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Dropping like flies...

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posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 11:14 PM
Those pushing this agenda know exactly what they are doing. As for the rest of the masses they are gradually waking up. Not everyone yet, but more and more and declining the ongoing boosters.

As this continues to play out over the coming years and decades, hopefully the day arrives where all vaccinations get the long overdue hard questions they deserve. Until then, take care when in the trenches of this psychological and biological war going on.

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 11:25 PM
a reply to: kwakakev

Hospital A@ E's around all the places I know are getting very bad, one place you can't get an appointment with the Doc, and he is telling his patients to go to A@E. A@E has issued a warning saying only go there if you have a life-threatening condition. Isn't it time to allow the Pharmacist to prescribe, or even the patient themselves, rather than not get any treatment at all? this is done in many countries where you can just go and get medication. You don't need to wait three weeks for a doctor to prescribe a course of Ampicillan for instance.

edit on 25-10-2022 by anonentity because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 11:36 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: kwakakev

Hospital A@ E's around all the places I know are getting very bad, one place you can't get an appointment with the Doc, and he is telling his patients to go to A@E. A@E has issued a warning saying only go there if you have a life-threatening condition. Isn't it time to allow the Pharmacist to prescribe, or even the patient themselves, rather than not get any treatment at all? this is done in many countries where you can just go and get medication. You don't need to wait three weeks for a doctor to prescribe a course of Ampicillan for instance.

This needs to happen asap. Here our pharmacists are pushing to be allowed to prescribe simple things like antibiotics for urinary tract infections etc. and I think it's happening next spring. Why the wait I don't know.

Still a huge issue is all those who were canned for not being vaccinated. Who in their right mind thought that was a great idea, on top of a medical system that was understaffed for many years? Shunning medical workers who worked all through the first year of pandemic isn't likely to have tons of them rushing back. I'd imagine they'd be mighty bitter at this point.

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 04:51 AM

originally posted by: MaxxAction

I don't know how some can look at this small sample of what is happening and still beat the "safe and effective" drum.

Very easilly - none of these stories mention a person being vaccinated let alone the vaccine suspected of being the cause of death; it's all stuff you've made up and projected onto these stories.

The actual data and vaccine induced deaths is done via coroner's inquests the vaccines have a slightly abovbe average safety and efficacy score: Link

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 06:39 AM
a reply to: bastion

When they altered the actual CDC death counts to heavily favor everything as being a covid death, and are now altering the numbers to not reflect vaccine injury and death, what do you expect?

The media, politicians, and our medical agencies are all a brood of incestuous vipers. The media is taking their marching orders from pharma and politicians. Do you really believe you're gonna get any truth from any of them?? These people could have died the very day they got boosted and it would be left out of the story to avoid others being "vaccine hesitant."

You trust them, that's your business. I will go with my gut, and what experience has reinforced for me over the last three years.

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 08:12 AM
a reply to: MaxxAction

Again that's all made up nonsense.

I'm from the UK not US and have never claimed to trust the CDC, media or politicians in the 10 years I've been on ATS and worked for years exposing corruption in Bad Science and Big Pharma because I know how to research.

If you look at MSM in the UK all local and national media have done high profile and widespread coverage of the results of coroner's inquests where it was found the vaccine caused death.

I prefer actual evidence instead of cherry picked 'gut feelings' or made up claims about media, pharma and politicians to push an agenda.

There's nothing wrong with discussing the actual deaths and injuries caused or the risk/reward ratios but this thread makes a mockery of actual inquest and evidence.
edit on 26-10-2022 by bastion because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 08:35 AM
a reply to: bastion

You might want to do a little research outside your normal channels if you think that altering death numbers is nonsense...

It's been proven over, and over, and over again. They even admitted that if someone died of ANY CAUSE within 28 days of having tested positive for covid, they were counted as a covid death, even if they never had a single symptom or sign of actually being infected.

If you wish to remain uninformed, that's your choice.

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 09:37 AM

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 09:51 AM
a reply to: carewemust

All of this posturing, smoke, obfuscation, and attempting to find any reason in the world why people are dying at such a rate reminds me of the dead parrot sketch from Monty Python.

Synopsis: The man purchased a parrot that died immediately, and the shop owner tries to convince him that the parrot isn't actually dead.

"I know a dead parrot when I see one."
edit on 26-10-2022 by MaxxAction because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 10:52 AM
a reply to: MaxxAction

Thing is, most folk don't live to be a hundred.

People die before their time and always have done.

Sad but true.

Now, if people are dying from vaccinations given the billions vaccinated you might have a point if millions are dropping dead in which case it would be obvious.

But they aren't.

Now, I m not so much pro vaxx as anti baseless doom porn.

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 11:52 AM
a reply to: MaxxAction

Again I'm from the UK. I neither know or care what the CDC is claimed to have done or how it's relevant to the thread.

