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UNKNOWN CAUSES: Montage Video Goes Viral

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posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 07:16 PM

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 07:44 PM
a reply to: MaxxAction

What the actual F-UCK.

Jail awaits these absolute monsters. allowing arbitrary rules to over ride KILLING PEOPLE!??? Who actually gives a # if some people signed a contract on EVERYONES BEHALF, rip that s-hit up.

The rules arent there for few people to do whatever they want. The government are SERVANTS of the people and the rules are there to serve the people otherwise, its just a gang pitted against millions of individuals.

Its still WE the people, right?
edit on 25-9-2022 by thethinkingman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 08:00 PM
a reply to: thethinkingman

Amen brother...

There are many of us who are right there with you, I have to force myself to not think about the people that perpetrated this on humanity if I want to remain peaceful.

I think there needs to be a gallows erected by the Washington monument, and these demonic psychos need to suffer their corporal punishment on live TV.

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 08:09 PM
a reply to: MaxxAction

That video is so hard to watch, its disgusting. The parts where they're holdings kids down and injecting them just makes me wanna go postal on those son of a bitches.

How can anyone watch something like that and think nothing is wrong, you must be mentally ill if you think theres nothing wrong after that.

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 10:21 PM

originally posted by: thethinkingman
a reply to: MaxxAction

That video is so hard to watch, its disgusting. The parts where they're holdings kids down and injecting them just makes me wanna go postal on those son of a bitches.

How can anyone watch something like that and think nothing is wrong, you must be mentally ill if you think theres nothing wrong after that.

Shills on here love those force injection clips.

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 07:42 AM
Do you think its weird that when you look at excess death numbers, the unvaccinated are dying at a much higher rate for all causes than the vaccinated? Almost like there has been a worldwide pandemic with a disease that causes lasting damage in a large portion of the people it infects...

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 08:04 AM
a reply to: Magnificat

Yeah, makes sense...

Until you look at this.

A partial list of side effects noted in the trials.

