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The Calamari clots are real.

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posted on Dec, 10 2022 @ 10:33 AM
a reply to: The2Billies

there is no support for what I think.

There you go. You can't just go and feed "free thinkers" the facts and expect it to go over well.

That made me think of Lucifer. He was Gods first favorite son. You know what his first sin against God was? He chose free will. He was cast out of heaven for being a free thinker.
edit on 10 12 2022 by tamusan because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2022 @ 10:35 AM


Everyone is allowed to post here on topic and to do so without being called names or becoming the target of others' posts. Debate the topic and leave each other out of it.

The topic is The Calamari clots are real.

These rules apply to all threadsand if you want to engage in personal attacks there are other sites on the Internet where you can do that. Our goal is for ATS to be above that.

YOU are responsible for your own posts

And, as always...
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posted on Dec, 10 2022 @ 10:45 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
No doubt, someone didn't just make this up then have thousands of people go along with it.

I can give you examples no end of examples where that is literally exactly what happened. Slenderman is probably the most topical example. We know 100 percent for certain where the story of Slenderman started, we know how and why. It's complete fiction designed to be fiction, and yet there are thousands of people who claim that it's real.

Yes and according to your logic, slenderman is responsible for the 40% increase in all cause mortality.

posted on Dec, 10 2022 @ 11:08 AM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
No doubt, someone didn't just make this up then have thousands of people go along with it.

I can give you examples no end of examples where that is literally exactly what happened. Slenderman is probably the most topical example. We know 100 percent for certain where the story of Slenderman started, we know how and why. It's complete fiction designed to be fiction, and yet there are thousands of people who claim that it's real.

Yes and according to your logic, slenderman is responsible for the 40% increase in all cause mortality.

OK, let's unpack this.

I consistently argue that we can explain pretty much everything using standard models, and that most of what is happening now was predicted back in 2020.

And you're response is to claim that I'm attributing everything to a supernatural cause that I've repeatedly stated is nothing more than an urban myth?

Of course, we all know that there is no 40 percent increase in mortality. You can only reach this figure if you limit your data set to include only a very small subset of the population who are experiencing increased mortality rates, and then ignore the fact that much of this is simply down to elderly people with comorbidity getting covid and then being killed by something else. Such as the heart disease that they were already suffering from.

posted on Dec, 10 2022 @ 11:08 AM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
No doubt, someone didn't just make this up then have thousands of people go along with it.

I can give you examples no end of examples where that is literally exactly what happened. Slenderman is probably the most topical example. We know 100 percent for certain where the story of Slenderman started, we know how and why. It's complete fiction designed to be fiction, and yet there are thousands of people who claim that it's real.

Yes and according to your logic, slenderman is responsible for the 40% increase in all cause mortality.

OK, let's unpack this.

I consistently argue that we can explain pretty much everything using standard models, and that most of what is happening now was predicted back in 2020.

And you're response is to claim that I'm attributing everything to a supernatural cause that I've repeatedly stated is nothing more than an urban myth?

Of course, we all know that there is no 40 percent increase in mortality. You can only reach this figure if you limit your data set to include only a very small subset of the population who are experiencing increased mortality rates, and then ignore the fact that much of this is simply down to elderly people with comorbidity getting covid and then being killed by something else. Such as the heart disease that they were already suffering from.

posted on Dec, 10 2022 @ 11:46 AM

originally posted by: carewemust

Then it's probably best if people don't know how common these clots are, if they've been around for a long time. Many folks are already living on eggshells day-to-day, due to paranoia. This lady screamed at a Target associate and ran out of Target last week when she sprayed a holiday fragrance in the air.

I think it is best if most do not know what goes on in a mortuary... lol

posted on Dec, 10 2022 @ 11:56 AM

originally posted by: MaxxAction

You also have shills and trolls imbedded on every discussion website on the planet who are there to do nothing but misdirect, throw shade, sow doubt, and otherwise do whatever they can to convince people that they can't trust their own eyes.

Every one of the morticians/embalmers in the videos regarding this have said they have never seen it before.

