One of the most powerful documentaries exposing the unscientific, absurd, and frankly ludicrous gender ideology.
Matt Walsh has done a great job in exposing the flaws and logical fallacies of the gender ideology which is presented as gender identity where anyone
can identify as they wish without having to define what is this they try to identify with.
According to the activists and 'experts', in this case including those academics in social sciences:
'A woman is one who identifies as a woman'
They don't seem to have an issue with their nonsensical circular definition as they use what they try to identify with in the definition itself. When
Matt asks them what is it you identify with them the answer is: 'I don't really know" or avoid to answer at all knowing they have lost the game.
There are several aspects of this documentary that can be discussed as part of the conversation or even separately. However, this confusion and often
lack of basic academic knowledge as well as fear not to 'offend' those who are usually get 'offended' has been exploited massively by a subset of
this ideology which is transgenderism. There is nothing more absurd and ludicrous than the claims made in the name of the transgender ideology.
There are several videos by Matt Walsh who hasn't just made the documentary but has continued fighting this toxic pervasive, and unscientific
ideology, currently fighting to ban all gender transition procedures for minors in the State of Tennessee following the exposure of Vanderbilt
Children Hospital.
Having said the above, I don't have an issue with adults identify as they want to and live their lives in peace and dignity. However I do have an
issue when children are getting indoctrinated by uneducated activists who have no academic qualifications, no credentials, and not even basic
knowledge in human biology and genetics. I have an issue with 'experts' in the field of social sciences who are idelogically driven and trying to do
teach this nonsense in schools & universities. And finally I have an issue with harmful and irreversible operations to children that are performed in
the name of this ideology as well as the drugs given before and after these operations that add insult to the injury.
And just for the record a woman is not one who identifies as a woman and a man is not one who feels or thinks he is a man.
Biological sex is entirely determined by the presence or absence of the Y chromosome and not by opinions, views, or beliefs.
Scientific definition: A woman is an adult female human
Scientific definition: A female human is one with no Y chromosomes in her sex chromosomal make up.
(*) In the vast majority of cases woman have XX and men have XY.
(**)In some rare or very rare cases there might be just one chromosome, like X or commonly known as Turner Syndrome, or three or even four & five
chromosomes such XXX or XXY (Klinefelter) or XXXXX (pentasomy). All are sex development disorders that affect males and females. Fir example XXY is a
disorder that affects males only. XXX and XXXXX females only.
(***) And to add more insult to injury this is where the trans-activists loose it completely: Equating transgenderism with intersex!
Intersex is another DSD i.e disorder if sex development where biological males and females have mixed characteristics. But they are still biological
males and females.
Transgender individuals have nothing to do with intersex people who suffer from a serious condition like 46, XY and 46, XX intersex. Neither intersex
is a third biological sex as wrongly claimed but a dirorder.