1p36 deletion syndrome;2-Hydroxyglutaric aciduria;5’nucleotidase increased;Acoustic
neuritis;Acquired C1 inhibitor deficiency;Acquired epidermolysis bullosa;Acquired epileptic
aphasia;Acute cutaneous lupus erythematosus;Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis;Acute
encephalitis with refractory, repetitive partial seizures;Acute febrile neutrophilic
dermatosis;Acute flaccid myelitis;Acute haemorrhagic leukoencephalitis;Acute
haemorrhagic oedema of infancy;Acute kidney injury;Acute macular outer retinopathy;Acute
motor axonal neuropathy;Acute motor-sensory axonal neuropathy;Acute myocardial
infarction;Acute respiratory distress syndrome;Acute respiratory failure;Addison’s
disease;Administration site thrombosis;Administration site vasculitis;Adrenal
thrombosis;Adverse event following immunisation;Ageusia;Agranulocytosis;Air
embolism;Alanine aminotransferase abnormal;Alanine aminotransferase increased;Alcoholic
seizure;Allergic bronchopulmonary mycosis;Allergic oedema;Alloimmune
hepatitis;Alopecia areata;Alpers disease;Alveolar proteinosis;Ammonia abnormal;Ammonia
increased;Amniotic cavity infection;Amygdalohippocampectomy;Amyloid
arthropathy;Amyloidosis;Amyloidosis senile;Anaphylactic reaction;Anaphylactic
shock;Anaphylactic transfusion reaction;Anaphylactoid reaction;Anaphylactoid
shock;Anaphylactoid syndrome of pregnancy;Angioedema;Angiopathic
neuropathy;Ankylosing spondylitis;Anosmia;Antiacetylcholine receptor antibody
positive;Anti-actin antibody positive;Anti-aquaporin-4 antibody positive;Anti-basal ganglia
antibody positive;Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody positive;Anti-epithelial antibody
positive;Anti-erythrocyte antibody positive;Anti-exosome complex antibody positive;AntiGAD antibody negative;Anti-GAD antibody positive;Anti-ganglioside antibody
positive;Antigliadin antibody positive;Anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody
positive;Anti-glomerular basement membrane disease;Anti-glycyl-tRNA synthetase antibody
positive;Anti-HLA antibody test positive;Anti-IA2 antibody positive;Anti-insulin antibody
increased;Anti-insulin antibody positive;Anti-insulin receptor antibody increased;Antiinsulin receptor antibody positive;Anti-interferon antibody negative;Anti-interferon antibody
positive;Anti-islet cell antibody positive;Antimitochondrial antibody positive;Anti-muscle
specific kinase antibody positive;Anti-myelin-associated glycoprotein antibodies
positive;Anti-myelin-associated glycoprotein associated polyneuropathy;Antimyocardial
antibody positive;Anti-neuronal antibody positive;Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody
increased;Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody positive;Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic
antibody positive vasculitis;Anti-NMDA antibody positive;Antinuclear antibody
increased;Antinuclear antibody positive;Antiphospholipid antibodies
positive;Antiphospholipid syndrome;Anti-platelet antibody positive;Anti-prothrombin
antibody positive;Antiribosomal P antibody positive;Anti-RNA polymerase III antibody
positive;Anti-saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody test positive;Anti-sperm antibody
positive;Anti-SRP antibody positive;Antisynthetase syndrome;Anti-thyroid antibody
positive;Anti-transglutaminase antibody increased;Anti-VGCC antibody positive;AntiVGKC antibody positive;Anti-vimentin antibody positive;Antiviral prophylaxis;Antiviral
treatment;Anti-zinc transporter 8 antibody positive;Aortic embolus;Aortic
thrombosis;Aortitis;Aplasia pure red cell;Aplastic anaemia;Application site
thrombosis;Application site vasculitis;Arrhythmia;Arterial bypass occlusion;Arterial bypass