I do not agree with you. You have people like myself that do disagree with others. Calling people gov/pharma etc shills is just an attempt to devalue them. BTW how much does that job pay... We do at times get people that registered like yesterday and go all troll on people, but once again that is people just being people since we are not worth the Gov time for them to do as you might think. In the case of our ATS mortician he has been here like 10 years, so that is a long time waiting for this moment. lol

posted on Dec, 10 2022 @ 12:02 PM

originally posted by: anonentity

It does not take long to identify a troll or shill. Their problem once this identification has been established. Is whatever they are promoting suggest the truth which is the opposite of what they are promoting? If not the opposite then their statement is a deflection and not the reasonable truth. They do not pass the Turing test on many occasions. I think that many are aI Algorithms. Sent on to the internet to sway public opinion by their numbers. They also tend to prolong a discussion when it would have died a natural death, they are a tool getting paid for by the host of a particular policy, a supply created by the host's demand for a certain outcome, and sold to the host for profit. The host will only be told of the power to sway public opinion and not the negative parts, like prolonging the discussion or being identifiesd, convincing people of ideas which they are not much interested in will always be problematic but never the less profitable for the makers of the algorithm.

Any that you can name? Most likely against the TOS, but at some point you would need evidence of such claim. BTW it would not be algorithms but more friend/foe AI.

posted on Dec, 10 2022 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: anonentity

In an interview, the guys who made the documentary laughed about their opening and claimed it was a troll of sorts.

It's somewhere in the following interview:

Not sure why it's not linking correctly, here is a direct link:

edit on 10-12-2022 by NormalGuyCrazyWorld because: Added link

Part 2 of the interview:
edit on 10-12-2022 by NormalGuyCrazyWorld because: Added link

Anyways, the guys talk for hours and the interview is REALLY interesting - in the interviews they talk a lot about what you guys are talking about right now! You really should check it out if you haven't.
edit on 10-12-2022 by NormalGuyCrazyWorld because: Added note

posted on Dec, 10 2022 @ 12:27 PM

originally posted by: MaxxAction

As for me, I enjoy debate and spirited conversation. The problem comes when the other party is obviously not debating, but just disagreeing, regardless of what evidence is presented, they don't "discuss" the evidence. They just tell you it's stupid, or it's been debunked over, and over. This describes it better, from the "rules of effective disinformation."

Sometimes that is due to the topic at hand has already been discussed ad nauseam. I personally do not like to reengage at the same effort in something I put effort into in the past. But hey we can attempt again. Here is one mortician

“These are not blood clots! These are post-mortem fibrin clots, they are worm-like. When they are passed off as something never seen before, as the consequences of vaccination leading to death, you are simply frightened. I don't know if this is done out of ignorance or for the purpose of provocation. All that is shown in the video is clots of fibrin, a fibrous protein in blood plasma. They are formed in the vessels after death, when blood circulation stops. I've seen this in 90% of my 7000 cadavers and didn't make a fuss because it's a common occurrence. Moreover, there is not a single intravital thrombus on the video that could cause death, ”the pathologist emphasized.

“Stop spreading provocative vicious nonsense to people who have no idea in general pathology. Monstrous and filthy ignorance. "Traveling embalmers" did not see blood clots - in their varieties, and with different diseases? They do not know how to distinguish a blood clot, thromboembolus, post-mortem clot? Have no idea about all this with coagulopathy and antithrombotic therapy? Of course. At the same time, there is enough foolishness to publish reports with terrible photographs, designed for a frightened layman, ”Dr. Ediger is indignant.

posted on Dec, 10 2022 @ 02:12 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

In the end, it's all about the money, who really wants to speak up and open themselves up to whatever. If you are high profile and don't follow the propaganda then you become the subject of it. Saying the wrong thing will ruin your life. Things are steadily turning to # it is only when enough people are affected in the real world that things will get done. A complex society with no built-in redundancy is showing itself up for what it really is. Which is a temporary aberration.

posted on Dec, 10 2022 @ 03:24 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: AaarghZombies

In the end, it's all about the money, who really wants to speak up and open themselves up to whatever. If you are high profile and don't follow the propaganda then you become the subject of it. Saying the wrong thing will ruin your life. Things are steadily turning to # it is only when enough people are affected in the real world that things will get done. A complex society with no built-in redundancy is showing itself up for what it really is. Which is a temporary aberration.