All but one of the OP sources are UK based media reporting UK deaths (the other is Australian) hence me basing it on UK media standards/healthcare and stating the claims of a mass UK pharma/politician/media cover up are nonsense as all the vaccine induced deaths have been widely covered in all local and national MSM (Google coroner report death due to complications of Covid vaccine).

What is likely happening with increased deaths is the fallout of lockdown policies within the NHS causing major delays in identifying and treating these conditions - there's already full independent inquests going on to check if the lockdown strategy prevented or caused more avoidable deaths and deteriorations in chronic health conditions as we're the UK not the US and have very high standards, transparency and accountasbility in healthcare.

Pretending every death is caused by the Covid vaccines without any evidence just detracts and belittles the legitimate ongoing investigations that are taking place and real conspiracies that occured such as non-consensual DNR orders.

edit on 26-10-2022 by bastion because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 06:59 PM
a reply to: bastion


I cannot deny what I have seen. You are welcome to your opinion, and I suspect there will come a time where you will change your mind. I have already seen it in a number of others I interact with both in person and on internet forums who see this whole thing 180 out from where they started.

As the deaths mount, as they know people who are having health issues of all types, and maybe they know someone or multiple someone's who suddenly died within days of getting boosted or vaxxed, it tends to make one reconsider.

I know of three people I have known personally who died from Covid, one was my cousin, two were my patients. I know of four people I have known personally who died attributable to the vaccine, one was full of clots, one died of multiple organ failure, one died of heart failure, and one died with covid like symptoms that started about 24 hours after getting her booster. She went from feeling like she was catching a cold on a Friday morning, to being on a ventilator Saturday afternoon, to being dead on Monday.

I have had several of the people I am talking to on a day to day basis convey stories of someone they know who had cancer reoccur aggressively, heart problems they never had before, and dying suddenly within a short time of getting vaxxed or boosted.

I understand your point of view, and welcome you to hold whatever opinion you wish. As for me, I would view myself a fool to deny my own experience in favor of "science." Especially considering that it appears science in general has become a commodity that is sold to the highest bidder.

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 07:19 PM
a reply to: MaxxAction

If you Can " Read " the Signs , It's No Mystery..................

edit on 26-10-2022 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 08:39 AM

A senior cheerleader at North Little Rock High School, Victoria Moody,18, passed away unexpectedly on Sunday, Fox16 reported.

Moody’s older sister, Brooke McCarty, claims that her sibling was in good health up until Sunday night, when their father, Brian Moody, took her to the hospital saying that she wasn’t feeling well.

According to her sister, Victoria’s untimely death was caused by a pulmonary embolism.

“She apparently had a pulmonary embolism that was just too far advanced to stop it,” said McCarthy.

The family of Moody says that she would have graduated this year, she was also on the High School Varsity Cheerleading and competition team.

McCarty says cheerleading was Moody’s entire world, she loved her teammates, coaches, and the sport.

“I just wish more than anything that she would be here, and I just don’t really understand how it happened, or why it happened,” said McCarthy.

She adds that her sister was and still is a wonderful person with a bright future.

“She was absolutely the best human being I knew. and I’m forever grateful for the 18 years that I got to be with her,” said McCarthy. “She was going to go to University of Arkansas or Mississippi State, she had gotten scholarships, and she got invited into the honors program.”

So this is the new normal?? But some will say because her body wasn't lying dead outside their apartment, it's no big deal.

It makes me sick that some are just glossing over this kind of occurrence. These are people's lives that will never be the same as they are left to wonder why they bought in and went along with the genocide by vaccine.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 02:36 PM
a reply to: MaxxAction

ED Dowd says they are in a classic criminal cover-up mode, they will have to double and triple down until taken away by the regulators. Apparently, he has seen it all before when fraud is

posted on Nov, 2 2022 @ 05:33 AM

Adam Zimmer, son of former Vikings coach Mike Zimmer and an NFL assistant coach for 16 years, died on Monday at the age of 38.

The news was confirmed by Corri Zimmer White, Adam’s sister, in an Instagram post on Tuesday. She did not reveal her brother’s cause of death.

According to ESPN:

Adam Zimmer joined the Vikings’ coaching staff when his father was hired as head coach in 2014. He served as linebackers coach for six seasons before being promoted to co-defensive coordinator in 2020. He was fired along with his father and the majority of the coaching staff following the 2021 season.

Zimmer began his coaching career in 2006 with the New Orleans Saints as an assistant linebackers coach. He held a similar position with the Kansas City Chiefs from 2010-12. He joined his father with the Cincinnati Bengals as an assistant defensive backs coach in 2013, during Mike Zimmer’s final season there as a defensive coordinator, before moving with him to the Vikings.

Most recently, Zimmer worked with the Bengals as an offensive analyst.

