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FL Surgeon General Finds 84% Increase in Cardiac-Related DEATH in Males 18-39 Following mRNA Vaxx

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posted on Oct, 8 2022 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

We're kind of broke and the powers that be have sold the idea of socialism to take care of everyone from cradle to grave and they wanted socialized medicine but they can't pay for it, no way. There's no productivity behind rebuilding old bodies, they still can''t work.

So vaccines seem to be their solution, no matter what they are going to inject you with a vaccine instead of standard care.
It's cheaper and the truly psychotic among them will use it as a transhumanist experiment, database.

posted on Oct, 8 2022 @ 11:12 AM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

You didn't read the original report that this is based on, did you?

This study cannot determine the causative nature of a participant’s death

The curve also changes if you factor in a wider age group.

Confounding by age may be present in the 60 years or older age group, which may explain the slight
elevated risk for cardiac-related deaths following vaccination. This may also explain the increased risk
for the entire vaccination analysis group for cardiac-related deaths since this group comprises the vast
majority of deaths. Removing those aged 60 years or older yielded non-significant results for cardiacrelated deaths following vaccination (RI = 1.15, 95% CI = 0.99 - 1.34), mRNA vaccination (RI = 1.17, 95%
CI = 1.00 - 1.37), and males with mRNA vaccination (RI = 1.09, 95% CI = 0.89 - 1.34).


You should contact the surgeon general and tell him it's safe. Have you gotten your bivalent booster yet?

From the original report:

Cardiac-related deaths were ascertained if an ACME code of I3-I52 were on their death
certificate, thus, the underlying cause of death may not be cardiac-related.

I suggest that you read this Link

It's a rather broad brush, and it notably includes any kind of heart condition related to covid itself. Which the report states wasn't factored in unless the person specifically have covid at time of death,

COVID testing status was unknown for those who did not die of/with COVID.

Because, as you'd rather that people didn't know, having covid increases the risk of heart trouble, even long after you've recorvered from it.

Link Link

posted on Oct, 8 2022 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Of course, since Malhorta did use covid to push his own diet plan, in his new book. Which I'm sure that he will tell you all about.

You can probably get it on Amazon, or through the affiliate link on his website.

He stops short of claiming that he can stop autism through diet, but ... only just.

posted on Oct, 8 2022 @ 11:16 AM
Listening right now to

Heard that COVID vaccine does not prevent infection from COVID. I also heard there may be possible cardiac related events associated with the vaccine. I believe I heard the mnra vaccine shots are not safe therefore should be discontinued.

If scientists had told everyone mortality risk may increase due to the shot and that it doesn’t prevent infection I doubt the public would have agreed to get all the vaccine shots. I do not expect any large change in public policy due to the way drug money flows. Instead of promoting the best health for the public at large, I see statins for example promoted in spite of several studies showing widespread adverse health effects as a standard prescription instead of a discussion of possible side effects and alternative much healthier lifestyle changes. Drugs get sold, vaccines get sold and most public health discussions end with doctors automatically writing prescriptions or promoting possibly unsafe vaccines.

I’m overall in favor of the old style vaccines but do not want to take something that can cause long term health side effects or an earlier than otherwise death. After stating my opinion, I do not believe everyone vaccinated will die within 2 years as some believe. I do believe the vaccine shot versus COVID may have had Trade offs but if the vaccine shots are not safe, they should be stopped. There are many other unhealthy food choices that also cause possible adverse long term health effects and a possible earlier death but lifestyle changes can reverse a lot of that. My opinion.

posted on Oct, 8 2022 @ 11:24 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Of course, since Malhorta did use covid to push his own diet plan, in his new book. Which I'm sure that he will tell you all about.

You can probably get it on Amazon, or through the affiliate link on his website.

He stops short of claiming that he can stop autism through diet, but ... only just.

