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Putin has escaped to his secret palace in a forest amid anti-draft protests in Russian cities

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posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 12:03 AM
Ah according to the anonymous sources say again?
Russian cities, report says

Their source to the so called report comes from.

OVD-Info is an independent Russian human rights media project aimed at combating political persecution

An NGO, NED funded organization not reliable.
edit on 26-9-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 12:05 AM
Soros supported OVD-Info.


Previously, OVD-Info was also supported by the Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation) and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). However, both of these organisations were declared “undesirable” and their activity banned in Russia

This is where your tax payer's money is spend at lads..
edit on 26-9-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 12:06 AM
Lets say Putin did "escape" to his secret palace that everyone knows about. How would that be any different than US President's escaping to Camp David, when were at war in the middle east.

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 12:20 AM

originally posted by: vNex92
a reply to: imitator

Those regions would be seen as an attack on Russia itself
Isn't that how the US had seen Israel in the middle east? any attack by anyone let it be Iran, Lebanon Hezbollah or others would be seen as a attack on US.

The US would aid Israel in any of the attacks.

except Israel is not part of the United States, just BFF...

Israel also has nukes and is itching to annex the West Bank... that would be pretty similar to Russia lol🤣

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 02:58 AM
a reply to: peaceinoutz
Bottom line, he's a cnut.

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 04:55 AM
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

*IF* he was smart he would be relocating these people. While the claim is to go to Ukraine, the military army might be herded underground. As those drafted fit a bill and age requirement to rebuild Russia should the need be. Given nuclear threats were made, the number of the draft is way more then what is needed to execute that plan. But is a proper amount to "rebuild" Russia.

Especially since the push for nuclear was is reaching a peak with the US.

Keep in mind he said he is mobilizing an army, he didn't say where to. Or what he intends on doing with said people. A lot of the news we get about Russia is Ukraine propaganda.

Zelenski and Russia had an agreement, but US stepped in and told them NO. Now zelenski is demanding the US nuke Russia preemptively.

Putin after those demands by Ukraine was made, issued a mobilization order. Probably to move people out of any potential targets without causing to much chaos. This order limits those being recruited to an age range where people are still useful to society 16-50.

*IF* you only have enough resources stockpiled to rebuild your country to ONLY support X number of people. You will want the younger, durable generations.

Given the escalation, it is highly probable that those being herded, are being done in secret to prevent panic from an eminent strike - one which kill millions.

Look at things from both sides and you will see a picture here.

Russia offered to withdraw and the only condition was they didn't join nato. Everyone would of gotten what they wanted. Zelenski met with Boris Johnson and Boris Johnson told Zelenski that the West(US) was not ready to end the war.

With those in charge causing the biggest flops for the past 40years militarily leading this advance against Russia in an attempt to have their names be known as victors in the history books instead of being known for the greatest military failures known to man.

So ask yourself, who really has the biggest ego? It's our politicians who have been pushing for a nuclear war with Russia for the past 40-50 years.

If you want to know what the US is doing, they are rerouting water, oil, and food underground and have been doing this for the past 2 years and then blamed it on the "Supply chain". Look at Colorado River, look at Lake Meade emptied by government order to hold the water.

The UK River dried up in 100degree temperature.. and dropped FEET to become impossible for OIL TANKERS.

Highly doubtful.. people who have had pools can tell you they don't lose that much water in 114+ degree tempatures. The UK needed an excuse to reroute the oil supply underground. So they drained the river. Realisitically since the river is connected to the ocean if the water dropped on its own w/o being blocked off the river would actually change directions as ocean water floods the river.
I have seen rivers and branches of rivers reverse direction when they are low, or due to excess change rain/drought . A huge water system in Pa that connects to the Delaware is known for reversing directions every time it rains heavy, or drains to low. But a lot of people don't bother paying attention.

