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Apparently Parasites Infect People in the West, Too

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posted on Oct, 22 2022 @ 08:08 PM

originally posted by: Scotchjimmy
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

I used menbendazole to cure my cancer (nofear39)
Here’s a thread about it

Bookmarked, and thankyou.

I did something similar with menbendazole.

posted on Oct, 22 2022 @ 08:24 PM
a reply to: DevotedResearcher

Parasitology is a legitimate field of study and specialty of biological science and medicine, considered to be part of medical microbiology.

There is nothing 'rebellious' about dealing with parasitic infestations, except where it is assumed to be the cause of unrelated diseases.

Also, the treatment of parasites with anti-parasitics is not something outlawed or shunned by medicine.

posted on Oct, 22 2022 @ 11:18 PM
Great topic.

If I was to get get just a couple antiparasitic medications to use that'd kill off the vast majority of parasites, which ones would be recommended?

The 3 that stood out to me was Ivermectin or Nitazoxanide (broad-spectrum to kill off most forms), and Albendazole (specifically for parasites in the brain). Perhaps worth throwing some Fenbendazole in as well for good-measure? Or is only 1 good option really needed?

Of course also worth working on maintaining a healthy (non-toxic) environment in the body as well, but in the meantime good to have some options to get rid of what we likely already have.
edit on 22/10/22 by Navieko because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2022 @ 04:04 AM

originally posted by: NobodySpecial268

originally posted by: Scotchjimmy
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

I used menbendazole to cure my cancer (nofear39)
Here’s a thread about it

Bookmarked, and thankyou.

I did something similar with menbendazole.

You’re welcome pal .. 👍😊

posted on Oct, 23 2022 @ 04:09 AM

originally posted by: DevotedResearcher

"These may be AI themselves," as in artificial intelligence.


This thing about artificial intelligence brings us into the world of transhumanism, which means, if we haven't been dealing with the natural world, but rather a man-made world—created in weapons labs—for the past 2 1/2 years, in my opinion this is NOT a world for we the people, if we knew what we are actually dealing with. Think World Economic Forum and the "Great Reset."
edit on 10/23/2022 by DevotedResearcher because: Typo

posted on Oct, 23 2022 @ 07:15 AM
kissing bugs.

An infectious disease caused by a parasite found in the feces of the triatomine bug.
Chagas disease is common in places where the triatomine bug transmits the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. These places include South America, Central America, and Mexico.
The disease can be mild, causing swelling and fever, or it can be long lasting. Left untreated, it can cause congestive heart failure.
Treatment for Chagas disease focuses on taking medications that kill the parasite and on managing symptoms. 0to%20a%20third%20of%20people%20with%20Chagas%20will%20suffer%20heart%20damage%20that%20becomes%20evident%20only%20many%20years%20later%20and%20can%20 lead%20to%20progressive%20heart%20failure%20or%20sudden%20death.%C2%A0Chagas%20kills%20more%20people%20in%20Latin%20America%20each%20year%20than%20any %20other%20parasitic%20disease%2C%20including%20malaria.

edit on 03/22/2022 by sarahvital because: (no reason given)

edit on 03/22/2022 by sarahvital because: (no reason given)

edit on 03/22/2022 by sarahvital because: (no reason given)

edit on 03/22/2022 by sarahvital because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2022 @ 08:45 AM
Some worms are becoming resistant and they are once again looking into herbs.
Like fern. Tannins, terpenes, Neem oil.
Herbs can range anywhere between placebo and acutely toxic. I'm attracted to a natural path but there's thousands of species of fern. Who has time for that? Sell me a horse paste if you live in EU and I'll pay you 30% premium plus shipping

posted on Oct, 23 2022 @ 09:07 AM
a reply to: sarahvital

The bug that carries those parasites can't live outside the very, very far southern reaches of that US if I recall correctly. However, with our unrestrained immigration policy of just letting everyone and their brother walk across the southern border, you have to figure, especially given the conditions many of those have both lived and "immigrated" in that a decent percentage will have been infected.

Chagas is mostly silent ... until it's not, and by then, it's mostly too late to do much about it.

I did a paper on this in college. Fortunately, it's also not contagious except by vector.

The bugs that carry it like to hide out in the walls of shacks and shanties and come out at night to do their dirty work.

posted on Oct, 23 2022 @ 09:27 AM

originally posted by: DevotedResearcher

Dr. Merritt, an orthopedic surgeon having worked for the U.S. Navy for ten years, became "The Medical Rebel" because of COVID.

She's actually risking her life doing what she's doing.

Natural parasites are one thing; synthetic parasites are something else.

Of course, the Deep State wants to censor and harass anyone who blows the whistle about COVID, or the jab.

Dedicated truthseekers around the world are putting their heads together the best they can under the circumstances to figure out what people need to do for their health at this point in time. As Dr. Merritt stated, she's working for the vaxed and the unvaxxed.

posted on Oct, 23 2022 @ 10:06 AM
a reply to: Kenzo

So if someone want to remove parasites, it should first detox body from toxity. Because doing it the other way will release toxins once parasites die, and that is something which can cause a lot more problems.

