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French General: People who resisted the COVID jabs are superheroes!!!

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posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 05:47 AM

originally posted by: seagull

Not quite.

People who decided that it wasn't necessary to have an unproven "vaccine" injected into their bodies to combat something that isn't that dangerous to a very large percentage of the population.

They used this phrase to describe that it takes a lot of courage and defiance to stand against the wave of stupidity that swept the world in the last 3 years and the enormous pressures and coercion we have seen to get everyone vaccinated.

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 05:51 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Oh, I'm aware. I faced that pressure, the same as everyone else.

I didn't vaxx, or booster.

But I'm just a guy tryin' to get by as best I can, in a world that seems more and more, to be going rapidly insane.

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 06:02 AM
a reply to: seagull

I'd argue it is already insane.

it feels its an attempt to mirror China as though in doing so it will make the west relevant again instead of a series of catastrophic unintended consequences..

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 06:12 AM

originally posted by: seagull
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Oh, I'm aware. I faced that pressure, the same as everyone else.

I didn't vaxx, or booster.

But I'm just a guy tryin' to get by as best I can, in a world that seems more and more, to be going rapidly insane.

I didn't face any pressure to be honest but everyone else around me did. Of course I gave it a miss and didn't get vaccinated but I am having the best form of protection which is natural immunity being asymptomatic at the start of the pandemic.

Thankfully my brain didn't move at the speed of science!

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 06:19 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

So how did you avoid the "pressure"

What did you do to avoid it?

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 06:56 AM

originally posted by: nonspecific
a reply to: Asmodeus3

So how did you avoid the "pressure"

What did you do to avoid it?

If you are knowledgeable and powerful you are unlikely to get pressured.

However had I seen pressure coming on my way then I would have moved away at THE SPEED OF SCIENCE!!!

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 08:25 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

I will answer this in parts. But fear, hysteria and paranoia swept our societies with the help of the media that are massively complicit.

Yes, there was much manufactured fear, hysteria and paranoia, both reasonable and understandable to one extent or another. But much worse, and not reasonable and not understandable, is that fear turned into bullying, harassment and tyranny. People were quite happy to put others in harm's way to protect themselves. People were quite happy to abandon, isolate and deny treatment to others. People were quite happy to pretend like they knew what the hell they were talking about, when they didn't know diddlysquat.

But equally important is that a very good part of the population is scientifically illiterate and can be manipulated easily when it comes to these matters. Adding the fear and confusion together with the constant propaganda from the media and the blind trust some people have in 'authorities' led to this very unfortunate and dangerous situation. It was like living in a medical tyranny.

It wasn't just "like" a medical tyranny, it was a medical tyranny. Sure, it could have been worse, and was worse in some states than others, but it was indeed tyranny.

And neither fear nor ignorance excuses any of it. We know better. But too many people let the propaganda inform their bravado and egos, and too many people got too big for their britches.

We can take reasonable precautions for reasonable risks, and we can provide various ways and means of doing so, allowing people to take the precautions reasonable for their circumstances and needs. We could have had alternating masked and mask-free times for shopping and conducting business. We could have offered incentives for business to shift to a work-from-home schedule on a voluntary basis. We could have honored people's "right to try" medicines, as well as their right to refuse medicines, and allowed people and their doctors to choose the best treatments for them. We could have worked harder to create separate facilities for treating Covid and allowed other healthcare needs to be still be managed. We could have put more effort into telemedical appointments, and other alternatives.

We know how to do freedom -- IF we want. We know how to find and provide alternatives and choices in everything and this is no different. We know how to compromise and cooperate so everyone has what they need -- or as much as possible. We know how to respect the rights and autonomy of others. But society chose not to, and we bear much of the blame. Society pretended to know what they could not know. Society chose to believe what they were told by the person they chose to trust, with no personal knowledge, and then force their will on everyone else. Society chose to believe their opinions were facts and truth, and they damn well knew better.

I'm not giving a free pass to anyone. Politicians, government, healthcare providers, media -- all are complicit and bear their own responsibility for this #show. But the people allowed it. The people empowered them. The people aren't innocent either.

We need to have that conversation on a national -- if not international -- level. Because it's happening more and more in all areas of life. If we don't take a good long look at ourselves, then we're doomed, because we are the problem and we are the solution.

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 08:33 AM

originally posted by: nickyw
a reply to: seagull

I'd argue it is already insane.

it feels its an attempt to mirror China as though in doing so it will make the west relevant again instead of a series of catastrophic unintended consequences..

Question: Having the knowledge at this point and going back in time would you have given it a miss or would you still had the vaccine? I think you said you had two doses?

Were you pressured at any stage to get vaccinated?

