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Do you trust and follow the science?

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posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 06:41 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

He also just so happened to be publicizing his own book at the time.

posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 06:43 AM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: malte85
a reply to: Asmodeus3

i trust scientists. i don't trust demagogues or populists or youtubers who think the internet replaces real study at a real university.

So is Dr Malhotra a demagogue or a populist when he said that the mRNA vaccines pose a serious health risk to young and healthy people.

The problem is that his alternative suggestion is that you buy his book in order to read about the alternatives.

He has essentially repackaged the atkin's diet as an all purpose elixir, and charges you to read about it.

posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 06:53 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: malte85
a reply to: Asmodeus3

i trust scientists. i don't trust demagogues or populists or youtubers who think the internet replaces real study at a real university.

So is Dr Malhotra a demagogue or a populist when he said that the mRNA vaccines pose a serious health risk to young and healthy people.

The problem is that his alternative suggestion is that you buy his book in order to read about the alternatives.

He has essentially repackaged the atkin's diet as an all purpose elixir, and charges you to read about it.

That doesn't address my question but anyway...

Are you following the science Sir Zombies?

Time for your booster & flu shots at the same time. I am sure nothing can go wrong. The 'science' has spoken.

posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 06:56 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Most of these threads seem based on the predication that the state has an ulterior motive for wanting people to be vaccinated, and thus is lying to people about their safety, efficacy, or both in order to trick them into taking some kind of depopulation bomb or mind control weapon.

What if, and hear me out on this, the hidden agenda - the big secret - is that it's simply cheaper for the government to vax everybody against covid and the flu than it is for them to pick up the tab for people who get sick?

Think about it for a minute. All of those people missing shifts each winter because they're sick in bed for a week. Not getting paid, and not paying taxes. Or people not going out spending money because they're sick in bed for a couple of days.

With a population of over 300 million, we're talking about a lot of lost productivity during flu season. It's much more cost effective for the government to try to vax as many people as they can than it is for even a small percentage of them to actually get the flu.

And that's without the tiny percentage of people who get the flu really bad and need critical care for it. That can cost the government 10s of thousands of bucks per person.

I don't know why you have involved all these 'conspiracy' theories and you are addressing me?!
As I said earlier these are strawman arguments as you won't see me speak about dark agendas and depopulation strategies. You are not paying attention to what each one of us is saying...

posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 07:33 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Doctors have become nothing more than licenced drug pushers. Their hands are tied by protocols which are written by drug companies for financial gain.

Someone had high BP? Prescribe this, despite any side effects or net harm.

In reality the vast majority of prescriptions should be reduce sugar/salt, eat better, exercise, vitamins and plenty of water. It's just not the profitable option. Pills, pills and more pills.
edit on 4/12/22 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 08:15 AM

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Doctors have become nothing more than licenced drug pushers. Their hands are tied by protocols which are written by drug companies for financial gain.

Someone had high BP? Prescribe this, despite any side effects or net harm.

In reality the vast majority of prescriptions should be reduce sugar/salt, eat better, exercise, vitamins and plenty of water. It's just not the profitable option. Pills, pills and more pills.

I cannot agree more.
Some doctors however do keep in mind the Hyppocratic oath but it is beyond any doubt that doctors and the healthcare systems are entangled with pharmaceutical companies and this must stop.

They are now arguing people to get vaccinated at the same time with both Covid boosters and Flu vaccines. Of course these vaccines are safe and effective and the combination even safer! The science has spoken.

posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 08:29 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

It's perfectly normal to have several vax at the same time. I needed multiple shots to get my last visa, I had 3-4 in one go on two different occasions to get them all.

There is no data that I'm aware of that even hints at there being anything harmful for either vax beyond that which the government has publicly admitted to. Pretty much everything else that I've seen to the contrary is just accounts that claim people under 30 are having heart attacks. Often without the crucial details required to back them up.

People are free to contact me off line with any data that they have and I can go over it with them. I've already stated multiple times if I had actual evidence I'd be on easy street with all of the speaking tours and book deals that I could do.

And yet nobody wants to come forward.

Do they hate the idea of me getting tenure off of their data more than the idea of exposing the truth?

posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 08:31 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

And yet you choose to post your ideas on a conspiracy forum and to use the exact same language as the depopulation and mind control people.

