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Change of mind: UK to end COVID-19 boosters for people under the age of 50

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posted on Jan, 29 2023 @ 12:36 PM
Dumb question, but why would they get rid of boosters but still offer the original shot for a virus that no longer exists? Seems they still want to get some of that gene therapy into everyone.

posted on Jan, 29 2023 @ 12:39 PM

originally posted by: DeadlyStaringFrog
Dumb question, but why would they get rid of boosters but still offer the original shot for a virus that no longer exists? Seems they still want to get some of that gene therapy into everyone.

I suppose so and also 'boost' their profits. Unless they have replace the original shots with the boosters.

posted on Jan, 29 2023 @ 01:48 PM
It seems that other countries are considering ending their vaccination programs for large part of their populations.

posted on Jan, 29 2023 @ 01:50 PM
a reply to: DeadlyStaringFrog

The virus no longer exists?!!!!

posted on Jan, 29 2023 @ 02:12 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: DeadlyStaringFrog

The virus no longer exists?!!!!

Are you paying it 'dumb' ? Or you want to start another off topic conversation and then start the vaccine apologetics and the denialism of reality.

posted on Jan, 29 2023 @ 02:14 PM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Not really. Genuine question. Does it no longer exist, or what?

Simple question, Prof.

posted on Jan, 29 2023 @ 02:53 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Not really. Genuine question. Does it no longer exist, or what?

Simple question, Prof.

As far as I know and as far everyone else knows, yes it does exist.
edit on 29-1-2023 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2023 @ 03:18 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: DeadlyStaringFrog

The virus no longer exists?!!!!

The original variant, which its spike protein is based on, has been replaced by new variants. Delta, omicron, the kraken. Surely you must have heard of these with all of your great covid wisdom.

posted on Jan, 29 2023 @ 03:21 PM
a reply to: DeadlyStaringFrog

Oh, so it still exists but now has other variants?

So that's the claim.


posted on Jan, 29 2023 @ 03:34 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2
The original variant no longer exists. They change the flu Vax every year. Why is the first covid Vax still for 2020 covid? May be you can go get yourself last year's flu shot to protect yourself against next year's flu so you can stay ahead if the game and get another covid booster while you're at it. I hear the more you get the stronger your immune system gets.

posted on Jan, 29 2023 @ 03:39 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: DeadlyStaringFrog

Oh, so it still exists but now has other variants?

So that's the claim.


Yes. It has mutated several times since then. Some mutations dont become dominant others do become dominant.

posted on Jan, 29 2023 @ 03:41 PM
a reply to: DeadlyStaringFrog


The new boosters are for new variants.

So are the flu shots.

posted on Jan, 29 2023 @ 04:37 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: DeadlyStaringFrog


The new boosters are for new variants.

So are the flu shots.


posted on Jan, 29 2023 @ 04:47 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2
Have you heard of the bivailant? It's the newest booster.....the original spike and omicron spike combined?

Did you get yours?

posted on Jan, 29 2023 @ 04:59 PM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Best news I've heard in last couple years.

But 50? Come on, vaxx should be banned. I'm waiting for that one day.

posted on Jan, 29 2023 @ 05:57 PM

originally posted by: whiteblack
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Best news I've heard in last couple years.

But 50? Come on, vaxx should be banned. I'm waiting for that one day.

They should have never released these products in the young and healthy populations. Even older people who are healthy are still ok in most cases with the virus.

You never know how these products will find their way out of the market. They may not offer them later on for anyone under the age of 65. It's a clever way out.

Astrazeneca for example has been withdrawn from most countries that have used it including the UK which is the country that produced it.

posted on Jan, 29 2023 @ 05:57 PM

originally posted by: 1947boomer

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: putnam6
so NOW they are going to an age-based vaccine program?

You mean just like a plethora of people suggested would be the correct course of action in the beginning?

Makes complete sense when you actually look at the demographics of those who have serious cases or who have passed.

Always has, we could have isolated and vaxxed the elderly and continued on, but TPTB choose to go full bore when the situation didn't warrant it, and it was obvious 6-8 weeks in.

There should have never been a vaccination program for the healthy and young. Even for those healthy that are between the age of 50-65. Vaccinations should have been offered for those over the age of 65 and especially with comorbidities and the younger people who were immunosuppressed or had serious issues such as cancer & diabetes or a few other.

Look what Kate Bingham said back in October 2020 a few weeks before the start of the vaccination program in the UK. She was the Head of the vaccine task force.

Plenty of circumstantial evidence that the introduction of the vaccine, is what caused the huge spike of cases here in the states Jan/Feb 2022

Then how do you explain the fact—using the exact same graphs in that NY Times article—that the pattern for daily hospital admissions in Jan 2022 is almost identical to the pattern in Jan 2021 when probably less than 1% of the population was vaccinated?

That is circumstantial evidence that the spikes in cases have nothing to do with the vaccines.

Makes it easier to have a discussion if you include what you are referring to, FWIW. Secondly, I didn't want to totally hijack the thread, for the best way to see the effectiveness of the vaccines you need to get to the state and even county level. For instance when you look at Georgia you some southern counties with high death per capita numbers but when you research those numbers are inflated by the numbers that occurred the first 6 weeks, and it hit the state hard.

Regardless glad you got vaccinated and are happy and healthy, don't forget your booster. You are still getting boosted every 6 months as per the CDC recommendations?

I'm watching the game now but give me a few hours I want to see where you are coming from,

but I got a response with data direct from the CDC, which shows there was very little change in the death rate for those under 65 the whole time. Other stuff too.

