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Secret Societies Index Thread

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posted on Oct, 1 2016 @ 03:38 PM

posted on Oct, 4 2016 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: infinite

Thank you!
it's helpful and fun to read

posted on Oct, 26 2016 @ 08:52 PM
Today, it was revealed by some females in Hershey, Pa., that a race war was going to occur. Many caucasian women are stating that women born within the Baby Boomer period are conspiring with police, nation-wide, and is lying to get blackmen incarcerated at phenomenal rates. The owner of the American Taxi (717) 901-8294, located at 1901 Crooked Hill Road, in Harrisburg, according to sources, received a bomb shell about 5:00 pm, on October 26, 2016. A caucasian woman, even though she didn't know she was being recorded, admitted to white supremacy and police involvement against black people. Dina (pronounced Deen'ah), who drives a green mini van taxi, number 901, had an interracial couple from North Carolina, that asked her, while she was parked at the city bus transit area, could she take them to the Holy Spirit Hospital in Camp Hill, which was about five miles away. Dina said she would do it for 15 dollars. So the couple got into her car and she started driving. Immediately, according to cell phone recordings, Dina started talking about how the white race is going to kill all black people, and how she had connections to white supremacists in Hershey, Pa., where she lives, and in other local areas. She even stated that they had to get rid of all the black people attending Penn State, where her daughter is about to attend. Dina then got more dark, and unleashed serious things being done against African Americans. She claims to be a Hillary Clinton supporter, and swears that Hillary is instructing them to get rid of blackmen by lying on them, and police will lock them away based on lies they can work with. Dina stated that not long ago she was attacked by black people and was beaten brutally because she called them the N----- word.

She later stated that she had to lie and make their punishment much more harsher. "In Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, she stated, we plan on getting rid of all N------word." She bragged about how she sitrs by the bus station and make reports to racists police who jump at her every beck and call. She also bragged about how she drives within black neighborhoods, and if she see any youth, she contacts police or others to keep eyes on them. Then she talked about how she had to have blackmen assassinated in order to be initiated within the white supremacist order she claims to be in. The blackmen within the taxi felt very uncomfortable, and he, according to the recordings, told her that he was feeling a bit uncomfortable. She immediately said, "I have black friends." The blackman stated, "what type of black people would hang around some racist like you?" Dina then stated that she wished that all blacks in prisons could be killed, or burned alive, as she put it. She further stated that there were alot of police within her area who felt the same way. She also said that her job was to divide and conquer all people of color because the white race can't kill them all! She bragged about talking against blacks to latinos and other people of color, and vice versa. And according to her, the movement she's with is all powerful from the New England areas to Florida. She even bragged about some caucasian men conducting drive by shootings in Philadelphia, and that the blame was placed on innocent blacks or latinos. She further contended that hundreds of thousands of caucasians are using the women power movement by Elizabeth Warren and Hillary Clinton, to get rid of blackmen. "The black women, she states, "is going to be dealt with in a different way. But they must first get rid of blackmen.

Then they'll go after latinos, and later every other person of color. So after Dina said all of this, the blackman's wife also in the taxi said, "you are evil, and is a disgrace to all white people." Dina replied," you better get with the program honey because this is real." "My headquarters is in Hershey, Pennsylvania, where white people with money calls the shots. Hillary is with our movement, but because of her high rank within women's secret society, everything is on the low key." Watch what happens when Hillary wins the White House. It will be w race war, and whites will slay every other race. But we have to first turn all people of color against each other." The blackman said, "I believe you have either killed, or have took part of a blackman being killed." Dina then stated that she would never tell. But what was most interesting on the recording is how she kept mentioning freemasons and eastern stars backing her. She talked about how much she've lied on blacks, simply because she hates their guts, and think they all should be dead. She also said that it was white people's duty to destroy blacks everywhere. Then she tried and threaten the blackman in her car by sayig, I can get rid of you by just saying you did this or that. His wife said, "I will follow you to hell if you hurt my husband. He's a good man and pushes for American unity, not race wars!" Dina ignored the comment, from what the recording revealed, and said, "all blackmen are going to die. You watch what I say!" So after the blackman couldn't take anymore, he got out of the taxi and then called the American Taxi Owner. He informed the Owner of the plight. And more was stated between the two that can't be put inside this document. But we'll just say that Dina and her movement have worked with police, and has incarcerated or killed hundreds of blacks within Dauphin County, Pa., alone. Even if the gun was at the end of a black youth! She swears that white supremacist police have instructed whites, nation-wide, how to find out things about blacks and latinos, and make up lies on them by terming them vebally abusive or violent. But police won't get involved until at least 30 or more white supremacists, mixed with some minorities, have lied enough on a black or latino until their reports will back up they're later, vicious acts!