thrombosis;Arterial thrombosis;Arteriovenous fistula thrombosis;Arteriovenous graft site
stenosis;Arteriovenous graft thrombosis;Arteritis;Arteritis coronary;Arthralgia;Arthritis;Arthritis enteropathic;Ascites;Aseptic cavernous sinus
thrombosis;Aspartate aminotransferase abnormal;Aspartate aminotransferase
increased;Aspartate-glutamate-transporter deficiency;AST to platelet ratio index
increased;AST/ALT ratio abnormal;Asthma;Asymptomatic COVID19;Ataxia;Atheroembolism;Atonic seizures;Atrial thrombosis;Atrophic thyroiditis;Atypical
benign partial epilepsy;Atypical pneumonia;Aura;Autoantibody positive;Autoimmune
anaemia;Autoimmune aplastic anaemia;Autoimmune arthritis;Autoimmune blistering
disease;Autoimmune cholangitis;Autoimmune colitis;Autoimmune demyelinating
disease;Autoimmune dermatitis;Autoimmune disorder;Autoimmune
encephalopathy;Autoimmune endocrine disorder;Autoimmune enteropathy;Autoimmune eye
disorder;Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia;Autoimmune heparin-induced
thrombocytopenia;Autoimmune hepatitis;Autoimmune hyperlipidaemia;Autoimmune
hypothyroidism;Autoimmune inner ear disease;Autoimmune lung disease;Autoimmune
lymphoproliferative syndrome;Autoimmune myocarditis;Autoimmune myositis;Autoimmune
nephritis;Autoimmune neuropathy;Autoimmune neutropenia;Autoimmune
pancreatitis;Autoimmune pancytopenia;Autoimmune pericarditis;Autoimmune
retinopathy;Autoimmune thyroid disorder;Autoimmune thyroiditis;Autoimmune
uveitis;Autoinflammation with infantile enterocolitis;Autoinflammatory disease;Automatism
epileptic;Autonomic nervous system imbalance;Autonomic seizure;Axial
spondyloarthritis;Axillary vein thrombosis;Axonal and demyelinating
polyneuropathy;Axonal neuropathy;Bacterascites;Baltic myoclonic epilepsy;Band
sensation;Basedow’s disease;Basilar artery thrombosis;Basophilopenia;B-cell
aplasia;Behcet’s syndrome;Benign ethnic neutropenia;Benign familial neonatal
convulsions;Benign familial pemphigus;Benign rolandic epilepsy;Beta-2 glycoprotein
antibody positive;Bickerstaff’s encephalitis;Bile output abnormal;Bile output
decreased;Biliary ascites;Bilirubin conjugated abnormal;Bilirubin conjugated
increased;Bilirubin urine present;Biopsy liver abnormal;Biotinidase deficiency;Birdshot
chorioretinopathy;Blood alkaline phosphatase abnormal;Blood alkaline phosphatase
increased;Blood bilirubin abnormal;Blood bilirubin increased;Blood bilirubin unconjugated
increased;Blood cholinesterase abnormal;Blood cholinesterase decreased;Blood pressure
decreased;Blood pressure diastolic decreased;Blood pressure systolic decreased;Blue toe
syndrome;Brachiocephalic vein thrombosis;Brain stem embolism;Brain stem
thrombosis;Bromosulphthalein test abnormal;Bronchial oedema;Bronchitis;Bronchitis
mycoplasmal;Bronchitis viral;Bronchopulmonary aspergillosis allergic;Bronchospasm;BuddChiari syndrome;Bulbar palsy;Butterfly rash;C1q nephropathy;Caesarean section;Calcium
embolism;Capillaritis;Caplan’s syndrome;Cardiac amyloidosis;Cardiac arrest;Cardiac
failure;Cardiac failure acute;Cardiac sarcoidosis;Cardiac ventricular thrombosis;Cardiogenic
shock;Cardiolipin antibody positive;Cardiopulmonary failure;Cardio-respiratory
arrest;Cardio-respiratory distress;Cardiovascular insufficiency;Carotid arterial
embolus;Carotid artery thrombosis;Cataplexy;Catheter site thrombosis;Catheter site
vasculitis;Cavernous sinus thrombosis;CDKL5 deficiency disorder;CEC syndrome;Cement
embolism;Central nervous system lupus;Central nervous system vasculitis;Cerebellar artery
thrombosis;Cerebellar embolism;Cerebral amyloid angiopathy;Cerebral arteritis;Cerebral
artery embolism;Cerebral artery thrombosis;Cerebral gas embolism;Cerebral

