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Woman dies in her 20s due to Moderna's booster vaccine

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posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 09:09 AM

originally posted by: Kurokage
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Again, you lied and stated I changed the post, and I didn't. I even thanked you for pointing out the mistake and posted a correct post after, but you forgot to post that, didn't you?? Just like the information in the opening post, you missed out the pertinant part, and like the other member, cause the thread to drift to stoke your ego.

A young woman has died because she was vaccinated with an untested and unsafe product that killed her. There is no need to vaccinate young and healthy people in my opinion and In the opinion of every reasonable person who knows even the basics about the virus and the disease it could cause.

Again, please post where I said all young people should be vaccinated, another of your lies. When you post your flawed come back, remember to post a link to that comment I made about vaccinating young people?????

Yes you changed your posts from the number of vaccinated people to the number of vaccinations.
The above proves this. But in the meantime you were making calculations based on your flawed perception.

The reality is that a young woman has died because of the mRNA vaccines and you try to divert as much as you can but unsuccessfully. It's so sad when this happens.

The last part is an opinion of mine of who needs to get vaccinated. I wasn't referring to you but you took it personally. I think you are not in a position to debate reasonably at the moment as you seem angry and furious.

So let's end it here for the time being.
edit on 29-10-2022 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 09:42 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Yes you changed your posts from the number of vaccinated people to the number of vaccinations

See again, you lied and claimed I changed by post, I didn't. I even thanked you for spoting my mis-type.
You can't stay on topic can you, you drag your opinions of others from other threads into what ever thread you like.

The reality is a young girl died and biased anti-vaccine groups are using it to push an agenda. Thats what's sad.

The last part is an opinion of mine of who is going to get vaccinated. I wasn't referring to you but you took it personally. I think you are not in a position to debate reasonably at the moment as you seem angry and furious.

You've commented plenty of times that members like ArrghZombies are pushing for vaccinations of young people which is totally untrue, so now its just an opinion, is that because you can't find any of them actually saying that??
I love the attempt at trying to say I'm angry and furious, thats quite a funny. I think you should maybe check the mirror?

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 09:52 AM

originally posted by: Kurokage
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Yes you changed your posts from the number of vaccinated people to the number of vaccinations

See again, you lied and claimed I changed by post, I didn't. I even thanked you for spoting my mis-type.
You can't stay on topic can you, you drag your opinions of others from other threads into what ever thread you like.

The reality is a young girl died and biased anti-vaccine groups are using it to push an agenda. Thats what's sad.

The last part is an opinion of mine of who is going to get vaccinated. I wasn't referring to you but you took it personally. I think you are not in a position to debate reasonably at the moment as you seem angry and furious.

You've commented plenty of times that members like ArrghZombies are pushing for vaccinations of young people which is totally untrue, so now its just an opinion, is that because you can't find any of them actually saying that??
I love the attempt at trying to say I'm angry and furious, thats quite a funny. I think you should maybe check the mirror?

It's best if you ended this here.
I am not interested in your claims that have already been refuted.

Remember what the reality is. A young person died because of the vaccine.

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 10:40 AM
a reply to: Kurokage
Oh my, aren't we just so put upon?

a typical anti-vaxer, cherry picking their "data"

Calling quotes of your old posts "data" is a significant exaggeration of their merit.

You can keep pretending to be a victim and acting like I'm somehow anti-freedom, but you're only lying to yourself. I haven't advocated censoring anybody. I have advocated that you engage in self-control to alleviate the obvious emotional distress this topic causes you. I gave you an opportunity to easily show you understood the topic and all you did was make specious claims about me and post links to opinion pieces from the press.

The OP of this thread hasn't done any of the things you keep claiming about the monolithic anti-vaxers, nor have I, and it's dishonest to keep lumping people together so that you can malign them. If you're too lazy to keep track of who you're talking to and aren't familiar with their post history you should refrain from filling in the blanks with your dopamine trigger words.

I was advocating for real vaccines as a professional long before you become a vaccine crusader for a low-efficacy therapeutic injection, which now classifies as the most dangerous "vaccine" on the market.

Stay mad!

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

Calling quotes of your old posts "data" is a significant exaggeration of their merit.
You can keep pretending to be a victim and acting like I'm somehow anti-freedom, but you're only lying to yourself.