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 08:35 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

good points, as i see it the data (displaced mortality ect) its has highlighted the initial response (expected science) of a lockdown for 3 weeks was right the rest was a lurch into puritanical tyranny they can't let go and is now used as one of many sticks to beat the all dissenters with. the problem with this is it'll push ever more people into taking extreme positions.. especially as more people lose loved ones or homes and jobs, at this point no good can come of where we are still heading..

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 08:45 AM
a reply to: BelleEpoque

People I admired, who had made great lives for themselves in every way. People I thought I had everything in common with, we thought exactly alike. Then within a short period of time, I found out I had nothing in common with them. All of a sudden our realities diverged.

I'm not sure what the the other side is feeling but for myself and others this was part of the dumbfoundedness, why people weren't questioning it and why were they angry at us.

I saw the same... I think most of us did. I think some people were genuinely fearful... many people were generally fearful. But I also think too many people weren't afraid at all, they just saw it as a way to flex their virtue-signalling muscles. Some of those became mini-tyrants in the process, others began as mini-tyrants thrilled at the opportunity to bully and berate.

I think most shocking to me was when reasonable voices were saying, "protect the vulnerable and let the healthy and able-bodied carry on", and they were met with, "Let the weak and old folks die. Survival of the fittest!" That's not just fear, that's a depraved heart. Perhaps there are more of those in the world than we realize?

Watching so many variations of people in their car alone, windows up, with a mask on. Now I don't know what crazy is going to come at me.

While it might seem crazy to you, there might be good reason for it. For example, if you know you've been exposed to Covid at work, and you also know that others drive/ride in your vehicle, then it would make sense to mask yourself on your drive home in order not to contaminate the vehicle. (Yeah, I can pick that apart too, but I can understand such reasoning.)

But, really, we don't need to understand. They aren't hurting anyone (except maybe themselves). It's more important to respect their free will and autonomy. I think this is where we need to let folks do what they deem necessary and appropriate for their circumstances without judging.... just as we would want and expect from others.

With all the "possible evidence" (compromising with them) and declining health, they continue to request or demand the continuation of the genocide of the human race.

I don't think it's appropriate to argue about the "evidence" -- whichever way it goes. It doesn't matter. What matters is our rights and our free will to make those choices for ourselves.

I've been wanting (demanding?) a Patients Bill of Rights forever. Starting with the absolute right to say "yes" and/or "no" to any and all medical treatments. I believe that's the answer more than ever now. If we start there, then the narratives and propaganda will have to respond accordingly. There is no room for medical tyranny... as Covid has proven... because we cannot and should not trust others to make those decisions for others.

The question, how can this be, is part of the tragedy we're witnessing.

This of course excludes the people who were coerced into taking it

I don't know... has anyone come up with a successful spine implant??? Or an egoectomy? (Only half-joking...)

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 08:56 AM

originally posted by: Komodo

Thx you for this it touched my heart and deeply encouraged me of a peace knowing I'm not the only one that followed my instinct and it is by the Grace of God, I live and breath, still to this day. 🫂🙏

You're welcome -- and thank you.

Sometimes saying "no" is the hardest thing to do. Especially when it seems everyone around you is imploring you to say "yes." Even insisting or demanding that you say "yes." But at the same time knowing that you cannot live with yourself or look yourself in the mirror if you compromise your principles and ignore your instincts. It's hard.

On the plus side, I've learned that magical things happen when you stand strong and do the right thing for the right reason, no matter how difficult it is, how dire the consequences, how bleak the future looks. It's divine law in action, and it's a wonder to behold.

Be strong, be true to yourself, and know that you aren't alone (even if it seems like it at times!). Hugs right back atcha

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 09:04 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

I worked some years ago in the NHS (Histopathogy) and had experimental vaccines as I handled infected (AIDS etc) materials, so I didn't feel the need to be pressured not embraced but not rejected..

I did however have neck pains after my second dose that resulted in a blood clot and a stroke that I am still recovering from.. in real life I tell people it was an injury but to what purpose I have no idea as everyone guesses anyway and then their stories come out..

if you ask me if I regret the first 2 that'll be a complex answer, sensible head says hell yes, pragmatic head says that near death has given me a new lease on life and I've really dug into the data/studies as it impacts me personally especially to understand how much life I may have left..

I have long believed in the green book on vaccine consent so fundamentally objected to the near tyrannical use of behavioural psychology, it was morally repugnant and the main cause of deepening mistrust in the health services.
edit on 19-10-2022 by nickyw because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 09:05 AM

originally posted by: nickyw
a reply to: Boadicea

good points, as i see it the data (displaced mortality ect) its has highlighted the initial response (expected science) of a lockdown for 3 weeks was right the rest was a lurch into puritanical tyranny they can't let go and is now used as one of many sticks to beat the all dissenters with. the problem with this is it'll push ever more people into taking extreme positions.. especially as more people lose loved ones or homes and jobs, at this point no good can come of where we are still heading..

