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Campbell on excess Australian deaths.

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posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 06:03 PM
He also mentions other countries, including Canada which he seems to think are unreliable figures. So it appears that after the pandemic has gone through you would think that they would go back below the pre covid average. But that appears not to be the case. Deaths are far more in the poorer social groups. He also wonders why there is no official inquiry.The silence is deafening.

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 06:07 PM
Campbell has gone from vaccine true believer to red pilled skeptic. When he was on board with the vaccines no one had an issue with him in the mainstream or on here who was pro covid gene therapy. But the second he started presenting new data they got triggered and went nuclear and all of a sudden Campbell was an evil anti vaxxer, and was even getting censored by YouTube. You can watch his transformation over the last few years. Now those who are desperate to ignore the dangers try to claim he's a crackpot, when the same people were posting his videos in the very beginning to prove they were "legit."

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 06:35 PM
a reply to: anonentity

Right or wrong his opinions at the least seem genuine and reasonable.

I admire people trying to uncover the truth but lets be honest, the people who back mandates and vaccines have no interest in the truth. They're happy to suckle at the tit of government and no amount of evidence will convince them they're wrong.

At this point it's a waste of time.

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 06:36 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Yes Campbell is an interesting case study of a facts-only man. I thought he should have been more skeptical early on with all the anecdotal evidence pouring in. but better late than never.
His Australian stats are probably the same as the UK stats, in this analysis. It seems that the higher social economic groups' birth rates have fallen off a cliff for some reason.

edit on 16-10-2022 by anonentity because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2022 @ 06:00 AM
a reply to: anonentity

Campbel seems to me to be the most humble person I've ever seen in a video ...

posted on Oct, 17 2022 @ 11:20 AM
a reply to: anonentity

I wouldn't think that the pandemic is over until people stop dying of COVID.

In the last 28 days, in Australia, there have been 712 deaths from COVID-19.

edit on 17/10/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2022 @ 02:18 PM
Let me preface with that I am very critical about the vaccines, especially considering all the extremely wide and deep measures from all sort of organizations (government, media, NGOs local and international, global private companies etc.) to prevent open and transparent data.

That being said, there can be many reasons for excess deaths.

The first that comes to mind is the shutdown of almost all preventive measures and interventions during the lockdowns. This alone leads naturally to excess deaths for years to come. How many excess deaths this is causing and will cause? No one knows, but it definitely is not zero. Then there is also the factor that a lot of physical activity, e.g. gyms, during lockdown (and afterwards) simply stopped from happening. Another factor that needs to be taken into account.

Instead of looking at excess death as an aggregate across all cohorts, one would need to look at the various groups to get a clearer picture. For example a look at the various age groups and their excess death ratio would be a first step to get better hints.

Unless, of course, you have already made up your mind. But then any discussion and presenting any data is pretty pointless, isn't it?

posted on Oct, 17 2022 @ 02:47 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

One hundred and sixty-three percent increase in deaths year on year. according to top insurance companies. And around fifteen percent were gleaned from government websites. Looks like a cover-up is already in progress.

posted on Oct, 17 2022 @ 03:30 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Dollars to dimes they didn't die "of" covid. Instead, they died of any myriad of things, and they tagged Covid-19 as an afterthought to keep those numbers pumped up. So they died "with" covid. It's happening in the U.S. as well.

posted on Oct, 17 2022 @ 04:12 PM
a reply to: MaxxAction

I follow a guy "Tales of an old seadog" he caught a dose of Covid and felt like crap for two days and then was back to normal. But if he had died of anything else, they would say he would have died of Covid. Most of these people that are dying of Covid seem to have other conditions, and Covid just was one too many to deal with. Then considering that most deaths are with the vaccinated with a damaged immune system, they have to keep spinning it, what else can they do .?.

posted on Oct, 17 2022 @ 09:31 PM

originally posted by: MaxxAction
a reply to: chr0naut

Dollars to dimes they didn't die "of" covid. Instead, they died of any myriad of things, and they tagged Covid-19 as an afterthought to keep those numbers pumped up. So they died "with" covid. It's happening in the U.S. as well.

Do you get tired of repeating the same mantra, that numerous others also chant? It is hardly original thought.

Also, what if the Cause Of Deaths, coded on death certificates (around the world) by hundreds of thousands of qualified medical personnel, were a fairly true representation, and the excuses, that don't even come with rough estimates, were just... 'a bit silly', by comparison?

Are the doctors of the world receiving hidden kick-backs, to lie each other and invalidate all efforts to track and classify the spread and effects of an infectious agent that proves deadly in some cases (but proves deadly in all cases where it proves deadly)?

edit on 17/10/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 11:07 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut
Also, what if the Cause Of Deaths, coded on death certificates (around the world) by hundreds of thousands of qualified medical personnel, were a fairly true representation, and the excuses, that don't even come with rough estimates, were just... 'a bit silly', by comparison?

First of all, the whole definition of "Covid death" is completely bonkers.

For example look at UK data

There, Covid deaths are defined of anyone who has died within 28 days of a positive Covid test. The cause doesn't matter. You will be registered as a Covid death if you had a positive test result and are dead within 28 days - could be a car accident or being shot ... it would still count as a Covid death. Take into consideration that the mortality rate of Covid is way below 1%.

With these kind of definitions, you don't need any conspiracy theory of doctors colluding etc. The definition of "Covid death" itself is completely ridiculous and total garbage.