Just because you don't quote Mao doesn't mean you're not a communist.

posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 08:33 AM
a reply to: Grenade

Maybe in the US, but in a considerable amount of the world they're on fixed salaries and are forbidden anything from sales reps. So they gain nothing from pushing these things.

posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 08:47 AM

Sting Operation Reveals Science's Insane Fake News Problem

If someone applied to a top position at a company, you’d hope a hiring manager would at least Google the applicant to ensure they’re qualified. A group of researchers sent phony resumes to 360 scientific journals for an applicant whose Polish name translated to “Dr. Fraud.” And 48 journals happily appointed the fake doctor to their editorial board.

This sting operation was the first systematic analysis on editorial roles in science publishing, adding concrete evidence to a problem past stings have shed light on. There are a whole lot of “predatory” scientific journals out there, journals that take advantage of scientists’ need to produce articles by publishing anything for a fee, without checking to make sure the paper is actually new research, worth publishing, and not completely inaccurate. But the problem is more than a juiced-up email scam (despite some probably-predatory journals looking essentially the same), and highlights many issues in today’s scientific publishing industry. Those issues can result in important science not being published in real journals, or worse, bad, un-vetted science being published, scientists bolstering their resumes with crap, and an eroding public trust in science as an institution.

“What this boils down to is that scholarly papers published in these types of journals are far less likely to have undergone any kind of quality check, including proper peer review,” one of the scientists leading the sting from the University of Sussex, Katarzyna Pisanski, told Gizmodo in an email. “It could result in (and probably already has) thousands of scientific articles that have essentially gone ‘un-checked’... If we cannot trust the academic publishing system, who can we trust?”

The Author Who Warned Us Against Blindly Trusting “the Science”

The Problem With Blindly Trusting “The Science”

The failure of scientists to be scientific is not a new phenomenon. Thomas Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962) dealt directly with the tendency of scientists to reject evidence that contradicts the prevailing theory or “paradigm.”

“Part of the answer, as obvious as it is important,” wrote Kuhn, a Harvard educated philosopher of science, “can be discovered by noting first what scientists never do when confronted by even severe and prolonged anomalies. Though they may begin to lose faith and then to consider alternatives, they do not renounce the paradigm that has led them into crisis.”

Kuhn’s overall thesis challenged the prevailing understanding at the time that science proceeds in a linear fashion, with new discoveries incrementally adding to the accumulated knowledge that preceded them. Instead, argued Kuhn, science throughout history has featured a series of revolutions, where paradigms like the geocentric theory of the solar system or Newtonian physics collapsed under the weight of “anomalies” (evidence which contradicted the theory) and made way for new paradigms like the heliocentric theory of the solar system and Einsteinian physics.

There is much nuance in Kuhn’s argument which his critics have tended to ignore, but one takeaway that we’re seeing proved in real time is that these scientific revolutions are only revolutionary because of the tendency for scientists to cling to a theory regardless of evidence that refutes it. Kuhn argues that scientists will not abandon a disproven theory until a new theory is presented that they are convinced explains the evidence better than the old.

What makes the New Normal so strange is that a scientific revolution occurred with no anomalies. It was firmly established by a century of scientific research that suggested nonpharmaceutical interventions weren’t effective in combating respiratory viruses. Indeed, Fauci himself initially repeated the established scientific consensus that lockdowns and mask mandates were not effective policy responses. He even discouraged people from voluntarily wearing masks.

Then, he and the rest of the government scientists did a complete about face. There was no new evidence that motivated this. They simply abandoned the prevailing scientific consensus based on a desire to do something – even though the scientific evidence before, during, and after the outbreak of Covid-19 said what they wanted to do wouldn’t work. As a result, there is now a New Normal paradigm based on…nothing.

It should be noted that there were plenty of non-government scientists protesting vehemently right from the beginning. The authors of the Great Barrington Declaration were already loudly protesting lockdowns as early as April 2020. Others contested asymptomatic spread, the mortality rate initially reported (they were right), and the efficacy of masks.

Here is the problem. This New Normal paradigm can’t collapse in the face of anomalies, no matter how numerous they are, because the anomalies are now simply ignored. Anyone who calls attention to them, no matter how credentialed or qualified, is systematically discredited.

In such an environment, unsubstantiated assertions like “Covid-19 spreads asymptomatically” and “lockdowns and mask mandates work” continue to form the basis of policy. The same goes for vaccine mandates.

Just a couple of examples of well laid out cases against ever trusting anyone who says "trust the science" or trusting the "science" itself again, ever.

Science has become commoditized and is now sold to the highest bidder. They will say whatever the hell you want them to say if you've got the resources to pay them enough.
edit on 4-12-2022 by MaxxAction because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 09:04 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Asmodeus3

And yet you choose to post your ideas on a conspiracy forum and to use the exact same language as the depopulation and mind control people.

