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What's wrong with the future

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posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 09:51 AM
a reply to: 19Bones79
Thanks for pointing it out, it totaly didnt catch my attention, you must quite like me as i think i caught other such attempts of you.
I have long learned not to care about ATS schoolyard dynamics.

You could also adress me directly, but I guess you're that schoolyard agitator trying to paint everyone into a corner and deciding where the others stand, they need to sway the public with their display.

I see you

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 10:03 AM
a reply to: Terpene

You got that twisted, actually the people that want to go the transhumanist route are the fringe whacko's, not the other way around. It's unnatural. It makes dependant.

Is exactly what the high class political leaders and the people that control those want. Dependence. I am now dependent on a defibrillator, thanks to the "advancement of technology" in mRNA vaccines.

You see how this works? One technology fails and we implement another one to fix the problem. The most logic and human way would be to not start this cycle with the human body itself.

But then, the people that want this to happen, do not care a single second about you, me or anyone else. They advocate depopulation openly. Would you buy sweets from a company that produces rat poison? Would you get medical aid from a hospital who's agenda is depopulation?

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 10:18 AM
a reply to: TDDAgain

I don't see the masses reluctant to get their latest gadget. As with all things, can't throw the frog in boiling water...

When will they say enough?

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 11:03 AM
a reply to: TDDAgain

Your hotlink nearly destroyed my laptop just then, what were you thinking?! (seriously, it sputtered & almost capitulated to whatever nasty thing was linked to your link...)

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 11:57 AM
a reply to: Terpene

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

For the rest that might not get your joke: It's a PDF on Augmented Humanity done by the British Military and the German Bundeswehr. It's IMHO a must read, when it's about humanities future and augmentation.

edit on 13.11.2022 by TDDAgain because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: 19Bones79

Yeeh, i share same concerns.....i dont like where this is going.

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 01:41 PM
a reply to: 19Bones79

I see how I might have overreacted a little, sorry if I hurt your feelings.

Why is this thread dedicated to me?

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 02:11 PM
a reply to: Terpene

I sorry but I'm too upset about your response right now.

I literally can't even type.

The feelings are still too fresh and I'm still shaking.

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 02:26 PM
a reply to: 19Bones79

I like your sense of humor

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 04:26 PM

originally posted by: ByteChanger

originally posted by: 19Bones79
One Way

Or The Other

I'm gonna find ya

I'm gonna get ya, get ya, get ya, get ya

originally posted by: 19Bones79
One Way

Or The Other

Sorry, I couldn't stop myself...

I love Blondie, she was hot back in the day. The music, well, I guess it's OK, some of it is pretty good.
edit on 13-11-2022 by MichiganSwampBuck because: Corrections

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 06:59 PM

originally posted by: Phantom423
I don't mean to trivialize your post, but all of that is far in the future, if it even happens. Look at what happened to the "metaverse". Crashed and burned. Society not ready for it. Doesn't buy it. Doesn't even like it.

It will take a lot of campaigning to get humans to give up their independence. And even if it did happen and we are all "converged", there will always be rogues out there.

AI is good for a lot of things. Managing human behavior isn't one of them.

No need to campaign. Not when education in schools is, by design, gradually morphing into full indoctrination.

40 something's believe their parent's generation are too stupid to understand technological development.

20 something's believe they are the most technologically advanced and everyone else is naively afraid of AI.

So, failures with metaverse were 'lessons learnt' how not to do it next time.

Globally, education is now training young minds as groupthink Borg's, ready to augment their techno interfaces and embrace their permissible place in the machine.

This of course would only really work if each 'blank slate' started at an identical potential output. What the controllers have yet to achieve is complete homogenisation of all natural born minds and they can't do that without blanket genetic engineering and manipulation.

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 10:09 PM
a reply to: Phantom423

Part of me hopes you're right, another part of me wonders if a slower implementation will have a boiling frog effect.

