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New Zealand young man dies due to the Pfizer vaccine

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posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 08:19 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: surfer_soul
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Omg says the guy who has been constantly saying how good it is. SMH
How is level of cognitive dissonance even possible?

Nothing to worry about. Most claims made by this member have been repeatedly refuted.

Link, please.

Do you not know what refuted means?

The post you're quoting is an implicit refutation and it also quoted another refutation.

Your disingenuous posting is getting really tiresome.

Yes, they have a 0.002 percent chance of serious illness or death.

Your flaunting of the TOS is getting to be a bit much too. Having links in your signature isn't really an excuse to keep posting one line responses and citing your signature, which you couldn't even be bothered to do this time.

If you're posting the same little quips multiple times in multiple threads and they fail to even address the posts your responding to it's called spam.

This response doesn't at all address anything the poster said. You're literally just spamming pharma deflections now with no regard for relevance. In fact, none of the three posts you've made in the thread has had anything to do with the topic except the logical fallacy made in the first response being tangential to it.

This is what some might call a pattern of dishonest and disruptive behavior.
edit on 10/29/22 by Ksihkehe because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 08:21 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

This vax can absolutely kill you.

Then they should put that on the label like they do with cigarettes.

Let’s not pretend that it’s not been pushed hard by the government and media for everyone to take it though. Recently Biden was telling people they should take it to protect themselves from hurricanes ffs...

If it doesn’t stop you from catching it and passing it on then how are you saving granny? But that’s what many believed when they took it, they thought they would protect others

The whole thing has been one massive scam from beginning to end.

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 08:21 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: surfer_soul
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Omg says the guy who has been constantly saying how good it is. SMH
How is level of cognitive dissonance even possible?

Nothing to worry about. Most claims made by this member have been repeatedly refuted.

Link, please.

You have made a series of claims. All are refuted.
You have said that we vaccinate young people to get herd immunity. Which is nonsense. You won't get herd immunity from these vaccines.

Another link for you

Given that both the government and Big Pharma have spent the last 2 years saying that covid has an extremely small mortality rate, that it mostly kills the elderly and those with comodbidity, what is it that you think they are lying about

More false claims from your side. I don't know whether you will find anyone to support your position i.e that the Pharmaceuticals and Government spent two years telling us to be cool.. they didnt!! They spent the last two years terrorising the populations and propagating hysteria, paranoia, and fear.

Do you have any link yourself to support your unsubstantiated claims?

On the topic of the conversation. Another sad death of a young person who was in no need to get vaccinated with these products.

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 08:24 AM

originally posted by: surfer_soul
a reply to: AaarghZombies

This vax can absolutely kill you.

Then they should put that on the label like they do with cigarettes.

Let’s not pretend that it’s not been pushed hard by the government and media for everyone to take it though. Recently Biden was telling people they should take it to protect themselves from hurricanes ffs...

If it doesn’t stop you from catching it and passing it on then how are you saving granny? But that’s what many believed when they took it, they thought they would protect others

The whole thing has been one massive scam from beginning to end.

Above is one post by the same member who claims the opposite. Of course with no evidence whatsoever. More of a disingenuous post and without even touching the subject that young and healthy people have been killed by these vaccines.

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 08:25 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

This is so wrong on so many levels. But when I reduce it down to its lowest common denominator, it's all about power... power vs freedom to be specific.

It is understood that all medications (including vaccines -- and I use that term loosely) have side effects and adverse reactions, including death. It is also understood that new medications must be tested in vivo -- on the human body -- to know these negative side effects and adverse reactions, which then informs us of the real risk vs benefit. So we need people who volunteer for this clinical research. But note the operative word: VOLUNTEER.

It is/was the power of government that empowered Big Pharma to market an untested and therefore unproven vaccine to the people with unlimited immunity from liability .

It is/was the power of government that forced/coerced/compelled people to get this experimental vaccine.

It was/is the government who forced/coerced/compelled people to be involuntary guinea pigs for Big Pharma.

It was/is the government who forced/coerced/compelled the people to suffer all the risks (including death) while Big Pharma reaps all the rewards.

The solution is a Patients Bill of Rights, starting with the absolute inalienable right to say "yes" or "no."
edit on 29-10-2022 by Boadicea because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 08:27 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

If you believe that covid 19 vaccines kill far more people than the governments of the world say and it's killing people left right and centre why do you also need to post about individual cases?

Surely there are far more vaccine related deaths than anyone could reasonably expect to be able to report individually?

I'm guessing your reply will be something along the lines of how I'm a vaccine apologist and pushing a leftist agenda and then telling me how everyone agrees with you and that I'm wrong.

Oh and you'll say its a strawman just for good measure.

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 08:32 AM

originally posted by: nonspecific
a reply to: Asmodeus3

If you believe that covid 19 vaccines kill far more people than the governments of the world say and it's killing people left right and centre why do you also need to post about individual cases?

Surely there are far more vaccine related deaths than anyone could reasonably expect to be able to report individually?