Here is the link, it definitely shows a small but the highest spike in deaths for 40-49-year-olds was right when everybody was getting vaccinated before then every age group below 65 was basically flat-lining, If you visit the site you can follow along and the everyday the number of deaths FWIW the deaths below 65 rarely got about single digits per capita while it was only 65 and older that had the wild fluctuations and the highest peaks

the chart below is pulled from the CDC data and gives us perspective on every day through this and how many deaths per capita by age group. For example 40-49 maximum was 2.53 deaths at the same time period during the same time period 65-75 were pulling 29.5 deaths and this age range maxed out at 74.01 during this time period the next highest 50-64 was only pulling a 5.39

If need I can make a video showing how COVID was never deadly enough to warrant anything but restrictions to the elderly and perhaps the at risk. Look what percentage of the population is 65 years or older which was about 16.9 percent of the population and we shut down all 100%.

You have completed your primary series and it has been at least 2 months since your last COVID-19 vaccine dose. You (or your child) should get one updated (bivalent) booster using Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna.

Children 5 years old who received a Pfizer-BioNTech primary series can only get a Pfizer-BioNTech updated (bivalent) booster, but children 5 years old who received a Moderna primary series can get either a Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech updated (bivalent) booster.
People who are moderately or severely immunocompromised and are eligible for COVID-19 vaccines may have different recommendations for their primary series.
More information about the length of time between COVID-19 vaccine doses.

Want a monovalent Novavax or J&J/Janssen booster? Learn more about the situations when you may get these types of boosters:

Novavax monovalent booster

J&J/Janssen monovalent booster

Have you had COVID-19? You may consider delaying the next COVID-19 vaccine dose (primary dose or updated booster) by 3 months after symptoms started or, if you had no symptoms, when you first received a positive test.

Want to find a vaccine? Use to find a COVID-19 vaccine location near you, then call or visit their website to make an appointment.

edit on 29-1-2023 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2023 @ 06:30 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

Humans have been infected with mutating variants of coronaviruses for centuries and most probably millennia, if not longer. The difference being this one was utilised to introduce a new medical technology along with various control measures to limit freedoms and coerce mass swathes of the population into being voluntary guinea pigs for the experimentation of said technology.

As i said on day 1 of the pandemic, SARS-CoV-2 is no worse than the common flu, in fact it's essentially the same thing. Excess mortality appears to be accelerating despite vaccines, suggesting our response to a new strain of a known virus has caused more harm than good. You'd expect mortality to be lower than the average after a pandemic, as the virus would wipe out the weak and vulnerable. What we're seeing is an unprecedented increase AFTER mass vaccination.

Also, this is the only virus i'm aware of in history which has an unknown zoonotic source, most likely because it's the first engineered bioweapon and not a natural evolution or cross species transition.

posted on Jan, 29 2023 @ 07:34 PM

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

Humans have been infected with mutating variants of coronaviruses for centuries and most probably millennia, if not longer. The difference being this one was utilised to introduce a new medical technology along with various control measures to limit freedoms and coerce mass swathes of the population into being voluntary guinea pigs for the experimentation of said technology.

As i said on day 1 of the pandemic, SARS-CoV-2 is no worse than the common flu, in fact it's essentially the same thing. Excess mortality appears to be accelerating despite vaccines, suggesting our response to a new strain of a known virus has caused more harm than good. You'd expect mortality to be lower than the average after a pandemic, as the virus would wipe out the weak and vulnerable. What we're seeing is an unprecedented increase AFTER mass vaccination.

Also, this is the only virus i'm aware of in history which has an unknown zoonotic source, most likely because it's the first engineered bioweapon and not a natural evolution or cross species transition.

These posts can be found in a range of threads but they are very relevant to pretty much every conversation.


All systematic evaluations of seroprevalence data converge that SARS-CoV-2 infection is widely spread globally. Acknowledging residual uncertainties, the available evidence suggests average global IFR of ~0.15% and ~1.5-2.0 billion infections by February 2021 with substantial differences in IFR and in infection spread across continents, countries and locations

A combination of high levels of immunity and the reduced severity of the Omicron variant has rendered Covid-19 less lethal than influenza for the vast majority of people in England, according to a Financial Times analysis of official data

The comparison of the infection fatality rate of Covid-19 to the infection fatality rate of the Spanish Flu for example seems to have infuriated some of the vaccine apologists and denialists is reality. They cannot accept that their narratives have been dismantled one by by one

IFR of Covid-19 was around 0.15%
IFR of the Spanish Flu around 10%

Their arguments are in a turmoil. They have tried to debate that it might not be an accurate number as it is an estimate. Then they tried to accuse scientists as being incompetent (those who give low IFRs) and all this to be able to support the ludicrous and absurd lockdowns and their beliefs in mass vaccinations.

The MSM was trying to portray Covid-19 as if it was the Spanish Flu to cajole everyone to give yo their freedoms and get vaccinated with these bogus and potentially dangerous products.

And to add insult to injury as you say in the UK, the vaccines are slowly getting removed from the market. It is like the Astrazeneca vaccine that was quietly and methodically withdrawn from the UK market and from most other countries that have used it as it killed many people and crippled even more.

posted on Jan, 30 2023 @ 02:15 AM
a reply to: putnam6

"If need I can make a video showing how COVID was never deadly enough to warrant anything but restrictions to the elderly and perhaps the at risk. Look what percentage of the population is 65 years or older which was about 16.9 percent of the population and we shut down all 100%"

You don't have to. What you have described above most of us know from the beginning or have to the conclusion during the course of the pandemic.

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