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Activists glue themselves to Porsche museum floor, then complain of hunger and potty breaks

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posted on Oct, 24 2022 @ 06:33 PM
No one is protesting for free anymore.

The question should be asked who funded/paid those protestors to do this?

edit on 24-10-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2022 @ 06:46 PM

originally posted by: gb540

My health is of course paramount.

More important than your own cause?

Oh the humanity of skin irritation and no toilet. As the Brits would say: BLOODY WIMPS!

I'd say it too.

posted on Oct, 24 2022 @ 07:14 PM

originally posted by: vNex92
No one is protesting for free anymore.

The question should be asked who funded/paid those protestors to do this?

They're just boneheads, as is painfully clear.

Can't see anyone paying them, or what that would accomplish, enough already believe their agenda, which is mainstream.

Just poor, clueless, sheeple, who are going to be laying in their own excrement and urine, while they freeze their ass off (hopefully).

edit on 10/24/2022 by MykeNukem because: eh?

posted on Oct, 24 2022 @ 07:20 PM

originally posted by: putnam6
This is hilarious if true... these are scientists supposedly intelligent human beings but they sound quite daft and their plan wasn't exactly thought out well.

No this is not a satirical news piece, nor is it the tale of a kindergarten teacher and their class of spoilt children. This is the story of a group of nine mature-age “scientists” and their not-so-well thought out plan.

Members of “Scientist Rebellion”, a collection of so-called academics dressed in white lab coats, super-glued themselves to the concrete floor of the Porsche pavilion in Autostadt and the Volkswagen luxury cars exhibit in Wolfsburg as a protest against carbon emissions.

“Nine of us glued to the floor and some of us on hunger strike until our demands to decarbonise the German transport sector are met.”

Genius activists glue themselves to Porsche museum floor, then complain they're hungry
Arguably a noble cause, but its execution seemed more like a poorly thought out third grader’s tantrum.

After just a few short hours, the eco-demonstrators took to Twitter to complain that the glue was irritating their hands, that they were hungry, and desperately needed the bathroom.

“Staff refused our request to provide us with a bowl to urinate and defecate in a decent manner while we are glued, and have now turned off the heating”

After a night sleeping on the floor, one of the demonstrators, Gianluca Grimalda, who had vowed to remain until Volkswagen agreed to lobby for low-carbon transport, voluntarily left after 24 hours when his hand swelled up from an adverse reaction to the glue. He tweeted an image of his swollen hand saying that a doctor had been brought in to examine him.

He said: “Doctors ascertained the possibility of life-threatening blood clots in my hand and recommended an immediate transfer to a hospital. My health is of course paramount. I accepted to leave this wonderful group and was taken to hospital.”

nice of them to tee themselves up like a penalty kick, for the workers.

oops, sorry dude.

manager asks, how many teeth we looking for?

i would have started up a few and let them idle until they ripped themselves free.

edit on 03/22/2022 by sarahvital because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2022 @ 09:41 PM

originally posted by: KKLOCO
a reply to: putnam6

Let them starve, sh!t and piss themselves.

Then make them clean it all up when they are finally too hungry to keep going.

Really, if they were counting on the WEF to show up
they should have become supermodels, not scientists.

# 1667

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 01:07 AM
There were two young women who threw soup over the sunflowers painting and then glued themselves to the wall in a Stop Oil protest shouting is art more important than the planet and the cost of energy is so bad people can't even heat a can of soup.
I thought it was a stupid stunt and would have been funny if the gallery, instead of clearing the room and calling the police, should have just removed the picture they were glued next to, to restore it, made a sign saying Degradation of a Modern Protest Art where the picture was and turned them into a live art exhibit. Take photos every half hour as they become cold and hungry and can't go to the loo or end up soiling themselves and eventually beg to be released. Then eventually after they are released make a montage of all the time lapse photos into one giant picture, keeping the original sign as the title, and display it as an art piece there after.

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 03:35 AM
a reply to: putnam6

It has been suggested that this was a false flag but it appears this really was scientists discovering that gluing your hand to the floor for 24 hours makes your hand sore.


Thank you ATS. Now I know not to run from the police with gasoline in my backpack or glue myself to the floor.

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 04:47 AM
Please, Putnam, do me a favor and don´t make the mistake to call these saboteurs "activists". Because "activists" are government supporters or even paid employees of the government and the agenda pushers.

"Fun" thing is, the MSM calls them "activists" as long as these saboteurs and terrorists support the agenda of de-industrialization, the Green New Deal, the Great Reset. But when a few thousand protesters peacefully protest against the government and their anti-human agenda against nation and population, then suddenly there exist no "activists" anymore but only Nazis, right-wing extremists, enemies of the state.

