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Crimea, Ukraine as an implementation of New Jerusalem

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posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 07:42 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Thou arte wrongue.

Their birthplace is Ukraine, look up the pics above, you'll see it. The virtual, abstract New Jerusalem, its brick-and-mortal Teraphim anyway, is Crimea.

But neither do you believe in micro/nanotech being the vaccines' real payload, camouflaged in a truckload of red herrings (non-existent Saint Covide, mRNA etc.), am I wrong ...?
Have you tried the simple 3-step procedure on Android smartphones by the way?

Dramatizing a pinch the opening post (in regard to the "cataclysmic jab",) did the reader ever consider that eyes are two mouths masticating a two-fold fruit, namely that of life and of the knowledge of good and evil? Somehow this explains a thing or two, in particular why is Lilith so greatly offended by her lover the little horn, and the unreality of this our wretched life falsely so called, which is but hallucination.
edit on 26-9-2022 by Kovalevsky because: Addendum

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