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 08:05 AM
a reply to: Magnificat

More, from Pfizer's own data.

Cerebral thrombosis;Cerebral venous sinus
thrombosis;Cerebral venous thrombosis;Cerebrospinal thrombotic tamponade;Cerebrovascular accident;Change in seizure presentation;Chest discomfort;ChildPugh-Turcotte score abnormal;Child-Pugh-Turcotte score
increased;Chillblains;Choking;Choking sensation;Cholangitis sclerosing;Chronic
autoimmune glomerulonephritis;Chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus;Chronic fatigue
syndrome;Chronic gastritis;Chronic inflammatory demyelinating
polyradiculoneuropathy;Chronic lymphocytic inflammation with pontine perivascular
enhancement responsive to steroids;Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis;Chronic
respiratory failure;Chronic spontaneous urticaria;Circulatory collapse;Circumoral
oedema;Circumoral swelling;Clinically isolated syndrome;Clonic convulsion;Coeliac
disease;Cogan’s syndrome;Cold agglutinins positive;Cold type haemolytic
anaemia;Colitis;Colitis erosive;Colitis herpes;Colitis microscopic;Colitis ulcerative;Collagen
disorder;Collagen-vascular disease;Complement factor abnormal;Complement factor C1
decreased;Complement factor C2 decreased;Complement factor C3 decreased;Complement
factor C4 decreased;Complement factor decreased;Computerised tomogram liver
abnormal;Concentric sclerosis;Congenital anomaly;Congenital bilateral perisylvian
syndrome;Congenital herpes simplex infection;Congenital myasthenic syndrome;Congenital
varicella infection;Congestive hepatopathy;Convulsion in childhood;Convulsions
local;Convulsive threshold lowered;Coombs positive haemolytic anaemia;Coronary artery
disease;Coronary artery embolism;Coronary artery thrombosis;Coronary bypass
thrombosis;Coronavirus infection;Coronavirus test;Coronavirus test negative;Coronavirus
test positive;Corpus callosotomy;Cough;Cough variant asthma;COVID-19;COVID-19
immunisation;COVID-19 pneumonia;COVID-19 prophylaxis;COVID-19 treatment;Cranial
nerve disorder;Cranial nerve palsies multiple;Cranial nerve paralysis;CREST
syndrome;Crohn’s disease;Cryofibrinogenaemia;Cryoglobulinaemia;CSF oligoclonal band
present;CSWS syndrome;Cutaneous amyloidosis;Cutaneous lupus erythematosus;Cutaneous
sarcoidosis;Cutaneous vasculitis;Cyanosis;Cyclic neutropenia;Cystitis interstitial;Cytokine
release syndrome;Cytokine storm;De novo purine synthesis inhibitors associated acute
inflammatory syndrome;Death neonatal;Deep vein thrombosis;Deep vein thrombosis
postoperative;Deficiency of bile secretion;Deja vu;Demyelinating
polyneuropathy;Demyelination;Dermatitis;Dermatitis bullous;Dermatitis
herpetiformis;Dermatomyositis;Device embolisation;Device related thrombosis;Diabetes
mellitus;Diabetic ketoacidosis;Diabetic mastopathy;Dialysis amyloidosis;Dialysis membrane
reaction;Diastolic hypotension;Diffuse vasculitis;Digital pitting scar;Disseminated
intravascular coagulation;Disseminated intravascular coagulation in newborn;Disseminated
neonatal herpes simplex;Disseminated varicella;Disseminated varicella zoster vaccine virus
infection;Disseminated varicella zoster virus infection;DNA antibody positive;Double cortex
syndrome;Double stranded DNA antibody positive;Dreamy state;Dressler’s syndrome;Drop
attacks;Drug withdrawal convulsions;Dyspnoea;Early infantile epileptic encephalopathy with
burst-suppression;Eclampsia;Eczema herpeticum;Embolia cutis medicamentosa;Embolic
cerebellar infarction;Embolic cerebral infarction;Embolic pneumonia;Embolic
stroke;Embolism;Embolism arterial;Embolism venous;Encephalitis;Encephalitis
allergic;Encephalitis autoimmune;Encephalitis brain stem;Encephalitis
haemorrhagic;Encephalitis periaxialis diffusa;Encephalitis post
immunisation;Encephalomyelitis;Encephalopathy;Endocrine disorder;Endocrine