Just because you don't quote Mao doesn't mean you're not a communist.

If you can find where I have spoken about depopulation strategies. I don't think you are able to do so. You are only making strawman arguments.

This isn't necessarily a 'conspiracy' forum. By the way you are here too...
edit on 4-12-2022 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 09:08 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Asmodeus3

It's perfectly normal to have several vax at the same time. I needed multiple shots to get my last visa, I had 3-4 in one go on two different occasions to get them all.

There is no data that I'm aware of that even hints at there being anything harmful for either vax beyond that which the government has publicly admitted to. Pretty much everything else that I've seen to the contrary is just accounts that claim people under 30 are having heart attacks. Often without the crucial details required to back them up.

People are free to contact me off line with any data that they have and I can go over it with them. I've already stated multiple times if I had actual evidence I'd be on easy street with all of the speaking tours and book deals that I could do.

And yet nobody wants to come forward.

Do they hate the idea of me getting tenure off of their data more than the idea of exposing the truth?

We can't trust the word of the Government given the many vaccine injuries and deaths and the great lengths taken to make it extremely hard to find out what is going on. The truth doesn't derive from the Government or from official sources. They are known to have lied and their entire campaign was based on propaganda, coercion, pressure, intimidation and threats of dismissal if you didn't get yourself vaccinated.

This is science at its best!

Trying to support the Government won't get you very far around here.
edit on 4-12-2022 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 09:13 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Grenade

Maybe in the US, but in a considerable amount of the world they're on fixed salaries and are forbidden anything from sales reps. So they gain nothing from pushing these things.

They have something to loose and that's their reputation and perhaps their jobs. I assume that this is the case in your country, the UK, where most doctors were very compliant and were following orders without even challenging them. Although many did speak out against this medical tyranny and absurd & ludicrous campaign to vaccinate everyone.

posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Have you listened to why he changed his mind?

The first crack in the "Safe and Effective" narrative that made him change his way of thinking was his perfectly healthy father dying. His dad died of total blockage of two arteries in his heart where just months prior, the same man had had heart scan imaging done revealing that he had no blockage. You don't go from clear arteries to complete blockage in a matter of months under any normal circumstance. For most it takes decades for a heart to become that unhealthy.

posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 09:28 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

In addition I choose to post here for another reason and this is easy to guess. It has to do with how much one is allowed to speak about matters.

I am sure if you doubt the safety and effectiveness of the 'vaccines' in other platforms you will get cancelled immediately.

The 'science' has spoken out and nobody can have any doubts.

Do you really think that science is done by censorship, coercion, pressures, intimidation, and threats?

I am glad I am not in the wrong side of history.

posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 09:39 AM
a reply to: MaxxAction

In such an environment, unsubstantiated assertions like “Covid-19 spreads asymptomatically” and “lockdowns and mask mandates work” continue to form the basis of policy. The same goes for vaccine mandates


Unqualified arguments that have no basis on anything other than blind faith and repetition.

posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 09:54 AM
I've had three covid shots. Did not want to get them but did, to make my wifey happy and "reassured"...

Never got a flu shot and won't start. Will not get booster shots either.

Here in Canada, they are pushing the booster shots as if your life depended on it.

Do I trust science? Yes. Do I trust THE science behind covid or booster shots. NO.

That's like asking me if the pharmaceutical industries exist to make our lives better.

In some cases, they do. In most cases, it's a money grab.

And if I follow the money trail, covid has been more than "lucrative"...


posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 10:11 AM
a reply to: MaxxAction

That's like saying that because one cop was caught taking a bribe ... in Italy ... then the entire US police force can't be trusted.

posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 10:14 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: MaxxAction

That's like saying that because one cop was caught taking a bribe ... in Italy ... then the entire US police force can't be trusted.

They better! You are not very convincing.

posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 10:15 AM

originally posted by: MaxxAction
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Have you listened to why he changed his mind?

The first crack in the "Safe and Effective" narrative that made him change his way of thinking was his perfectly healthy father dying. His dad died of total blockage of two arteries in his heart where just months prior, the same man had had heart scan imaging done revealing that he had no blockage. You don't go from clear arteries to complete blockage in a matter of months under any normal circumstance. For most it takes decades for a heart to become that unhealthy.

That's great, except the blood clots caused by covid don't do that. They're a very specific kind of clot and couldn't build up like that.

Did he saw "which" arteries, because, you know, I'm a little bit informed about science and stuff.

On the other hand, that's like me saying that I'm going to hand over all of my guns to Brandon because someone I know got shot by a gang banger.

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