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NYT Many Military U.F.O. Reports Are Just Foreign Spying or Airborne Trash

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posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 09:16 AM
In view of next Monday’s (Halloween) government report on UAP’s……

Something is rotten in Denmark…..and it ain’t the cheese

Oct 28, 2022 Source: Many Military U.F.O. Reports Are Just Foreign Spying or Airborne Trash

From the NYT posting…..

…….” WASHINGTON — Government officials believe that surveillance operations by foreign powers and weather balloons or other airborne clutter explain most recent incidents of unidentified aerial phenomenon — government-speak for U.F.O.s — as well as many episodes in past years.

The sightings have puzzled the Pentagon and intelligence agencies for years, fueling theories about visiting space aliens and spying by a hostile nation using advanced technology. But government officials say many of the incidents have far more ordinary explanations.

Intelligence agencies are set to deliver a classified document to Congress by Monday updating a report made public last year that said nearly all of the incidents remain unexplained. The original document looked at 144 incidents between 2004 and 2021 that were reported by U.S. government sources, mostly American military personnel.

This article is based on interviews with American officials familiar with the findings of the Pentagon and intelligence agencies’ examination of the incidents. The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the classified work.

Some of the incidents have been formally attributed to Chinese surveillance — with relatively ordinary drone technology — and others are also thought to be connected to Beijing. China, which has stolen plans for advanced fighter planes, wants to learn more about how the United States trains its military pilots, according to American officials.”……

Blah blah blah…move along citizens….nothing to see here…

I guess “Airborne Trash” is the new modern term for “Swamp Gas”…..🥴

And so imo…… the UFO/Alien can will be kicked further down the road again next Monday..

edit on 28-10-2022 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 09:37 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

I'm beginning to get the same vibe from the alien/ufo agenda , and wars/plandemics/organized 'civil unrest'.
Just another tool to keep us guessing and in the case of wars stressed out/fearful.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 09:55 AM
I can see where 'disclosure' can come in very handy. "The aliens did it!" would be a great cover for any country taking out another to retain top-of-the-pyramid position.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 09:58 AM
A question that needs to be asked:- If they are coming out with "nearly all the incidents are unexplained" how can they always come to the conclusion that they are a serious threat to the USA?

All of it is ignorance. They are ignorant, they actually don't know what it is or where they are from so they come out with all these different scenarios.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 11:44 AM
Nah, the report will restore some hope I'm guessing. Uncle Sam wants you to believe. Whatever he tells you that is.

Plus, it's true, there are many incidents that clutter the field.

I think we are in the process of some kind of partial disclosure. For whoever controls the narrative, it's a powerful strategic position that can be used in a variety of ways mostly involving social engineering.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 12:08 PM
You don't need a government report to tell you what everyody knows: that only 1 out of the 144 reported events is certainly baffling. The remaining 143 events are all drones (US and Chinese), except for one, which was the batman balloon.

The report is interesting, though. It makes plain clear that hybrid wars use any conceivable means to spy on the enemy and, in the case of China, fishing vessels that are not fishing anything at all and from where drones are launched close to CONUS. This is something the US military knew... as they use exactly the same tactics in the South China Sea.

What the government is telling you is just this: that you need to decouple UFOs/UAPs from the alien presence problem, that you need to start thinking about non-terrestrial threats, and that everything you ever imagined an alien preence is has nothing to do with what it really is.

That''s why neither you, nor any congressmen will be briefed about the one, and only one, event that it really matters to them. Certainly, you cannot handle the truth, not because it is sinister, but rather because you have no means to understand what you are experiencing. Biology is a curse.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 01:32 PM

Government officials
...are the ones who told this foreign policy correspondent this---who certainly has contacts in the CIA and DIA.

Just check out the stories he has written in the past.

I think this may all have been to raise or keep the defense budget high as a UFO.
Putting, to paraphrase, "oh, this is just China checking things out, or maybe Russia," is a way to divert attention away from ETs to human aliens.

