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Benevolent ET world socialist regime

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posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 12:19 PM
Yesterday I had such a realistic, but unusual, dream that it might have been premonitory.

I walked into a self-service cafeteria where people were side by side along a line, sliding their trays and choosing their food, which was displayed before them. There was no cash register, I didn't have to pay anything and all I had to do was stand in line. I knew that the world was now being managed by ETs who made sure that everyone was well fed.

I started a conversation with a man who was one of those whose job was to serve people whatever they asked for. He told me that when it was their mealtime they got very little food, but when they were at work there, dealing out food, they could eat all they felt like eating (which was probably why, having stuffed themselves before meals, or being able to do so after meals, as anybody knew they were allowed to do, they were given small amounts when they sat down to take a meal, because any additional food was quite unnecessary). As he spoke he chewed on some food.

I saw small pieces of meat that looked tasty and almost took one, wanting to eat it right then and there, something that people in the line were also allowed to do. This showed that there was a casual, permissive environment, but I abstained, as would have happened in real life. Years ago I stopped eating all kinds of flesh, except fish flesh (and insects).

(Meat eaters, beware [ "caveat carnivori"?]. In the long run, slaughterhouse foodstuff is deadly. Gastric, colon, and prostate cancer and cardiovascular conditions will kill you. This is not seen in the Far East, where fish is preferred. It might be too late for most adults in the West to avoid the consequences. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger once said that the Japanese smelled of fish, but he was probably just wanting to be nasty, like Sofia Coppola's "Lost In Translation", a movie according to which Japan is a nation of awful, ridiculous fools and freaks. In her autobiography, Pearl S. Buck, the Literature Nobel Prize winner, who grew up in China and learned to speak Chinese before she learned to speak English, the mother tongue of her missionary parents, tells that when she was brought to the U.S. and went to a movie theater the stench of meat and butter that issued from those sitting around her was so overpowering and unbearable that she had to leave. This does sound convincing. The rest is just racial and cultural hatred, in a Jew and someone with Italian ancestors, people who have had to put up with that same variety of hatred in the U.S., so it's like they were trying to take their revenge on others, just to get even. I apologize for straying away from the topic, but it had to be said.)

I also knew that no one ever saw the ETs. It was as though they were like "absentee landlords" (a familiar character in the history of England), controlling everything efficiently through overseers, but not the kind of hateful sweatshop overseers who constantly pace back and forth growling "move, move, move!" at the women in the rows of sewing machines.

A long time ago I realized that the answer to the question "if it's true that they're here, why do they hide?" is this: they're telepathic, and thus mind readers, so for us their presence would be embarrassing. They approach only those who are morally their peers, a tiny minority. The rest of us are like unruly children with shameful and annoying habits, or maybe just "a bunch of radicals", the "hoi polloi", undeserving hooligans.

The dream has the following implications.

The absence of money, whether physical or electronic (credit and debit cards), meant that there were no rich people anymore, nor any poor people, and that everyone was socially on the same level and feeling satisfied, and so it was a world socialist regime, in a world with no tensions, no crises, no violence, no wars, no crime, no more road or airplane accidents, maybe no illnesses either. The rich must have lost all their wealth and power because they could find no one who would want to work for them anymore and because there was no financial system, no commerce, there were no banks, no businessmen, no private companies. Nothing was bought, sold, or even bartered. Everything was for free.

This is somewhat like time traveler Al Bielek's story (but his version had no ETs), but he was probably just another impostor, like so many others who have claimed to be time travelers.

Since there were still so-called "menial", boring occupations, like serving food in a soup kitchen, it must be that one was expected to collaborate willingly doing them, but not on a daily "9 to 5" routine. The classical socialist rule, "he who refuses to work shall not eat", agrees with such a utopia (more like a distopia if you were rich when the rules of the game were changed).

Marx imagined an ideal society in which one day one could go fishing, the next day one could read or study, or work at something, and one would be able to travel around every now and then.

Contactees say that getting involved is against the rules for the good ETs, except if a nuclear war is to be avoided, so it might be best for Russia to try to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine, which will force them to play the part of a "deus ex machina" who will finally solve all our problems and save a filthy, toxic, radioactive planet and its murderous, thieving, obscene, suicidal humankind, now completely out of control.

