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Tory MP Andrew Bridgen suspended for comparing Covid vaccine to Holocaust

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posted on Jan, 12 2023 @ 04:58 AM

edit on 1/12/2023 by TheRedneck because: Removed for Spam

posted on Jan, 12 2023 @ 05:29 AM

Tories urged to bar Andrew Bridgen from standing at next election after vaccine ‘Holocaust’ tweet. Backbencher has become prominent anti-vaxxer in recent months, with messages on Twitter claiming Covid jab was harmful

More lessons in democracy by the UK Press that find its convenient to make accusations of anti-semitism eventhough none have been made against Andrew Bridgen so far and try to play it dumb when it comes to vaccine injuries and deaths.

posted on Jan, 12 2023 @ 11:13 AM
Are you from another Planet?

Where did you get your talking points if not from the WHO?

Please, take the time to show us how you came to this erroneous conclusion so completely.

Are they paying much to come on here and make shat up? Because you just spewed foolish BS that NO ONE BELIEVED but f'n SHLLS and fools.

originally posted by: bastion
It's not suprising he's been suspended for misleading the House, multiple false claims and insulting victims of the holocaust by tryinng to claim vaccines or lockdowns were remotely like mass extinction of millions.

BHF have been one of the UK's leading bodies in phase IV side efect monitoring and have conducted some of the best research that discovered clotting and cardio risks in those with pre-existing conditions; which caused updates in vaccination sheet info and changes in medical advice to reflect the new info.

The idea they're covering stuff up is completely false and defamatory; it bares no resemblance to reality and breaks a lot of Parliamentary laws and legislation so he was rightly struck off.

Any MP making such false claims about any subject would have the whip removed and be suspended for bringing the House into disrepute.

He's already suspended for fiddling expenses and lying to Parliament for accepting bribes and not declaring financial interests - so this is just an extra offence that breaches Parliamentary rules.

edit on 12-1-2023 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2023 @ 01:00 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

I was also surprised by how much of the official narrative was propagated in just one reply. It's really unbelievable! But the member is engaging in vaccine apologetics and in denialism.

His arguments are clearly attempts at misinformation not to say disinformation. And have been repeatedly refuted.

posted on Jan, 12 2023 @ 01:43 PM

The British newspapers are claiming that he is 'spreading misinformation' which is a rather common tactic and accusation when they want to censor and silence an individual. The same has been happening in the social media over the last few years.

I feel very sorry for Mr Bridgen, and for the UK more generally, because we have lost one of the only sane, honest & God-fearing voices that remained in the heart of so-called democracy in the UK.

I listened to a podcast recently which aired just before Christmas (Irreverend), in which MP Andrew Bridgen featured as a guest. I found him to be a passionate & fiery character, and although he was a bit abrasive, his heart is in the right place, and he has access to the right sort of information proving the scandal of the COVID vaccines & all associated skullduggery..

He himself claimed in that interveiw that it seemed likely that he would be suspended within a short period of time owing to the assaults against him in the press which had been increasing over the past welve months. It seems that was self-fulfilling prophecy, and I can't say I'm surprised that 'THEY' have elected to eject him from the public space in which he was able to do much damage to 'THEIR' cause against the human race.

Hail, Mr Bridgen, you did great work. Now, the task is to continue shouting even louder, in the right places, so your good work may continue to upset 'THEIR' plans for a second Holocaust. The comparison was in no way inappropriate.

Regards, FITO.

posted on Jan, 12 2023 @ 05:09 PM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment

The British newspapers are claiming that he is 'spreading misinformation' which is a rather common tactic and accusation when they want to censor and silence an individual. The same has been happening in the social media over the last few years.

I feel very sorry for Mr Bridgen, and for the UK more generally, because we have lost one of the only sane, honest & God-fearing voices that remained in the heart of so-called democracy in the UK.

I listened to a podcast recently which aired just before Christmas (Irreverend), in which MP Andrew Bridgen featured as a guest. I found him to be a passionate & fiery character, and although he was a bit abrasive, his heart is in the right place, and he has access to the right sort of information proving the scandal of the COVID vaccines & all associated skullduggery..

