a reply to:
Been there, done that!
My sons ex was homeless as well. Very intelligent, talented, sweet appearing girl. She became part of our family.
For 3 years, she lived with my son/my sister and myself. I didn’t charge rent because she was 19 and had no license and many legal fees (which I
didn’t find out about til year 2-1/2 what they were, road rage).
I wanted to help her, and my son loved her so much. I had visions of drivers licenses/jobs, money saved for their future.
Here’s what happened:
I drove them both to jobs for 3 years, while working my own. Different shifts (they got out at 11:00pm because she accused a coworker of sexually
harassing her, so instead of their 8-3 shift, they got transferred to 3-11 because the Mgr didn’t want her and accused dude working on the same
shift. So now I was driving in my lunch half hour to pick them up and drop them at work to make it back to my job that let me out at 4:00pm, to then
turn around and pick them up at 11:00pm, and I had to get up at 6:00am for my weekend shift.
I thought I was helping: Fast forward, I think she has license (she doesn’t), my car dies in the center of town, she leaves it there at a green
light cause she doesn’t want to get in trouble? A coworker of mine has to drive me to my car, which starts right up btw) as I’m calling AAA.
When I pick her and my son up I say calmly and firmly, EVERYONES getting licenses.
Prior to that, she took the car and got 2 screws in my tires, over 400.00 to replace. Ever see any money for that,NO!
She quits job with my son, gets a new job, other side of town, I’m still driving her and picking her up. Throws me a tenner once every 6 months
for gas, but feels it’s ok to trash talk Trump to me and my sister every time we are all in the car together; I swear my sisters soul left her body
once lol
She starts acting strange, my sons friend calls to console him over this girl, saw her at a party and she’s telling everyone they broke up. Playing
games with his head. Possessions I have are now missing.
My sons heart is breaking, he calls me at my work with new info. I told him she has to go and I’ll take care of it. I left work, tried to call her
but she wouldn’t answer, part of her new game! I left voicemail come get your # you’re out. Called the cops to have presence here to avoid
confrontation (which I’m glad I did because she lunged at me) while getting her things.
She came with a dude, and then trash talked me on fb.
My sister paid her cellphone bill for 3 years, we took her on trips, made sure she had what she needed and she said fake horrible things in fb
My son was so heartbroken he just left and moved in with a friend in another state. Then I was heartbroken.
I later found out we were like the 4th family she did this too.
She took some money from my sons bank account 6 months later and said it was an accident.
Your house, Your rules.
My situation was a nightmare, but that is life!
If she can’t put the urn in storage, she can pay for her own rent!