posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 04:29 PM
I have a buddy who recently became a Mason - within 8 months he has reached the 3rd degree. He called me 15 minutes ago to tell me, 'by the way, I
can take a 12-hour class and become 33rd degree'.
Regardless, ever since he joined he seems obsesssed with telling me how genuine the organization is and that they aren't involved in ANY of the
tomfoolery we discuss here.
His is more like a Shriner group, only interested in doing deeds for the community, etc.
I never claimed that the Masons were a sinister group. Merely, that Masons - many, and on their own accord, NOT through their Lodge, necessarily -
seem to be involved in a lot of 'things'. Not only that, but not all Masons are the same, and it goes far beyond Scottish or York...and, certainly
teaching s that would be exposed to a new member.
Do any of those titles address Member pre- or mis- conceptions BUT ASLO why there is so much scrutiny surrounding them?
Their involvement, or rather the involvement of their members, seems to permeate every political and religious platform, yet politics and religion are
two topics that are strictly forbidden to discuss (at the meetings)
It's all very confusing.