Many nations are and have been gathering huge amounts of resources and are moving underground. This picked up during lockdowns, and BLM was a cover to make more money and resources disappear. Medical warehouses burning to the ground do you remember?

Think about the destruction of all those food processing plants. (All that food was hauled out and taken underground and they destroyed the buildings for cover.)

There are 7 well known underground huge caverns underground
that was picked up via various methods. These caverns they couldn't see into but could tell they were not only hollow. But could easily house half a million to a million people each.

Don't believe me look into the Billions of Dollars that vanished without a trace. Right now we are in a currency war. Think about it, we just printed a Trillion dollars yet our dollar value is increasing.. despite being printed and handed out like candy.. come on do the math.

The only way that the value of the dollar would increase is if NONE of that money ever hits circulation, and even more of it *disappears*.

So GOVERNMENT preppers checklist:

Food - check (Recent)
Remember how food randomly got mixed up because they rerouted food from out of state to over packed stores so normal suppliers couldn't deliver their food? Those sellers that normally supplied that food to those stores were forced to make deals with government. What about the 60+ processing plants destroyed in 1month?

Portable energy - check (Recent)
"Go solar, ban oil, open the reserves,"

Medicine - check (Recent)
"Burned warehouses where medicine was stored in huge quantities hoarded by government prior to covid lockdowns. including the covid cure that Tony Fauchi denied worked despite the emails saying it did.

Water - check (Recent)
Lake Meade, UK River Draining in tempatures central US sees regularly without experiencing evaps from man made lakes, Colorado River, A goal to reroute Mississippi,. Fear mongering of brain eating bacteria found in manmade and natural rivers in central US to keep people away.

Weapons - check (hoarded by nhs - doesn't expire)
Ammunition - check (hoarded by nhs - doesn't expire)

Wealth and other forms of resources Resources - check
(IE Stockpiling gold, silver, lithium, coffee, sugar, (most obvious commodities) for decades via various schemes to steal populations gold and silver) coffee, sugar and lithium are recent.

Claimed to use 144 Tons of gold... On the James web telescope. (Haha, only idiots believe that.. the mirrors were painted gold, which is how they got damaged so easily by rocks the size of golf balls, if it were solid gold like they claimed that damage would be completely unnoticeable from dents that are small instead its cracked and split. Gold is soft, it dents doesn't split.

Invitation list:. The past two years has had more ceos and cfos step down from their business, upwards of 80% of ceos have stepped down all at once, is that the invitation checklist.. I will let you decide, as outside of them all stepping down at once it's hard to say if they were all invited.

This checklist is 100% verifiable if your brain happens to have the lifespan of a gold fish.. use Google.
edit on 26-9-2022 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-9-2022 by BlackArrow because: Had to specify that it's a government checklist. For the TLDR people who automatically assume they are always right.

edit on 26-9-2022 by BlackArrow because: Added science on how rivers connected to oceans work. They reverse flow, making the only way a river stops flowing and disappears is by being blocked and/or rerouted to a larger mass/location.

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 05:02 AM
The icing on the Putin cake?

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 06:12 AM

originally posted by: nugget1
a reply to: peaceinoutz

To save lives, someone has to give this egomaniac and evil person Putin some way to save his ugly ass-face face.

Since the beginning leaders from other countries have come close to brokering a peace deal and Biden has stepped in to make sue it doesn't happen.

Biden needs this war and no amount of concession is going to stop him.


putin has been making absurd demands that Ukraine will never accept.

biden has nothing to do with it.

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 06:18 AM
Shame on him.
He shouldn't run from his mistakes.
He should take the heat for it like a real man.

And to think I used to respect the guy.

edit on 9/26/22 by GENERAL EYES because: clarity

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 09:43 AM
Putin reminds me of LBJ.
Pretty much a POS.

a reply to: peaceinoutz

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 09:43 AM

originally posted by: Echo007
Lets say Putin did "escape" to his secret palace that everyone knows about. How would that be any different than US President's escaping to Camp David, when were at war in the middle east.