posted on Oct, 26 2016 @ 08:52 PM
She even bragged about how black freemasons are working with caucasian freemasons, and is destroying black communities! Nut cases like Dina is the reason rage against the caucasian race by minorities is reaching a point of explosion! But Dina claims that in Hershey, Pa., where white supremacy is highly financed, plots start from within that city and executions from those plots is done within black communities! Even black women have swore that alot of blackmen being killed in Harrisburg, was done by caucasians in tinted window vehicles. But the blame is placed on other blacks. And because most of the blacks are without education, they cop to plea bargains to criminal charges they know nothing about. Dina also bragged about her movement going deep into black communities, befriending certain blacks, and starting rumors on blacks they want to get rid off who eventually die from gunshot wounds. She also claim that white supremacists run hotels and motels in the Hershey and Harrisburg areas, which is fun for caucasian police. If blacks were to visit the capital of Pennsylvania, you may be surprised at the intensity of the racism. Many are depressed because they can't kill the other race, which according to some employees at the Hilton Hotel, is behind the sinister secret hands of nearby freemasons! So the poor seems very helpless. However, helplessness is the most destructive of human emotions. Human beings respond to helplessness with depression or, more commonly, rage. When people look for help, they are told sometimes they are needy and should get a grip. The truth is it isn’t all about neediness, and so it feels as if that kind of advice (get a grip) is like a cold shoulder and every little problem feels greater while you feel as if you are being pushed around.

We have all been there and you don’t have to have a tragedy to find yourself in a situation where you find that our modern American culture has outrun the biology of our brains. The World Health Organization predicts that depression will come second to heart disease as the leading cause of disability by 2020. In the United States, depression affects 9.1 percent of adults, a portion of whom will likely see their condition transform into major depressive disorder. With everything being billed as a threat or a crisis today, our brains are going into overdrive. We have a reward mechanism that brings us happiness, but the part of the brain that creates the threat assessment has now been pushed over the top and so now while major triggers are obvious, simple things like rush-hour traffic, overdue mortgage payments, or repeated deadlines are triggering fight or flight responses in the brain. When the “threat” is ongoing, stress disrupts the communication network between the brain and immune system and accelerates the production of molecules called cytokines, the overproduction of which can result in inflammation and disease. Cytokines in the body can result in inflammation and disease. Prolonged stress also prompts the brain to release cortisol, a hormone that raises blood sugar and blood pressure. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, anxiety is now the nation’s most common psychiatric complaint, affecting some 40 million people. And the connection between mental stress and obesity has been well-documented.

Recently, there was a study published about inflammation and depression that I found quite interesting and I was eager to talk about it, because I have friends who have suffered with depression and many listeners have shared with me their struggles with it. The biggest complaint we hear, though its not really about the depression, but the idea of being on medication which has horrible side effects and how it is difficult to wean yourself from many of these drugs. It can be argued that the over-medicating of the population by doctors with psychoactive drugs, SSRI’s, opiates and the decriminalizing of the use of marijuana is contributing to the chemically induced state of our nation and that reality is now being clouded by these methods. While marijuana is a relatively harmless way of dealing with these setbacks in our lives, there are other drugs like SSRI’s that are developed and are beginning to show they can be deadly by rewiring the human brain. The entire history of serotonin and of drugs that affect it has been largely a process of trial and error marked by chance discoveries, surprise connections and unanticipated therapeutic effects. By now, we are sure Americans have heard all of the horror stories and the many medical expose’s that have indicated SSRI’s may cause serious side effects which contribute to agitation, restlessness, and distress. Other more frightening actions influenced by SSRI use are self-mutilation, suicide, and murder.