I'm guessing your reply will be something along the lines of how I'm a vaccine apologist and pushing a leftist agenda and then telling me how everyone agrees with you and that I'm wrong.

Oh and you'll say its a strawman just for good measure.

One of the major issues is lack of reliability and credibility that comes from the mainstream. It's what most of us see. You can't trust them as you can't trust Pfizer or any Pharmaceuticals that have promoted untested and unsafe products. And they have done at the speed of science.

You forget where the onus is. It's not on me. They have yo prove their claims.

And yea there is plenty of vaccine apologetics and denialism of truth and reality.

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 08:34 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

That has not addressed the question I asked you?

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 08:35 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

Do you not know what refuted means?

You used the wors, but failed to follow through, so once again, link please.

The post you're quoting is an implicit refutation and it also quoted another refutation.

What did it refute, and how?

Having links in your signature isn't really an excuse to keep posting one line responses and citing your signature, which you couldn't even be bothered to do this time.

My signature literally asks you to check my signature before asking for links. It's link 2 and Link 8 if you're interested.

If you're posting the same little quips multiple times in multiple threads and they fail to even address the posts your responding to it's called spam.

People post the same misinformation, I post the same correction. If I'm spam then so are they.

none of the three posts you've made in the thread has had anything to do with the topic

I'm stating that the OP is what a real death-by-vax case looks like, which is exceedingly relevant on a conspiracy forum.

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

You have made a series of claims. All are refuted.

Link please.

You have said that we vaccinate young people to get herd immunity. Which is nonsense. You won't get herd immunity from these vaccines.

Could you please explain why this would be the case, when it's how things are done for most other common vax.

They spent the last two years terrorising the populations and propagating hysteria, paranoia, and fear.

The media spent two years telling you that the government and big pharma were terrorising you. In reality both Trump and Biden said that Covid has a low mortailty rate, and is only dangerous to the elderly and those with comorbidity. You're listening to people telling you what other people said, and not what the people actually said themselves.

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 08:40 AM
a reply to: nonspecific

Because for the last two years, this was the official stance of politics and MSM:

- vaccine will protect you getting it (turned out false)
- vaccine will protect others getting it from you (turned out false)
- vaccine has zero side effects (turned out false)
- even if the vaccine has side effects, they are only minor (turned out false)

All major social platforms as well as the media have put out the shun and ban hammer on anyone just remotely disagreeing with the official narrative. Even doctors that disagreed with the official narrative. Lives have been destroyed, careers as well. The governments of the world tried pushing and shaming non vaccinated either out of their jobs or to get jabbed up. With the above arguments that ALL turned out to be not accurate or just made up lies.

And you are here asking why there are only "individual" cases to report about when you know all the above. Has the thought crossed your mind, that just like with any critique towards official rules and statements have been crushed violently and with pursuit, incidents like this are underreported?

Yes, indeed that's why people will call out your strawman. Prematurely pointing out your own strawman to try nullify and upbringing of the former might appear to be a smart move on your side, but it's transparent for anyone knowing you MO of conversation and style of argumentation.

So the "why do you have to report individual cases then" question is more like an insult to other readers intelligence than the genius argumentative design you think it is.

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 08:57 AM
a reply to: TDDAgain

I did not ask about any of those things.

I asked the OP how covid vaccines can be killing as many as they claim yet few enough that they need to make threads reporting single cases in new Zealand?

Death due to covid vaccination is either very rare as all official sources claim or it's off the scale and killing tens maybe hundreds of thousands like the ATS doom porn posse claim.

Where's the other thousands of threads about the rest of the deaths?

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 09:07 AM
a reply to: nonspecific

I asked the OP how covid vaccines can be killing as many as they claim yet few enough that they need to make threads reporting single cases in new Zealand?

And I tried to explain one possible reason for that, yet it went over your head.

Death due to covid vaccination is either very rare as all official sources claim or it's off the scale and killing tens maybe hundreds of thousands like the ATS doom porn posse claim.

Being affected by the vaccine and having gone through months of suffering and tests, I can tell you that until the doc can link it with an overwhelming amount of evidence to the vaccine, then it's going to be one of these:

- It's because you got covid before but were asymptomatic
- It's something entirely different but we can not tell what but it's not from the vaccine
- It's psychosomatic that you now have myocarditis because of your fear about the vaccine

It's btw official I got it from the vaccine, I got the ICD codes granted black on white, they are in my medical files. And it was a big hustle to get there, the main factor I got it was that I underwent physical exams shortly before I got the first jab and was healthy as I could be, then suddenly not. And I did not get COVID in 21, I got the jab.

Where's the other thousands of threads about the rest of the deaths?

Where's your reading comprehension?

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: nonspecific

Oh and please spare us the old troll game "that's not 100% the answer I asked for".

It's getting old.

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 09:09 AM

originally posted by: nonspecific
a reply to: TDDAgain

I did not ask about any of those things.

