posted on Dec, 6 2022 @ 09:30 AM
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Local councils rarely have a clue.
Going by memory I could get anywhere within 30 mins or less on a bus, all for 25p. I'd have a guess to say there's about 1/10 of public transport in
comparison to 20-25 years ago. Cost is around 10x higher too if you don't get a travel pass style ticket.
All this has came about after the destitution of trade and economics, I'm a 90's kid so I only got to see the backend of the worst of it. I've seen
the statistics of who works for what though and public services filled the blanks up north.
Planned? Probably the opposite when it comes to councils, the likes of neglect and greed don't need a plan I'd think. I'm lucky enough to live in a
large town so there's always been some sort of service and opportunity although I have to say they're ridiculously limited compared to recent past
that I can remember.
1000's of people here take 2-4 hour bus rides to the industrial estates if they don't work for the public. Same journeys took 40 mins when I was a
kid. My estate has 1 bus service every 15 mins at peak now, when I was younger their was loads and they went everywhere. It wasn't the lack of use
that pulled these services either.
I could go on about other services and businesses. I'd rather say they've based a future on a neglected past. It's only tooke them a couple of
generations to use "saving the planet" as an excuse.
That's excellent form IMO.