posted on Oct, 26 2016 @ 08:53 PM
Being told that this is the future of you when you are depressed is depressing. The idea that depression and other mental health conditions are caused by an imbalance of chemicals (particularly serotonin and norepinephrine) in the brain is so deeply ingrained in our collective psyche that it seems almost anathema to question it. But getting back to the cytokine issues and inflammation – there are now studies that are suggesting that depression may be primarily caused by inflammation. That depression is not a disease but a symptom of an underlying problem with the body. A new theory called the “Immune Cytokine Model of Depression” holds that depression is not a disease itself, but instead a “multifaceted sign of chronic immune system activation.” A large body of research now suggests that depression is associated with a low-grade, chronic inflammatory response and is accompanied by increased oxidative stress. The research on this topic is robust, and the connection between depression and inflammation is now well-established. But if depression is primarily caused by inflammation, the obvious question that arises is, “what is causing the inflammation?” Things like Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disease, allergies, asthma, and arthritis are all connected to inflammation. He stated that our modern diet and lifestyle are full of factors that create inflammation in the body and thus aggravate disease. If we address these factors and reduce inflammation, we can prevent and even reverse the chronic, inflammatory diseases that we suffer from.

He also indicated that foods that provoke inflammation are things like refined flour, excess sugar, oxidized fats, trans fats, and a wide range of chemicals and preservatives. He suggested that long-chain omega-3 fats, fermented foods, and fermentable fiber are important in combating inflammation and also recommended a Ketogenic diet. Now, beyond Ben’s lecture a recent report that was issued by Cambridge research has said that in the future new anti-inflammatory drugs will be available to treat depression. Anti-cytokine drugs will “dampen down inflammation by blocking the actions of specific inflammatory cytokines … with ‘surgical precision’. They are now routinely used for treating patients who respond inadequately to standard treatments for inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and Crohn’s disease both in the US and Europe. In the meantime, there are ways to cut back on inflammation besides watching what you eat. Reducing weight helps in reducing inflammation as a fatter body produces more cytokines. Stomach and intestinal well being helps reduce inflammation. I have always theorized that panic attacks start in the gut. This is what they originally meant by having a “gut feeling”, meaning that sometimes anxiety starts in the gut rather than in the brain.

Tooth decay and periodontal disease are another source of chronic inflammation, and thus, a potential cause of depression. According to one large study of over 80,000 adults, researchers found that people with depression were more likely to have tooth loss. The significance of this information is in my opinion very important because it shifts our focus from viewing depression as being a disease caused by a chemical imbalance, which often requires medication to correct, to being a symptom of a deeper, underlying problem. It also leads to entirely new avenues of treatment many of them more effective and safer than antidepressant drugs. Too often we look at our everyday experiences as if they were a fact of nature, just something we have to live with, but now we can find alternatives to the propaganda that we are fed about what drugs we need to take to put a psychological band aid on depression.BEWARE OF THE RACISTS ON TODAY'S MEDICATION! FOR IT WAS DESIGNED GTO MAKE YOU GO ALL OUT WITH ANYTHING YOU DO NEGATIVELY!

October 26, 2016

posted on Oct, 26 2016 @ 09:59 PM
a reply to: mitchelljames

Dude - did you smoke your dinner?

What's up with these rants?

Get a grip before it's too late...

posted on Apr, 17 2017 @ 03:58 PM
a reply to: infinite

awesome list of links, thanks

posted on Jun, 1 2017 @ 03:39 AM
Thanksa reply to: infinite

posted on Nov, 3 2017 @ 04:06 AM


posted on Apr, 24 2018 @ 11:13 PM
I live in Nevada. I know all of the secrets of freemasonry. I want to join a lodge but since I know all of the iniations I just want to get moved up to the 32nd and 33rd degree. I don't care what it takes i just want to get my album going and hang out with JZ, Beyonce, Obama, and Oprah Winfrey since they are all masons and illuminati. If anyone that is a mason that live in the reno area can help me.

posted on Apr, 24 2018 @ 11:16 PM

originally posted by: Beastmde
I live in Nevada. I know all of the secrets of freemasonry. I want to join a lodge but since I know all of the iniations I just want to get moved up to the 32nd and 33rd degree. I don't care what it takes i just want to get my album going and hang out with JZ, Beyonce, Obama, and Oprah Winfrey since they are all masons and illuminati. If anyone that is a mason that live in the reno area can help me.

Yeah why not come to my lodge and just become the master, hell why not just take the grand lodge and become grandmaster. I reckon they will call you the most honorable worshipful noble of the mystic rite of the grand holy royal stone builder of the supreme marble slab.

posted on Apr, 24 2018 @ 11:26 PM

originally posted by: Aljoharris

originally posted by: Beastmde
I live in Nevada. I know all of the secrets of freemasonry. I want to join a lodge but since I know all of the iniations I just want to get moved up to the 32nd and 33rd degree. I don't care what it takes i just want to get my album going and hang out with JZ, Beyonce, Obama, and Oprah Winfrey since they are all masons and illuminati. If anyone that is a mason that live in the reno area can help me.