The "data" I was refering to, is the cherry picked snippets of "scientific" papers that keep being posted as evidence by anti-vaxers when most aren't even peer reviewed, and just posted to sites like the National Library of Medicine that will accept them.

So I'm pretending to be the victim? Coming from the person that attacked me in the thread just shows how rediculous you and your claims are...
Your first paragraph in your post to me, which doesn't get much better...

Now, approaching peak clownery, you don't even believe the government sanctioned sources you've been harping on being "The Science" for two years.
This is literally the kind of group you kept asking for proof from.
Uh-uh, uh-uh, it ain't a hunnerdt percent fa'sure!

It's you who seems to be in emotional distress here with personal attacks right of the bat and needs to learn some self-control.
You also said this...

You keep going on about the severity of COVID in these threads while ignoring the average of five comorbidities and the cases counted as deaths that merely tested positive without having the disease.

All I've spoken about when it comes to severity is the effect covid had on the NHS here in Great Britain, seeing the stress it put on the service and its staff, but you ignore that because it doesn't suit your agenda and bias, and now you're also claiming it's me attacking poor old you. Pathetic.

My first post in this thread talked about the article posted and the fact that it was acknowledged there were several other complicating factors in the girls death, it even says that The death is being reviewed by a state coroner, so wasn't entirely due to the vaccine but that doesn't matter does it? I also linked the offical report "COVID-19 vaccine safety report - 23-09-2022" frorm the Aussie' government but again you would rather attack me than read that.
And here you are, still going on with the personal attacks because you have some sort of belief that you're not being led up the garden path by the anti-vax alt media.

Maybe try reading over the article I posted and talk to that instead of making personal attacks on members who don't agree with you???
NewsGP--myocarditis risks contrasted
edit on 29-10-2022 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 01:29 PM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

A young person, yes.

From your source, though:

"The TGA says that the expert group stressed the overall benefits of vaccination ‘continue to far outweigh the risks for the mRNA vaccines’.

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 01:43 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: Asmodeus3

A young person, yes.

From your source, though:

"The TGA says that the expert group stressed the overall benefits of vaccination ‘continue to far outweigh the risks for the mRNA vaccines’.

Without taking into account the risk to benefit ratio in each age group. I have already commented on this statement in my replies above. The 'overall' is more of a vague statement when no analysis is provided for each age group and/or what are the short, medium, and long term effects from the vaccines.

Children and young and healthy people have miniscule chances from dying due to Covid. They cannot lump together different age groups and make conclusions.

They don't seem to be taking into consideration reports like this one

Setting: Japan

Participants Vaccinated population was 99 834 543 individuals aged 12 years and older who have been received SARS-CoV-2 vaccine once or twice by 14 February 2022. Reference population was defined persons aged 10 years and older from 2017 to 2019.


SARS-CoV-2 vaccination was associated with higher risk of myocarditis death, not only in young adults but also in all age groups including the elderly. Considering healthy vaccine effect, the risk may be 4 times or higher than the apparent risk of myocarditis death. Underreporting should also be considered. Based on this study, risk of myocarditis following SARS-CoV-2 vaccination may be more serious than that reported previously.

Further conclusions and policy implications

Despite above limitations, this study revealed that SARS-CoV-2 vaccination was associated with higher mortality rate from myocarditis, especially in young adults compared with 2017 to 2019 population. But it also revealed that myocarditis death occurs in older persons. If healthy-vaccinee effect is taken into account, the risk increases at least approximately 4 times more than the unadjusted mortality risk. In addition, underreporting deaths after receiving vaccine should be considered. Based on the results of this study, it is necessary to inform public about that the risk of serious myocarditis including death may be far more serious than the risk reported before and that it occurs not only in young persons but also in elderly.

edit on 29-10-2022 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Did you take a look over the PDF I posted?
If not I'll repost it...
It was linked to in the orginal article from NewsGP you posted in the OP in this thread.

edit on 29-10-2022 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 02:02 PM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Children and young and healthy people have miniscule chances from dying due to Covid.

Yes, which is why they're being vaxxed for a completely different reason. Vaxxing kids never was about kids dying from covid, it was about reaching herd immunity faster.

what are the short, medium, and long term effects from the vaccines.