Unrelated to the question in hand and a bit of a strawman. Dr Malhotra did promote the Covid vaccines as safe and effective and he admitted to his mistake as good scientists have to do. He and others have to be very careful when taking a position in the absence of evidence.

But well done to him accepting he was mistaken for good.

posted on Oct, 8 2022 @ 11:29 AM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

This is nothing more than vaccine apologetics disregarding the study already mentioned in this thread and the recommendations given by Florida's State surgeon Dr Lapado.

This doesn't come as a surprise as a few days ago another study by Dr Malhorta suggests a greater risk of serious adverse events from the vaccines than being hospitalised from COVID-19. Dr Malhotra is a cardiologist by the way and not the only one pointing out to the obvious potential harms.

You are always on the attack, why? People just want to see the numbers without your over the top analyses that just goes fear porn in 2 seconds.

So looking at the study they saw for only males from the age of 18 to 39 there was 52 cardiac-related deaths within the 1.5 years and found that 20 of them died with in 28 days after receiving the vaccine. For all other age groups and the periods past 28 days there were no statistically significant events they could find. What would be interesting to see is what is the average cardiac-related deaths per year in FL for the age group 18 to 39 prior to 2020. I did find that FL has about 46,000 cardiac-related deaths per year, but it is hard to break it all down into age groups, so if 52 is 1.5 years then one year is about 34.

Some limitations in the study...

These data are preliminary, based on surveillance data, and should be interpreted with caution. The results have several limitations:

While this method has been used to assess risk of death following COVID-19 vaccination,2 it violates the assumption that an event does not affect subsequent exposure (for mRNA vaccines), which may introduce bias.

Further, it does not consider the multidose vaccination schedule required for mRNA vaccination. This study cannot determine the causative nature of a participant’s death. We used death certificate data and not medical records. COVID testing status was unknown for those who did not die of/with
COVID. Cardiac-related deaths were ascertained if an ACME code of I3-I52 were on their death certificate, thus, the underlying cause of death may not be cardiac-related.

So I agree there is an increase in males aged 18 to 39, and I think we have talked on this a dozen of times. Why just males? Who knows, but males are vastly the majority of both sexes to have a cardiac-related incident in the 18 to 39 age group.

edit on 8-10-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2022 @ 11:32 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

This is nothing more than vaccine apologetics disregarding the study already mentioned in this thread and the recommendations given by Florida's State surgeon Dr Lapado.

This doesn't come as a surprise as a few days ago another study by Dr Malhorta suggests a greater risk of serious adverse events from the vaccines than being hospitalised from COVID-19. Dr Malhotra is a cardiologist by the way and not the only one pointing out to the obvious potential harms.

You are always on the attack, why? People just want to see the numbers without your over the top analyses that just goes fear porn in 2 seconds.

So looking at the study they saw for only males from the age of 18 to 39 there was 52 cardiac-related deaths within the 1.5 years and found that 20 of them died with in 28 days after receiving the vaccine. For all other age groups and the periods past 28 days there were no statistically significant events they could find. What would be interesting to see is what is the average cardiac-related deaths per year in FL for the age group 18 to 39 prior to 2020. I did find that FL has about 46,000 cardiac-related deaths per year, but it is hard to break it all down into age groups, so if 52 is 1.5 years then one year is about 34.

Some limitations in the study...

These data are preliminary, based on surveillance data, and should be interpreted with caution. The
results have several limitations:

While this method has been used to assess risk of death following COVID-19 vaccination,2
it violates the assumption that an event does not affect subsequent exposure (for mRNA vaccines), which may
introduce bias.

Further, it does not consider the multidose vaccination schedule required for mRNA vaccination.
This study cannot determine the causative nature of a participant’s death. We used death certificate
data and not medical records. COVID testing status was unknown for those who did not die of/with
COVID. Cardiac-related deaths were ascertained if an ACME code of I3-I52 were on their death
certificate, thus, the underlying cause of death may not be cardiac-related.