Most here and myself condemned that too, probably more so, and all the wars of aggression by anyone of these depraved egotistical evil leaders from the war criminals George Bush and Cheney for their war on Iraq to now Putin.

We need to, as citizens of the world, ALWAYS do that.

Here we should support the young Russian men and women running away from this stupid Putin war. I hope one day, ALL THE YOUNG PEOPLE OF THIS WORLD Unite and STOP joining their respective armies and fighting ALL wars of aggression on other people.

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 12:02 PM

originally posted by: MisguidedAngel

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow
Forgive my ignorance of Eastern European politics and Military matters but I have a question . ?

Why does Russia need to initiate a draft just to win a war in Ukraine , Doesn't Russia have a much larger standing ground Army than the USA ?

I say that to say this the USA fought a War on two Fronts Iraq and Afghanistan all with out the need of a Draft , and conducted an over all global war on Terrorism again all with out the need of a Draft .

The entire western world (including a super power the USA) was not supplying Afghanistan, a 3rd world country, with the some of the best weapons in the world. The US was fighting men driving 70s and 80s Toyota mini trucks and using guns from the 80s, can't compare the two.

Russia fought those same Afghani's in the 90's and it didn't end well for the Russians did it ?

and Ukraine by its own admission had basically no standing army and almost immediately began arming civilians after the Russian invasion. Russia is either completely incompetent from a Military stand point or The war in Ukraine is not what it seems , So which is it ?

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: peaceinoutz

No aggression...only National Defense.

I concur.

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 12:07 PM
a reply to: Brotherman

I think your Response is the most realistic answer and I tend to agree.

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: BlackArrow

That is a lot of information mate and most of it makes sense.

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 12:24 PM

originally posted by: nugget1
a reply to: peaceinoutz

To save lives, someone has to give this egomaniac and evil person Putin some way to save his ugly ass-face face.

Since the beginning leaders from other countries have come close to brokering a peace deal and Biden has stepped in to make sue it doesn't happen.

Biden needs this war and no amount of concession is going to stop him.

Any evidence for any of that?

What were the other countries and what were the terms of the "deal"?

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 01:24 PM
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

Thanks, I have been trying to line up the pieces of the puzzle. There is just so much crap to sort through, and I do believe it all connects to my 'big reveal' post. But as more and more information comes out, it's insanely hard to keep up.

Putting thing's where they belong is very very difficult. Especially if your trying to do it in order. There's just so many actors at this point I feel like we have barely touched the iceburg of what's really going on.

Here's everything I have confirmed.

Yes they want to decrease the population.
Yes they are forcing resources underground
Yes our entire planetary system just entered a super heated cloud.
Yes putting us into a nuclear winter will stem some of the effects of the super heated cloud mass that our solar system drifted into.
The nuclear winter only needs to last until the next cycle of the sun activity, with the green house emissions and pollution being 'gone' the planet should cool and maintain itself through the mass. If not the bunkers/underground would already be full of people until they can figure out how to get people out into space.

Yes it would be easier to maintain the population and humanity if we reduce numbers.
Yes they want to put ALL of the gays/bisexuals on an island and let them die out. (Africians and anyone with darker skin will be included in this because underground they can not absorb vitamin D and will become a huge strain on the temp health system)
Vitamin D and health
Vitamin D and African Americans - a pubmed study
Africian American's at greatest risk

Yes they want to normalize pedophilia due to failing fertility numbers. (We need a way to sustain a community once underground or humanity will die out).
Yes the vaccines were not created equal and a huge portion is killing people.
Yes they are prioritizing those they want dead, as a 'gift'.
Yes they have the ability to cure everything humanity has ailment wise.
Yes "Not everyone is going to the new world"
Yes there is series of other events that is causing problems at the same time climate has become an issue.
Yes this study has been repeated over and over again, and each time didn't matter if it was machine or mouse the end result was the same - humanities end - where pretty boys(gays) and violence took over society, failing birth rates which ultimate leads to the end of the species.
2018 (interestingly enough) article on how humans could survive underground.

