I don't know how much snow we're going to get here in Southern Illinois, it's those potentially low low temperatures that have me concerned.
I've cleaned out my fireplace and got a fire ready to light, stacked some more wood inside and organized my woodpile in case the electricity goes
Of course, stocked up on milk, bread, etc.
Covered some windows and openings to minimize the cold temperatures inside my house. (Should they materialize.)
I wish I had a generator, but I don't. I do have a power converter in my car that I can use to power something for a short period, if I have to.
Checked all my candle holders and hurricane lamps in case the lights go out and have plenty of spare candles and lamp oil.
Invited my neighbor over if she needs to because her house is a lot colder than mine. And on a related note, got clean sheets and blankets on the
couch bed in case it gets pressed into service.
Did my laundry up because I was always told to have on clean underwear in case of an emergency situation, so got that covered.
Downloaded several old full NASCAR races to watch on my laptop, which can run off the batteries for a while if I'm powerless.
Made up my annual batch of eggnog yesterday, so I'll have something to drink that's special.
I would like to be in a position to prepare a whole lot more, but this inflation we have these days really eats into a person's finances. I guess the
key is: Think about what you might need, figure out what
you can do about it to get prepared in your particular situation, and buckle down
when/if it hits. What's the old Boy Scout motto - "Always be prepared?"
edit on 21-12-2022 by TrulyColorBlind because: Corrected a