So I agree there is an increase in males aged 18 to 39, and I think we have talked on this a dozen of times. Why just males? Who knows, but males are vastly the majority of both sexes to have a cardiac-related incident in the 18 to 39 age group.

When are you getting your bivalent booster? Because if you and AZ are going to be constantly shilling it while entire states are banning it, you better be getting it yourself.

posted on Oct, 8 2022 @ 11:43 AM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

When are you getting your bivalent booster? Because if you and AZ are going to be constantly shilling it while entire states are banning it, you better be getting it yourself.

What did I shill here? I explained what was in the study....

You have a tendency to just pick what you want and ignore the rest, so if you believe the male 18 to 39 statistics is 100% true then you need to say the rest is true too. I have said maybe 100 times that I feel people under 40 do not need the vaccine and any risk no matter how low is not worth it. That has been a very straight forward point I have kept to since the beginning of all this. Saying that, the vaccine has not been the issue in all this, it has been the liberal mandates that has driven it all and why people under 40 have been forced to get the vaccine whether they need it or not. Now your doom and gloom along with a few others here that "they are killing off the population of males aged 18 to 39" is something I don't see even with an increase in risk.

edit on 8-10-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2022 @ 11:49 AM
Could have something to do with the aortic part of the heart as males tend to have more problems in that region compared to woman I’m pretty sure.. might be the other way around though. But damn you to hell Virtuoso! I have been advocating for the shots on here for months now. Im starting to think that myself, and anyone else trying to defend them, is seeming truly naive and ignorant to the multitude of facts at hand.

But ya know what? F it, we are never wrong no matter what! What’s an attorney general compared to AZ and I, plus our lot eh? Nothing that’s what. I’ll tell ya what we’ll do here. We will quadruple down on our ignorance and arrogance. For the last time people, the shots are safe and super effective, not only protecting from !!DEATH!!, being seriously ill, and lower IQs, but also if you get your shots you will not even contract nor spread covid. We would be back to normal already if you all just went and got your shots.

a reply to: v1rtu0s0

posted on Oct, 8 2022 @ 11:51 AM

originally posted by: SkeptiSchism
a reply to: Asmodeus3

We're kind of broke and the powers that be have sold the idea of socialism to take care of everyone from cradle to grave and they wanted socialized medicine but they can't pay for it, no way. There's no productivity behind rebuilding old bodies, they still can''t work.

So vaccines seem to be their solution, no matter what they are going to inject you with a vaccine instead of standard care.
It's cheaper and the truly psychotic among them will use it as a transhumanist experiment, database.

Nobody can dismiss the findings of these and other studies and the vaccination program has most its momentum in many parts of the world. I don't think that many will be queueing to receive their fourth and fifth jab.

Taking into consideration the new and older findings as well as what is coming in the future we could see a pause in this experiment.

posted on Oct, 8 2022 @ 12:02 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

This is nothing more than vaccine apologetics disregarding the study already mentioned in this thread and the recommendations given by Florida's State surgeon Dr Lapado.

This doesn't come as a surprise as a few days ago another study by Dr Malhorta suggests a greater risk of serious adverse events from the vaccines than being hospitalised from COVID-19. Dr Malhotra is a cardiologist by the way and not the only one pointing out to the obvious potential harms.

You are always on the attack, why? People just want to see the numbers without your over the top analyses that just goes fear porn in 2 seconds.

So looking at the study they saw for only males from the age of 18 to 39 there was 52 cardiac-related deaths within the 1.5 years and found that 20 of them died with in 28 days after receiving the vaccine. For all other age groups and the periods past 28 days there were no statistically significant events they could find. What would be interesting to see is what is the average cardiac-related deaths per year in FL for the age group 18 to 39 prior to 2020. I did find that FL has about 46,000 cardiac-related deaths per year, but it is hard to break it all down into age groups, so if 52 is 1.5 years then one year is about 34.