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 10:19 PM
a reply to: teapot

So, failures with metaverse were 'lessons learnt' how not to do it next time.

Lesson 1: if you're an unrelateable douchebag billionaire like Zuckerberg, don't be the face of your product.

Branson screwed a lot of them over by having a charisma that many thought came with a large bank account.

Elon's quirkiness is what endears him to his fans.

Zuckberg looks like a stepford wife that transitioned to a man and forgot to take estrogen blockers.

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 11:12 PM
a reply to: Maxmars

I just want to reach out across the aether & say thanks again, because for at least the fifth time in recent weeks your words have been a great encouragement to me.. I must confess I have believed in their propaganda in recent times, despairing & lashing out mentally at the perpetrators of these evil schemes, believing that we're either beaten or almost beaten, head in my hands over whether there's a damn thing we can do to stop their maniacal plotting from achieving its objective.. Your timely input into the greater conversation that the rational world is having has lifted the veil of illusion & taught me anew that we really must hold the line, trusting in the truth of our greater humanity, having faith that the road before us is open to intervention & support from unusual quarters perhaps. To read your comment is like plunging one's face into ice cold water, shaking the cobwebs of those weaving spiders far away from the inner sanctum of the mind. God bless you, sincerely, please do continue to post & encourage us here, I know your words are of great value to many.

Cheers, FITO.

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 11:59 PM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

As with MaxMars, to your good self I hail with greeting, and with sincere thanks for the encouragement that you are so apt to extend through the aether to your fellows who share your convictions & your condemnation of the treasonous bastards whom we shall not name. Thank you for so consistently raising my own spirits amidst the gloom of these present times, I pray you are met with success & blessing at every turn. Please do continue to engage to encourage the rational (& berate the irrational) here on ATS & wherever else you tread, your efforts are never in vain. Godspeed!

posted on Nov, 14 2022 @ 12:15 AM
a reply to: TDDAgain

I apologise if you thought I was having a joke at your expense - it was a good natured jibe tbh, because my laptop really did throw an absolute wobbler as soon as I clicked the link - the PDF application whited out, flickered, and the mouse cursor did the whole 'million copies trail across the screen' thing.. I closed it immediately, I don't think anything too terrible happened, but maybe I'm on a list of people who aren't permitted to read that (or any government) document...??? I am a British national, so due to my posting history on ATS there's every chance I'm on a non-compliant citizen list...