Securing a food supply isn’t enough, however. Humans also need vitamin D to maintain bone health. The best-known source of vitamin D may be sunlight exposure (which encourages our bodies to produce vitamin D on its own), there are plenty of other ways to get your hands on the good stuff. In 2012, Slate reported on how a Russian cult survived underground, thanks in part to vitamin D-rich foods. So long as we can continue to farm animals in our earthen abodes, egg yolks, fish, milk, and cheese will keep us in the clear. If that doesn’t work, vitamin D supplements and fortified foods like cereals and juice could do the trick.

Now keep this in mind, i'm still researching a lot of the back end on this. But I do think that they won't exclude everyone, the only reason why I said that is because of the new push for the monkey pox vaccine on the said "minorities". So this information adjusts/changes based on political behavior and agenda's which are hard to unravel as only small info is released at any given time. So ANY/ALL of this could change on a whim, but so far these are the pieces i've gathered.

Here is the experiment I reference in this: I totally recommending looking further into this. This has a LOT of people especially the higher ups worried. Since the effects of the experiment is being seen in humanity on scales never before imagined.

Yes they have little need for the amount of people we currently have - this effect is having negative outcomes on the human mind and body, as well as future generations. (People are becoming stupid, non-useful/inventive, and their children are plagued with ailments like down syndrome and more)
Yes they fully intend to use AI and Robots to replace most of the population in the early stages of rebuilding.
Yes the technology exists - Chinese Robot doctor passes medical exam
Your future doctor will not be human
Mobility is not an issue for robots any longer: They can run and jump

Please, if you read this. This is NOT my viewpoint. I believe there's other ways around the issues we are facing where NO ONE needs to die. It might not be perfect, but it's a hell of a lot better than what it 'looks like' they are considering.

(Sorry had to step away for a moment).

Now if this theory is correct, there will be a few things that will occur. The vaccine die-off, followed by a couple of nuclear blasts in a couple of cities. After the wealthy all retreat to this location. They will move in select groups connected to those that are already inside, family, friends relatives, following the die off due to radiation and spread of cancer. After a few months they will then release further information to those that are NOT sick, or dying because of the radiation to the public. Which at this point would probably be less then 75,000 people in the US.(I am being generous here)
population of US
This will include the mix of migrants coming into the nation as well. (Which is exactly why they don't give a crap about how many people enter the US).

They will do so in this order - 1 to have things ready for the people, and 2. so they don't have to deal with those that are exposed and or/dying.
So an estimate of 2-5 years before we actually see a nuclear blast occurring would be more likely. I believe that the summer of 2023 will be the deciding factor on whether or not there will be a nuclear winter. As while everyone was focusing on the 'heat wave' in the UK (which is fairly typical but only slightly elevated temperatures given the region) There were a LOT of temperatures on the map in the 140F range. Which if you check some of my other posts is an 'estimated' number I included as a baseline for increasing temperatures.

*IF* you see temperatures ANYWHERE on the weather maps (More than 1 location: They won't report on it directly, it will be displayed on the maps in the background of etc) the summer of 2023 reaching 145-160, you can expect a nuclear winter as soon as 2024/25. Because a LOT of plant life will be destroyed on the planet if temps go much higher.
edit on 26-9-2022 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to: BlackArrow

You have noticed a lot of things I have noticed. It's absolutely terrifying isn't it? None of this needs to happen, but we have the absolute worst sociopaths in human history in control. The most insane part of this, is that those causing the troubles are the ones who will survive it. The rest of us are going to burn in nuclear fire if we are lucky, or die slowly of the fallout if not. Darwin calls it survival of the fittest. If they are the fittest of our species, we deserve to go extinct. Planet earth doesn't need us. Life survived for over a billion years before we came along. It will repopulate and flourish long after we are gone.

