Note that a 90 degree attack angle has shown the full plane length of AA77 in those 2 security boot videos, and thus any shorter angle, f.ex. 45 to 52
degrees, would show much shorter virtual lengths of AA77.
Just use Pythagoras law on those above first video pics, not on these :
All calculations based on the known height of the West Wall, as seen in the 2 security parking boot videos, a height of 77 feet//23.47 m.
And the fact that the North Parking's 2 security cameras stood aligned parallel to the North Wall, so their CCD chips inside these cameras stood
parallel to that North Wall, but not to the West Wall, that West Wall stood at a 110 degrees angle to the North Wall.
It makes no difference, since the most upper, Western part of the viewing angle of that Cam 2 did register the plane in David's picture, precisely at
the right border of that distorted picture, and the strong distortion of the cameras fish eye lens was thus fully cancelled, so now it showed the real
AA77 plane length of a 757-200, namely 47.24 m//155 feet.
Btw, that clearly observable attack path of ~ 90 degrees to the West Wall shows a North of CITGO gas station flight path.
As tens of reliable eyewitnesses already in the first days and years explained on interview videos, they saw the plane low flying there, about 30 m
North of that gas station, situated a bit South of the huge military cemetery there.
Remember the two Pentagon Police officers? They swore both on camera in their very early interviews by the CIT interviewers, that the plane they saw,
flew North of CITGO.
This evidence is fully based on the only two
officially released videos from the two parking boots entrance cameras.
I always try to solely use the offered officially sources, since those 2 sources can never be retracted anymore by the perpetrators. It must have been
a meticulous planned operation.
These 2 pictures from respectively Cam 1 and 2, are not corrected for the fish eye lens distortion effect.
See the curvatures in the pavements and the roof lines. Clearest in Cam 2.
That gave the impression that the plane length was much shorter, compared to the West Wall height. This got me on the wrong leg till 2015, and then
David Chandler posted his distortion corrected, pictures from Cam 1 and 2. Then the case was sealed for me, and I did chose a contemplation period, to
come to rest and hoped someone other would see the obvious, which cost me nearly 8 years, and I gave up hoping. Thus, here's the long awaited
irrefutable evidence in this collection of a few posts.
All picture pairs : 1 in [pic] format, 1 in [ats=676x361] format, sometimes they seem to have more zoom, strange.