He himself claimed in that interveiw that it seemed likely that he would be suspended within a short period of time owing to the assaults against him in the press which had been increasing over the past welve months. It seems that was self-fulfilling prophecy, and I can't say I'm surprised that 'THEY' have elected to eject him from the public space in which he was able to do much damage to 'THEIR' cause against the human race.

Hail, Mr Bridgen, you did great work. Now, the task is to continue shouting even louder, in the right places, so your good work may continue to upset 'THEIR' plans for a second Holocaust. The comparison was in no way inappropriate.

Regards, FITO.

I feel sorry for him also...we still have Sir Christopher Chope who has made some sterling speeches as well!

What really horrified me, and said a lot, was how few members of the House deigned to be there when he gave his speech, I believe it was seven - SEVEN! Most of those appeared to be falling asleep...they don't give a damn

I agree that his comparison to the Holocaust wasn't inappropriate...I do believe his words were 'numbers SINCE the Holocaust' - where was the anti-Semitism? He wasn't denying or downplaying it, and for the sake of the argument if he WAS, why is that deemed 'Anti-Semitic' anyway?

I'm not a Semite, but my people were put in the labour camps in huge numbers... it is thought that we lost far more of our people pro-rata than the Jews did - so why isn't it 'anti-Romanichal'?

When you get Holocaust survivors publicly speaking out about what they saw happening in 2020/21 and the parallels they saw happening with the unjabbed to the people put in camps in WW2, maybe people should have listened...hell, there are STILL people saying we should be imprisoned/segregated even though it's proven over and over that jabs do NOTHING to stop transmission so we are no more a danger than the jabbed are

FWIW, I watched a short video earlier where Lord Mann said the Tories should get rid of Bridgen and he's a disgrace - the comments are eye-opening... overwhelmingly supportive of Andrew, theres a couple hundred more than earlier now and after a quick scroll I'm not seeing anyone in agreement with Mann

Not sure if the video is playing, so link here
edit on 12123 by WraithOfEva777 because: Add link

posted on Jan, 12 2023 @ 05:22 PM
a reply to: nugget1

I guess there’s always a choice.

Being held up at gunpoint provides a choice.

What was the saying? “Your money or your life.”

Providing someone with a “choice” can have criminal consequences.

posted on Jan, 12 2023 @ 06:40 PM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment

The British newspapers are claiming that he is 'spreading misinformation' which is a rather common tactic and accusation when they want to censor and silence an individual. The same has been happening in the social media over the last few years.

I feel very sorry for Mr Bridgen, and for the UK more generally, because we have lost one of the only sane, honest & God-fearing voices that remained in the heart of so-called democracy in the UK.

I listened to a podcast recently which aired just before Christmas (Irreverend), in which MP Andrew Bridgen featured as a guest. I found him to be a passionate & fiery character, and although he was a bit abrasive, his heart is in the right place, and he has access to the right sort of information proving the scandal of the COVID vaccines & all associated skullduggery..

He himself claimed in that interveiw that it seemed likely that he would be suspended within a short period of time owing to the assaults against him in the press which had been increasing over the past welve months. It seems that was self-fulfilling prophecy, and I can't say I'm surprised that 'THEY' have elected to eject him from the public space in which he was able to do much damage to 'THEIR' cause against the human race.

Hail, Mr Bridgen, you did great work. Now, the task is to continue shouting even louder, in the right places, so your good work may continue to upset 'THEIR' plans for a second Holocaust. The comparison was in no way inappropriate.

Regards, FITO.

They had him set up and just wanted an excuse that came in the form of a tweet.

They can't handle reality and truth as the entire system has invested both financially and emotionally in these products. The stakes are too high.