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 02:11 PM
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

Second post because I made a reference to plant life.
Plant heat tolerance
Tree Heat Tolerance

These thing's are critical for life on the planet, so the record fires in the west in places like California have had a very 'unique' feature. That for the longest time I 'overlooked'. But then I was watching one of the video's of the tree's burning. What I saw.. was jaw dropping. Not because of tree's and plants and houses and homes being destroyed. But because the 'fire'.. was not 'fire'. It was lava fire, something they FAILED to tell the public.

Lava fire is fire that is created by LAVA : MOLTEN LAVA, It moves like volcanic lava except the difference is it doesn't need to come from a 'peak'. This can occur when the temperature of the earth begins to heat up rapidly and causes the lava to eat away some/parts of the soil beds that contain it. Now this normally won't shoot up and burst out, but works more like a tar pit, except because of the temperature it is capable of spreading. The soil traps the heat until it 'ignites' on it's own, and eventually melts and flows like slow moving lava. Often though, this will not be hot enough to melt large or even small rocks, only small grains of dirt/sand/etc.

When I was watching some of the videos, I noticed a handful of fires we had this past summer were LAVA fires, so I started looking into it. This means that the ground and the center of our planet is heating up to a point that the ground can't take the trapped heat any more.

If you want a reason for nuclear winter, or a serious cooling of the planet. Look no further then that, we can ignore everything else that is going on in the world. That is 1 serious sign and reason to want nuclear winter. If something isn't done, the ground at everyone's feet will disappear and there will be NOTHING left. Tree's, plants, etc all provide a cooling effect on the planet.. But this past summer we lost so many tree's and plants, options are running out.

edit on 26-9-2022 by BlackArrow because: Often though, this will not be hot enough to melt large or even small rocks, only small grains of dirt/sand/etc.

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 02:25 PM
a reply to: MetalChickAmy

I would agree with you wholeheartedly and it's #ing terrifying. But at this current state and what I just posted (was working on). I don't think we will be able to save the planet unless we stop the petty nonsense and work together. Let alone the life on it, not given the current situation. Which we have no real way to control. But still need to come up with a solution.

We would need to do something Drastic like Bill Gates wants to do. "Block out the Sun" this is an idea of a madman. But after reviewing all of the evidence and the time we have to make this choice. It will either need to be blocked out or a nuclear winter.

I hate that man with a passion. But after going over everything, seeing everything unfold. Options are very limited.

Bleeding hearts that say "Lets raise kids that don't have a mental capacity to take care of themselves, let alone contribute to society" has been a huge issue to this fact. It allowed population to grow when those would of been left to die.

You are right when you quote Darwin. But it is on a grander scale than just a few dumb politicians. We together failed as a people by being unwilling and unable to let nature take its course. We refused to curb growth and people have 8-10kids who then have 3-5 kids each.. This was fine when people struggled and the life expectancy was lower. But as that continued to happen other thing's happened. Switches in the brain were flipped.
It's seen all throughout the animal kingdom that when a species becomes overpopulated they no longer find the opposite gender mate's attractive. They officially become GAY and fertility issues become widespread. Then if thing's still continue on that path they fall into starvation and then extinction.

This is why they push so hard to reduce the average life span which recently dropped by 3 years. (Probably more, we just aren't caught up with the data yet).

The things humanity has done for the sake of 'ooh that poor child with his heart born on the outside of his chest, let's give him surgery so he can live'. Bless the newborn with down syndrome (With life as hard as it is you willingly give your kid a disadvantage? Some parent..) Those are just a few of the millions of things we have done wrong. Sadly we and the planet will pay for it, we 'might' of been able to survive if we didn't make those choices flushing population to max capacity. (we reached a peak a few years back judging by previous experiments)

But now those choices are being made for us(abortions are now banned because 3/4 women can't have children - huge population loss right there; which realistically could put us on a brink of extinction alone) We lost that right. Everyone will suffer for it.