I agree, and it's the censorship of information -- the tyranny -- which creates this debacle. Can't tell anyone that Ivermectin works... can't tell anyone that ventilators kill... can't tell anyone that simple supplements like Vitamins C and D can help prevent complications and the most severe symptoms... can't tell anyone about the clear conflicts of interests of doctors like Fauci and the medical treatments being pushed...

Not everyone, but most people don't take extreme positions unless they're only fed extreme information.

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 09:28 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

I was thinking of the extremes appearing I response the the abuse of gov tools that turn out to be based on blatant lies that had the subtext of seeking to change society without first seeking consent for those changes..

but I do agree most of us sit in the middle and we'll have sympathies for one side..

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 09:32 AM
When i heard about "a new kind of flu" in Wuhan the second or third time it was mentioned in the MSM as a little and insignificant side note around the end of 2019/beginning of 2020 my first reaction was to check if there is a bio-lab in Wuhan. Bullseye!

Then i had it around end February/beginning of March 2020. All we were told until that time was about possible breathing problems but otherwise it would be less than a normal flu. Still no panic hype and nobody thought and talked about that BS around that time. I had two weeks of a hard flu with enormous breathing problems but never really thought that i would die or that it really is something more serious than a hard flu but with artificially in the lab added breathing problems. I was really, really angry at that time because i knew about the origin of that flu, that lab there and about possible breathing problems. It wasn´t to hard to connect the dots.

When i learned later that this lab was build with french engineering, the "west" pumped money in it and used it or research they aren´t allowed to do at their own countries, that Merkel visited that lab a few days before the agenda started and their MSM were suddenly full of corona BS 24/7 on all channels, from that time on i didn´t believe this MF´s anything anymore and got only more angry about the real reasons why it was set free, why only it´s first "version" before the mutations was maybe really harmful for some older people and some people with poor health and pre-existing conditions. Because it was programmed to do exactly what it did. To create panic and fear without killing too many working slaves who have to bring in tax money that can be used for further crimes against freedom, democracy, humanity.

When they came up with these jabs and it´s producers i wondered why they chose turkish migrants to represent that scam. Simply for the reason so you later can say: These damn Biontech-turks, what did they do to the people? A simple smoke grenade to hide the guilt of germans behind all that smoke. Then i learned that the address of Biontech is Am Goldacker 12/At the Goldfield 12, i only got more angry because they laugh and spit right into our faces.

And when they later tried to force these jabs into the peoples veins with all available force and measures like exclusion, defamation, social division, with lies over lies, with branding self-thinking people as Nazis, it was more than clear for a sound mind to not let that stuff into my body.

This decision never felt wrong, not even for a second, but feels better and better day by day, the more facts come to the light, the more official or pharma lobby lies are debunked. It always felt like kind of a test for me, to separate the weed from the chaff, to get rid of those that jump down from the Cologne Cathedral when "politicians" and their presstitutes only tell them to jump and when around 80% of the grey mass also jumps as ordered from above, of course to save their lives...


posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 09:48 AM

originally posted by: nickyw
a reply to: Asmodeus3

I worked some years ago in the NHS (Histopathogy) and had experimental vaccines as I handled infected (AIDS etc) materials, so I didn't feel the need to be pressured not embraced but not rejected..

I did however have neck pains after my second dose that resulted in a blood clot and a stroke that I am still recovering from.. in real life I tell people it was an injury but to what purpose I have no idea as everyone guesses anyway and then their stories come out..

if you ask me if I regret the first 2 that'll be a complex answer, sensible head says hell yes, pragmatic head says that near death has given me a new lease on life and I've really dug into the data/studies as it impacts me personally especially to understand how much life I may have left..

I have long believed in the green book on vaccine consent so fundamentally objected to the near tyrannical use of behavioural psychology, it was morally repugnant and the main cause of deepening mistrust in the health services.

I didn't realise you have had a blood clot followed by a stroke because of the vaccine.
As you are from the UK would you be asking compensation?

I mean this serious.

Regardless of whether you felt pressured or not you have had a very serious health issue from the vaccine.

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 09:59 AM

originally posted by: nickyw
a reply to: Boadicea

I was thinking of the extremes appearing I response the the abuse of gov tools that turn out to be based on blatant lies that had the subtext of seeking to change society without first seeking consent for those changes..

That is a problem... definitely a problem... a BIG problem!

It's quite the perfect storm. And quite the challenge for us all.

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 10:54 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea

originally posted by: nickyw
a reply to: Boadicea

I was thinking of the extremes appearing I response the the abuse of gov tools that turn out to be based on blatant lies that had the subtext of seeking to change society without first seeking consent for those changes..

