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Hopefully You Will Never Have To Have Surgery!

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posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 12:35 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: generik

I would be seriously worried about some things if I were in Canada.

Several of the adults were I train with have had injuries recently with one snapping her ACL. Your recovery and rehab time lengthens depending on how long it takes you to get to surgery, and they have to do the scans and pretests to see what they're dealing with coupled with pre-therapy. I'm not sure how that works out in Canada. Are you just screwed if you destroy your knee?

first off, not sure if rehab is even covered by the healthcare system, since they stopped covering things like physiotherapy and chiropractic care, back in the early 2000's. so that could easily depend on where and how you got hurt. hurt at work, workers comp will pay for limited physiotherapy, or in a car accident, you car insurance would pay for it. trip on the sidewalk, and it is entirely possible you are screwed as physiotherapy is expensive if you don't have private health insurance, like from work.

as for things like needed joint replacements,you are normally looking at 2 or 3 years of living in pain while you wait for them to be able to do it (and that was even over a decade before the pandemic, which has made the waits even longer). and hopefully don't get screwed like an old co worker, who after waiting about three years, they decided to do a knee replacement only using a local anesthetic (some new, cheaper surgery), which screwed up somehow, causing him even worse pain for the rest of his life, dying from drinking too much alcohol, trying to deal with the pain.

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 12:55 PM

originally posted by: RonnieJersey
a reply to: generik
Three months to see a Cardiologist??
Some wouldn't last three months, totally unacceptable!

welcome to socialized medical care. it's rather ironic, in the US people travel to other countries for cheaper medical help, where in Canada, those who can afford it go to other countries for the medical help they need, in a timely manor (especially including going to the US for that help).

and i was pleasantly surprised it was only a three month wait for the cardiologist. at least i was able to get a GP, which means i can actually get the help i need. as a GP is the gatekeeper for all but emergency health care. and without a GP, you can't even go see a specialist, unless set up by a hospital due to an emergency. and there is such a long standing issue of people not even having access to a GP, that something like 15-20 years ago, the government had to set up a service to try to get people a GP. a service that carried a disclaimer about the possibility of not being able to find you a GP, in your area, or even at all.

heck we are even at the point of having major medication shortages. the entire cold/flu medication isle at the pharmacy was almost completely empty of anything yesterday. an issue that has been a problem for i think at least a year now. although at this point it seems the hospitals are no longer overwhelmed by covid, RSV and similar illnesses that had them shutting down to new patients,canceling surgeries etc, that we had a couple months ago.

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 01:00 PM
Sadly, this is what happens when you turn medicine into a business.

Every revenue stream becomes manipulated to support as many middle-men as possible...

Add to that, the insertion of the bank onto the mix (we call them insurance companies - but they are just banks investing your money for their profit) ... and making an art-form of systematically 'denying coverage' especially when you are old enough to die of some other cause - thus freeing them from all liabilities.

I'm sorry you are going through this. I pray that you and your husband get past this bend in your lives.

Remember when people would say "Nothing is more important than your health" and it meant to make you appreciate your own well-being and point out that as long as you are healthy you have the ability to improve your life?

Now "Nothing is more important than your health" means that no one can "afford" to be sick. "How you feel" is no longer the point.

edit on 2/4/2023 by Maxmars because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: Maxmars
That's it in a nutshell, medicine has turned into a business, a big business.
And what type of care these 'insurance companies' will allow you to have.

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 01:08 PM

originally posted by: generik

originally posted by: RonnieJersey
a reply to: generik
Three months to see a Cardiologist??
Some wouldn't last three months, totally unacceptable!

heck we are even at the point of having major medication shortages. the entire cold/flu medication isle at the pharmacy was almost completely empty of anything yesterday. an issue that has been a problem for i think at least a year now. although at this point it seems the hospitals are no longer overwhelmed by covid, RSV and similar illnesses that had them shutting down to new patients,canceling surgeries etc, that we had a couple months ago.

You're right about that - we went to five different stores looking for 'Vicks Vapocool Throat Spray', completely out of stock everywhere, something as simple as that!
Finally ordered it online at ebay.

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 01:54 PM
a reply to: trollz
Your post reminded me of a first red flag I got from a doctor when I overheard him saying in exasperation to a patient
"well I get tired too at the end of an eight hour shift" and went on to dismiss the man's claims when to my mind he should have sent the patient for simple blood tests etc. to rule out normal causes of tiredness. The guy wouldn't have gone to the doctor if it was routine end of day exhaustion.

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 03:59 PM

originally posted by: Antisocialist
a reply to: RonnieJersey

Is this in Canada?


It would take 15 years to get all those tests and doctors appointments in Canada!

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 04:22 PM
a reply to: trollz

Find a new Dr.

Sounds like Narcolepsy or sleep apnea! Both can be debilitating! Best of Luck!

Ronniejersey hope your husband is doing better. Insurance now sux!

edit on 4-2-2023 by KTemplar because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 04:36 PM
a reply to: RonnieJersey

Ugh. That's horrible.

Our health care system has gone downhill since Reagan allowed hospitals to run as "for profit" rather than being supported by taxes, etc. And the health insurance system that developed as a result of that decision is outright predatory.

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 08:07 PM
a reply to: RonnieJersey

I have had many surgeries and can say 100% they set it up like Disney where at every turn there is a new way to extract money from you.

They monetized every aspect of care, and added extra steps to extract more money. It's classic predatory practices. On top of that, most doctors know less than half of what they want you to think they know. Quality of care is garbage, costs are high as can be.

