for such things, so that the people could maintain and repair it themselves, without outside help. i sent one article to a friend doing such work in Africa, who then decided to do that.

so they put in an old, simple, hand-pump, about the lowest tech you can go (apparently far too deep, and thus dangerous to use an old open well with a bucket). they even worked with the people teaching them how to repair and maintain it. well guess what. about two years later he goes back. and finds....... yup you guessed it, the people were sitting around waiting to be saved, and given water again, since the pump broke and would not fix it themselves, (shouldn't have been a "could not", since it was not only a very simple and easy repair, but one they had at least tried to teach them).

and the same type of thing happens all over, people become dependent on those who have helped them. we spent years trying to figure out what we could do, in order to still help people, but without causing dependence, and pretty much came up empty.

EDIT to add for all those with their panties in a bunch. If you are elderly, or disabled or REALLY can’t work, my harsh words aren’t for you.

thank you for that disclaimer. i am currently, almost in that situation, just not on any assistance at least yet. although it might be soon, IF i can actually qualify, which past experience tells me i won't get it.

posted on Feb, 9 2023 @ 09:00 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm

I wouldn't agree. Take a look at administrative budgeting for the last two years and try to tell me welfare programs are the cause of the US deficit

I'm not sure that's what the OP is saying .

Your not Wrong your just a little off base .

posted on Feb, 9 2023 @ 09:24 PM
Government Cheese…all that ended in the Reagan Era and people survived.

The end of Government Cheese was the beginning of EBT, after the stamps of course. New process will be along shortly.

posted on Feb, 9 2023 @ 11:47 PM

originally posted by: TzarChasm
a reply to: JAGStorm

This is generally one of those topics where I pull back a bit from conservative ideology.

✅ Free speech

✅ Right to own and carry registered weapons

✅ Autonomy to request or decline medical service

✅ Election vulnerability prevention

❌ Smugly remarking on the devastating economic impact to EBT consumers

So, are you OK with us telling these consumers on what they may and not spend it on....since we are paying for it....we should have a say, right? The right to carry is a literal RIGHT. There is no right to steal from others and hand out to others indiscriminately. Your list makes zero sense.

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