You always have to look under the fingernails of the Military Industrial Complex, which are crafty and determined to keep the pot boiling.

It may be justifiable( in their crooked eyes) because the enemy has as many big and dangerous toys as we do.

Once they started this WMD, massive defense industrial complex ball rolling, it's hard to stop, as Ike told us decades ago.

Or another possibility, or added to the original, is that this is classic dialectic controversy always drummed up again---keep the pot boiling... this is NOT a slow disclosure, I'm afraid.

Just another form of slow---death and destruction.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 01:36 PM

originally posted by: Ophiuchus1
In view of next Monday’s (Halloween) government report on UAP’s……

I guess “Airborne Trash” is the new modern term for “Swamp Gas”…..🥴

And so imo…… the UFO/Alien can will be kicked further down the road again next Monday..


drone tech is fairly new so its understandable they're still figuring them out
I guess they want is to be relieved there's nothing - out - there, and leave just a tiny little bit of wiggle room in case something does show up.
modern version of Blue Book.

thanks for info OP. interesting topic.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 04:14 PM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

The actual truth is finally leaking out to the normies slowly, (There has been a non homo sapiens, non Terrestrial/ (how to put this, its so complex and covers quantum physics and other universes) presence on this planet forever) and so now as always, the lapdog of propaganda since WW1 has to step up to the plate.
yay NYT lol

edit on 28/10/2022 by chris_stibrany because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 04:16 PM

The US GOV and all GOV greatest fear is loss of control.

If they EVER admit, that they truly cannot fathom (they can't) this phenomena they lose all credibility.

They know they already mostly have. With Bidenenko and co

but this metaphysical # they are not prepared to handle whatsover.

So they put on a facade of control.

a reply to: The GUT

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 12:40 PM
This is long, but Greenwald gets deep into this issue.

Basically, expectations have been raised high. Will they come down after this report comes out?

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 01:03 PM
Aha! gotcha...

....Other officials insist that even though the evidence is imperfect, the grainy videos do not show space aliens.


So they know what space aliens look like then?

I thought this was all part of some convoluted psy-op once. But I am coming round to consider that that last 5 years may just have been a well funded but badly conceived Bigelow UFO Mob project. The last attempt before they all die to get Uncle Sam to admit he's had aliens on ice for years. But the hand they played was far too weak, and the truth they sought does not exist.

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 01:46 PM

originally posted by: mirageman
I thought this was all part of some convoluted psy-op once. But I am coming round to consider that that last 5 years may just have been a well funded but badly conceived Bigelow UFO Mob project. The last attempt before they all die to get Uncle Sam to admit he's had aliens on ice for years.

I agree and combine the two as either/or.

It's either a psy-op or a power play for disclosure by rogue believers who would be, then, loony white hats all along. Key players have been claiming that very thing for years and it could be true.

That's really the only two options I can conceive as viable with the extant evidentiary information.

Still, I'm going psy-op for now. They have too much help and apparently zero consequences for effing with the national security apparatus.

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 02:03 PM
We have to see how this turns out to know for sure what it might have been all about.

This article is ominous to the high expectations drummed up.

The great wall of the military is about to speak and might not be to the liking of everyone with high expectations. For them, it's ufo/aliens or bust.

It sounds like a possible letdown coming. Then what?

We can never forget they have the security card to play endlessly.

posted on Oct, 30 2022 @ 12:43 AM
One must ask…..where are we with UFOlogy in this day and age?

Does it fall under a Legend, a Myth, both, or neither?

…….”A legend is presumed to have some basis in historical fact and tends to mention real people or events. Historical fact morphs into a legend when the truth has been exaggerated to the point that real people or events have taken on a romanticized, "larger than life" quality. In contrast, a myth is a type of symbolic storytelling that was never based on fact. Throughout time, myths have sought to explain difficult concepts (e.g., the origin of the universe) with the help of common story devices, such as personification and allegories.”…..