If you watch the YouTube video on Dr Campbell's channel

He has Mr Andrew Bridgen from 5:50 onwards. His speech is magnificent and there is not a single point which is not articulated well or a point which I disagree with. Common sense at last and sanity.

posted on Jan, 12 2023 @ 06:55 PM
a reply to: WraithOfEva777

He hasn't been accused for anti-semitism but was clearly targeted and has been set up. Any 'wrong' move and the establishment will try to purge him. He shared what a cardiologist told him about the vaccines.

From the opening page

Andrew Bridgen had the whip withdrawn after claiming on Twitter that a cardiologist had told him that the vaccine campaign was the “biggest crime against humanity since the Holocaust”.

If I was him I round have avoided such comparisons for the obvious reasons. But there is nothing sinister about his twit. They clearly want to remove him from the UK Parliament because he is a real trouble and one of very loud 'trouble-maker'.

They have however succeeded making him even more famous then he is and all you need to do is have a look online and see the comments made on social platforms.

Also when you have the time it would be good to take a look a the latest deaths of three young and healthy officers from the Massachusetts Police Department. Probably happened in a space of a week. The comments from the members of various platforms is what gets your attention. They are all coming to the same conclusion...

edit on 12-1-2023 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2023 @ 08:05 PM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

They can't handle reality and truth as the entire system has invested both financially and emotionally in these products. The stakes are too high.

Couldn't agree more that this is 'the problem' from 'THEIR' perspective. And that exact fact - that they are ALL so heavily invested in this great escapade of murder & deception leading to spiritual death, with only a tiny remnant in authority willing & able to shine a light on the foul deeds which are being committed under cover of darkness - entirely sums up the reason, as I'm starting to understand it, as to why the prophecy in the Book of the Revelation of St John is so all-encompassing. I used to read it & wonder that surely not EVERYONE in the world could be in so much trouble with God..? Until I realised that in general, when God speaks in judgement to Mankind (look to the Old Testament for this prophetic rubric), He speaks mainly to the ruling class, for they are the ones who are given the responsibility for shepherding the common people (believe it or not, many in the old days actually believed this was a sacred duty), and equally, they are the ones mainly to blame if the common people are led astray into self-destruction.

It is even worse if the common people are being openly destroyed by the ruling class, as is the case in our own days.

We never stood a chance - centuries of patient conspiracy by a few vested interests, mainly co-opted under the hand of the so-called 'Illuminati' (those who preach that illumination/enlightenment is to be found in a rejection of God & wanton abandon into hedonistic furore, full of arrogance, pride & the deception hiding those actions & beliefs) - ultimately they revealed their hand in our times & executed the first & perhaps most devastating stage of their 'final solution', when people were not expecting to be so brutally deceived & murdered/subjugated by their overseers, having had all means of reasonable self-defence eroded over years of patient & underhanded deceit & misdirection. These plans originated in the heart of Satan, but he found many willing followers, 'adepts' whom he trained in sophistry & politicking, 'anointing' with the blood of innocents, 'blessing' with diabolical power those who presently make up the upper echelons of the nouveaux-riche corporate class. The potential for defence from the vestiges of the old aristocracy was cut from under us, most of whom seem to have been defiled with crass materialism & the lure of pseudo-mystical shenanigans which seem to elevate them further above the people they were supposed to lead & for whom they were supposed to act as exemplars.

With the facts being as they are, I can no longer believe that we are living through anything other than the End of Days. Once I believed every tree concealed a demon, and that the Apocalypse was upon us (20 years ago). Then I saw that throughout the centuries so many had believed they too were living in the End Times that the very concept seemed to lose all meaning - and this is one part of why it was so easy to strike - we had become the Boy who cried Wolf.

Then I began to see that there are issues in our present times which cannot be taken as anything other than surefire signs that we are nearing the end. At first it was the thought that the so-called 'singularity' seemed near, suggesting that we had a genuine possibility of an artificial intelligence that would be a candidate for the '..image of the first beast' which was 'given breath' (IE it had a verisimilitude of life, but was not in fact truly alive)*. After the pLandemic struck, as the preparations for the vaccines & the rollout of various tracking technologies progressed, I saw that NOW, and ONLY NOW in the ENTIRE course of our human history, the ruling elite have the technology to ENTIRELY corral, control, and destroy the bulk of humanity, ultimately subjugating those who survive depopulation FOREVER.