ophthalmopathy;Endotracheal intubation;Enteritis;Enteritis leukopenic;Enterobacter
pneumonia;Enterocolitis;Enteropathic spondylitis;Eosinopenia;Eosinophilic fasciitis;Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis;Eosinophilic
oesophagitis;Epidermolysis;Epilepsy;Epilepsy surgery;Epilepsy with myoclonic-atonic
seizures;Epileptic aura;Epileptic psychosis;Erythema;Erythema induratum;Erythema
multiforme;Erythema nodosum;Evans syndrome;Exanthema subitum;Expanded disability
status scale score decreased;Expanded disability status scale score increased;Exposure to
communicable disease;Exposure to SARS-CoV-2;Eye oedema;Eye pruritus;Eye
swelling;Eyelid oedema;Face oedema;Facial paralysis;Facial paresis;Faciobrachial dystonic
seizure;Fat embolism;Febrile convulsion;Febrile infection-related epilepsy syndrome;Febrile
neutropenia;Felty’s syndrome;Femoral artery embolism;Fibrillary
glomerulonephritis;Fibromyalgia;Flushing;Foaming at mouth;Focal cortical resection;Focal
dyscognitive seizures;Foetal distress syndrome;Foetal placental thrombosis;Foetor
hepaticus;Foreign body embolism;Frontal lobe epilepsy;Fulminant type 1 diabetes
mellitus;Galactose elimination capacity test abnormal;Galactose elimination capacity test
decreased;Gamma-glutamyltransferase abnormal;Gamma-glutamyltransferase
increased;Gastritis herpes;Gastrointestinal amyloidosis;Gelastic seizure;Generalised onset
non-motor seizure;Generalised tonic-clonic seizure;Genital herpes;Genital herpes
simplex;Genital herpes zoster;Giant cell arteritis;Glomerulonephritis;Glomerulonephritis
membranoproliferative;Glomerulonephritis membranous;Glomerulonephritis rapidly
progressive;Glossopharyngeal nerve paralysis;Glucose transporter type 1 deficiency
syndrome;Glutamate dehydrogenase increased;Glycocholic acid increased;GM2
gangliosidosis;Goodpasture’s syndrome;Graft
thrombosis;Granulocytopenia;Granulocytopenia neonatal;Granulomatosis with
polyangiitis;Granulomatous dermatitis;Grey matter heterotopia;Guanase increased;GuillainBarre syndrome;Haemolytic anaemia;Haemophagocytic
lymphohistiocytosis;Haemorrhage;Haemorrhagic ascites;Haemorrhagic
disorder;Haemorrhagic pneumonia;Haemorrhagic varicella syndrome;Haemorrhagic
vasculitis;Hantavirus pulmonary infection;Hashimoto’s
encephalopathy;Ha****oxicosis;Hemimegalencephaly;Henoch-Schonlein purpura;HenochSchonlein purpura nephritis;Hepaplastin abnormal;Hepaplastin decreased;Heparin-induced
thrombocytopenia;Hepatic amyloidosis;Hepatic artery embolism;Hepatic artery flow
decreased;Hepatic artery thrombosis;Hepatic enzyme abnormal;Hepatic enzyme
decreased;Hepatic enzyme increased;Hepatic fibrosis marker abnormal;Hepatic fibrosis
marker increased;Hepatic function abnormal;Hepatic hydrothorax;Hepatic
hypertrophy;Hepatic hypoperfusion;Hepatic lymphocytic infiltration;Hepatic mass;Hepatic
pain;Hepatic sequestration;Hepatic vascular resistance increased;Hepatic vascular
thrombosis;Hepatic vein embolism;Hepatic vein thrombosis;Hepatic venous pressure
gradient abnormal;Hepatic venous pressure gradient increased;Hepatitis;Hepatobiliary scan
abnormal;Hepatomegaly;Hepatosplenomegaly;Hereditary angioedema with C1 esterase
inhibitor deficiency;Herpes dermatitis;Herpes gestationis;Herpes oesophagitis;Herpes
ophthalmic;Herpes pharyngitis;Herpes sepsis;Herpes simplex;Herpes simplex
cervicitis;Herpes simplex colitis;Herpes simplex encephalitis;Herpes simplex gastritis;Herpes
simplex hepatitis;Herpes simplex meningitis;Herpes simplex meningoencephalitis;Herpes
simplex meningomyelitis;Herpes simplex necrotising retinopathy;Herpes simplex
oesophagitis;Herpes simplex otitis externa;Herpes simplex pharyngitis;Herpes simplex
pneumonia;Herpes simplex reactivation;Herpes simplex sepsis;Herpes simplex
viraemia;Herpes simplex