Some limitations in the study...

These data are preliminary, based on surveillance data, and should be interpreted with caution. The results have several limitations:

While this method has been used to assess risk of death following COVID-19 vaccination,2 it violates the assumption that an event does not affect subsequent exposure (for mRNA vaccines), which may introduce bias.

Further, it does not consider the multidose vaccination schedule required for mRNA vaccination. This study cannot determine the causative nature of a participant’s death. We used death certificate data and not medical records. COVID testing status was unknown for those who did not die of/with
COVID. Cardiac-related deaths were ascertained if an ACME code of I3-I52 were on their death certificate, thus, the underlying cause of death may not be cardiac-related.

So I agree there is an increase in males aged 18 to 39, and I think we have talked on this a dozen of times. Why just males? Who knows, but males are vastly the majority of both sexes to have a cardiac-related incident in the 18 to 39 age group.

There is nobody I am attacking. I just point to the obvious. You can't roll out a vaccine when its safety hasn't been established. It's just medical malpractice and negligence not to say a criminal matter. What we are witnessing are the consequences of the very bad decisions taken initially in the absence of any evidence.

I will point you to the chair of the vaccine task force back in October 2020 where she said the following

People keep talking about ‘time to vaccinate the whole population’, but that is misguided,” she said. “There’s going to be no vaccination of people under 18. It’s an adult-only vaccine, for people over 50, focusing on health workers and care home workers and the vulnerable.”

Ms Bingham said vaccination policy would be aimed at those “most at risk” and noted that vaccinating healthy people, who are much less likely to have severe outcomes from Covid-19, “could cause them some freak harm”, potentially tipping the scales in terms of the risk-benefit analysis.

Once here words are understood well then anyone could see the scandalous practices and the negligence towards the young and healthy populations.

posted on Oct, 8 2022 @ 01:31 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Coming from a government authority, this is a HUGE development. If the CDC really is undergoing a reorganization for the better, as Director Walensky claims, the agency will consult with the Surgeon General in Florida and other states, to QUICKLY arrive at a recommendation for the country.

A recommendation that arrives over a year too late for half the country. Now, we can only learn from their mistakes and hope their deaths serve a purpose in the annals of medical history.

posted on Oct, 8 2022 @ 01:36 PM

originally posted by: MaxxAction
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Such adamant protests and flailing about by the pro-vaxxers among us is just whistling past the graveyard.

I think when you are confronted with data and facts and you try to dismiss them as non important, non relevant, non constructive, and the rest, then you are entering the field of denialism. The study above as well as numerous other studies show that these products can harm young and healthy people who have very small chance of getting sick and die from Covid.

It's not just pro-vaccination rhetoric but denialism of reality and vaccine apologetics. Some sort of religion.

posted on Oct, 8 2022 @ 01:43 PM

originally posted by: TzarChasm

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Coming from a government authority, this is a HUGE development. If the CDC really is undergoing a reorganization for the better, as Director Walensky claims, the agency will consult with the Surgeon General in Florida and other states, to QUICKLY arrive at a recommendation for the country.

A recommendation that arrives over a year too late for half the country. Now, we can only learn from their mistakes and hope their deaths serve a purpose in the annals of medical history.

The recommendation has already been made as well as the plan not to vaccinate anyone below the age of 50 in the UK back in October 2020 and is recorded here:

The vaccine task force through Kate Bingham (chair) said that they were not planning to vaccinate anyone under the age of 50 so not to cause freak harm to the young and healthy populations. She added this is a vaccine for adults only over the age of 50.

But politics & ideologies as well as financial interests changed the normal course of action in such cases.

The expectable course of action are massive lawsuits against the pharmaceuticals and change of the laws that protect them. There are many lawmakers and politicians who are very sympathetic towards these ideas. But let's see.

edit on 8-10-2022 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2022 @ 01:46 PM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: TzarChasm

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Coming from a government authority, this is a HUGE development. If the CDC really is undergoing a reorganization for the better, as Director Walensky claims, the agency will consult with the Surgeon General in Florida and other states, to QUICKLY arrive at a recommendation for the country.

