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WARMINGTON: New hospital video of patient's death over mask dispute raises questions

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posted on Jan, 17 2023 @ 03:38 PM
In canada, they'll kill you when you're sick. If they don't, they'll send someone later to euthanize you over a fever.

posted on Jan, 17 2023 @ 03:49 PM
a reply to: Timber13

At least you don't have to pay for your state sanctioned murder.

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 04:28 PM
Wow! This seems like negligence on the side of the hospital. Those guards and anyone complicit (aiding and abetting such as the judge) should be punished for this crime. The camera operator too great care to prevent any evidence from being recorded and may as well have committed the act personally. It seems like life no longer is valued in Canada. Perhaps the Canadian courts will stop prosecuting murders next since it appears taking a life is no longer a crime. Since the law has failed the citizens of Canada and this family, the Hospital should at least fire all parties involved and ensure they never work again. And to admit the errors and negligence of their staff, spare no expense compensating the family for their failure to provide care to their family member which ultimately ended in the loss of life. Shame on the People of Canada for allowing this to go unpunished.

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 06:26 PM

originally posted by: M5xaz
a reply to: watchitburn

Those guards should rot in jail. It would seem they have not even been fired

Corrupt, political judge

I hope this will lead to at least a coroner's inquest.

Looks like the Crown prosecutor let the 30 day appeal window lapse


The guards should be glad it wasn’t my mommy or my thithy because if it had been and the case were wiped from the docket, I just know for a fact they’d be walking away and into such a worse fate than any prison they were ever facing. I’ll be forty soon and have yet to throw my first punch in this lifetime but that is one situation where I wouldn’t be able to just get over it and any dark side I might have in me would be uncontrollable and unfortunate for whomever was responsible.

I don’t know how long, on how many forums and from how many venues, voiced by however many professionals and researchers they can repeat that masks are totally useless in transmission of COVID with many even going on to say that they do harm instead before idiots like this will get it through their heads that it’s not some ticking minefield they treat it as. Especially in churches, small businesses/restaurants, and the least likely place you would expect misinformation and ignorant practices, hospitals.

If they treated the jab like an explosive device instead the world would be much healthier now. But then again, whether it’s the Zetas or the Nee World Order, all in the know swear that 2029 is THEE goal year to have the population reduced some 85-95% so we should expect a lot of reckless death, and in the billions starting just about now, if those whistleblowers and networking ex elites are honest and have accurate info.

posted on Jan, 19 2023 @ 02:13 AM

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn

This was not addressed from the proper point of view.

This was a woman who went to the hospital seeking treatment because she was having trouble breathing.

Exactly! They want her to mask up but she can't breathe? She looked exhausted and that face shield lady came up and was gesturing like she was gonna get beat down, and 3 secs later she was.

disgusting and really disturbing

posted on Jan, 19 2023 @ 06:55 AM

originally posted by: MykeNukem
a reply to: watchitburn

It's F'N sick.

Society turns a blind eye and nothing is done. I didn't even hear a report about this FFS (Trudeau's iron fist clamp on MSM).

The guards AND the judge should be thrown in prison for life IMO.

Trudeau and his Liberal government are WEF puppets that take their orders from TPTB.

It's gonna pop off soon if this crap keeps up...

Remeber the truck driver protest..these people are still e investigated..if any had kids or pets the gov tried to deem the drives un able to care for them

The abuse of power is disgusting.

posted on Jan, 19 2023 @ 07:01 AM
Look at that oaf of a nurse that who approached her.
Thug mentality.

I got a lot of heat , but by me the nurses and doctors are not the greatest. Many doctors have a heavy accent.

They look at you as a mechanic looks at another car being fixed.

Nurses are out of shape, not well educated, have trouble using new technological machines. They dont clean these machines which lead to infection.

They make fun of patients

posted on Jan, 19 2023 @ 07:43 AM

originally posted by: watchitburn
Canadian Covid Gestapo murdered a woman for not wearing her mask correctly. This is the first time I've even heard about this.

I did a search for her name and nothing came up in ATS.

This is crazy and further evidence of how nuts the fear mongering covid propaganda made people.

Toronto Sun

She went to Toronto General Hospital in May 2020 seeking medical help for chronic breathing issues and ended up dead — not as a result of the virus or medical treatment but following a troubling incident with hospital security who are seen in a disturbing video interacting with her over the placement of the medical mask.