posted on Nov, 14 2022 @ 12:25 AM
a reply to: Terpene

The thread is dedicated to all such individuals, in a very ironic sense. Your condescending smile proves your character, and your preference for an AI induced Hell on Earth instigated by the most selfish & disgusting humans that have ever lived demonstrates your stupidity, so perhaps you can stop with the 'poor me' song & dance, and the insults, and instead try a little reflection & humility. But humility & pride in one's own superior mental faculties don't mix well, try not to get stuck in a 'does not compute' logic circuit loop, because that would be hideous....Almost as hideous as an AI-induced Hell on Earth instigated by the most selfish & disgusting humans that have ever lived, so perhaps you can stop with the 'poor me' song & dance, and the insults, and instead try a little reflection & humility. But humility & pride in one's own superior mental faculties don't mix well, try not to get stuck in a 'does not compute' logic circuit loop, because that would be hideous. Almost as hideous as an AI-induced Hell on Earth instigated by the most selfish & disgusting humans that have ever lived, so perhaps you can stop with the 'poor me' song & dance, and the insults, and instead try a little reflection & humility. But humility & pride in one's own superior mental faculties don't mix well, try not to get stuck in a 'does not compute' logic circuit loop, because that would be hideous. Almost as hideous as an AI-induced Hell on Earth instigated by the most selfish & disgusting humans that have ever lived, so perhaps you can stop with the 'poor me' song & dance, and the insults, and instead try a little reflection & humility. But humility & pride in one's own superior mental faculties don't mix well, try not to get stuck in a 'does not compute' logic circuit loop, because that would be hideous. Almost as hideous as an AI-induced Hell on Earth instigated by the most selfish & disgusting humans that have ever lived, so perhaps you can stop with the 'poor me' song & dance, and the insults, and instead try a little reflection & humility. But humility & pride in one's own superior mental faculties don't mix well, try not to get stuck in a 'does not compute' logic circuit loop, because that would be hideous. Almost as hideous as an AI-induced Hell on Earth instigated by the most selfish & disgusting humans that have ever lived, so perhaps you can stop with the 'poor me' song & dance, and the insults, and instead try a little reflection & humility. But humility & pride in one's own superior mental faculties don't mix well, try not to get stuck in a 'does not compute' logic circuit loop, because that would be hideous. Almost as hideous as an AI-induced Hell on Earth instigated by the most selfish & disgusting humans that have ever lived, so perhaps you can stop with the 'poor me' song & dance, and the insults, and instead try a little reflection & humility. But humility & pride in one's own superior mental faculties don't mix well, try not to get stuck in a 'does not compute' logic circuit loop, because that would be hideous. Almost as hideous as an AI-induced Hell on Earth instigated by the most selfish & disgusting humans that have ever lived, so perhaps you can stop with the 'poor me' song & dance, and the insults, and instead try a little reflection & humility. But humility & pride in one's own superior mental faculties don't mix well, try not to get stuck in a 'does not compute' logic circuit loop, because that would be hideous. Almost as hideous as an AI-induced Hell on Earth instigated by the most selfish & disgusting humans that have ever lived, so perhaps you can stop with the 'poor me' song & dance, and the insults, and instead try a little reflection & humility. But humility & pride in one's own superior mental faculties don't mix well, try not to get stuck in a 'does not compute' logic circuit loop, because that would be hideous. Almost as hideous as an AI-induced Hell on Earth instigated by the most selfish & disgusting humans that have ever lived, so perhaps you can stop with the 'poor me' song & dance, and the insults, and instead try a little reflection & humility. But humility & pride in one's own superior mental faculties don't mix well, try not to get stuck in a 'does not compute' logic circuit loop, because that would be hideous. Almost as hideous as an AI-induced Hell on Earth instigated by the most selfish & disgusting humans that have ever lived, so perhaps you can stop with the 'poor me' song & dance, and the insults, and instead try a little reflection & humility. But humility & pride in one's own superior mental faculties don't mix well, try not to get stuck in a 'does not compute' logic circuit loop, because that would be hideous. Almost as hideous as an AI-induced Hell on Earth instigated by the most selfish & disgusting humans that have ever lived, so perhaps you can stop with the 'poor me' song & dance, and the insults, and instead try a little reflection & humility. But humility & pride in one's own superior mental faculties don't mix well, try not to get stuck in a 'does not compute' logic circuit loop, because that would be hideous. Almost as hideous as an AI-induced Hell on Earth instigated by the most selfish & disgusting humans that have ever lived, so perhaps you can stop with the 'poor me' song & dance, and the insults, and instead try a little reflection & humility. But humility & pride in one's own superior mental faculties don't mix well, try not to get stuck in a 'does not compute' logic circuit loop, because that would be hideous. Almost as hideous as an AI-induced Hell on Earth instigated by the most selfish & disgusting humans that have ever lived, so.....

Wait, what?

posted on Nov, 14 2022 @ 12:45 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Ha that sounds like alot of projection.

So you all look at the Mormons as the way to go? I wonder what you're still doing on the internet?

Big fear mongering and doom porn to slander others but no consequences taken against what they perceive as so evil, it says more about you than me.

Carry on.

posted on Nov, 14 2022 @ 12:52 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

I confess, it is hard for me to feel worthy of such high praise. Thank you most kindly for the sentiment.