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 11:50 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

So here in the US, we have had falls from a roof deaths counted as covid, we have had gunshots listed as covid deaths, we have had heart attacks and strokes counted as covid deaths, old age counted as covid deaths, motorcycle and car crashes counted as covid deaths. There for awhile, EVERYTHING was counted as a covid death. I know of one guy whose mom died of dementia at 94 years old, they put covid 19 on the death certificate, and he had to fight them to get it changed.

So believe whatever you want, the reality is that the authorities have done everything they can to fraudulently inflate the death numbers related to covid.
edit on 18-10-2022 by MaxxAction because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 11:54 AM

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: anonentity

Right or wrong his opinions at the least seem genuine and reasonable.

I admire people trying to uncover the truth but lets be honest, the people who back mandates and vaccines have no interest in the truth. They're happy to suckle at the tit of government and no amount of evidence will convince them they're wrong.

At this point it's a waste of time.


Intentions are everything despite the fact that he can make mistakes while presenting information. Generally speaking he is very genuine, careful, and spends a lot of time trying to present his material and decode some difficult research papers.

He has become a legend and rightfully so!

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 12:05 PM

originally posted by: Torlin

originally posted by: chr0naut
Also, what if the Cause Of Deaths, coded on death certificates (around the world) by hundreds of thousands of qualified medical personnel, were a fairly true representation, and the excuses, that don't even come with rough estimates, were just... 'a bit silly', by comparison?

First of all, the whole definition of "Covid death" is completely bonkers.

For example look at UK data

There, Covid deaths are defined of anyone who has died within 28 days of a positive Covid test. The cause doesn't matter. You will be registered as a Covid death if you had a positive test result and are dead within 28 days - could be a car accident or being shot ... it would still count as a Covid death. Take into consideration that the mortality rate of Covid is way below 1%.

With these kind of definitions, you don't need any conspiracy theory of doctors colluding etc. The definition of "Covid death" itself is completely ridiculous and total garbage.

Covid deaths are counted 2 different ways in the UK.

The within 28 day measure and using death certificate data

The 28 day measure can undercounts compared to death certificates.

You can see this my clicking on the all death data section of your own link.

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 01:09 PM

originally posted by: Torlin

originally posted by: chr0naut
Also, what if the Cause Of Deaths, coded on death certificates (around the world) by hundreds of thousands of qualified medical personnel, were a fairly true representation, and the excuses, that don't even come with rough estimates, were just... 'a bit silly', by comparison?

First of all, the whole definition of "Covid death" is completely bonkers.

For example look at UK data

There, Covid deaths are defined of anyone who has died within 28 days of a positive Covid test. The cause doesn't matter. You will be registered as a Covid death if you had a positive test result and are dead within 28 days - could be a car accident or being shot ... it would still count as a Covid death. Take into consideration that the mortality rate of Covid is way below 1%.

With these kind of definitions, you don't need any conspiracy theory of doctors colluding etc. The definition of "Covid death" itself is completely ridiculous and total garbage.

The usual way people die from COVID-19 is that they have severe pneumonic symptoms known as ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome). This usually ends in multiple organ failure due to a cytokine storm as the body tries to rally against falling blood-oxygen levels.

To think that someone who has severe blunt force trauma to the head and dies as a result, will be coded as a COVID-19 cause of death is a nonsense. If a medically trained practitioner misclassified and falsified a death such as that, I'm fairly sure they would be up before a review board in short order.

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 01:14 PM

originally posted by: MaxxAction
a reply to: chr0naut

So here in the US, we have had falls from a roof deaths counted as covid, we have had gunshots listed as covid deaths, we have had heart attacks and strokes counted as covid deaths, old age counted as covid deaths, motorcycle and car crashes counted as covid deaths. There for awhile, EVERYTHING was counted as a covid death. I know of one guy whose mom died of dementia at 94 years old, they put covid 19 on the death certificate, and he had to fight them to get it changed.

So believe whatever you want, the reality is that the authorities have done everything they can to fraudulently inflate the death numbers related to covid.

Can you provide verifiable links to such cases of medical fraud, because my guess is that these did not really happen, but were part of the hyperbole of opinionated and unqualified commentators, amplified around the conspiracist echo-chambers.

edit on 18/10/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 01:33 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: anonentity

I wouldn't think that the pandemic is over until people stop dying of COVID.

In the last 28 days, in Australia, there have been 712 deaths from COVID-19.

You mean LABELED Covid 19...

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 03:07 PM
a reply to: MaxxAction

When flu deaths disappear, and suddenly Covid deaths appear, the same amount of people are dying of Covid as the flu. Add that everyone is now taking precautions not to catch even a cold. To keep the number of deaths looking like we have a pandemic you would be scraping to label everything a Covid death to at least make it look like the people in charge were earning their money. But suddenly everyone gets jabbed and starts going down because their immune system has holes in it. The death rates go up, forgive me for being a suspicious bunny, as the people pushing this have past form.

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 03:25 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: MaxxAction

When flu deaths disappear, and suddenly Covid deaths appear, the same amount of people are dying of Covid as the flu. Add that everyone is now taking precautions not to catch even a cold. To keep the number of deaths looking like we have a pandemic you would be scraping to label everything a Covid death to at least make it look like the people in charge were earning their money. But suddenly everyone gets jabbed and starts going down because their immune system has holes in it. The death rates go up, forgive me for being a suspicious bunny, as the people pushing this have past form.

The disappearance of the flu during the Covid era happened at the speed of science!

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