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Plano TX Hooters Attacked By Youths In Crazy Assault

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posted on Oct, 9 2022 @ 10:18 PM

originally posted by: TexasTruth
YouTube already took it down eh?

3 guesses why?

We all know why, because it shows black people carrying out the violence. If it was white people, youtube wouldn't care at all.

posted on Oct, 10 2022 @ 12:52 AM

posted on Oct, 10 2022 @ 03:43 AM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

No, there is nothing legittamate about what they are doing. In tampa there is a group that Coach Johnny allehes has operated for thirty years. These so called counselors drop off unsupervised youth on private commercial properties like gas stations and fast food joints. These kids are left in parking lots where drivers barely paying attention are rounding corners at a high rate of speed and large trucks with . they claim to be a charity but are not registered as such.

Usually they are working for a drug dealer or some older gang member allegeing to be teaching skills for empowerment and life skills. The parent is often not even consulted or informed. They just pick the right type of quiet child or teenager that seeks a little validation and sell them an opportunity to make quick cash with part time work. Im guessing that the reason we never see the same kids is they realize its not worth it when their coach or counselor takes most of the money for costs and to help fund the organization.

Its dispicable. Other kids try to recreate this on their own and even build fronts on social media that typically have a bunch of stock images of kids in some camp setting. They are never even pictured with the boxes of candy/chocolate they are pushing!

Best tying to do is have them tresspassed. It forces an adult to become involved and helps expose their handler. When they are asked to leave the handler will even wait until they are sure nobody is watching anymore and have the kid walk a bit to a car down the block usually away from cameras. Thats not suspicious at all.

But seriously, with all those grown men. There were only 3 teenagers who were a clear threat. All you needed was three bears to wrap them up, bring them inside and hold them until police show up. The little ones always, and I mean always run when their alpha protector is pulled out of the picture.

Once the older ones become a violent threat detaining them is absolutley justified for the safety of the general public.

posted on Oct, 10 2022 @ 05:23 AM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

I offered insight into their reasoning, I did not condone the behavior.

posted on Oct, 10 2022 @ 07:58 AM
There's a couple of dudes that deserve lumps of coal for christmas.

Quick everyone unfriend them on facebook for good measure.

posted on Oct, 10 2022 @ 09:49 AM
Back around 2008 I was a manager for a gas station here in AZ called QT (QuikTrip) right on the Mesa/Gilbert border. We would have to kick off panhandlers or sellers all the time.

This one time it was a Wed evening and I was almost off for the day when a group of ladies approach me at the register and let me know a guy is being aggressive in selling candy bars out on my lot (gas bays). I call another person up to watch the front while I go and talk to the person.

I have kicked hundreds of people off my lot before so my speech is usually the same and I'm no-nonsense since I've heard it all before. I approach him and say "Hey man, I saw you talking to some of the people out here in the bays and they said that you were selling things, I can't have you bothering my customers so I need you to just move on".

He says "alright man! alright!" and starts walking away. I think nothing of it and go back inside because we're busy. As soon as I'm back at the register I see him at a pump talking to another customer so I turn on the pump intercom so I can hear what they are saying.

He starts talking really fast to this man that his little cousin or someone is sick and they are raising money for treatment. He's selling the candy bars for 3 bucks each or 2 for 5. The guy says that he doesn't want any candy. So the seller responds "WELL CAN YOU GIVE ME SOMETHING?"

That's when I chime in and say over the intercom "To the man selling the candy bars at pump 12, this is your final warning to get off my lot, or ill have you trespassed.'"

At this point, he's fuming. And starts very aggressively walking towards the inside of the store. Keep in mind I've worked here years at this point and this ain't my first rodeo with an aggressive customer.

As soon as he bursts through the door he yells "I WANT TO TALK WITH THE MANAGER". This was the only time in my career I was able to hit someone with "I AM THE MANAGER, GET OUT OF MY STORE"

As soon as I said that he starts running around the side of the counter and I knew he was going to try to come behind the counter to confront me/attack me.

I already had the store phone in my hand and 911 was speed dial #1. So as he's coming around the corner I'm already holding 1 as he rounds the corner. He jumps up into the check stand and starts running at me. I hang up the phone and give this guy a spartan kick out of the check stand that would make Gerard Butler blush.

He's on the ground now at this point and I say to him "Cops are on the way man I already called them"

He's in a daze but immediately gets up and starts sprinting for the door.

Now at this point, I hadn't actually talked to a 911 dispatcher I had only dialed and then hung up. Which is apparently code to a dispatcher that a gas station is being held up.

So not only did Gilbert (nothing better to do) PD show up with about 5 cars, but Mesa (shoot first ask questions later) PD shows up with another 5 cars and they literally tackled the guy running from my store to a hobby lobby parking lot. Mesa's chopper even showed up.

It was wild. The guy was trespassed needless to say. Turned out the candy was expired and he had drugs on him and a warrant out of L.A.

posted on Oct, 10 2022 @ 09:56 AM

originally posted by: Ilikesecrets
At this point this is a everyday occurrence with this particular type crowd, when will this finally be addressed as an assault to society? What is actually going on, and why? Needs real investigation imho.

It'll stop, when we stop celebrating George Floyds.

posted on Oct, 10 2022 @ 10:16 AM
They seem unnaturally aggressive. Too much candy or what is it?

posted on Oct, 10 2022 @ 10:27 AM
a reply to: infolurker

Interesting. The irony of all this is that the white population of Dallas moved to Plano to get away from this type crap but of course the government just moved it's client caste out to Plano to screw stuff up there as well.

Behavior like this is how the US gets to South Africa status. The Chinese can't take over fast enough as far as I am concerned. They know how to deal with the ferals.

posted on Oct, 10 2022 @ 11:29 AM
a reply to: TexasTruth

Youtube is censoring this? That's racist !

We need to highlight the sad plight of these disenfranchised youths so that their communities can improve.

posted on Oct, 10 2022 @ 11:56 AM

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: infolurker

Hooters is like the happiest place on earth, what's wrong with these people?

Not anymore ...

posted on Oct, 10 2022 @ 05:57 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Oct, 10 2022 @ 07:49 PM
a reply to: incoserv

Oh my...

posted on Oct, 12 2022 @ 03:51 AM
a reply to: PraetorianAZ
That was an interesting experience. Its amazing what goes down at a gas station that folks wouldnt believe until they see it themselves.

posted on Oct, 12 2022 @ 04:08 AM
a reply to: BelleEpoque
Well they may have been triggered by something said by their initial encounter. I have moved groups of kids just like them along at my own job, but i am never hostile, pushy or snotty about it. With adults i dont give a damn, but kids deserve some benefit of doubt. I would not want some adult getting all agressively verbal with my kids .I actually attempted to contact their counselor to arrange a proposal with the company i work for so they could apply for grants given to local non-profits. Said he appreciated it and would look into it.

They never made contact, and kids would return butnonly in a pair or alone. I talked with deputies about how we can stop this and they are just as frustrated, but are nit technically breaking laws until we request a tresspass. I then inquired about seeing if they had any grounds to look into fraud if they could not provide a tax ID for this alleged charity. They said something like that would go through a different agency. I made sure we were within earshot of the young girl whonwas waiting for her handler. Its been well over six months and none have returned. I am guessing she shared the topic of my discussion with the deputies to mr coach jhonny.

Their behaviors in this video is certainly not justified, but could at least be understood if we knew what exactly was spoken when the manager went out there.

posted on Oct, 20 2022 @ 05:38 AM
Did you see the video? I don’t think there are any fathers a reply to: ManSizedSquirrel

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