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Possibly Higher Insurance Rates for Those Who Are NOT Covid-19 Vaccinated - Due to More Accidents.

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posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 08:15 PM
Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Another statistic has surfaced that can be used against those who are not vaccinated against the Covid-19 virus.

Unvaccinated people have a 72% higher rate of severe vehicle accidents than vaccinated drivers according to the study.

"If you passed on getting the COVID vaccine, you might be a lot more likely to get into a car crash.

Or at least those are the findings of a new study published this month in The American Journal of Medicine. During the summer of 2021, Canadian researchers examined the encrypted government-held records of more than 11 million adults, 16% of whom hadn’t received the COVID vaccine.

They found that the unvaccinated people were 72% more likely to be involved in a severe traffic crash—in which at least one person was transported to the hospital—than those who were vaccinated."
Source: -way-for-insurance-rate-hikes-for-unvaccinated/

The article goes on to point out that, logically, Auto Insurance Companies could charge more for drivers who are not vaccinated against Covid-19.

"Experts" say those who decline the Covid-19 vaccination are callous, risk-taking, careless souls, who get into more car wrecks.

One can only imagine where this could lead!

What if you decline the annual FLU shot? Are you also more of risky, accident-prone personality? Higher HEALTH INSURANCE and LIFE INSURANCE rates/premiums would also be a natural extension of this line of thinking.

Since "authorities" were so successful in making people "demonstrate obedience" during the Covid-19 pandemic, it's not a stretch to imagine them allowing the Un-Vaccinated (or those who are not up-to-date boostered), to pay more money for certain privileges in society. Especially if the Local, State, or Federal government can get more revenue from the increased price/premium/fee, or whatever.


edit on 12/14/2022 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 08:24 PM
Not sure this would be legal in the USA, maybe not in Canada either. Be some lawsuits for sure if they pull this nonsense.

Insurance for cars does not quote based on any medical information or medical status. HIPPA laws and such protecting a persons private medical information.

Of course what has been witnessed after the illegal mandates, (then came the supreme court quashing some of it), but those companies politically indoctrinated saw how every authority was ignoring all legality and just dictating everything like kings to paupers jumped on that same bandwagon. And it seems that social disease is still strong, more so than Covid itself.

+4 more 
posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 08:25 PM
a reply to: carewemust

A perfect example of why a statisticians' works needs to be presented with an understanding of statistics...

Otherwise, you can proclaim absolute illogical and unrealistic things like "Get the vaccine or you'll have a severe traffic accident!"

The absurdity of what can be discerned from statistics knows no bounds. Hence the reputation that "you can say anything with statistics!"

posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 08:27 PM
a reply to: carewemust


So now the jabs are safe and effective!
They inoculate against traffic accidents!

They read the recipe wrong and stumbled on something useful.

Now if they could just come up with a formula that inoculates agains irrational hate.

posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 08:27 PM
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

It would be hard to pull off, unless all the car insurance companies raised their prices together.

But you could have one offer a 20% discount for those who are vaccinated. This would attract more of the "low risk" drivers.

posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 08:35 PM

Unvaccinated people have a 72% higher rate of severe vehicle accidents than vaccinated drivers according to the study.

That high...72% higher rate of severe accidents???

I need to get my unvaccinated butt off the road!!!

Ah...truth be told...I'd rather die in a car accident than from that stupid jab!

Least when history is written (although this part probably won't be written about) I'll be on the right side of the story!!!

posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 08:39 PM
a reply to: Maxmars

So true. And almost every type of insurance premium, or Vegas bet, is based on "statistics".

posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 08:42 PM
There is no logical reason why non-vaccinated people would have higher accident rates. So I am calling BEX on this so-called 'scientific' study.

posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 08:43 PM

originally posted by: jerryznv

Unvaccinated people have a 72% higher rate of severe vehicle accidents than vaccinated drivers according to the study.

That high...72% higher rate of severe accidents???

I need to get my unvaccinated butt off the road!!!

Ah...truth be told...I'd rather die in a car accident than from that stupid jab!

Least when history is written (although this part probably won't be written about) I'll be on the right side of the story!!!

Good point! It would be interesting to learn: Out of every 1,000 people who have been Covid vaccinated for longer than 1 year, how many went to the hospital for SICKNESS vs how many went to the hospital for INJURY within 1 year of being vaccinated.

posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 08:43 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Maybe it’s simply because the unjabbed continued to go out live their lives while many of the fearful stayed home and rubbed their arms.

posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 08:45 PM

originally posted by: starviego
There is no logical reason why non-vaccinated people would have higher accident rates. So I am calling BEX on this so-called 'scientific' study.

Maybe it's a reflection of the CANADIAN PERSONALITY?

i.e. Those who defy the harsh government are angry marauders 24/7, just asking for trouble?

Here in the USA, we defy the government and dare them to "f*ck with us".

posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 08:46 PM

originally posted by: NorthOfStuff
a reply to: carewemust

Maybe it’s simply because the unjabbed continued to go out live their lives while many of the fearful stayed home and rubbed their arms.

100% on point!!!

Well said...that is exactly what we did!!!

posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 08:47 PM
You got to be freaking kidding, who are this dumb people making this claims? sound like fact checkers that were funded by the FBI.

Get your jab now guys, so you will no die on accidents anymore the jab will cover all.

I really think that for the elites in power we the peons are tagged dumb and stupid.

posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 08:48 PM

originally posted by: NorthOfStuff
a reply to: carewemust

Maybe it’s simply because the unjabbed continued to go out live their lives while many of the fearful stayed home and rubbed their arms.

Could be! More study is needed. I'm just glad it's CANADA, lol. We have bigger fish to fry. (Biden, Dems, Corruption, etc.)

posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 08:51 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Do you have a recipe for fried battered Trudeau by any chance?

posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 09:04 PM
They can kiss my @ss. I've never had so much as a traffic ticket, so they have no call to jack my rates up.
edit on 14-12-2022 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 09:15 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Someone has found out that the vaccinated are far more in the high range of traffic accidents and has decided to muddy the waters before it gets too obvious to ignore. Then get the unxaxed to pay for it. Nice try.

edit on 14-12-2022 by anonentity because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 09:16 PM
In Sweden? I think it was- parents lost custody of their baby who needed heart surgery, and they insisted on the use of unvaccinated blood.

In Spokane, Washington a baby needed heart surgery and they agreed to-and procured unvaccinated blood. Somehow, there was a mix-up and he got vaccinated blood, but came through the surgery okay for a few days...(I think it four days) only to die of blood clots.
Not that unusual with heart surgery, but it's unconscionable for a major surgery center to 'accidently' mix up blood.

My fear is they'll come up with a magic mRNA vaccine for RSV and any parents who refuse to vaccinate their children will lose custody.

The day may come when us 'unclean' won't be allowed to enter any public building.

Even those who had zero faith in the new technology rolled up their sleeves because the other option was too unpleasant.
The next plandemic has the potential to be far worse, in terms of our freedoms.

posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 09:29 PM
This will be litigated. Won’t happen.

posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 09:32 PM

Possibly Higher Insurance Rates for Those Who Are NOT Covid-19 Vaccinated - Due to More Accidents.

Due to more instances of sickness and/or hospitalization, death, or long covid, and healthcare costs associated with that. For the idiots who won't get vaccinated.

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