Guards cleared in hospital death of Stephanie Warriner. Here's the footage no jury will ever see

Danielle Stephanie Warriner sits alone in a Toronto hospital lobby, wearing little more than a pale blue medical gown. 

Moments later, she's wheeled away by guards, her slight frame slumped in a wheelchair, her legs dangling from the edge. What happens in between isn't captured on video.

Instead, a security camera was purposely turned away as guards approached the 43-year-old, pushed her against a wall and restrained her on the ground before she lost consciousness — never to regain it. 

Those scenes are part of the evidence that would have been heard at the trial of the guards charged in Warriner's death at Toronto General Hospital in May 2020. Now, that won't happen. In a surprise move by an Ontario judge on Nov. 22, the case against the guards has been quashed and the trial that was supposed to begin this May struck from the docket. 

And surprise, the government is allowing these kinds of things to happen with no accountability.

If this incident is true then the security guards should receive a life sentence probably without parole.

If it was here then it won't be unreasonable to seek the death penalty over this hideous crime and murder or life imprisonment without parole.

I will say again that I don't know the details of this story and the above are my thoughts if this story is true.

I am not in favour of the death penalty by the way but I understand why in some cases it is imposed.

I find it difficult to believe that this woman (if the case is true) is another victim of the most absurd and ludicrous campaign ever i.e the Covid campaign which is based on the Covid dogma.
edit on 19-1-2023 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2023 @ 07:56 AM

originally posted by: AlexandrosTheGreat

originally posted by: M5xaz
a reply to: watchitburn

Those guards should rot in jail. It would seem they have not even been fired

Corrupt, political judge

I hope this will lead to at least a coroner's inquest.

Looks like the Crown prosecutor let the 30 day appeal window lapse


The guards should be glad it wasn’t my mommy or my thithy because if it had been and the case were wiped from the docket, I just know for a fact they’d be walking away and into such a worse fate than any prison they were ever facing. I’ll be forty soon and have yet to throw my first punch in this lifetime but that is one situation where I wouldn’t be able to just get over it and any dark side I might have in me would be uncontrollable and unfortunate for whomever was responsible.

I don’t know how long, on how many forums and from how many venues, voiced by however many professionals and researchers they can repeat that masks are totally useless in transmission of COVID with many even going on to say that they do harm instead before idiots like this will get it through their heads that it’s not some ticking minefield they treat it as. Especially in churches, small businesses/restaurants, and the least likely place you would expect misinformation and ignorant practices, hospitals.

If they treated the jab like an explosive device instead the world would be much healthier now. But then again, whether it’s the Zetas or the Nee World Order, all in the know swear that 2029 is THEE goal year to have the population reduced some 85-95% so we should expect a lot of reckless death, and in the billions starting just about now, if those whistleblowers and networking ex elites are honest and have accurate info.

Not only the masks are useless but this absurd campaign has damaged the health and well-being of citizens much more than Covid itself.

Have you not seen how many excess non Covid deaths are recorded in every country?! The response to Covid was catastrophic itself, unscientific, and was based on fear, hysteria, and terror, definitely not science.

The excess deaths are strongly correlated with the very damaging lockdowns, the mass and mandatory vaccinations, the lack of treatment for all other diseases that was postponed or even cancelled until 'Covid went away', the massive delays in receiving treatment and the lack of good quality primary care.

Lockdowns and mass vaccinations are top of the list for the young and healthy who have died out of nowhere.
edit on 19-1-2023 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2023 @ 08:34 AM
a reply to: watchitburn

people wearing costumes need to have a reality check and know they are not allowed to take a life.

In a ER setting you deal with all sorts of people from a broken finger to very very mentally ill people and if these guards are killing people well they deserve to sit and rot in prison

kill someone unneedy, go to jail. I don't care if your a cop or God himself.

posted on Jan, 19 2023 @ 03:55 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

It should now be clear to everybody, medical administrations are not designed to help you, but are designed to look for excuses to kill you.

How much longer will people continue to place their trust in medical administrations???

posted on Jan, 19 2023 @ 05:19 PM
a reply to: watchitburn

Of all the countries in this world, I never in a million years expected Canada to go full on authoritarian.

I mean, this story sadly isn't the only one from my northern neighbors.

posted on Jan, 19 2023 @ 09:16 PM

edit on 19-1-2023 by hateyourgovt because: (no reason given)

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