To horribly oversimplify things:

Short term risks are (1-7 days after getting vaxxed):
1 in 22 chance of grade 3-4 Reactogenicity (Cold or flu like symptoms)
1 in 5000 chance of mild heart inflammation causing palpitations or other anxiety like feelings (1 in 8000 for women)
1 in 50,000 chances of moderate to serious heart inflammation (with a 5-15 percent risk of death, though this number is highly disputed)

Medium term risks (7 - 60 days after getting vaxxed):
The chance of blood clotting.

The actual numbers are highly disputed, some sources say as high as 1 in 11,000, but it's worse with the AstraZenecca shot. Other sources give a significantly lower number. Obviously 1 in 11,000 people who were vaxxed haven't died from a blood clot, otherwise we'd be knee deep in dead by now. So the actual risk hasn't been quantified.

Long term (Beyond 2 months):

The only so far reliably documented are blood clots that had already formed but which became a problem when they broke up later on.

Yes, there is a LOT more to this, but overly long comments tend not to be very productive in cases like this. So I'm giving you the discovery Chanel version rather than the peer reviewed journal version. Take these numbers with a pinch of salt, they give you a general idea of the actual risks.

There's also a chance for anaphylaxis, but this is a general vaccine thing and is usually more to do with the individual than which shot they get. Happens with the flu shot, and such.
edit on 29-10-2022 by AaarghZombies because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 02:13 PM
a reply to: Kurokage

In brief, the risk of dangerous side effects is ... negligible.

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 03:44 PM

originally posted by: Ksihkehe
a reply to: Kurokage
Oh my, aren't we just so put upon?

a typical anti-vaxer, cherry picking their "data"

Calling quotes of your old posts "data" is a significant exaggeration of their merit.

You can keep pretending to be a victim and acting like I'm somehow anti-freedom, but you're only lying to yourself. I haven't advocated censoring anybody. I have advocated that you engage in self-control to alleviate the obvious emotional distress this topic causes you. I gave you an opportunity to easily show you understood the topic and all you did was make specious claims about me and post links to opinion pieces from the press.

The OP of this thread hasn't done any of the things you keep claiming about the monolithic anti-vaxers, nor have I, and it's dishonest to keep lumping people together so that you can malign them. If you're too lazy to keep track of who you're talking to and aren't familiar with their post history you should refrain from filling in the blanks with your dopamine trigger words.

I was advocating for real vaccines as a professional long before you become a vaccine crusader for a low-efficacy therapeutic injection, which now classifies as the most dangerous "vaccine" on the market.

Stay mad!

Yes indeed my opening page is clear and it only contains the story that a woman had died as a result of Moderna's vaccine.

It could be the most dangerous vaccine on the market. However the main issue was and still is the lack of testing and lack of any reliable results. Moving at the speed of science can have some downfalls sometimes...

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 05:37 PM

originally posted by: Soloprotocol
I still can't get my head around how billions of people have become so compliant, Easily brainwashed and downright dumbasses.

"I'm following in the science", Replied the guy who struggled to follow the instructions on an IKEA four-leg flat-top table.

You weren't following science. You were following orders. You just got pushed into your pen by the dog and his master. Baa

when someone says "Yeah I'm following the science," just ask them "Oh tell me about the science." 99% of the time, they will have no answer.

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 06:45 PM

originally posted by: thebtheb

originally posted by: Soloprotocol
I still can't get my head around how billions of people have become so compliant, Easily brainwashed and downright dumbasses.

"I'm following in the science", Replied the guy who struggled to follow the instructions on an IKEA four-leg flat-top table.

You weren't following science. You were following orders. You just got pushed into your pen by the dog and his master. Baa

when someone says "Yeah I'm following the science," just ask them "Oh tell me about the science." 99% of the time, they will have no answer.

I don't think any of these people are following the science. They just follow a convenient and easy answer.

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 06:54 PM
This thread is being closed.

A separate thread for each Covid vaccine death that makes the news is not necessary.
These individual deaths are places to rehash the same debates that are being discussed in multiple threads already.
Please use those threads for news and views of Covid vaccine side effects/deaths.

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