That is a problem... definitely a problem... a BIG problem!

It's quite the perfect storm. And quite the challenge for us all.

It's precisely why everyone has to stand up against such tyrannies.

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 11:07 AM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: nickyw
a reply to: JAGStorm

the 2 realy big ones for me was the removal of familial safeguarding at end of life and the removal of spiritual safeguarding at end of life so the most vulnerable died alone in misery with no family and no last rites..

the familial and spiritual safeguarding ensues the most vulnerable are not in pain, have drink, have food, are clean without sores and whatever troubles they want to offload to a chaplain.

the blanket defining of that kind of death as the greater good tells me this society* is dead in the water..

*for clarity I had an injury last year and ended on the hyper acute wards, the elderly on the wards spent the nights begging for god or family to save them it was how I envisaged what a frontline hospital in a war zone would be like.. when the chaplain was asked to give the Eucharist by one patient that request was rejected.. this was a district general with no covid patients..

at some point the nurses and doctors will speak up about it all as I am sure the practices must have deeply harmed them psychologically being part of that as I can't imagine many went into medicine to treat the most vulnerable this way..

I can't stretch out how much I agree with the post and especially with your first paragraph.

Amen….Hope your recovery went well and you’re on the mend ❤️‍🩹 We lost my father during this whole nightmare scamdemic and although we Thankfully got him home to hopefully die in Peace somewhat…
He was never the same after coming home from some sort of bacterial Ammonia , strangely he never tested positive for Covid and my requests for HQ were totally dismissed, to this day I believe HQ or Ivermectin (didn’t now about that at the time) could have saved my Dad’s Life !

He went from a healthy senior, basically, had hip surgery a few years earlier and won over the whole place singing them songs, recovered quickly, but my Sister and I were there every day and it Was very much encouraged by the staff !! Healing was very much a family effort and the total turn around that occurred when Covid was unleashed was soo cruel and unnecessary…..patient’s were denied Family, Dignity and Comfort. To this day I second guess calling an ambulance when my Dad was struggling to breath, I know in the old world I did the right thing. However my Dad was abused, he was pleading,crying on the phone to come get him. My Dad is a strong minded Man and when he insisted on seeing me and going home they restrained his arms, F-ing treated him like criminal. They had him 10 days isolated from Family and when we picked him up, he was clearly worse and not himself……traumatized I believe

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 12:30 PM

originally posted by: MountainLaurel

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: nickyw
a reply to: JAGStorm

the 2 realy big ones for me was the removal of familial safeguarding at end of life and the removal of spiritual safeguarding at end of life so the most vulnerable died alone in misery with no family and no last rites..

the familial and spiritual safeguarding ensues the most vulnerable are not in pain, have drink, have food, are clean without sores and whatever troubles they want to offload to a chaplain.

the blanket defining of that kind of death as the greater good tells me this society* is dead in the water..

*for clarity I had an injury last year and ended on the hyper acute wards, the elderly on the wards spent the nights begging for god or family to save them it was how I envisaged what a frontline hospital in a war zone would be like.. when the chaplain was asked to give the Eucharist by one patient that request was rejected.. this was a district general with no covid patients..

at some point the nurses and doctors will speak up about it all as I am sure the practices must have deeply harmed them psychologically being part of that as I can't imagine many went into medicine to treat the most vulnerable this way..

I can't stretch out how much I agree with the post and especially with your first paragraph.

Amen….Hope your recovery went well and you’re on the mend ❤️‍🩹 We lost my father during this whole nightmare scamdemic and although we Thankfully got him home to hopefully die in Peace somewhat…
He was never the same after coming home from some sort of bacterial Ammonia , strangely he never tested positive for Covid and my requests for HQ were totally dismissed, to this day I believe HQ or Ivermectin (didn’t now about that at the time) could have saved my Dad’s Life !

He went from a healthy senior, basically, had hip surgery a few years earlier and won over the whole place singing them songs, recovered quickly, but my Sister and I were there every day and it Was very much encouraged by the staff !! Healing was very much a family effort and the total turn around that occurred when Covid was unleashed was soo cruel and unnecessary…..patient’s were denied Family, Dignity and Comfort. To this day I second guess calling an ambulance when my Dad was struggling to breath, I know in the old world I did the right thing. However my Dad was abused, he was pleading,crying on the phone to come get him. My Dad is a strong minded Man and when he insisted on seeing me and going home they restrained his arms, F-ing treated him like criminal. They had him 10 days isolated from Family and when we picked him up, he was clearly worse and not himself……traumatized I believe

I am so sorry to hear all this.
I hope you guys doing well.
Will respond later on.

By the way it's good to reach out to others and let them know about individual experiences as well as how not to say yes to everything and succumb to pressure. Start saying no and not really...

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