Yeah why not come to my lodge and just become the master, hell why not just take the grand lodge and become grandmaster. I reckon they will call you the most honorable worshipful noble of the mystic rite of the grand holy royal stone builder of the supreme marble slab.
I do not know if you are joking or being serious right now. If it is an invitation I really won't have to go through the iniation or anything.

posted on Apr, 24 2018 @ 11:30 PM
Yeah my lodge is on 666 illuminati way across the street from the taco stand. Ill go ahead and call Beyonce, JZ, Tupac, Oprah, and our right worshipful brother Peewee Herman. They'll make you a mason on site and everything you wish will come true.

posted on May, 3 2018 @ 07:29 AM

originally posted by: Beastmde

I live in Nevada


I want to join a lodge...

As luck would have it I'm in Vegas right now. Head on down to the Wynn and I can help you join Sheeple Sandwich Lodge #36 (Hold the Mustard).

posted on Jun, 11 2018 @ 02:14 PM
This is great post for a YouTuber or no more content
edit on 11-6-2018 by HigherElavation434 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2018 @ 11:45 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

I like mustard.

posted on Jul, 12 2018 @ 05:46 AM

originally posted by: CanadianMason
I like mustard.

I'm in Cincy this week and then San Fran next week to help promote the Gay Agenda.

posted on Jul, 12 2018 @ 10:35 AM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

A special week here also.

posted on Jul, 22 2018 @ 04:18 AM

originally posted by: infinite
So, Your new to ATS and are very interested in Secret Societies, but you dont know what to read or what to post? i have searched through this board to find the best topics we have had and some of the most interesting discussions aswell.

Has anyone ever met anyone who was a member of the illuminati or other society?
G8 Security service : France mobilze army :
Tips from Masons
John Kerry a member of Skull and Bones
Illuminati and Cabal?.....
the All-seeing eye...
THE SECRET COVENANT (A Satanic Point of View)
the church and freemasonry
Mastor Of The Closet
RIGHT NOW! Major media coverage of Skull & Bones
Saddam is a Mason !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Masonic Presidents
The Knights Templars
Imperial Klans of the United Kingdom
Some Mason Material
Masonic Tower of Babylon in NYC?
The Protocols of the Learned elders of zion
FreeMasonry - who can join?
What are the consuqences for breaking into the Skull and Bones HQ?
Paramasonic group
13 bloodlines of the Illumanati
A question to all Masons present
Questions regarding advancing beyond the 3rd Degree
Order of the Buffalo
the illuminati and freemasons
The # 23?
Masonic ritual sex
Over Zealous Christians and Satan-loving Masons
Who is responsible for 9/11?

Freemasonry, An Anchor of Morality in A sea of Moral Relativism
Masons - Ancient/Secret Knowledge?
Illuminati/Rothschild Connection???
How many Freemasons are there on ATS?
Where does the idea that Freemasons worship Lucifer come from??
David Icke vs Jesus
Fraternities/Secret Societies
National Treasure
A question for Masonic Light and other Masons

[url=]The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave

Freemason 32nd Degree Ritual
A lie told often enough becomes the truth!
Link between Illuminati & Knights Templar

[edit on 7-4-2005 by infinite]
Thank you for your work

posted on Aug, 25 2018 @ 08:35 AM
Thank You for the great work!

In the King's Chamber was enacted the drama of the "second death." Here the candidate, after being crucified upon the cross of the solstices and the equinoxes, was buried in the great coffer. There is a profound mystery to the atmosphere and temperature of the King's Chamber: it is of a peculiar deathlike cold which cuts to the marrow of the bone. This room was a doorway between the material world and the transcendental spheres of Nature. While his body lay in the coffer, the soul of the neophyte soared as a human-headed hawk through the celestial realms, there to discover first hand the eternity of Life, Light, and Truth, as well as the illusion of Death, Darkness, and Sin. Thus in one sense the Great Pyramid may be likened to a gate through which the ancient priests permitted a few to pass toward the attainment of individual completion. It is also to be noted incidentally that if the coffer in the King's Chamber be struck, the sound emitted has no counterpart in any known musical scale. This tonal value may have formed part of that combination of circumstances which rendered the King's Chamber an ideal setting for the conferment of the highest degree of the Mysteries. - The Secret Teaching Of All Ages - Manly P. Hall

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