If i had to bet i would bet everything i i own that if these "activists" were no "climate warriors", supporting the Green New Deal and with that the money bags agenda against democracy, freedom and humanity, but Anti-Great Reset protesters, these people would never be called "activists" but terrorists.

Support the agenda and you are an "activist", criticize the madness created by corrupt criminals and instantly you are a terrorist, Nazi, right-wing extremist.

And VW/Porsche did the right thing there, just let them glue themselves to whatever and then let them sit there and forget about them. These "activists" are suffering from a harder kind of attention deficit syndrome then even all these selfie "artists", youtubers and instagramers suffer from. Do not pay attention to them will break them instantly.

These people are btw another proof that these "highly educated activists" are nothing more than Fachidioten/specialized idiots. If i would do something like they do then i would be prepared. I would have food on me and i would have a solution for the urination problem. It´s not like there are no solutions, ask truck drivers, ask snipers, ask gamers...

But i guess they only want their 5 minutes of attention in front of the median in line cams and mics and never really meant it real. In addition to that i believe these wimps only get paid for half an hour of "activism", the time their MSM needs to get some pics of their "warriors".

I still don´t get why they don´t get kicked their a$$es by average people who come across such "activism". They better pray that they never become "active" close to me because then i will become active too. Knowing that at the end i am the "terrorist" and the poor "activist" is the victim. But i don´t care like they don´t care for their fellow citizens. An eye for an eye...

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 08:03 AM

edit on 10/25/2022 by TheRedneck because: Removed for Spam

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 08:11 AM
a reply to: vNex92

it's look-at-me on steroids. new group of dolts looking for attention. but remember kids, negative attention is not he same as positive

oh who am i kidding? keep throwin soup. and ill keep idling my suv in the driveway overnight each time. and i will EAT a can of soup as i watch from inside, just the way nature intended. mmmm

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 08:37 AM
I'd be wiling to be every single idiot... I mean protestor... claims to believe in evolution. Well, this is what evolution is supposed to take care of. Glue yourself to a spot without any thought on how you expect to get out of it to eat or use the little idiot's... i mean little protestor's... room, and they die. By dying, they do not leave any trace in the human DNA pool of that defective gene that caused them to be born without sufficient neural activity to have a cognizant thought. That means the next generation will be a little more intelligent overall.

So I say let them put their money where their mouth is. They glued themselves down... they can unglue themselves. They can figure out how to go wee-wee and poo-poo while glued. They can eat anytime they want, as long as they can figure out how to do so with their hands glued down. Blood clots from the glue? sucks to be you... I didn't apply the glue. I'm just not going to lift one damn finger to help them.

At the same time, perhaps the owner of the Porsche pavilion should be allowed to automatically debit their bank accounts for rental on the location these idiots... I mean protestors... have vandalized, as well as any anticipated clean-up costs. If there's not enough to handle the charges, anyone who survives should be placed on involuntary servitude until it is paid off. A side benefit is they won't be able to pass themselves off as "scientists" until their debt is paid off.

I swear, if I am ever walking through the woods and find the remains of some idiot... oops, protestor... hanging from the side of a tree by the chains they placed there, after obviously being eaten by a bear, I am going to stop and bury the remains so deep they will never be found. The bear didn't do anything wrong, but if the authorities find out all the bears in the area will be killed. Poor bear deserves a lot more respect than these idiots; he at least helped improve our species.

Keep that in mind if anyone has any idea about pulling a similar bone-headed stunt. You'll get less than zero sympathy and less than zero support from this old redneck, and I am far from alone in that attitude. If someone dies over that fact, well, maybe evolution does work.


posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

TextI swear, if I am ever walking through the woods and find the remains of some idiot... oops, protestor... hanging from the side of a tree by the chains they placed there, after obviously being eaten by a bear, I am going to stop and bury the remains so deep they will never be found. The bear didn't do anything wrong, but if the authorities find out all the bears in the area will be killed. Poor bear deserves a lot more respect than these idiots; he at least helped improve our species.

They are idiots, nothing but idiots that is what the soo call greenies are about, they will tie themselves to trees, but they will not protest the entire deforestation of areas to build cement windmills, or you will not find them protesting entire fields of glass panels where it was agricultural fields before.

Idiots, nothing but idiots, I am sure when is not food to produce they will go and eat the glass but no soo lucky trying to breathe clean air from cement windmills.

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