I might sound cold-hearted at this point: Everyone's so focused on Putin. I will be the first to say it, as will anyone else with a brain cell. Putin or anyone who has access to the kind of power Russia has is VERY scary. A nuclear war with them will kill everyone/everything. We need a REAL politician to go to Russia, shake his damn hand (Putin is old fashioned, he can tell a lot about you based on your hand shake. He doesn't respect anyone who doesn't look him in the eye and do that. It has nothing to do about a 'congrats' its just the type of person he is.) Treat him as an equal instead of an enemy and sit down with Putin and put it straight in a way he can understand. That he will single handedly kill not only us but also the nation he loves so very dear if he goes through with any form of nuclear war. It won't end there, it will kill 80-90% of the planet. He might not know the true devastation this action will cause.

Hell most of our own nation doesn't know the damage this will cause. Most people hear 'nuclear war' and go 'oh noes' and just tuck away under a bed sheet, or shrug it off and play on their phone. They had worse rubbed into them thanks to Hollywood. So they can't mentally comprehend the damages that would occur. This is just another example of where we failed as a society.

You want to save the Ukraine, at what cost? It's our politicians that are naming the cost the billions of people that will be dying without any actual involvement. Hell even Hillary Clinton said the minute she got into office she was going to war with Russia. Then Biden went "You are all going to be in for a big surprise when I get into office", yet those threats went in 1 ear and out the other and still got a war party elected. Orange man bad - there was not a single war when trump was in office. Now Biden is in office and we are on the brink of complete destruction of not only humanity but the planet. Yet Orange man bad, Biden good. #ing China is out doing us morally.

Communist China is BEGGING TO PUT THE WEAPONS DOWN! STOP FIGHTING! - I never thought in my mind I would ever say this, the one country who throw's human rights around like it's nothing more then trash. Who burned people alive because they wrote a storybook, who prosecuted people because their eyes slanted up higher instead of down. They are the one's with actual common sense right now. It's sickening, that THEY are the one's demanding peace between EVERYONE. The one country with more genocides in their history then dishes on their menu at a restaurant.
(I love the Chinese people, and I know my wording is harsh here.. but your government is literally trash. But the only ones actually saying 'stop it'.)

So you need to start thinking about this midterm election very damn hard and consider innocent Argentina, Santiago, Zimbabwe whos' going to be destroyed with nuclear fallout consider Sweden, Poland, Philippines, Africa, Italy I can keep going list every damn nation on the planet, they are ALL going to suffer for this war which will continue as long as Democrats have a solid agenda against Putin.

At the polls ask yourself:
What about the native tribes of the amazon forest? What about those researchers studying the ice in the artic? Those who might come up with a way to solve some of our issues we face as a global society.

We NEED to get the war party out of office permanently, so that Ukraine and Putin can go back to their agreement. Putin pulls out and Ukraine doesn't join nato. Without the democratic agenda pushing further war with Russia through proxy and then ourselves and the world.

When nuclear war hits, it literally might wipe out every person on the planet, there isn't going to be a single person that is unaffected. We chose this path, maybe not directly. But by ignorance and ignoring the signs, failing to change our mindset with the times and society and it's new standards.

The worst part is none of this had to happen, none of it does. We stop funding Ukraine because our government wants a nuclear fallout with Russia to save the planet, we let them go back to their original terms before we stuck our big fat noses in it and let Russia pull out, and tell Ukraine screw you you're not welcome in NATO.

Then we need to band together and solve the REAL crisis at hand, which is literally how to stop the temperature of the planet hitting 145-160 this coming summer without killing everyone on the planet to do so.
edit on 26-9-2022 by BlackArrow because: china is the only country with power that currently is making sense. It's strange that they are in the 'good guy' posistion for a change.
edit on 26-9-2022 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)
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