We were lulled into a false sense of security, made weak, and had the means of armed organisation outlawed, codified & classified as entirely the purview of advanced military forces far beyond the reach of the bulk of Mankind - who would ultimately become the victims of this conspiracy. Technologies for our suppression are hideously advanced (I'm thinking autonomous aerial & land-based drones, such as the 'attack dog robots' developed by DARPA for 'just such a time as this'..) We are technically vastly outpaced & outgunned by the strategic deployment of these technologies auto-patrolling geographic zones. Thousands of these technologies can be stored in small, secure spaces, and even just one of those dogs could wreak havoc in an entire town, if it were able to access resupply.

For these reasons, it is my supposition that THEY consider themselves unassailable. Because of these circumstances, the common people can be completely subjugated, and the bastards feel smug about it. The corruption of this world's rulers, and their ability to dominate the created order known as Mankind, have attained such devastating heights of unapproachability by comparison to the thoughts, words & deeds of those who would oppose such Satanic abominations (as we are now seeing rolled out in all corners of the world), that there is, humanly speaking, no possibility of overturning their iron will, and our domination beneath their hand is all but a foregone conclusion.

That is why I consider there is no alternative other than that we are living in the final Days of the Age. He is coming SOON, though how long exactly until the End comes is unknowable. From my observations, from the information He has provided to me in my dreams & visions, I believe we will probably see their total overthrow of all obstacles to their rule within the next ten years, perhaps sooner than that.

UNLESS - something inconvenient to their plans (such as GOD) gets in the way. Which He will, amen. He has already spoken in His word and foretold that He will oppose the rulers at the closing of the Age. They have acted deliberately against Him, spitefully attacking Mankind, in order to strike at His heart & destroy that most precious of His possessions. We are most certainly living in times in which the very thunder & lightning shall sing out His power in new & miraculous ways, igniting a firestorm of justice that will burn through deception & darkness, refining the remnant of Mankind until the day He rolls up the Heavens like a scroll, bringing this world to an end, ushering in the New Heaven & the New Earth. It has begun, and all who believe should take note & ready themselves, because if it didn't already seem serious enough, it will continue to get worse, and we are now in the midst of the most severe testing that Mankind will ever know, facing enemies that will soon unmask themselves & demand devotion.

* "Because of the signs it was given to perform on behalf of the first beast, it deceived those who dwell on the earth, telling them to make an image to the beast that had been wounded by the sword and yet had lived. The second beast was permitted to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship it to be killed. And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead."

Revelation of St John 13: 14-16

posted on Jan, 13 2023 @ 01:01 AM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3
a reply to: WraithOfEva777

He hasn't been accused for anti-semitism but was clearly targeted and has been set up. Any 'wrong' move and the establishment will try to purge him. He shared what a cardiologist told him about the vaccines.

From the opening page

Andrew Bridgen had the whip withdrawn after claiming on Twitter that a cardiologist had told him that the vaccine campaign was the “biggest crime against humanity since the Holocaust”.

If I was him I round have avoided such comparisons for the obvious reasons. But there is nothing sinister about his twit. They clearly want to remove him from the UK Parliament because he is a real trouble and one of very loud 'trouble-maker'.

They have however succeeded making him even more famous then he is and all you need to do is have a look online and see the comments made on social platforms.

Also when you have the time it would be good to take a look a the latest deaths of three young and healthy officers from the Massachusetts Police Department. Probably happened in a space of a week. The comments from the members of various platforms is what gets your attention. They are all coming to the same conclusion...

Oh, he definitely has though:

'Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, a Conservative, linked Bridgen’s comments to antisemitism.

“Obviously, it is utterly unacceptable to make linkages and use language like that, and I’m determined that the scourge of antisemitism is eradicated,” Sunak said on the floor of the House of Commons.'

The rest of the article I got that from is worth a read, for the way it's linking us 'anti-vaxxers' to 'anti-Semitic conspiracy theories'.