I can see this being the case if one were to only use pharmaceutical parasiticides that only function as such. However, If one were to also use herbs and lactic acid fermentations, and in dire circumstances, colonic irrigation, the body could be well equipped to deal with the sudden toxic overload that may result from systemic parasiticide.

My yard seems to be really good at growing lemongrass, oregano, mint, cayenne peppers, and turmeric. These and others are tremendously effective at detoxing, as well as tremendously nutritious. I harvest ample turmeric leaves most of the year and combine with my resident herbs and boiling water into half-gallon mason jars, lock lid, and let steep until cool enough to drink.

The cayenne peppers I eat raw with an apple. The apple helps with the heat as I get conditioned to endure it and I am able to eat 4 cayenne. I also dry out the extras by stringing and hanging them up somewhere optimal in my home, which is usually in the living room.

posted on Oct, 23 2022 @ 10:32 AM
Hulda Clark wrote 3 books that was stocked in every health food store and flew off the shelves with zero advertising and bad press.
Her clinics were highly successful and she got run out of the US and her clinic in Mexico was highly successful.
Her protocols were first herbal and second was frequency i.e. the zapper.
You used the zapper if you were severely ill and dying as the herbal regimine took longer.
You we're killing parasites and most importantly, their life cycles.
She used an oscilloscope for testing.

She found that in every cancer patient she found a human intestinal fluke and their lifecycles in the infected organs.
She also found isopropyl alcohol also.
The isopropyl alcohol acted as a solvent that allowed the eggs from the fluke to hatch and begin the miricidia and then the redia cycles of their life within our bodies.
What naturally takes place is the fluke lays hundreds of thousands of eggs that is naturally meant to wash out with each bowel movement and work downstream to a pond and finding their way into a snails body where the eggs can hatch and begin the 6-stage lifecycle.

This lifecycle of egg-miricidia-redia that takes place in our bodies are the same size as our cells and what they call cancer is these parasites growing amongst our cells hand causing havoc.
Under a microscope they see this mess of cells and miricidium "cancer"
Her book "the Cure for all Cancers" has all her clinical studies details and details about the herbal treatment and protocol and zapper which uses a pulse frequency that is at the frequency of parasites that kill them.
The herbal was black walnut green hull tincture and wormwood. Ivermectin is wormwood.
IMO fauci weaponized this science.
Hulda graduated in 1959 Magna Cum Laude in cell physiology and microbiology.
She was no conman.
Her books sold off the shelves for only one reason.
She was right

a reply to: Kenzo

So she would have you kill the parasites asap to stop the spread.
Then you needed to detox from the solvents like isopropyl alcohol (cancer) and benzene(aids).
What kills most people is the damaged organs from the chaos(dis-ease). So identifying the problems early is always better. Once you removed the solvents from your system and environment healing can begin.
Btw.the zappers work and suggested if you are dying. The weeks long protocol using herbs is safer and highly recommended.
The zapper kills all parasites and can be a little overwhelming as your body then has to rid itself of parasite carcasses

edit on 23-10-2022 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2022 @ 10:49 AM

originally posted by: DevotedResearcher
My understanding is that doctors in the West generally believe that parasites are a problem that veterinarians have to deal with, but not them.

However The Medical Rebel Dr. Lee Merritt has been researching this and reporting on her findings. I've heard her talk about autopsies that were performed on 10 people who had multiple sclerosis (MS), all of whom had brains that were infected with parasites. She talks about this here:

In a recent autopsy study of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patients who died from the disease, ten out of ten (100%!!!) actually had parasites inside the central nervous system including nematode small worms in the brain.

I follow her Telegram channel, and today I see this link posted:

Parasites--a New Paradigm

The Medical Rebel

Published October 20, 2022

This is probably the key to everything. For the Vaxxed, for the Unvaxxed. Here is an explanation of the natural and synthetic parasites we are facing, and a guide to the three things you need to do to protect yourself and your family. I do not believe the vaccine is an irreversible step.

Dr. Merritt is absolutely dedicated to we the people in our struggle to either get healthy or stay healthy in this time of uncertainty because of the events of the last 2 1/2 years.

I think when people talk about parasites, they think about tape worms with obvious effects that would make you seek out a doctor because of obvious symptoms. But the truth is that every organism is a host for parasites, being part of the natural ecology. Parasites are naturally kept in check by the body, except when there are too many poisons, bad diet etc. etc. when the parasites start to build up, ranging from mild skin rashes or digestive disturbances all the way to chronic conditions which no one links to parasites.