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 08:06 AM
a reply to: Magnificat

There is more, but hopefully by now you get the point.

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 09:45 AM
Wonder how they're classifying "unvaccinated"..... havent had your 2nd jab, 3rd, booster? 4th? therefore not vaccinated?

Who knows at this point. And i dunno how that could be possible when about 45 million people have supposedly been injected once in the uk. Nuances that are just overlooked ey.

Inject vulnerable people at the height of the pandemic at the exact time in winter when the virus is then for a week or 2(or longer) their immune system is compromised dealing with the vaccine....then they catch covid...and die.....then they say it was covid that did that......HMMMMMMM. Just nuances though, little old meaningless nuances.

Oh yeah and they didnt classify you as "vaccinated" until 2 weeks after........

Lets just ignore the antibody dependent enhancement potential from the injections so you're more susceptible to other variants....then they die from covid.........Pointless nuances.

Hmmm its not like i dunno....... 1488 people aged 0 to 49 in the uk, died in 2020 within 28 days of a positive test, omg thats soooooooooo life threatening!!! An extremely infectious virus that will infect everyone at some point ......and 99.99% of them recovered OMG...... yeah but its the virus. Its definitely not the untested drug people have been injected with.

These people are mind programmed to the point that its literally as simple as "vaccine good", "vaccine help", herp derp "vaccine can only be a saviour". But seemingly dont make any lengthy attempts to understand the entire mechanisms that are happening or the dangers. Man i wish i could be so lucky to think it was THAT easy....

edit on 26-9-2022 by thethinkingman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 10:49 AM

originally posted by: MaxxAction

This is disgusting. Beyond Hitler level sh#. The fact the world is in this state probably shows that humanity won't make it.

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

You are a liar. Stop making claims I said things that I didn't.

I quoted directly from your post with no alterations so go right ahead with your so called "review" .
This was directly posted from your comments.

There has to be some small part of you that recognizes how utterly illogical you're being. Denying that an injection known to cause cardiac events is also causing an increase in what you acknowledge is deaths from exacerbated cardiac conditions makes no sense. There is no escape from that simple logic. I don't know how you expect anybody to take you seriously when you are unable to acknowledge it.

I said it was doom porn, which is it. Your 1 in 5000 figure is 0.02%, an insignificant number compared to other medications and vaccines taken on a regular basis, people who take a daily non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (aspirin) for example.

The research, published in the Lancet on Tuesday, found that for patients under 65 taking daily aspirin to prevent a recurring stroke or heart attack, the annual rate of bleeds requiring hospital admission was approximately 1.5%, compared with 3.5% for patients aged 75 to 84, and 5% for those aged 85 or over.

The annual rate of life-threatening or fatal bleeds was less than 0.5%, for patients under 65, 1.5% for those aged 75 to 84 and almost 2.5% for patients aged 85 or over.

“The risk of serious bleeding is much higher in the over-75s,” said Rothwell. “In people under 75 the benefits of taking aspirin for secondary prevention after a heart attack or stroke clearly outweigh the relatively small risk of bleeding – these people needn’t worry.

edit on 26-9-2022 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 12:50 PM

originally posted by: Ksihkehe
a reply to: Kurokage

So you use evidence of prior underlying conditions being a problem historically to prove it's not COVID vaccines, but completely ignore that the vaccines have at least a 1 in 5,000 risk of also exacerbating the exact same underlying conditions? That's called being willfully blind.

You guys chase your tails and make nonsensical statements constantly now, because you're consuming news rather than processing information. You didn't even think about the logical conclusion of the asinine excuse you're parroting. It's the same braindead excuse the media rolled out months ago. You followed the logic just far enough to confirm your bias. Old articles don't disprove an emerging trend and in this case it actually supports it. You'd realize that if you weren't vaccinated against logic by paid-for media.

It's embarrassing for you to continue proposing asinine narrative-driven excuses that contradict themselves while acting as though you're defending science. This doesn't debunk athletes dying from the COVID vaccine, it further supports the assertion that it is killing at least some of them. Aggregate data from official sources confirms large spikes in mortality not associated with COVID. This correlates with the deployment of vaccines. It's not going to change just because you refuse to accept it.