Anyhow, here's Rishi (and the equally odious Hancock)


However, I definitely agree with youthat he's been made more popular as a result - as I pointed out in my last comment, I was hard-pressed to find a comment on the video I shared that wasn't supportive despite the media stoking the flames

Either they have completely miscalculated the public anger over the jab, or it's all part of the 'Big Reveal', I'm not sure myself yet which I think it is, it could be both

I've already seen about the three Mass. PD officers, yes they all dropped in one week at young ages (and before anyone asks, yes I do consider 48 young being that age myself lol)

I haven't looked at any of the comments of late, but I've seen some desperate attempts on Reddit (and here, iirc) to say 'nothing to see here, it's all normal'

If these people aren't bots, they'll be saying the same when stepping over bodies in the street...I don't care if it has happened in the past occasionally, it is NOT normal for people in the first few decades of their life to just drop dead, but it's happening en-masse now and it's heartbreaking (absolutely zero pun intended)

edit on 13123 by WraithOfEva777 because: Punctuation

posted on Jan, 13 2023 @ 02:59 AM
a reply to: WraithOfEva777

At this stage of the economy upsetting the mainly Jewish bankers would be stupid, that's not antisemitism it's an obvious fact. Then when these politicians get their reward on a board of directors, it will be as a nod and a wink for services rendered to their fellows providing they have not ruffled any feathers.. But since even mentioning the obvious is an afront these days, the obvious will not be mentioned even if people are dropping like flies. That's what happens when a system starts to turn down, everyone is looking after themselves. But we are all acting out our parts. Like an acting police officer, Acting Prime minister, etc, I just wish they would change the script.

posted on Jan, 13 2023 @ 03:13 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman
Are you from another Planet?

Where did you get your talking points if not from the WHO?

Please, take the time to show us how you came to this erroneous conclusion so completely.

I posted facts, look up him fiddling expenses from a Ghanian platation company, Parliamentary standards and how the parliamentary whip works.

They're basic parts of UK parliament

Same goes for BHF advice - look up how their monitring updated vaccination advice for people with clotting etc...

These are all very well known facts for anyone in the UK who paid attention to the subject.
edit on 13-1-2023 by bastion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2023 @ 03:23 AM

originally posted by: bastion

originally posted by: Justoneman
Are you from another Planet?

Where did you get your talking points if not from the WHO?

Please, take the time to show us how you came to this erroneous conclusion so completely.

I posted facts, look up him fiddling expenses from a Ghanian platation company, Parliamentary standards and how the parliamentary whip works.

They're basic parts of UK parliament

Same goes for BHF advice - look up how their monitring updated vaccination advice for people with clotting etc...

These are all very well known facts for anyone in the UK who paid attention to the subject.

What facts?

It's obvious they want him out as he has become a major problem to the establishment by asking the most basic and reasonable questions.

Do you think we can't see what is going on?

posted on Jan, 13 2023 @ 03:32 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Hardly - you're allowed to ask questions in the House - you're not allowed to fail to declare donations, overseas trips or bring the House into disrepute by violating Parliamentary Standards by comparing things to the Holocaust or making libellous claims about people as this MP has done.

If he'd asked reasonable questions he wouldn't have been suspended - 'i.e what id being done to adress these concerns' - instead of unreasonable anti-semitism and spurious claims.

See Parliamentary Standards Act for more explanations.

Plenty of MPs are/were against lockdowns and viced them in debates; none of them were suspended from Parliament as they didn't go full retard and compare things to the holocaust.

Again; basic facts of form and function of UK parliament.

edit on 13-1-2023 by bastion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2023 @ 03:58 AM

originally posted by: bastion
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Hardly - you're allowed to ask questions in the House - you're not allowed to fail to declare donations, overseas trips or bring the House into disrepute by violating Parliamentary Standards by comparing things to the Holocaust or making libellous claims about people as this MP has done.

If he'd asked reasonable questions he wouldn't have been suspended - 'i.e what id being done to adress these concerns' - instead of unreasonable anti-semitism and spurious claims.