President Biden has recently warned that a nuclear war is possible, as was the case, he reminded us, back in 1962 during the Cuban Missile Crisis, because the Russian army is inefficient and Putin might be driven to use tactical nuclear weapons, yet Putin has reacted by saying that he has threatened no one with the use of such weapons, but a few years ago the Pope surprised everyone when he said that World War III had already started, so one wonders if it's true that at Fatima that war was anticipated, just as Polish nun St. Faustina later on predicted World War II.

After the invasion started all the news agencies in the West suddenly stopped mentioning the Nazi Azov Regiment or Battalion. There are photos of it parading with a flag that has a Teutonic Wolfsangel emblem. This was an unforgiveable provocation. Russia is reacting to that and to the refusal to comply with the Minsk Agreements. Ukraine was asking for it. The "kraut" devastated the entire European part of Russia and killed 29 million Soviet inhabitants. The Slavs were treated as an inferior race that had to be eliminated, so it's odd that now we see Ukranians imitating their former worst enemy, who surely still believes that they are worthless stock.

Ever since it all started with the foo fighters in the last months of the last world war, no one has ever explained to us the relationship between the good ETs and the nasty ones. Why do the former let the latter mess around with us? Even the NASA is now saying that there are cases of unexplained pregnancies! Rebellious whistleblowing insiders have warned that a deal was made with evil ones and technology was received in exchange for a "laissez-faire" attitude, then the intruders went too far and the deal was rescinded.

The collaborators are guilty of high treason in a galaxy at war, a war crime that is punished by execution. They could eventually be shot. It's people in the Armed Forces, the space agencies and the big contractors, like Bechtel, Boeing, Lockheed Martin ....

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 12:20 PM
... McDonnell Douglas, Northrop Aerospace, Raytheon, Rockwell Int'l., TRW, Wackenhut (see UNACKNOWLEDGED -- AN EXPOSE` OF THE WORLD'S GREATEST SECRET, S. M. Greer, M.D., A&M Publishing, West Palm Beach, Fl., 2017, and the full version of the movie based on the book, freely available at the YouTube website).

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 12:31 PM
Not so impressed by that cafeteria scenario. Free food for all, okay. But does it have to be in an institutional setting?


posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 12:32 PM
They can keep their Utopia.

I prefer to be free.

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 12:34 PM

originally posted by: Lysergic
They can keep their Utopia.

I prefer to be free.

The illusion of free.

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 12:59 PM
a reply to: Lysergic

I guess we'll have to have a little gated island for those that like to war and struggle, that like to hord material and can't share. Those that like to dominate and rule over others.

I think once the world is one if ever, that's as much freedom you'll get.

It's still not sure if we'll make it a oneway trip only, because we know you can change but we're also extremly sadistic.

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 01:01 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Lysergic
They can keep their Utopia.

I prefer to be free.

The illusion of free.

The illusion of choice.

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 01:01 PM
Interesting. I had a vision dream, of what I think was a colony/collective of humans, on another planet.

They were a farming collective. Very regulated, lived simply (all in simple identical houses).

The interesting thing is -- they were vegetarians (I am not). They only ate their harvest. All food preparation was done on an outside front patio and shared with the collective neighbors.

There was a type of internet providing online school, etc -- and shopping (needs only). Utilities just were. And there was no transportation.

But like you said -- the powers that be were never seen.

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 01:01 PM
a reply to: Terpene

Never will be free, basically the same crap that happens in the times of Rome happens here, its just a different skin/mod.

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: Annee

Vision/dream is meaningless.

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 12:23 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

That's just one of the many possible parallel arrangements. Some people might want to live in self-sufficient collective farms, rather than in big cities, like the Israeli "kibbutzim" or the ones that Annee saw in a dream. The rich could be allowed to keep their lands, live in isolation and exchange their fruits and nuts for things they need.

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 12:27 AM
a reply to: Terpene

Surely very few would be willing to tolerate an Island of the Barbarians.