I sometimes get confused…..


posted on Oct, 30 2022 @ 01:51 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

Video killed the radio star, and drones have killed your UFOs. Face it. And if you still have some hope with USOs better for you to forget them: undersea data gathering drones have also killed USOs.

And if you see a possibility in SETI/CETI/META, forget it: GPS spoofing and weird natural cosmic phenomena have killed then all, too. And if you take shelter under the alien abduction folk tales umbrella, forget it too, because psychology did kill it long ago.

You can still play Avi Loeb's game, namely, mistaking asteroids and wandering space rocks for alien motherships.

Face it: you are alone. You are the anomaly.

posted on Oct, 30 2022 @ 02:52 AM
One problem I see on the drone angle... the speeds traveled. Now before this statement gets dissected let's consider the size and fuel capacity of drones. Small size also means limited fuel supply. Fuel weight would also limit the speed. Drones have a limited operating range due to these factors.
Now secret aircraft from other countries may explain some sighting. But then we get into how some of the craft maneuver and speeds they reach and we still have a surprising number of unexplained sightings.
Like most explanations we get from the US government this one has some notable discrepancies.

posted on Oct, 30 2022 @ 03:03 AM
a reply to: hangedman13

Your last chance, as you put it, is the craft maneuver and speeds. But you know perfectly well that the speed and the position of the craft are computed using your instruments, your radar. Signal spoofing, among other things, can make your radar see what is not there, and can make invisible things that are.

In other words, electronic warfare is so advanced these days that you cannot even trust your radar. Drones and ECM have killed UFOs, and have turned your skies into just a zoo of exotic beasts, none of which are alien.

posted on Oct, 30 2022 @ 07:49 AM
a reply to: The GUT

It's a psy-op in one form or another, whichever way you look at it. The complete lack of any consequences is a pointer. We both know, the 'supposed' leaker of the FLIR tape had been all over ATS yet no one in the MIC seems even remotely interested in identifying and questioning him. Even though there are also supposedly documents out there too!!.

Then we have Big Friendly Lue. Who seemingly dances around his (maybe fictional) NDA dropping hints. Which is not something an NDA allows you to do. And he still works for government as a contractor!

If it's just the Bigelow Mob then there are hints in Vallee's FS4 book about their tactics.

If option three was eating away at them in 1990 then by 2007-8 they must have really started to wonder. Given the total confusion about when AATIP formed (and what it actually was) I think it was actually a nickname for what remained from the days of ATP and NIDS. Nothing formal. Just the old gang

Certain events led to Bigelow and his mob having advanced knowledge of the Nimitz incidents, and once AAWSAP was formally settled they had their man on the inside (Zondo) too. He went about collecting stories from military personnel of odd encounters. But that was curtailed in 2012 when funding dried up (because they weren't supposed to be investigating UFOs).

TTSA was a culmination of desperation to get to the UFO secrets before these old men pass away. But they overestimated the reach of their media and social media influencers, then shareholder investments barely made it past the $2m mark. The evidence they had to play with just wasn't enough, once the initial splash of publicity had died down, to maintain strong interest beyond a tiny fringe.

edit on 30/10/2022 by mirageman because: ...

posted on Oct, 30 2022 @ 09:43 AM
a reply to: mirageman

Since it appears money is a large influence of what goes on at TTSA (an entertainment company)……I.e. continued operations and shareholders consideration…….then perhaps the release of Delonges film Monsters of California will be the make or break turning point for TTSA.

Perhaps if the film is a total money loosing flop at the box office…then it will be the death of the organization and TTSA will be forced to file for complete bankruptcy. Or….the film is a mediocre success gaining some profit, enough for shareholders to pump additional funds into the organization. Or…..Don Bob Bigelow will come to save the day…..and keep them funded to just keep the TTSA heads above water.

It could be DeLonge’s return to the band and touring is an underlying reason to generate badly needed fundage.

Jus some thoughts

Back to thread topic at hand.

edit on 30-10-2022 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

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