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The Sun how much longer, Do we really know ?

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posted on Nov, 21 2022 @ 06:02 AM
Scientists announced about a year ago, that we're moving into a slow period for the sun. These generally last between 5-100 years, the last, in the 15th century, lasting 90 years. Msm has hushed this up, and keep pushing their global warming myth to make money

originally posted by: Ravenwatcher
One day we will be without our Sun and Beach front property will be worthless however Lava front will be all the rage .

Our summers are getting hotter much hotter then I remember when I was a kid the Sun really didn't bother me Now I cannot stand in direct sunlight more then 10 Min . Our winters are getting colder something is up with our good old reliable Sun.

Lets say it actually goes rouge would we be able to survive by migrating to warmer more internal sources of heat like Volcanoes hot , hot springs etc...

Or do you believe we will just burn up like science say's the Sun will expand grow and swallow up the Earth .

To this day I can't understand how the Sun keeps burning the same log and not run out of fuel it actually makes no sense at all , Burn a gallon of gas it's gone How does the sun replenish that much fuel to burn for eons ?

We have under ground Coal fires that burn for years but they burn out once the fuel is gone .

So does mankind retreat under ground closer to the core or will even that go cold ?

posted on Nov, 21 2022 @ 06:28 AM
The sun is going to be around for a while. Should micronova within the next 2 decades, though. The Lord Jesus will be coming back around that time, and a new Earth will be created.

posted on Nov, 21 2022 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: Ravenwatcher

In 2018, A solar Observatory in New Mexico was shut down for a week. A man's body was found on a trail near the observatory the same week.
The FEDS said the closure was over "porn" on a janitor's computer.
Since when is an observatory closed over porn?

posted on Nov, 22 2022 @ 11:02 AM
a reply to: Cornczech

I remember that one, it was a full blown raid, if not mistaken they even had choppers in the air during the raid, way out of proportion to what they allegedly were after.

posted on Nov, 22 2022 @ 01:03 PM
the overlooked

also the molecular cloud our heliosphere is plowing through is supplying trace amounts of hydrogen to all atmospheres in this solar system, proportionate to the size of the object.....

~ my guess is at least 10 million more years of 'fuel' has already fell into the Suns gravity field... from the current molecular cloud being inserted into Suns 'body'

'butterfly effect' example #2

posted on Nov, 22 2022 @ 01:15 PM
the silly thing will cease soon.

not just per 'the sun will go black' as in Revelation

but because it is a construction of the evil realm
feeding itself upon stolen [eden-] energy

posted on Nov, 22 2022 @ 01:33 PM
... Enoch describes the real sun and moon
as the eden binary in the south
[=south of this solarplane]

but this solarplane was created by the evil realm to HIDE the eden dimension

therefore , what we see -- or better : what we are constantly shown by Esau's NASA
about 'outer Space' is nothing but an illusion
they want and need to Ram that 'outer Space idea' into us
so that we never ask about another Reality , another dimension

now ,
Enoch describes "a square sky dome" which was eden's
through which the binary [eden-] sun and moon travelled

the reason of this dome was "to contain a dimension , an awareness" ,
as opposed to the total Emptyness of [what we'd call 'Space']

posted on Nov, 22 2022 @ 01:40 PM
... this square dome , this 'box' ,
was stolen by the evil realm and moved to the north [-of eden]
to contain 'this solarplane'

ofcourse that dome is not VISABLE to us
because of our pimped ape body we dwell in
which is too blind to see these things

but the Sumerian Tablets write
how Marduk 'installed the Zodiacal constellations'
read : outer space outside this dome

..the [-prphets] scroll tells the same :
how that dome was stolen
and the evil realm 'made windows in him'
compare the zodiac above

the pre-hindy Rg-Veda has the operator ,
who dwells in the evil paradise - within this solarplane -
commanding the eden binary in the south :
you stay there , and do not ascend to here !

posted on Nov, 22 2022 @ 01:48 PM
... you will find this very same concept in the Egyptian Spells
notably in the Coffin Texts
- look for the university of Chicago for realtext -

they call it the HEBHEB-boat

where the 'B' in hieroglyphs always refers to 'this solarplane'
[namely 'a foot' -- as 'trampling Eden']
and the hieroglyph 'H' : which is the old-hebrew sigil !

reading "the [stolen-] construct (because 'boat')
of the solarplane BY the hebrew-H-dome

posted on Nov, 22 2022 @ 01:55 PM
so that 'this sun' is NOT 'just some star radiating energy like any other star'

but it is radiating DIMENSIONAL 'energy'

the type of energy that sustains aspects of OUR VERY BODY

... you please need to understand that our present body is an awful mixture
as an Ape mixed with eden aspects

which is a direct result of the Fall
when we was placed in this Ape upon this earth

then you also understand what type energy this sun sends
and why it will go dark -- any day now
and what consequence that will have upon the bodies
of the people that will be left behind on this cursed planet

posted on Nov, 22 2022 @ 02:05 PM
... though sections of Revelation have been - heartbrakingly - corrupted ,

the 'boils and ulcers' described there make perfect Sense :
when this , by the evil realm created Sun ,
will stop radiating the type energy nourishing this type body !

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