Truly, I too have felt the heaviness of the world weighing down upon all of us. But I remember that very often the world is colored by my own perceptions, those perceptions must include, among other things, my own sensitivities and weaknesses, as well as a multitude of other normal human feelings (certainly not all of them bad.)

I'm not one of those who will preach regarding attitudes, and other positive-think strategies. Just like many other people, I don't like advice that presumes "You're doing it wrong." It's not that I don't respect them or believe that they don't have value; it's simply that I have found that, in my own character, I sense a form of naivete about the way things 'could' be, or 'should' be. I guess that's common among those of us who spend a lot of time thinking - alone. It seems like many people do that. They save their most serious thoughts for 'alone-time.'

There is one thing that I have noticed about 'alone-time' thinking (for me.) Without another person to 'show me a reflection' of what I am thinking (just listening will do) ... I begin to lose perspective; It engenders a sense of actually being existentially alone. I don't think anyone can actually be 'existentially' alone - in my reckoning.

Being alone is a kind of death sentence for the human condition. We are human - inside that idea there is a sort of default: We are human "together."

I am not alone; you are not alone... Many great philosophies and religions all carry ancient wisdom mostly to that effect. The idea that we are separate, disconnected, out of each other's reach and understanding is an illusion. And like many of the illusions we take into our thoughts, it can be poison. It can be - not is.

It makes me very pleased (downright happy) that I have had some positive impact with my words. I have little else to offer at the moment. And you will always be most welcome to it.

There are many here who are smarter and wiser than I (which is why I come here.) And most will never hear me (many won't even listen.) But it helps me to say this stuff. You have given me a moment of joy; I thank you.

I am grateful that I had this one time at least, I could help lift the spirit of any who might have lingered too long at the edge of despair. That is not a friendly place. I've been there. Yuk.

- In keeping with the 'general atmosphere' and to honor the thread maker intent, I will say something about the future.

"Someone" is deciding what news we hear; "someone" decides the tone of reporting as well as the rapidity of the repetition of sorrow. These are editorial decisions which have been relegated to the people who metricize information for money. More people will click, listen, change the channel to see, or listen to someone speak about that which reaches their passions. After decades of mass media indoctrination - our attention is largely drawn by the negative - mostly painted as danger. We don't exactly shun good news, but good news need not be worried about.

Odd that you have to "hunt" for good news in media now, when before we were 'protected' from the most unpleasant news by the media makers. Bad news is easier to exploit (ever heard the editorial phrase "If it bleeds it leads?)

As people are gaining more experience actually 'observing' they are noticing that the messages which lead to the worst outcomes are ALWAYS ... "Grant us this power/action because: The world is going to burn and crash, end in misery and pain, hunger and starvation, disease and war." ... somehow, it never does, it never even comes close ...

The patterns of their failures are all there. Over and over, they create fear, exploit it, and move on to generate new fear.

Then we hear stories about these people with grandiose future-building plans... since they have the resources (so we are told) to affect the world changes they fantasize about; we believe they invariably will. But these are people - not gods. They carry within them the same weakness the remainder of the world shares. And if any of their mouthpieces - or they themselves - were questioned outside of a 'studio' or media production effort - we might even get a glimpse of just how half-assed these people can be.

My safety position is that no celebrity deserves respect simply because they are a celebrity. Most of them open their mouths and PROVE that they are no better than any one of us. Besides, celebrity status can now be bought and sold. wealth is no measure of any personal characteristic - no matter what wealthy people might say. Besides, wealth can be stolen, inherited, or even won by dumb luck.

I think that it is improbable, in this reality, that the human race can being reduced to a quasi-biological state. (Imagine humans - alone among nature - killed by an EMP, or a software glitch, or a computer virus, or an engineering flaw, or an unknown biophysical uncertainty.) Perhaps the people who want to implement it will be the first to engage in the experiment. I propose they wouldn't be so foolish; and I would bet they wouldn't let their children do it either.

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