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 12:31 AM
a reply to: Lysergic

"the same crap that happens in the times of Rome happens here"

True. Some historians have noticed the similarity between the present and the past of 2,000 yrs. ago. They compare the contrast between a refined Europe and an earthier U.S. with that between Greece and Rome. While the Greeks went to watch drama and comedy and were horrified by the bloody shows that the Romans enjoyed, the latter went to watch the gladiators fighting to the death and the lions feeding on Christian flesh. In the U.S. "snuff films" are a sinister pastime. In our interconnected world, decadence is global, exported by an entertainment industry that dominates through "soft power".

The seers of the Theosophical Society came before the historians. They claim that the Romans reincarnated in the U.S. and built an empire once again. The socialist Athenians reincarnated in France, where they organized a revolution, the aristocratic Athenians reincarnated in England, where the lords are at the top of the social hierarchy, and the Spartans reincarnated in Germany, with a hard core in Prussia, which is why Napoleon I said that the Prussians were hatched from a cannonball.

The Egyptians of Pharaonic times are now in India. Both these cultures share a respect for nonhuman animals. The Greeks had a sarcastic expression that made fun of this: "Like an Egyptian temple, magnificent to look at, and inside a priest singing a hymn to a cat or a crocodile. "
edit on 16-10-2022 by quodlibet because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 12:41 AM
a reply to: Lysergic

"Vision/dream is meaningless."

No. It's the other way around. Dreams can be adventures one has had on the Other Side.

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 12:57 AM
a reply to: Annee

"like you said -- the powers that be were never seen."

This suggests that my dream is not just a fantasy but that it shows a procedure that can be seen elsewhere in the galaxy.

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 03:20 AM

originally posted by: quodlibet
The seers of the Theosophical Society came before the historians.
Which specific seers are you referring to? What was your source for the claim that the societies of ancient Greece reincarnated in modern nations?

Some historians have noticed the similarity between the present and the past of 2,000 yrs. ago. They compare the contrast between a refined Europe and an earthier U.S. with that between Greece and Rome.
US is a whole another beast. It shouldn't be compared with Rome, which at least lived up to its religious tolerance and respected racial characteristics. Britain suits the comparison better. Most of Europe wasn't even "refined", the British were more renowned for repressed cruelty than any other European country.

The latter went to watch the gladiators fighting to the death and the lions feeding on Christian flesh.
Didn't Constantine feed pagans to lions? If Apollonios' appraisal are anything to go by, it wasn't even Nero who delighted in drawing out suffering.
edit on 16-10-2022 by hjesterium because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 09:16 AM
You sound like you need to shop at Aldi or Lidl where food is more affordable than the luxury grocery stores. You seem out of touch with living in nature and having to do outside yard work. You might live in an apartment and not have to be responsible for others, house work, cooking, trash removal, recycling, pet care, or even taking care of an automobile. It takes a lot to survive in a rural or suburb environment. Biden has serious dementia, anger, lying, delusional brain dysfunction. Your rant sounds similar. Aliens might observe us, but it’s up to us to survive life peacefully. Putin is probably another dysfunctional narcissist. I don’t trust him at all. So the world is now a stressed out place. We should all step back and commit small acts of kindness and be patient. Time reveals all, these dysfunctional leaders are self destructing and change is coming. Develop survival skills and become self reliant.

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 09:22 AM
a reply to: quodlibet

Certainly not the ones that have a world now...

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 09:30 AM
Well if you follow anything by Steven Greer, it's a good bet your vision is indeed a dream, caused by an hyper imagination, fueled by an obsession of an unproven scenario - Aliens actually existing, much less visiting our beautiful world. The same source for ALL things Dr. Greer keeps spewing. As long as you don't add the ingredient of greed, it's harmless 👍

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 12:52 PM

originally posted by: quodlibet
a reply to: Annee

"like you said -- the powers that be were never seen."

This suggests that my dream is not just a fantasy but that it shows a procedure that can be seen elsewhere in the galaxy.


back in the late 1980s 'They Live' as Sci-Fi movie was released...the 'story' involved Aliens disguised as normal humans to the un-aided eye

(special glasses nullified the holographic disguise the unseen Aliens needed to 'look' human..& control the masses)

your Alien visitors may be using a similar deception as that classic Roddy Piper action/sci-fi/ movie of '88

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