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 08:18 PM
Sounds like you went through a nightmare. I've had my fill of the medical system and next stop is the morgue. No more ER visits, surgeries, procedures or tests. I'm done until I'm done.
Been with my wife for 28 years, she went to the ER once with a kidney infection. She had malaria as a child living in the tropics. Since getting jabbed plus booster she's had 2 eye surgeries, a foot surgery and is waiting for a hip replacement. Inflammation issues making moving miserable for her. She used to walk the dogs every day. Dogs only walk if neighbors are kind enough to take them.
My oldest son has been endlessly ill with flu-like sickness for a year now and he did the same routine.
My youngest was perfectly healthy but developed heart arythmia last year.
I haven't been sick in 3 years, smoke like a freight train but didn't get the jabs.
Nobody is going to convince me the jabs were anything but poison.
edit on 4-2-2023 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 08:25 PM
i live in Nj also. Broke my wrist before xmas. Was told i needed immediate surgery. Then they said I would have to bring $5500 dollars upfront before they could do the surgery ( my deductible).Then a few days later it is a new year and my deductible starts all over again and i have to pay again for all my physical therapy and return visits. Crazy system. I hardly ever use my health insurance, thank God, and when i do it is always a headache.a reply to: RonnieJersey

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 10:20 PM
a reply to: RonnieJersey

I had foot surgery last Wednesday. Went thru a similar situation for the most part. Unfortunately, medicine is big business and the insurance industry make it anything but customer friendly.

posted on Feb, 5 2023 @ 12:20 AM
Surprising that the problems in the leg didn't clear up on their own in four months. I have learned to eat more onions, and grapefruit to keep from having problems in my left leg...a remnant of taking meds fifteen years ago that turned my feet all black....the doctors discontinued all the antiepileptics after those five years of trying lots of different types and most of it got better over the next three years, but the circulation has never gone back to normal in my left leg....but it doesn't turn all black anymore anyway.

Using certain food chemistries can break clots or reduce clotting factors. It is important to note that too much of the clot breaking thiol chemistry can cause clot remnants from legs to go to the lungs and mess things up and give a person coughing and hard breathing. Moderation is the clue when dealing with raw onions, cooked onions only usually keep the blood thin, raw onions can declot things somewhat....beware of these things when on meds to thin blood or meds to break clots if they are prescribed. These natural food chemistries can make the meds too strong and cause problems...most good doctors will inform you of what to avoid with those meds.

posted on Feb, 5 2023 @ 06:37 AM
a reply to: rickymouse
My husband's artery is narrowing in the groin area, so it is not exactly a blockage that could be dissolved using medications.
Interesting about eating raw onions, never heard that before!

posted on Feb, 5 2023 @ 06:54 AM

originally posted by: HODOSKE
i live in Nj also. Broke my wrist before xmas. Was told i needed immediate surgery. Then they said I would have to bring $5500 dollars upfront before they could do the surgery ( my deductible).Then a few days later it is a new year and my deductible starts all over again and i have to pay again for all my physical therapy and return visits. Crazy system. I hardly ever use my health insurance, thank God, and when i do it is always a headache.a reply to: RonnieJersey

I cannot believe they made you pay that deductible before surgery!
NEVER forget that illegals in this state are getting all these tests and medical procedures free of charge -
While we Americans are being forced to pay more and more.
ALSO - here in NJ it is now MANDATORY to include on your car insurance policy, coverage against 'uninsured motorists'! In other words, the illegals are driving with no insurance, so we are paying even more to protect ourselves against them.
Someone we know was hit by an illegal recently, his car was totaled, he had to buy a new vehicle. Of course, the illegal had no driver's license and no insurance.
NJ has turned into a sewer, the current administration is gearing everything towards them, all of us have to fend for ourselves.

posted on Feb, 5 2023 @ 07:00 AM

originally posted by: Asktheanimals

Sounds like you went through a nightmare. I've had my fill of the medical system and next stop is the morgue. No more ER visits, surgeries, procedures or tests. I'm done until I'm done.
Been with my wife for 28 years, she went to the ER once with a kidney infection. She had malaria as a child living in the tropics. Since getting jabbed plus booster she's had 2 eye surgeries, a foot surgery and is waiting for a hip replacement. Inflammation issues making moving miserable for her. She used to walk the dogs every day. Dogs only walk if neighbors are kind enough to take them.
My oldest son has been endlessly ill with flu-like sickness for a year now and he did the same routine.
My youngest was perfectly healthy but developed heart arythmia last year.
I haven't been sick in 3 years, smoke like a freight train but didn't get the jabs.
Nobody is going to convince me the jabs were anything but poison.

My husband smokes also, didn't want to get the vaccine but his job required it.
And in fact he credits 'smoking' with protecting him against illnesses, I've never even known him to have a flu or a bad cold, he could be right!
I do find it interesting that they ordered us to get vaccinated, yet let millions of illegals in - no tests and no jabs.

posted on Feb, 5 2023 @ 07:01 AM

originally posted by: Edumakated
a reply to: RonnieJersey

I had foot surgery last Wednesday. Went thru a similar situation for the most part. Unfortunately, medicine is big business and the insurance industry make it anything but customer friendly.

Good Luck with your healing!

posted on Feb, 5 2023 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: RonnieJersey

So recognizable. I think I know what you're going through. I myself spent hours and hours and hours in waiting rooms. Shivering ... not from the cold, but from the frightness. I had so many scans, so much contrast fluid, until my doctor said, 'actually none of this makes much sense... to be honest, it's in God's hands'. But the money is in their hands. And meanwhile I hope that I don't give light to the darkness ... literally ... (Sympathy from Belgium - Never give up)

posted on Feb, 5 2023 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to: RonnieJersey
Don't forget there was no mandate for those in Congress.
Yet cannon fodder must get jabbed.
They tried to make us all cannon fodder using tiny needle-shaped weapons.

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