Sure. 38 yr old otherwise healthy people drop dead all day, every day, all over the world. Nothing unusual about any of this right??

posted on Nov, 2 2022 @ 05:37 AM

Julie Powell, the food writer best known for her wildly popular memoir “Julie & Julia,” has died suddenly at the age of 49.

The best-selling author passed away at her home in Olivebridge, New York, last Wednesday after going into cardiac arrest, according to the New York Times. She is survived by her husband, brother and parents.

Powell became a literary sensation in 2005 following the release of “Julie & Julia: 365 Days, 524 Recipes, 1 Tiny Apartment Kitchen” — a humorous account of her attempt to re-create every recipe from Julia Child’s classic cookbook “Mastering the Art of French Cooking.”

The tome sold more than one million copies, and led to a 2009 film adaptation directed by Nora Ephron and starring Meryl Streep. Oscar nominee Amy Adams played Powell in the hit movie, which grossed almost $130 million at the box office.

“She had so much talent and emotional intelligence,” Powell’s editor, Judy Clain, told the New York Times. The publication was the first to report the writer’s tragic death on Tuesday.

The writer’s sudden death was met with shock on Twitter, where thousands of fans flocked to pay tribute.

“I remember with alarming clarity what it felt like to find Julie Powell’s blog in the mid-2000s, when I was bored and frustrated and not writing what I wanted to; she made things feel possible in a way I had not seen them before. I’m so sad about this news,” one wrote.

“This is just heartbreaking news,” another mourned. “Follow those dreams you’re dreaming right now.”

Seems like lots of dreams going down in flames with no valid explanation as those who dream them "Die suddenly" of "Die unexpectedly". I'm sure doctors are, as always, baffled.

#baffled #nothingunusualhere
edit on 2-11-2022 by MaxxAction because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2022 @ 02:38 PM
And another. 60RsG81yYf3mM4

Four-Time British Motorcycling Champion Dead at 35

Awful news to wake up to about the sudden and untimely passing of Keith Farmer. Thinking of his family, friends, and loved ones - may he Rest In Peace

I'm sure the poor guy just ate a pound of bacon, or smoked too many joints, or got too fired up about watching his favorite soccer team's championship match. Nothing unusual about a guy in his thirties dying for no apparent reason at all, in fact it happens all day, every day, all over the world.

#BAFFLED! #Nothingunusualhere #WakeTFup

posted on Nov, 11 2022 @ 03:08 PM
a reply to: MaxxAction

I bet if Jim Morrison was still alive and died today you would claim it was the vaxx. the%2027%2Dyear,though%20no%20autopsy%20was%20performed.

Wake me up when billions are dropping like flies.

posted on Nov, 11 2022 @ 03:55 PM
Let's see what's going on here...

45 year old NFL player died:

Alarming Events: Headline After Headline of Pilot Incapacitations

November 1, 2022 — Austrian Airlines OS235 from Vienna to Berlin. The co-pilot vomited over the instrument panel and then leaned on the thrust levers.

November 3, 2022 — Fly Dubai 737. Incapacitated pilot by stroke.

September 21, 2022 — Lufthansa Airlines. First officer collapses on a flight attendant when he's taking a restroom break.

October 22, 2022 — Indonesian pilot collapses in the cabin (caught on video).

Here's a story from John Leake:

My Friends are Dying of Heart Attacks by John Leake

I’m headed out to Maui to celebrate my brother’s 50th birthday. Dan who was my roommate in graduate school—was to be on my flight, but he isn’t because he died of a heart attack. Dan received two doses of a COVID-19 mRNA vaccine last year.

Another one of our closest friends, 55-year-old surfing legend Loch Eggers was also looking forward to celebrating with us. I spoke to him on the phone last week.

Loch also won’t make it because he had a fatal heart attack last Saturday. His life and death are chronicled in a beautifully illustrated obituary. 👇

Loch was found on the side of a hiking trail where he’d recently erected a shrine to his brother, Hunter, who died of a heart attack a few months ago. Both were in great physical condition.

The Examiner autopsied Hunter and noted that his heart was conspicuously inflamed. I am waiting for the report on Loch’s case. Both brothers received the mRNA vaccinations. Loch also received a booster.

30 year old dies unexpectedly:

17 year old Suffers heart attack leading to car crash:

18 year old derby County lead goalie died unexpectedly:

18 year old hockey player dies suddenly:

18 year old dies suddenly:

Young GAA player dies suddenly: l

45 year old Clemson football player dies suddenly:

30 year old dies suddenly:

35 year old ex brit champion dead:

19 year dead:

21 year old died suddenly:

Famous sportscaster Fred Hickman dead at 66:

40 year old died suddenly:

That took all of about 2 minutes in the telegram Channel. That doesn't even count people besides one over 50, because as we know it's normal for people to just drop dead over 50.

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