A simple parasite cleanse every year can really change up your health!

posted on Oct, 23 2022 @ 10:56 AM

Isopropyl alcohol is found in just about everything nowadays.
From cleaning products to hair care cosmetics and deodorant.
Some people get overwhelmed and cannot tolerate these chemicals which is great business for all the quacks and big pharma
a reply to: thebtheb

posted on Oct, 23 2022 @ 11:01 AM
Israel invented a macrophage in the 90's that had a head, body and legs that would self-assimilate from all the separate parts once inside an organic host.
Like what graphene oxide is said to be doing

a reply to: DevotedResearcher

edit on 23-10-2022 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2022 @ 11:15 AM
Oh btw let's get this in here before the shills find this thread.
Hulda was targeted and harassed big time from big pharma.
She died of cancer.
She was old but so what?
Her research and work helped millions.
Hulda had a hip replacement 2 years before her death.
We feel that was when they contaminated her bone marrow with whatever it is they did to her.
After decades of witnessing phenomenal results and now hearing there are parasite lifecycles added to the mRNA gene therapy innoculations we can see why she had to be discredited.
And while we are at it.
The spike protein talked about is not a human glycoprotein.
That is an animal glycoprotein and looks and acts like nothing I am aware of that is human.
Mannatech was an international nutriceutical company that patented the combination of glyconutrients(monosaccharides) for our bodies to make fully functional glycoproteins and in all my research and study I have never seen nor heard of anything that resembles this spike protein(glycoprotein) in human cell physiology.
I could have simply never ran into it but I doubt it.
IMO the spike protein is animal and can only get into our bloodstream by injection.
Any protein that is digested breaks down from digestive acids into nitrates
edit on 23-10-2022 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2022 @ 12:00 PM

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
Israel invented a macrophage in the 90's . . .

Macrophage =

Any of various large, phagocytic white blood cells that develop from monocytes, are found in the spleen, liver, and other tissues, and have a variety of functions in the immune system including engulfing and destroying pathogens and dead cells, presenting antigens to activate lymphocytes, and releasing cytokines that mediate inflammation.

I see a key word of white blood cells.

Israel invented a white blood cell?

As in the kind of thing God usually takes care of?

posted on Oct, 23 2022 @ 12:25 PM
a reply to: DirtWasher

I think natural herbs can also kill parasites, like wormwood .

There are different levels of toxity , if it is just about gut/colon your way may work well. But some have heavy toxin burden that is allready stored in tissues also , it`s not so fast thing to remove and can be hard job .

There are also different binders like activated charcoal, modified pectin which can help a lot during the die off .

posted on Oct, 23 2022 @ 12:26 PM
quote]originally posted by: DevotedResearcher

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
Israel invented a macrophage in the 90's . . .

From everything I just stated this is the most vague part I am able to address.
I added it in response to synthetic parasites.
The parts I am sure of is that Israel announced having done it and it was a macrophage.
Where it gets cloudy from my end is that in that article from a decade or 2 ago they had a visual depiction of what it looked like.
In the decade or so since then I keep seeing the same visual depiction used for other articles and entities.
I have no idea what they did and are doing as the disinfo around this is as much as any true science.
But the announcement was real.
I'm a layman so this type of disinfo really sucks because it is already so unbelievably difficult to try and visualize the micro world to understand it where you can absorb it.
That dang picture of what they claimed was a macrophage keeps popping up in other depictions for decades now.
A head(brain)
A skinny body
4 or more long spider type legs.
I believe it is meant to exist within a fungi environment.
Fungi being long rectangular shape and looks like pickup sticks and the long legs used to move within it.
I believe Gulf War Illness was a fungal infection that now has infected every US citizen as it was shown to pass to family members when the soldiers returns.
It is what community mrsa was based upon. (Military biological testing on the public).
So whatever it was they made I cannot identify it.
Their disinfo campaign has me stuck on what it is for at least a decade.
I will look for a depiction of what I keep running into that is used for different claims.

Macrophage =

Any of various large, phagocytic white blood cells that develop from monocytes, are found in the spleen, liver, and other tissues, and have a variety of functions in the immune system including engulfing and destroying pathogens and dead cells, presenting antigens to activate lymphocytes, and releasing cytokines that mediate inflammation.

I see a key word of white blood cells.

Israel invented a white blood cell?

As in the kind of thing God usually takes care of?

posted on Oct, 23 2022 @ 12:59 PM

originally posted by: Nevercompromise

That dang picture of what they claimed was a macrophage keeps popping up in other depictions for decades now.

In Dr. Merritt's video she talks about a picture that's just CGI—the one on the right:

The one on the left that the hypodermic needle is pointing to is a nanoparticle—a bioweaponized, smart, hydrogel.

posted on Oct, 23 2022 @ 01:09 PM

originally posted by: DevotedResearcher

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
Israel invented a macrophage in the 90's . . .

Macrophage =

Any of various large, phagocytic white blood cells that develop from monocytes, are found in the spleen, liver, and other tissues, and have a variety of functions in the immune system including engulfing and destroying pathogens and dead cells, presenting antigens to activate lymphocytes, and releasing cytokines that mediate inflammation.

I see a key word of white blood cells.

Israel invented a white blood cell?

As in the kind of thing God usually takes care of?

Look at fig.4
This is what I am trying to show.
It is a phage.
From this it looks like they have many functions now as the body part can be different for different uses.
I cannot download any pics so sorry.
I have a good pic that shows what I am still trying to understand what it is they 1st showed and keeps reoccurring over the years as something other than what I first became aware of.
I am glad you challenged me on this.

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