The problem here is that the world is full of people like me who take the opposite view. If I had evidence speaking out would make me rich. If I were to blow the whistle on this I could retire on the money from speaking tours and book deals alone.

I'd be breaking the largest conspiracy since the coverup of AIDS contamination. It would be money in the bank, I could write who knows how many books, who knows how many papers. I could practically get tenure at the redbrick of my choice.

But of course I have absolutely zero evidence, and believe me I've looked.

Then there are the people who have actual morals, they do what they do because they honestly believe in their cause. They'd blow the whistle even if you held a gun to their heads. And there are MILLIONS of them. There is absolutely no way that you could silence all of them. They're genuinely good people.

Then there are the idiots. They'd blow the whistle even if you held a gun to their head because they're too stupid to shut up. There are also millions of them.

There are just too many people who could find out the truth to silence. Good people, stupid people, greedy people. Millions and millions of people.

posted on Dec, 10 2022 @ 03:32 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

What you say makes logical sense. Until you phone the doctor for an appointment or call an ambulance. If there was no problem it would be a swift efficient process. So what is driving the long waiting times.?

posted on Dec, 10 2022 @ 06:04 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: AaarghZombies

What you say makes logical sense. Until you phone the doctor for an appointment or call an ambulance. If there was no problem it would be a swift efficient process. So what is driving the long waiting times.?

Why don't you look at the numbers?

I think you'll find that response times vary according to a lot of factors, including the size of the town, state funding, city funding, number of area hospitals, age of the community, condition of roads (much faster to get to a location if the roads are wide), number of fire stations (if the ambulance is housed there, as is true with big cities), distance to fire stations, etc.

In some communities it's a short wait. Where my dad lived the fire station was literally 3 minutes away. When my mom collapsed she was at the hospital within 15 minutes (the hospital is also about 3 minutes away).

posted on Dec, 10 2022 @ 08:46 PM
a reply to: Byrd

When you have world-renowned doctors like the guy that invented the mRNA technique saying it should never be used on humans. What do numbers matter?, I could hand out statistics until the cows come home. Why are insurance companies paying out massive claims on life insurance policies for non covid related deaths? Why hasn't there been an open honest debate on a public platform stating the pros and cons of vaccination? it is because in an honest debate the mainstream argument would collapse. Was anyone asked if they wanted to take an experimental vaccine to see if it was effective? were people forced to take it to protect their livelihoods.? So anyone in their right mind presented with what we know now who takes the shot deserves what they get it is like running a red light at an intersection. You might get away with it a few times, but in the end, your luck will run out.

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: anonentity

I was just going to say what happened to these stories. People are dying in record number from the vaxx and the clots were starting to make healines. Then they got hushed up.
Oh, shadowbanning like the died suddenly stories I guess.

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 11:47 AM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: AaarghZombies

What you say makes logical sense. Until you phone the doctor for an appointment or call an ambulance. If there was no problem it would be a swift efficient process. So what is driving the long waiting times.?

Same things as 20 years ago, but with added obesity, increased diabetes, increased renal failure, and a million people who were knocked on their backside by covid and never quite got all the way back up again.

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 11:52 AM
a reply to: anonentity

Why are insurance companies paying out massive claims on life insurance policies for non covid related deaths?

A better question would be why they aren't suing the government over all of the vax related injuries that you think are happening?

If this much harm was being done, do you really think that they'd just swallow the costs?

Why hasn't there been an open honest debate on a public platform stating the pros and cons of vaccination?

There have been literally thousands in the US alone. Raise your hand if your home town called a town-hall meeting over this at least once?

Was anyone asked if they wanted to take an experimental vaccine to see if it was effective?

Yes, about 50,000 people were in Europe.

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 06:19 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
A better question would be why they aren't suing the government over all of the vax related injuries that you think are happening?

In the USA, pharmaceutical companies are protected from liabilities and law suits.
Not the case in other countries.

edit on 11-12-2022 by havok because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 07:00 PM
a reply to: havok

Is the US government (or state and local) protected from such lawsuits? That's what the question was, I think.
edit on 12/11/2022 by Phage because: (no reason given)

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