See Parliamentary Standards Act for more explanations.

Plenty of MPs are/were against lockdowns and viced them in debates; none of them were suspended from Parliament as they didn't go full retard and compare things to the holocaust.

Again; basic facts of form and function of UK parliament.

If that was the case then half of the parliament or even more would have been permanently suspended.

He asked very reasonable questions when he spoke on the parliament. It's only you who claims he didn't. If you can find me what he said that wasn't reasonable and sensible?

His tweet wasn't part of his speech in the parliament and eventhough I wouldn't tweet what someone else has told me (don't have a twitter account anyway) that is not a valid reason for suspending him.

If anything he has become even more famous over the last few days and gained even more sympathy from the British electorate. The opposite has happened from what was intended. All you have to go is visit the social media and have a look at the comments made by ordinary people.

posted on Jan, 13 2023 @ 04:58 AM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: WraithOfEva777

At this stage of the economy upsetting the mainly Jewish bankers would be stupid, that's not antisemitism it's an obvious fact. Then when these politicians get their reward on a board of directors, it will be as a nod and a wink for services rendered to their fellows providing they have not ruffled any feathers.. But since even mentioning the obvious is an afront these days, the obvious will not be mentioned even if people are dropping like flies. That's what happens when a system starts to turn down, everyone is looking after themselves. But we are all acting out our parts. Like an acting police officer, Acting Prime minister, etc, I just wish they would change the script.

Absolutely correct

posted on Jan, 13 2023 @ 05:39 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Half of Parliament haven't made anti-semitic remarks. Over 100 Tory Gvernment MPs opposed lockdown and spoke out against it and none of them have been reprimanded.

Boris had to leave due to misleading the House in Partygate. I've had dozens of questions raised in the House about illegal UK arms exports to Sri Lanka, Bahrain and various Middle East dictatorships plus Corporation X and the shadwy £1Tn sverieng wealth fund and neither myself or my MP have ever been reprimanded.

There's certain ethics, standards and decorum that have to be followed and fundamental protections to allow people to ask them as long as they don't make stupid comparisons or slanderous/libellous claims.

posted on Jan, 13 2023 @ 05:45 AM

originally posted by: bastion
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Half of Parliament haven't made anti-semitic remarks. Over 100 Tory Gvernment MPs opposed lockdown and spoke out against it and none of them have been reprimanded.

Boris had to leave due to misleading the House in Partygate. I've had dozens of questions raised in the House about illegal UK arms exports to Sri Lanka, Bahrain and various Middle East dictatorships plus Corporation X and the shadwy £1Tn sverieng wealth fund and neither myself or my MP have ever been reprimanded.

There's certain ethics, standards and decorum that have to be followed and fundamental protections to allow people to ask them as long as they don't make stupid comparisons or slanderous/libellous claims.

This is a strawman argument.
Andrew Bridgen did not make any antisemitic remarks.

He is not being accused of making anti-semitic remarks by anyone. He is clearly being targeted because of his criticisms of the Covid campaign and the vaccines.
edit on 13-1-2023 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2023 @ 05:49 AM

originally posted by: bastion
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Half of Parliament haven't made anti-semitic remarks. Over 100 Tory Gvernment MPs opposed lockdown and spoke out against it and none of them have been reprimanded.

Boris had to leave due to misleading the House in Partygate. I've had dozens of questions raised in the House about illegal UK arms exports to Sri Lanka, Bahrain and various Middle East dictatorships plus Corporation X and the shadwy £1Tn sverieng wealth fund and neither myself or my MP have ever been reprimanded.

There's certain ethics, standards and decorum that have to be followed and fundamental protections to allow people to ask them as long as they don't make stupid comparisons or slanderous/libellous claims.

If you can find and let me know what he said in the UK Parliament that wasn't reasonable or sensible. I have asked you already and got no response.

His twitter comment or sharing of other people's comments is something very different to speaking in Parliament. However, there was nothing antisemitic as you suggested and neither a valid reason for thinking of suspending him permanently.

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