If athletes were already dropping dead from underlying cardiac conditions it's a foregone conclusion that a 1 in 5,000 chance of cardiac adverse events will cause more deaths. It also doesn't provide them any benefit, preventing neither transmission or illness. You should be ignored until you can demonstrate a rudimentary ability to follow logic or admit to at least one of the many lies that you've been brainwashed to defend.

There has to be some small part of you that recognizes how utterly illogical you're being. Denying that an injection known to cause cardiac events is also causing an increase in what you acknowledge is deaths from exacerbated cardiac conditions makes no sense. There is no escape from that simple logic. I don't know how you expect anybody to take you seriously when you are unable to acknowledge it.

Continued denial of reality only makes it all the more obvious to everybody, those not brainwashed by media, exactly how intellectually dishonest the unipolar "vax good" narrative has become. You have to deny basic logical analysis of the data even when it's data you yourself brought to the table as "proof".

What a joke.

Well said!!

I see from your writings that you are from the UK?

It's good to put some sources as the use of statistics could help a lot forming an idea of what was the rates before and after vaccines came into existence.

The excess mortality rates could be a combination of factors such as

1) Lockdowns which are known for their very damaging effects. Especially the long term lockdowns

2) Inability from the NHS in the UK and the Healthcare providers in the US to deal with all other conditions and diseases after wrongly reacting to Covid as if it was the Black Death or the Spanish flu, hence delaying and cancelling appointments and operations.

3) Well... We all know what could be another factor that maybe causing ill health and where the medium and long term effects have not yet seen. Any discussion is usually shut down and censored or described as a conspiracy theory.

By the way the infection fatality rate 0.15% estimated by John Ioannidis and colleagues from Stanford and one of the most influential papers with the most citations as far as I know

The probability of getting sick and die from Covid if you are below the age of 50 is really small and if you have no underlying health conditions is just miniscule.

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 05:45 PM
Dr Aseem Malhotra joins Dan Wootton to discuss a new Covid study


posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 06:22 PM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Purebloods WILL Inherit the Earth with Viable Reproductive Functions . The Rest......................>?
edit on 26-9-2022 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 06:50 PM
a reply to: thethinkingman

Yeah , I hear Human Chemical Neutering is the Latest FAD with the Elites . Selling Off Assets for Profit .......

posted on Sep, 27 2022 @ 09:16 PM
a reply to: MaxxAction

You should look up what that list actually is

posted on Oct, 9 2022 @ 07:30 PM

originally posted by: Klassified

My problem is finding information that at least tries to back up their assertions with a reference to sources that aren't obviously biased. Not an easy task, but here's one that at least makes an effort to stick with the facts...
Athlete Deaths Are 1,700% Higher Since 2021 and Nobody’s Allowed To Ask Why

Note that it's easy to find articles asserting both sides of this debate. Good ones are harder to find.

Devastating video: 100 of young athletes and prominent adults dying the last 10 days of Sept. 2022.

100 IN 10 DAYS - OCTOBER 2022

posted on Oct, 9 2022 @ 07:45 PM

originally posted by: BelleEpoque

originally posted by: Klassified

My problem is finding information that at least tries to back up their assertions with a reference to sources that aren't obviously biased. Not an easy task, but here's one that at least makes an effort to stick with the facts...
Athlete Deaths Are 1,700% Higher Since 2021 and Nobody’s Allowed To Ask Why

Note that it's easy to find articles asserting both sides of this debate. Good ones are harder to find.

Devastating video: 100 of young athletes and prominent adults dying the last 10 days of Sept. 2022.

100 IN 10 DAYS - OCTOBER 2022

Yep, it's speeding up now.

posted on Oct, 9 2022 @ 07:49 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

We have a problem at thirty mins he deals with SADS if people don't believe a stock market analyzer, is not on the ball then they will believe nothing. The rate of the curve up will not stop suddenly it is very likely all this has been planned.

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