I asked the OP how covid vaccines can be killing as many as they claim yet few enough that they need to make threads reporting single cases in new Zealand?

Death due to covid vaccination is either very rare as all official sources claim or it's off the scale and killing tens maybe hundreds of thousands like the ATS doom porn posse claim.

Where's the other thousands of threads about the rest of the deaths?

I tend to find that we get three types of "vax death" post on this forum.

1) celebrity or an athlete dies unexpectedly, or someone under 25. We hear that they are dead from a mainstream source, but most of the rest of the post is pure speculation. Often sourced to a bitchute video, or a blog, or some other "citizen journalist" source. The vax is blamed, but the person making the claim isn't even able to determine whether the person was vaxxed, let alone when.

2) Posts - often sourced to a platform like Bitchute - claiming that hundreds, or even thousands of people are dying. But including absolutely no fact checkable data. For example, we get an undertaker claiming that a dozen people died within 2 weeks of getting vaxxed, but they don't include any names or dates. Nothing that can be used to verify what they are saying.

3) A post like the OP, containing names, dates and details that can be fact checked, linking back to official sources, and confirmable using MSM sources even if they are not included in the post.

Type 2 is usually the most common, followed by type one. Type 3 is exceedingly rare.

When you're hearing about hundreds of deaths, but there is no mainstream reporting of it, and non-mainstream sources can't even verify the names of the dead, it's time to put your skeptical hat on and to start asking questions.

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 09:14 AM

originally posted by: nonspecific
a reply to: Asmodeus3

If you believe that covid 19 vaccines kill far more people than the governments of the world say and it's killing people left right and centre why do you also need to post about individual cases?

Surely there are far more vaccine related deaths than anyone could reasonably expect to be able to report individually?

Perhaps people that feel the need to derail these threads should not play the game of asking for details when aggregate data is cited from sources like VAERS and then, as you're doing, dismissing individual cases as not meaningful.

It's disingenuous and disruptive to continue doing this across the forum when you have no intention of engaging in discussion. You're not questioning the source or the data, you're questioning why the OP is posting.

I'm guessing your reply will be something along the lines of how I'm a vaccine apologist and pushing a leftist agenda and then telling me how everyone agrees with you and that I'm wrong.

Oh and you'll say its a strawman just for good measure.

If you don't want people to make unflattering statements about your behavior then you should modify it. The irony of accusing another poster of using a straw man while while engaging in your own logical fallacy is just a perfect encapsulation of the current vaccine defense all-stars strategy.

Nobody is forcing any of you to click these threads. If you don't like them perhaps you can find the strength somewhere deep inside to stop obsessively participating in them. The constant derailing is getting to be a nuisance. If you have nothing to discuss in the context of the thread it's not a valid approach to ask why the OP is necessary or to make disparaging implications.
edit on 10/29/22 by Ksihkehe because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 09:14 AM
a reply to: nonspecific

Where's the other thousands of threads about the rest of the deaths?

Please don't encourage a "let's all dance on Covid vax graves" thread. It's insensitive at best, and cruel at worst, but worthless either way.

As you well know, raw numbers mean nothing. Several numbers need to be crunched to determine the vaccines risk vs reward. The total numbers are derived from the individuals.

Simply listing the known fatalities serves no purpose. It proves nothing one way or another.

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 09:23 AM
a reply to: nonspecific

I did not ask about any of those things.

Which is odd considering the implications of those “things”

If it’s not cognitive dissonance the money must be good.

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 09:25 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

So threads about covid vaccines are only for people who are convinced they are far more dangerous than the data suggests then?

Are you saying that anyone who is not of the opinion that its all some grand conspiracy to kill us all is not allowed to comment or ask questions?

It's ATS right? deny ignorance, question things?

There seems to be a strange situation developing here lately where members think they can bully others if they dont join in the doom porn dance.

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 09:25 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Asmodeus3

You have made a series of claims. All are refuted.

Link please.

You have said that we vaccinate young people to get herd immunity. Which is nonsense. You won't get herd immunity from these vaccines.

Could you please explain why this would be the case, when it's how things are done for most other common vax.

They spent the last two years terrorising the populations and propagating hysteria, paranoia, and fear.

The media spent two years telling you that the government and big pharma were terrorising you. In reality both Trump and Biden said that Covid has a low mortailty rate, and is only dangerous to the elderly and those with comorbidity. You're listening to people telling you what other people said, and not what the people actually said themselves.

I have given you one link above where you make a false claim i.e that the Pharmaceuticals together with the Government have spent the last 2 years telling us that Covid has a very small fatality rate.
That's false.

Nobody claims such things apart from you.

Here is a link on why herd immunity can't happen

Five reasons why COVID herd immunity is probably impossible

In a few words when transmission and infection cannot be prevented or significantly reduced then there would be no herd immunity. The article is older and at that time it wasn't clear whether transmission could be prevented. We now know that transmission and infection cannot be prevented due to rapidly evolving variants.

By the way do you have any evidence to support your claim??
edit on 29-10-2022 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

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