A recommendation that arrives over a year too late for half the country. Now, we can only learn from their mistakes and hope their deaths serve a purpose in the annals of medical history.

The recommendation ha already been made as well as the plan not to vaccinate anyone below the age of 50 in the UK back in October 2020 and is recorded here:

The vaccine task force through Kate Bingham (chair) said that they were not planning to vaccinate anyone under the age of 50 so not to cause freak harm to the young and healthy populations. She added this is a vaccine for adults only over the age of 50.

But politics & ideologies as well as financial interests changed the normal course of action in such cases.

The expectable course of action is massive lawsuits against the pharmaceuticals and change of the laws they protect them. There are many lawmakers and politicians who are very sympathetic towards these ideas. But let's see.

Exactly, pharma and nwo interests overrode this policy and now they're injecting and killing 6 month olds.

posted on Oct, 8 2022 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Unrelated to the question in hand and a bit of a strawman

Speaks to the credibility of the source. So very relevant.

I don't find an "admission" credible when it's part of a book signing tour to promote an alternative.

That's like Donald Trump "admitting" that Republican policies are wrong while running in the primaries as a Democrat.

posted on Oct, 8 2022 @ 02:06 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: TzarChasm

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Coming from a government authority, this is a HUGE development. If the CDC really is undergoing a reorganization for the better, as Director Walensky claims, the agency will consult with the Surgeon General in Florida and other states, to QUICKLY arrive at a recommendation for the country.

A recommendation that arrives over a year too late for half the country. Now, we can only learn from their mistakes and hope their deaths serve a purpose in the annals of medical history.

The recommendation ha already been made as well as the plan not to vaccinate anyone below the age of 50 in the UK back in October 2020 and is recorded here:

The vaccine task force through Kate Bingham (chair) said that they were not planning to vaccinate anyone under the age of 50 so not to cause freak harm to the young and healthy populations. She added this is a vaccine for adults only over the age of 50.

But politics & ideologies as well as financial interests changed the normal course of action in such cases.

The expectable course of action is massive lawsuits against the pharmaceuticals and change of the laws they protect them. There are many lawmakers and politicians who are very sympathetic towards these ideas. But let's see.

Exactly, pharma and nwo interests overrode this policy and now they're injecting and killing 6 month olds.

source for literally everything that you've said.

posted on Oct, 8 2022 @ 02:11 PM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

The vaccine task force through Kate Bingham (chair) said that they were not planning to vaccinate anyone under the age of 50 so not to cause freak harm to the young and healthy populations.

If anything, this debunks the idea that this was a deliberate conspiracy to harm people.

The UK government gave in to public pressure from the Labor party to expand the vax program.

posted on Oct, 8 2022 @ 02:14 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Unrelated to the question in hand and a bit of a strawman

Speaks to the credibility of the source. So very relevant.

I don't find an "admission" credible when it's part of a book signing tour to promote an alternative.

That's like Donald Trump "admitting" that Republican policies are wrong while running in the primaries as a Democrat.

Strawman arguments again.
In my replies I have not used any books but scientific peer reviewed publications and articles from well respected newspapers.

I see you have no arguments as usual.
edit on 8-10-2022 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2022 @ 02:16 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Asmodeus3

The vaccine task force through Kate Bingham (chair) said that they were not planning to vaccinate anyone under the age of 50 so not to cause freak harm to the young and healthy populations.

If anything, this debunks the idea that this was a deliberate conspiracy to harm people.

The UK government gave in to public pressure from the Labor party to expand the vax program.

One more strawman i.e the idea of a conspiracy they I haven't discussed.

The public pressure is an unsubstantiated claim that needs to be proven and not asserted.

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